

Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
Is the body separate and distinct from the mind? If so, how can the mind influence the movement of the body? An old question, but a good one.
Several things would say that there is a very distinct possibility according to science that there is two parts. Remote viewing would be one example and Edgar Cayce's work would be another I can think of offhand.
We have no way of deciding in an absolute sense. Nevertheless, it seems we can look at it this way: in the world we inhabit and where we have to survive, we are faced with either-or situations and choices. That, of course, is dualistic. Thought, on the other hand, can transcend this apparent dichotomy and see a possibly much bigger picture. Thus, we have to live with the seeming conundrum of both a dualistic and a holistic universe. Much of humanity has a difficult time with this concept, but that doesn't mean it is not our "real" situation; i.e., that 'this/not this' (duality) and 'all-is-one' are both true for us at the same time.
The mind is a function of the brain and the brain is of the body.

When the body dies, the brain dies and the mind ceases to exist. Sometimes the mind of a person ceases to exist or is at least greatly diminished due to trauma or other physiological changes. The mind cannot be separated from the brain and by extension the body.
Is the body separate and distinct from the mind? If so, how can the mind influence the movement of the body? An old question, but a good one.
No. Mind, body and soul are integral.
Can you prove that?
Do I need to? It should be self evident that it is a system which is integrally linked. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Think of it like a computer where you have inputs, outputs and a central processor. Without the inputs (the senses) the central processor (the mind) has no information to process and perform work (the outputs).
If you can’t prove it, you can’t conclude anything that extends from any or all of those things. How do you know any one of the three exists?
If you can’t prove it, you can’t conclude anything that extends from any or all of those things. How do you know any one of the three exists?
I didn't say I can't prove it. I asked why would I need to prove it because it should be self evident, right?

But if you want definitive proof, look no further than your DNA which are the definitive set of instructions for "THE SYSTEM."
Unkotare the physical world is entirely abstract and without ‘actuality’ apart from its linkage to consciousness. Both sides of reality -- the quantitative and the qualitative, the physical and the mental -- are compatible with each other, and can be embraced simultaneously. Matter and mind are complementary aspects of the same reality. One has no more basis for considering the existence of matter without its complementary aspect of mind, than for asking that elementary particles not also be waves. If I say the stuff of the world is mind‑stuff that has a metaphysical ring to it. But if I say that ultimate reality is expressed in the solutions of the equations of quantum mechanics, quantum electrodynamics, and quantum field theory -- that sounds like good, modern physics. Yet what are those equations, indeed what is mathematics, but mind‑stuff? -- virtually the ultimate in mind‑stuff and for that reason deeply mysterious. Everything is connected.

...with apologies to George Wald
If you can’t prove it, you can’t conclude anything that extends from any or all of those things. How do you know any one of the three exists?
I didn't say I can't prove it. I asked why would I need to prove it because it should be self evident, right?

But if you want definitive proof, look no further than your DNA which are the definitive set of instructions for "THE SYSTEM."
Can you prove DNA exists?
Unkotare the physical world is entirely abstract and without ‘actuality’ apart from its linkage to consciousness. Both sides of reality -- the quantitative and the qualitative, the physical and the mental -- are compatible with each other, and can be embraced simultaneously. Matter and mind are complementary aspects of the same reality. One has no more basis for considering the existence of matter without its complementary aspect of mind, than for asking that elementary particles not also be waves. If I say the stuff of the world is mind‑stuff that has a metaphysical ring to it. But if I say that ultimate reality is expressed in the solutions of the equations of quantum mechanics, quantum electrodynamics, and quantum field theory -- that sounds like good, modern physics. Yet what are those equations, indeed what is mathematics, but mind‑stuff? -- virtually the ultimate in mind‑stuff and for that reason deeply mysterious. Everything is connected.

...with apologies to George Wald

Exactly! In the words of Sagan, ''the beauty of a living thing is not the atoms that go into it, but the way those atoms are put together.''

We a stardust. Literally. And, of course, to dust we will return. We are constant in that regard.

Or, as Ike Turner was saying, what's love got to do with it. Quantify that!
If you can’t prove it, you can’t conclude anything that extends from any or all of those things. How do you know any one of the three exists?
I didn't say I can't prove it. I asked why would I need to prove it because it should be self evident, right?

But if you want definitive proof, look no further than your DNA which are the definitive set of instructions for "THE SYSTEM."
Can you prove DNA exists?
Is photographic evidence enough proof for you?

Unkotare the physical world is entirely abstract and without ‘actuality’ apart from its linkage to consciousness. Both sides of reality -- the quantitative and the qualitative, the physical and the mental -- are compatible with each other, and can be embraced simultaneously. Matter and mind are complementary aspects of the same reality. One has no more basis for considering the existence of matter without its complementary aspect of mind, than for asking that elementary particles not also be waves. If I say the stuff of the world is mind‑stuff that has a metaphysical ring to it. But if I say that ultimate reality is expressed in the solutions of the equations of quantum mechanics, quantum electrodynamics, and quantum field theory -- that sounds like good, modern physics. Yet what are those equations, indeed what is mathematics, but mind‑stuff? -- virtually the ultimate in mind‑stuff and for that reason deeply mysterious. Everything is connected.

...with apologies to George Wald

Exactly! In the words of Sagan, ''the beauty of a living thing is not the atoms that go into it, but the way those atoms are put together.''

We a stardust. Literally. And, of course, to dust we will return. We are constant in that regard.

Or, as Ike Turner was saying, what's love got to do with it. Quantify that!
For we are dust, And to dust we shall return.
Is the body separate and distinct from the mind? If so, how can the mind influence the movement of the body? An old question, but a good one.
They're not separate. The mind is the software. The brain is the hardware. They're different, but exist in the same reality.
If you can’t prove it, you can’t conclude anything that extends from any or all of those things. How do you know any one of the three exists?
I didn't say I can't prove it. I asked why would I need to prove it because it should be self evident, right?

But if you want definitive proof, look no further than your DNA which are the definitive set of instructions for "THE SYSTEM."
Can you prove DNA exists?
Is photographic evidence enough proof for you?
Of course not.
Is the body separate and distinct from the mind? If so, how can the mind influence the movement of the body? An old question, but a good one.
They're not separate. The mind is the software. The brain is the hardware. They're different, but exist in the same reality.
How do you know either one exists?
If you can’t prove it, you can’t conclude anything that extends from any or all of those things. How do you know any one of the three exists?
I didn't say I can't prove it. I asked why would I need to prove it because it should be self evident, right?

But if you want definitive proof, look no further than your DNA which are the definitive set of instructions for "THE SYSTEM."
Can you prove DNA exists?
Is photographic evidence enough proof for you?
Of course not.
Then I suppose these amazing animations of human micro machines based upon what we have learned through science won't convince you either, huh?

If you can’t prove it, you can’t conclude anything that extends from any or all of those things. How do you know any one of the three exists?
I didn't say I can't prove it. I asked why would I need to prove it because it should be self evident, right?

But if you want definitive proof, look no further than your DNA which are the definitive set of instructions for "THE SYSTEM."
Can you prove DNA exists?
Is photographic evidence enough proof for you?
Of course not.
Then I suppose these amazing animations of human micro machines based upon what we have learned through science won't convince you either, huh?

You are missing the point
If you can’t prove it, you can’t conclude anything that extends from any or all of those things. How do you know any one of the three exists?
I didn't say I can't prove it. I asked why would I need to prove it because it should be self evident, right?

But if you want definitive proof, look no further than your DNA which are the definitive set of instructions for "THE SYSTEM."
Can you prove DNA exists?
Is photographic evidence enough proof for you?
Of course not.
Then I suppose these amazing animations of human micro machines based upon what we have learned through science won't convince you either, huh?

You are missing the point

I don't believe I did. See?


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