Draining the Swamp Continues


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Decades of buildup but it’s draining.
Draining??? He keeps putting in people who only last a little while and once they're gone he says how terrible they were. Mattis is just the latest example. He promised to put in only the best people, when will he start doing that?

The best people are outside of government (including the military). Give him real GOP majorities in the House and Senate and he will start kicking ass.
This is the way they did it to us. A slow but relentless campaign of staffing the Deep State over a forty year period. We dont have that much time but, as on the courts, Trump is doing a fantastic job of whittling away at the cancer.
explain 'swap'
explain 'deep state'
Swamp - Anyone who doesn't do what Trump says
Deep State - Anyone who doesn't take Trump seriously
Fake News - Any news Trump doesn't like
Commies - Anyone who disagrees with Trump
Hitler - Anyone who thinks Trump is a buffoon
Evil - Anyone who giggles at Trump
Socialist - Anyone who spends almost as much as Trump
He had to accept some of them or he would have been destroyed by the Repub deep staters. You saw the RINOS who stonewalled him the first two years. He got a little from them, but they stopped. Paul Ryan is all you got to know. Repubs as presently constituted seem to give a little and stop. The judges seem to be smoother. How they all are in their voting is another issue. It seems Rinos replace Rinos. Repubs have people with different views while Progs are all in lock step. Progs know what the person next to them is thinking. Why? Because most are radicals that act civil.
explain 'swap'
explain 'deep state'
Swamp - Anyone who doesn't do what Trump says
Deep State - Anyone who doesn't take Trump seriously
Fake News - Any news Trump doesn't like
Commies - Anyone who disagrees with Trump
Hitler - Anyone who thinks Trump is a buffoon
Evil - Anyone who giggles at Trump
Socialist - Anyone who spends almost as much as Trump
When Obama was President all of the lights and buttons came on with the Prog agendas. The maturation process near completed. There is nothing that can be done with the BLM. We are taxed to high and near the point where more and more people will try to collect then work if socialism passes to that point.
Decades of buildup but it’s draining.
Draining??? He keeps putting in people who only last a little while and once they're gone he says how terrible they were. Mattis is just the latest example. He promised to put in only the best people, when will he start doing that?
The best people are outside of government (including the military). Give him real GOP majorities in the House and Senate and he will start kicking ass.
Then why did Trump choose so many from inside of government? Are you smarter than Trump?
Be the America the hong kongers and Iranians think you are America
Hell i want the F.U.S.A. to be the America I think it is.....karen ain't havin it
Decades of buildup but it’s draining.
Draining??? He keeps putting in people who only last a little while and once they're gone he says how terrible they were. Mattis is just the latest example. He promised to put in only the best people, when will he start doing that?

The best people are outside of government (including the military). Give him real GOP majorities in the House and Senate and he will start kicking ass.
What the fuck are you talking about. He had both chambers of Congress his first 2 years in office, and he still has the Senate.

If he's going to start kicking ass he'd better hurry up, because he has less than a year left in office to fuck up anymore shit.
Decades of buildup but it’s draining.
Draining??? He keeps putting in people who only last a little while and once they're gone he says how terrible they were. Mattis is just the latest example. He promised to put in only the best people, when will he start doing that?
The best people are outside of government (including the military). Give him real GOP majorities in the House and Senate and he will start kicking ass.
Then why did Trump choose so many from inside of government? Are you smarter than Trump?
It doesn't take much brain power to be smarter than trump.
Decades of buildup but it’s draining.
Draining??? He keeps putting in people who only last a little while and once they're gone he says how terrible they were. Mattis is just the latest example. He promised to put in only the best people, when will he start doing that?

The best people are outside of government (including the military). Give him real GOP majorities in the House and Senate and he will start kicking ass.
I'll do my part
Hell hath no fury like a Deep Stater scorned.

All this chaos is 100% because the Deep State knows Trump is cleaning house. It will continue until it is defeated

Therefore, rejoice, you heavens,
and you who dwell in them.
But woe to you, earth and sea,
for the Devil has come down to you in great fury,
for he knows he has but a short time.”
explain 'swap'
explain 'deep state'

The established unelected bureaucracy that runs things by regulatory fiat.....They like to wield their arbitrarily applied power, without having to bother with the odious ritual of actually having to sully themselves by associating with the mere peasants to pander for votes.

They're too powerful, too wealthy, totally unaccountable, and far too many in number....And Trump is failing in his stated task of ridding the nation of these parasites.
Decades of buildup but it’s draining.
Draining??? He keeps putting in people who only last a little while and once they're gone he says how terrible they were. Mattis is just the latest example. He promised to put in only the best people, when will he start doing that?

The best people are outside of government (including the military). Give him real GOP majorities in the House and Senate and he will start kicking ass.
What the fuck are you talking about. He had both chambers of Congress his first 2 years in office, and he still has the Senate.

1. Unlike career politicians, Trump did not have a staff of hangers-on to bring into the White House. He has had to weed though a lot of Deep Staters.

2. The GOP "majority" in the House were led by Never Trumpers who joined Democrats in authorizing bogus investigations.

3. He has a very tenuous majority in the Senate for the same reasons. That is why I referred to his needing "real" majorities in Congress to be even more effective.

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