Dr Robert Malone on information being censored.

Funny if you are vaccinates you have 1/17 the risk of being hospitalized and 1/20 the risk of dying . If you get the Virus again. Let me see who should we believe a hero like Fauci or a Hate Nazi like everyone on the right. You are the one trying to kill as many as you can with your lies , I'm not , so the eugenics nonsense fits you not me. IF you are a right winger , you have to be a idiot.
Winning hearts and minds…
Scum bags remark.
"And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful." Lets bring it around to bleach also, The most effective disinfection by far is bleach, because the other potential is alcohol and that dissipates in the air. So disinfectant for Covid = bleach
Light is a disinfectant as well. There is nothing to suggest he was talking about injecting bleach.

At first, he talks about how bleach can kill the virus in 5 minutes, then he talks about sunlight, and how it can kill the virus in one minute, the he talks about "the disinfectant" and how it can kill the virus in "a minute".

First, he never actually suggested that people DO anything. He was talking about things he had heard, and he was asking the medical doctors about them researching it.

There is nothing to prove the "disinfectant" he was talking about was bleach, lysol, or any other harmful substance. He never specifically says.

The media took the first part of him talking about bleach then applied that to him talking injecting a disinfectant. That's kind of disingenuous when we have no idea what disinfectant he was talking about. Previously to talking about disinfectant, he was talking about sunlight.
Spoken like a true lab rat, who probably isn't even aware
he's taken a vaccine that IS NOT FDA APPROVED.
"On December 11, 2020, the FDA issued an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the use of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine. On December 18, 2020, the FDA issued an EUA for the use of the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine. And on February 27, 2021 the FDA issued an EUA for the use of the Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine." You are a cartoon character. Let me see should I listen to the doctors and the research and the experts or you, That's a hard one to figure out. Are all right wingers totally brain dead/
Light is a disinfectant as well. There is nothing to suggest he was talking about injecting bleach.

At first, he talks about how bleach can kill the virus in 5 minutes, then he talks about sunlight, and how it can kill the virus in one minute, the he talks about "the disinfectant" and how it can kill the virus in "a minute".

First, he never actually suggested that people DO anything. He was talking about things he had heard, and he was asking the medical doctors about them researching it.

There is nothing to prove the "disinfectant" he was talking about was bleach, lysol, or any other harmful substance. He never specifically says.

The media took the first part of him talking about bleach then applied that to him talking injecting a disinfectant. That's kind of disingenuous when we have no idea what disinfectant he was talking about. Previously to talking about disinfectant, he was talking about sunlight.
What a waste of bandwidth , What He said exactly is what I quoted One more time . ""And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful." Lets bring it around to bleach also, The most effective disinfection by far is bleach, because the other potential is alcohol and that dissipates in the air. So disinfectant for Covid = bleach" He said what he said and it proves he is a brain dead like all of the right wing. Cancer on the world. Total scum . So you are part of the bleach cure for covid group Q anon people , That's exactly what I expected. Injecting Bleach or disinfectant won't cure Covid, no matter what you say.
Hundreds of thousands have died due to the injection and complications. That is a fact.
Bullshit, only in the mind of the brick heads of the world. My advice since the only people dying now are people who deserve to die , You should stick to your guns and definitely not wimp out ever and get vaccinated , nothing is better for the gene pool of this country and we can raise the national average by you sticking to your guns. Love it , That is the definition of stupidity in anyone's book.
Hundreds of thousands have died due to the injection and complications. That is a fact.
You don't even ask people like this to back up what they are saying. It's like him telling me he is God , I'm really not going to ask if he can prove it, When stupid overpowers everything you just let stupid do it's thing.
Because what we have here is the monetization and corporatization of both sides of a major "news" story, the truth of which could save countless lives. A truth never to be revealed. One side is driving up the other sides' income from videos and "news" stories, while the official side—the pro-COVID side—is using the likes of Malone and others as controlled opposition to boost their own revenue from government funded reporting. It's a bloody circus of lies and gaslighting, masterclass deception and the spreading of false hope in the trenches of mass graves. All of it stinks.

Government funded reporting? You mean NPR?
Scum bags remark.
"And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful." Lets bring it around to bleach also, The most effective disinfection by far is bleach, because the other potential is alcohol and that dissipates in the air. So disinfectant for Covid = bleach

And yet you're unaware that TODAY they are "injecting" UV light down trachea tubes to KILL the virus in the upper airways.

Stuck on stupid is a bad place to be. I'd rather have someone who WORKS to find solutions than 190 or you who can only poke at them.
Funny if you are vaccinates you have 1/17 the risk of being hospitalized and 1/20 the risk of dying . If you get the Virus again. Let me see who should we believe a hero like Fauci or a Hate Nazi like everyone on the right. You are the one trying to kill as many as you can with your lies , I'm not , so the eugenics nonsense fits you not me. IF you are a right winger , you have to be a idiot.
Those stats are not reliable because, as we now know, the data of covid deaths included those with covid as well as from covid.
Because the liar says that he was the Inventor of the mRNA vaccine. he had nothing to do with it other then comparable investigation in some aspects of Mrna years before and wasn't even used in the real study or creation of the vaccine. Look up anything about him on you tube and he will introduce himself or will be introduced by the fact that he was the inventor of either the basis for mRNA or the actual creator of the mRNA concept or the inventor of The mNRA vaccine for the covid , He was none of the above and was finally forced to admit it when confronted by people who really did the research to create the mRNA vaccine.



Malone is a pile of shit selling lies and distortions to kill as many as possible in the name of freedom. He is a pig.

Gawd your good with tossing shit yourself. It's not CLEAR to you apparently, that Malone DID do the first studies to show that mRNA could trigger protein production in humanized mice cells.

So just because you don't understand the generations of pioneering science REQUIRED to make a CV-19 mRNA vaccine and you have a political URGE to fulfill yourself by TOTALLY DISMISSING his early work -- You are stone stupid on the facts and science. He DID that work in the LATE 80s.. WAAAAAY the fuck before it was routine to be able to SYTHESIZE RNA/DNA segments routinely.

HIS CONTRIBUTION was valuable. He probably got us 1/2 way to developing human mRNA vaccines.


He's a raving NUTCASE now after the attempts to TOTALLY NUKE him and his pioneering work. But MAINLY he's a nutcase because his early predictions that the spike protein ITSELF that the vaccines evoke from the body response COULD BE cytotoxic -- were proven false. That dismissed theory launched him into a full fledged meltdown.

And NOW -- he's avoiding the science altogether and focused on the HORRIBLE and MONSTROUS ways that people EAT other people in this new world of cancellation, censorship, and VINDICTIVE political grudges..
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You can't fill a thimble with the number of people who died from the vaccine , you people are straight out nutsos!!! Q anon at its best. what a hoot.
Well, yeah, no big deal, right? Unless you end up being one in the thimble.

There's zero liability to the manufacturer. You fucking cocksuckers are trying to mandate it.

I wish there was a more forceful way to tell you to go fuck yourself. Words just don't say it.
You don't even ask people like this to back up what they are saying. It's like him telling me he is God , I'm really not going to ask if he can prove it, When stupid overpowers everything you just let stupid do it's thing.

The proof is in vaers, European reporting system, South America reporting agencies. You should quit spreading misinfo and propaganda. Quit lying.
Bullshit, only in the mind of the brick heads of the world. My advice since the only people dying now are people who deserve to die , You should stick to your guns and definitely not wimp out ever and get vaccinated , nothing is better for the gene pool of this country and we can raise the national average by you sticking to your guns. Love it , That is the definition of stupidity in anyone's book.

I know four people who took this injection and died. All healthy. Go pull yourself together. You're an emotional wreck, terrified, sniveling, lashing out.
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Well, yeah, no big deal, right? Unless you end up being one in the thimble.

There's zero liability to the manufacturer. You fucking cocksuckers are trying to mandate it.

I wish there was a more forceful way to tell you to go fuck yourself. Words just don't say it.
The government absorbs the liability.

You knew that, right?
Because it MUTATES..
Very Much like a common cold
That is very interesting.

So I guess that as soon as this latest "O" variant fades, another variant will appear.

Will there come a day when the American people quietly revolt, and the authorities say and do nothing?

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