Drones from China company cause spying concerns, experts claim


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Wow. This is eye opening, even to me.

This sentence in bold in particular is startling. Why would the capability of sending information back to the company even be possible? How much do they already know about citizens, businesses and structures from these low flying image taking drones?

Drones from China company cause spying concerns, experts claim

Drones being used around the country to enforce coronavirus lockdowns were donated by a company with ties to the Chinese government, raising concerns that the nation many blame for allowing the virus to become a pandemic has sneaked a powerful espionage tool into the skies above its economic rival.


DJI has pushed back on claims its drones are used to spy on Americans and said that users can prevent their devices from transmitting data back to the company or cut off connection to the Internet completely.


Velicovich told Fox News that if there are warnings coming from the intelligence community, they should be heeded.

"I can tell you that U.S. intelligence knows the impact of their reports and if they are saying that this is going back to the Chinese, then there is something there," he said. "They do not have a political bias, they are not Republican or Democrat. They are straight down the middle and do not have an agenda."

Last year, the Department of Homeland Security sent an alert about how drones made by Chinese companies could pose security risks and that the data they gathered could be easily hacked or stolen. The May 20 missive, coupled with a video on its website, warned that drones pose multiple threats including their "potential use for terrorism, mass casualty incidents, interference with air traffic, as well as corporate espionage and invasions of privacy."
Good to see how many of you guys are posting real info.

China is getting ganged upon and they deserve it all..

The editor-in-chief of Germany’s largest paper Bild on Thursday launched a full frontal attack on China’s communist president Xi Jinping for his regime’s failure to lying about the coronavirus outbreak and the massive human rights violations carried out by the Communist Party, and demanding no less that €149 billion in damages as a result of China’s actions.
Good to see how many of you guys are posting real info.

China is getting ganged upon and they deserve it all..

The editor-in-chief of Germany’s largest paper Bild on Thursday launched a full frontal attack on China’s communist president Xi Jinping for his regime’s failure to lying about the coronavirus outbreak and the massive human rights violations carried out by the Communist Party, and demanding no less that €149 billion in damages as a result of China’s actions.

I always post real information, relying only on mainstream sources.

Fox, CBC, CNN, various newspapers are all I post. If anything they produce is a conspiracy or just wrong, well, that's on them, not me. I can only offer my opinion of said story. It's been my discourse for some time that Communists government around the world must be held in check. What the West is facing today is daunting to say the least.
Good to see how many of you guys are posting real info.

China is getting ganged upon and they deserve it all..

The editor-in-chief of Germany’s largest paper Bild on Thursday launched a full frontal attack on China’s communist president Xi Jinping for his regime’s failure to lying about the coronavirus outbreak and the massive human rights violations carried out by the Communist Party, and demanding no less that €149 billion in damages as a result of China’s actions.

I always post real information, relying only on mainstream sources.

Fox, CBC, CNN, various newspapers are all I post. If anything they produce is a conspiracy or just wrong, well, that's on them, not me. I can only offer my opinion of said story. It's been my discourse for some time that Communists government around the world must be held in check. What the West is facing today is daunting to say the least.

LOL these loons are going to start some war bs LOL they hate being made to look like fools. They've been caught and they know it.


LOL the globe might go after them.
Scientists just admitted the COVID-19 numbers are looking more like annual Influenza Numbers, but despite this a complete 'fundamental change' of the US has begun, growing the size and scope of government, crushing Constitutional Freedoms, and turning the US into even more of a 'police state'....using Chinese drones to help do it.

China-donated drones being used to enforce lockdowns, but critics fear darker purpose
China-donated drones being used to enforce lockdowns, but critics fear darker purpose

Drones being used around the country to enforce coronavirus lockdowns were donated by a company with ties to the Chinese government, raising concerns that the nation many blame for allowing the virus to become a pandemic has sneaked a powerful espionage tool into the skies above its economic rival.

Drones from Da Jiang Innovations (DJI) have gone to 43 law enforcement agencies in 22 states to help ensure social distancing rules. In New Jersey, for example, the Chinese-made drones are being used to spy on citizens where patrol cars can't reach.

...no one at DJI would even know if the data was being collected or used, except Wang and the Chinese government — and neither of them are talking. What is known is that pre-coronavirus, U.S. intelligence officials were worried enough about DJI drones to ground its entire fleet. The rise of COVID-19 has cracked the door and allowed DJI drones to fly over America's skies.

In the DHS notice headlined "Chinese Manufactured Unmanned Aircraft Systems," the department warned that U.S. officials have "strong concern about any technology product that takes American data into the territory of an authoritarian state that permits its intelligence services to have unfettered access to that data or otherwise abuses that access."

"The Communist Party of China now has in their law the availability to interfere and take information from virtually every Chinese company," Warner warned. "As long as that exists, that provides a whole set of vulnerabilities I think American business has to consider on a going-forward basis."

If you haven't figured out by now with the release of evidence that China knowingly allowed the spread of COVID-19 globally, after they threatened to withhold medicine Americans need and to 'bury the US in a sea of Coronavirus', China is NOT our friend.

Scientists just admitted the COVID-19 numbers are looking more like annual Influenza Numbers, but despite this a complete 'fundamental change' of the US has begun, growing the size and scope of government, crushing Constitutional Freedoms, and turning the US into even more of a 'police state'....using Chinese drones to help do it.

China-donated drones being used to enforce lockdowns, but critics fear darker purpose
China-donated drones being used to enforce lockdowns, but critics fear darker purpose

Drones being used around the country to enforce coronavirus lockdowns were donated by a company with ties to the Chinese government, raising concerns that the nation many blame for allowing the virus to become a pandemic has sneaked a powerful espionage tool into the skies above its economic rival.

Drones from Da Jiang Innovations (DJI) have gone to 43 law enforcement agencies in 22 states to help ensure social distancing rules. In New Jersey, for example, the Chinese-made drones are being used to spy on citizens where patrol cars can't reach.

...no one at DJI would even know if the data was being collected or used, except Wang and the Chinese government — and neither of them are talking. What is known is that pre-coronavirus, U.S. intelligence officials were worried enough about DJI drones to ground its entire fleet. The rise of COVID-19 has cracked the door and allowed DJI drones to fly over America's skies.

In the DHS notice headlined "Chinese Manufactured Unmanned Aircraft Systems," the department warned that U.S. officials have "strong concern about any technology product that takes American data into the territory of an authoritarian state that permits its intelligence services to have unfettered access to that data or otherwise abuses that access."

"The Communist Party of China now has in their law the availability to interfere and take information from virtually every Chinese company," Warner warned. "As long as that exists, that provides a whole set of vulnerabilities I think American business has to consider on a going-forward basis."

If you haven't figured out by now with the release of evidence that China knowingly allowed the spread of COVID-19 globally, after they threatened to withhold medicine Americans need and to 'bury the US in a sea of Coronavirus', China is NOT our friend.

I can’t believe your blob allowed that to happen.

You must be furious at him, right?
china invented the virus, turned it lose on themselves, killed a few thousand people HOPING it would get to the US -

logic aint yer long suit is it squeaky -
china invented the virus, turned it lose on themselves, killed a few thousand people HOPING it would get to the US -

logic aint yer long suit is it squeaky -
I'm not saying it didn't happen that way, but deal with proven fact. Got any to prove this 100% yet?

Logic does lead to that conclusion, but pure logic without fact / evidence leads one to 'assume' / is worthless in a court of law.

That's all I am saying....
china invented the virus, turned it lose on themselves, killed a few thousand people HOPING it would get to the US -

logic aint yer long suit is it squeaky -
I'm not saying it didn't happen that way, but deal with proven fact. Got any to prove this 100% yet?

Logic does lead to that conclusion, but pure logic without fact / evidence leads one to 'assume' / is worthless in a court of law.

That's all I am saying....

like the FACT Obama was involved with the chinese lab -


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