Drive-By Media Defend Planned Parenthood Debacle

Maybe when the coming civil war starts, We the People can start parsing out your liberal parts? Nah, we don't want contaminated meat with EVIL in it. It would be better to just burn every liberal so the disease would eventually be eradicated. Is my tone a little harsh for you libs, good, We the People feel the same about you , as you do to the innocent babies that you HATE.

LOL more of the continuing pseudo-conservative fascist dream? ISIS lights their enemies on fire too, like minds and all.
I got to spend 5 and 1/2 years over in Saudi Arabia. While there I found out that they(Saudi's) would take their unwanted children(post birth) and bury them in the sand, so that way they could keep their people, "healthy". You liberals remind me of this action, "in the name of science", yet you libtards say you are for the children. And a FETUS is a name for "An Unborn Child". Oh well, what do you expect with the way they teach you in public uneducation, and why you voted not once for Obama but twice. Such fools who vote DUMBOCRAT.
I got to spend 5 and 1/2 years over in Saudi Arabia.

Is that where you learned to embrace fascism?

(Saudi's) would take their unwanted children(post birth) and bury them in the sand,

We in the civilized world call that murder.

You liberals remind me of this action

Sorry fascist, we don't classify legal abortion as murder in most cases.

And a FETUS is a name for "An Unborn Child".

A fetus is the name used for a particular stage of human development.

You're just ruled by emotion!
The callousness of liberals towards the taking of unborn life, is just plain EVIL.

Why do you hate medical research? The unborn fetuses are going to be aborted anyway. I think Abortion Doctors Shop talk it too rough for the precious little pseudo-cons minds, so ya'll should stop looking at them........
Aborted babies cells have done nothing for medical research, but adult stem cells have done wonders.
All the Islamofascists ban abortion too.

That's just one of the many reasons why it's so difficult to distinguish hardcore pro-lifers from Islamofascists. On most issues, they think alike.

Islamofascists, like progressives, encourage the people they despise to get abortions. It saves them the trouble of killing those worthless little kids later.
Once again, you vary from the issue of VIOLENT CRIMMINALS who get chance after chance costing us BILLIONS, and you once again deter away. You are a squirrel in the back yard who you cant pen down. WHY CANT WE GET RID OF THE VIOLENT CRIMMINALS(POST BIRTH ABORTION, age not a factor)

Okay, your plan to convince me you are a retard is succeeding.

Criminals have rights.

Fetuses don't.

Pretty simple why you can't "get rid" of criminals (Well, you can get a couple if you are willing to piss away millions in court costs) but getting rid of a fetus is easy.

If you "prison cell" (read uterus) doesn't want to feed you anymore, you're done.
In order to have little hearts and livers, the fetus must develop to the point where it has functioning organs and a beating heart.

Late term abortions are encouraged as being more profitable.
Where did I say the overcrowding was due to drugs, you friggin moron, I said VIOLENT FELONS who have rap sheets miles long, yet you once again DEFER away from the issue as TYPICAL of a left wing fascist that you are. Now why should we pay billions of dollars to keep RAPISTS/MURDERS/CHILDMOLESTERS alive and execute unborn children who haven't had a chance at life? Because you libtards hate children.

Vast majority of prisoners are in for non-violent offenses, guy. We could have a whole discussion about everything wrong with our criminal justice system, but it would go over your head, anyway. Pearls before Swine.

Now, I know this is a hard concept for you to understand, but as long as that Fetus (not a "child" or a "baby") is inside of the woman, it's really her choice whether it stays inside of her.

Not mine. Not yours.

You want less abortions- support liberal policies.
Once again, you vary from the issue of VIOLENT CRIMMINALS who get chance after chance costing us BILLIONS, and you once again deter away. You are a squirrel in the back yard who you cant pen down. WHY CANT WE GET RID OF THE VIOLENT CRIMMINALS(POST BIRTH ABORTION, age not a factor) and then use that money to educate the young to keep their legs crossed , because then the likes of William Jefferson Clinton(I did not have sexual relations with that woman) or Bill Cosby couldn't get their rocks off. You libtards want immorality to be legal, but don't want to pay for that behavior, that is why you want to execute unborn children, that could of found the cure for cancer, but couldn't because it was killed for body parts. You guys are sick in the mind. Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Given this post, you’re in no position to accuse anyone else of being ‘mentally ill.’
Maybe when the coming civil war starts, We the People can start parsing out your liberal parts? Nah, we don't want contaminated meat with EVIL in it. It would be better to just burn every liberal so the disease would eventually be eradicated. Is my tone a little harsh for you libs, good, We the People feel the same about you , as you do to the innocent babies that you HATE.

LOL more of the continuing pseudo-conservative fascist dream? ISIS lights their enemies on fire too, like minds and all.
I got to spend 5 and 1/2 years over in Saudi Arabia. While there I found out that they(Saudi's) would take their unwanted children(post birth) and bury them in the sand, so that way they could keep their people, "healthy". You liberals remind me of this action, "in the name of science", yet you libtards say you are for the children. And a FETUS is a name for "An Unborn Child". Oh well, what do you expect with the way they teach you in public uneducation, and why you voted not once for Obama but twice. Such fools who vote DUMBOCRAT.
You’re a liar.

You’re also comprehensively ignorant, as a fact of Constitutional law abortion is not ‘murder.’

It’s this sort of extremism common to most on the social right that manifest as the greatest threat to our civil rights, as you and others work to increase the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.
A spin around the net finds pretty much the same defense of Deborah Nucatola playing Hannibal Lector while stuffing her face with salad and wine....."HEAVILY AND SELECTIVELY EDITED ATTACK BY ANTI-ABORTION GROUP", "WAR ON WOMEN", "GOP HATES THE POOR" etc. They are also telling their viewers to "see the whole 2 hours of tape; you'll see how misleading the one-minute version is" as if any of their ilk will be able to even find the video much less watch it. But what they can't brush off or hide are the ghastly images of this butcher and her cavalier attitude about crushing and slicing up a "17-weeker":



It's already illegal to abort a fetus in such a way as to facilitate the harvesting of organs and tissue. Why isn't this woman and her accomplices in orange jumpsuits waiting for their court date?
A spin around the net finds pretty much the same defense of Deborah Nucatola playing Hannibal Lector while stuffing her face with salad and wine....."HEAVILY AND SELECTIVELY EDITED ATTACK BY ANTI-ABORTION GROUP", "WAR ON WOMEN", "GOP HATES THE POOR" etc. They are also telling their viewers to "see the whole 2 hours of tape; you'll see how misleading the one-minute version is" as if any of their ilk will be able to even find the video much less watch it. But what they can't brush off or hide are the ghastly images of this butcher and her cavalier attitude about crushing and slicing up a "17-weeker":



It's already illegal to abort a fetus in such a way as to facilitate the harvesting of organs and tissue. Why isn't this woman and her accomplices in orange jumpsuits waiting for their court date?
Because we don't have an AG in office that won't prosecutes wrong doers on the basis of their political ideology.
Maybe when the coming civil war starts, We the People can start parsing out your liberal parts? Nah, we don't want contaminated meat with EVIL in it. It would be better to just burn every liberal so the disease would eventually be eradicated. Is my tone a little harsh for you libs, good, We the People feel the same about you , as you do to the innocent babies that you HATE.

LOL more of the continuing pseudo-conservative fascist dream? ISIS lights their enemies on fire too, like minds and all.
I got to spend 5 and 1/2 years over in Saudi Arabia. While there I found out that they(Saudi's) would take their unwanted children(post birth) and bury them in the sand, so that way they could keep their people, "healthy". You liberals remind me of this action, "in the name of science", yet you libtards say you are for the children. And a FETUS is a name for "An Unborn Child". Oh well, what do you expect with the way they teach you in public uneducation, and why you voted not once for Obama but twice. Such fools who vote DUMBOCRAT.
You’re a liar.

You’re also comprehensively ignorant, as a fact of Constitutional law abortion is not ‘murder.’

It’s this sort of extremism common to most on the social right that manifest as the greatest threat to our civil rights, as you and others work to increase the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.
There was nothing put in the Constitution that allowed Abortion on Demand. It was 7 black robes that went against the peoples will to give the woman a right to kill her unborn baby, but no right to the baby to defend itself. So if 7 black robes decided that it was okay to kill all liberals, would then it be constitutional law to MURDER all liberals? Huh? As we continue to decline in moral behaviors and have no sanctity of life, more people go out of their way to kill others, and FEEL no remorse.
There was nothing put in the Constitution that allowed Abortion on Demand. It was 7 black robes that went against the peoples will to give the woman a right to kill her unborn baby, but no right to the baby to defend itself. So if 7 black robes decided that it was okay to kill all liberals, would then it be constitutional law to MURDER all liberals? Huh? As we continue to decline in moral behaviors and have no sanctity of life, more people go out of their way to kill others, and FEEL no remorse.

does your doctor know you are off your medications?
Why wont you answer the question you tard? Because you know you are WRONG. There is no constitutional law that allows the murder of unborn children. As for medications, you liberals back 50 years ago, would be put in insane institutions, but since Obama has taken over, they have closed all of them, and allowed you to roam America. Why else is there such a problem with immorality as it is today. When Anarchy happens, and it is coming, you can bet those with Obama/Biden or Vote the Vagina bumper stickers will be mistaken as ISIS sympathizers and shot on sight. We hate ISIS and those that support ISIS.
Why wont you answer the question you tard? Because you know you are WRONG. There is no constitutional law that allows the murder of unborn children. As for medications, you liberals back 50 years ago, would be put in insane institutions, but since Obama has taken over, they have closed all of them, and allowed you to roam America. Why else is there such a problem with immorality as it is today. When Anarchy happens, and it is coming, you can bet those with Obama/Biden or Vote the Vagina bumper stickers will be mistaken as ISIS sympathizers and shot on sight. We hate ISIS and those that support ISIS.

Guy, you need serious mental health. Seriously.

Here's what you wingnuts don't get about Roe v. Wade. Roe v. Wade just legalized what was already happening. There were j ust as many abortions before Roe as there were after. Doctors were merely writing something else on the chart, and everyone knew that is what was going on.

The birth rate did not suddenly drop in 1973.
The difference between what happened before Roe Vs Wade and after was the legalization of women to execute unborn children because liberals like you don't want to be punished with an unwanted baby for immoral actions that you did to that woman. When you see right to life in front of Baby execution buildings, you see men, women and children carrying signs about think before you choose, while across the street, you see old liberal white men with signs saying PRO CHOICE. Funny how only men want PRO CHOICE, and not women walking with them.
A spin around the net finds pretty much the same defense of Deborah Nucatola playing Hannibal Lector while stuffing her face with salad and wine....."HEAVILY AND SELECTIVELY EDITED ATTACK BY ANTI-ABORTION GROUP", "WAR ON WOMEN", "GOP HATES THE POOR" etc. They are also telling their viewers to "see the whole 2 hours of tape; you'll see how misleading the one-minute version is" as if any of their ilk will be able to even find the video much less watch it. But what they can't brush off or hide are the ghastly images of this butcher and her cavalier attitude about crushing and slicing up a "17-weeker":



It's already illegal to abort a fetus in such a way as to facilitate the harvesting of organs and tissue. Why isn't this woman and her accomplices in orange jumpsuits waiting for their court date?

Because the AG only goes after white cops.

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