Dr Robert Malone on information being censored.

Antis are all brain dead. Cartoon characters. Their comedy saying that their right and freedon are taken away by vacine and vacine mandates. IS as dumb as dumb gets . There is a hundred things a day that are more restrictive to your freedoms then a silly shot, not just here but in all civilized society.
Google, Twitter and others have been removing any information which "promotes 'vaccine hesitancy'".
Here's Dr Malone on Fox.

"What the media doesn’t understand is that you can’t suppress information," he said. "It’ll find a way to be free."


At the beginning of all this -- he was useful and talked about science. NOW -- he just trying to recover about his "wrong theory" early on. It's made him into a political analyst more than a research scientist.

He will never spend much time about WHY he's concerned about Covid policy anymore from a medical standpoint. Just seems to spew a lot of censorship/victimhood/conspiracy stuff.
All gibberish and not researched at all , it is nothing like you are describing , what exactly am I pointing to literally every word written in your remark.
OK, give me some rebuttals. What did I get wrong?
Good God bold stupidity , they want people vaccinated .because the idiots that are not vaccinated are the total population of people dying and wasting space in the hospitals. IF you are vaccinated and get covid again which millions will simply get because after 6th months the vaccine is down to about 60% officiant. but if you get your shots , you won;t get that sick , 1/17the of a chance to end up in the hospital and 1/20 of the chance of ending up dying. That's compared to the brain dead who won't get the vaccine and the ones that are dying now. It's justice , they deserve to die . They did it themselves . It can only improve the gene pool in this country.

Why Covid shots should be mandatory.

Antis are all brain dead. Cartoon characters. Their comedy saying that their right and freedon are taken away by vacine and vacine mandates. IS as dumb as dumb gets . There is a hundred things a day that are more restrictive to your freedoms then a silly shot, not just here but in all civilized society.
Spoken like a true lab rat, who probably isn't even aware
he's taken a vaccine that IS NOT FDA APPROVED.
And you're 100% sure of that.
My favorite is ;
In all red states you have people lined up for miles to get their bleach injections and all of them are apposed to the Covid vaccine. There is bleach stands all over red states , even children have them set up like lemon aid stands on every street corner.
Miss Sotomayor?
You Forgot to Mention those 100,000 Babies in the ICU
Why is everyone trying to silence him? Is he not an expert in virology and also one of the pioneers of the mrna method? How is it his words have no relevance?

He is and it doesn't matter.

Democrats, Biden and his administration, and vaccine manufacturers only want money, power and control.

It doesn't matter how much proof, insight or intelligence he has, if he isn't saying what they want then they will try to keep him from saying it.

This is another example of Biden and his administration do not care about america or Americans. They will let the entire literally go to total shit as long as they maintain their money, power and control.

Censoring information is one of most anti American things you can do. And they do it on a constant basis without a car or reprocussions. All they care about is their agenda.
In all red states you have people lined up for miles to get their bleach injections and all of them are apposed to the Covid vaccine. There is bleach stands all over red states , even children have them set up like lemon aid stands on every street corner.

You lined up to take orange man's operation warp speed snake juice. It really is injuring millions and killing hundreds of thousands. OTOH, no one is taking bleach. Quite the irony unfolding.
Good God bold stupidity , they want people vaccinated .because the idiots that are not vaccinated are the total population of people dying and wasting space in the hospitals.

I have no idea why people like you feel the need to be as abrasive, and punkish as possible...while the unvaxed make up many of those in the hospital for the virus, they are not "the total population" of them...So, in your zeal to bully, you are lying.

IF you are vaccinated and get covid again which millions will simply get because after 6th months the vaccine is down to about 60% officiant. but if you get your shots , you won;t get that sick , 1/17the of a chance to end up in the hospital and 1/20 of the chance of ending up dying.

Like a sheep, blindly hanging on Fauci's every word as Gospel, you suck it down hook, line and sinker....If the Fauch is so dead on about everything, then why does he take the path of smearing collogues when they disagree with him?

That's compared to the brain dead who won't get the vaccine and the ones that are dying now. It's justice , they deserve to die . They did it themselves . It can only improve the gene pool in this country.

We've seen your type of filth before in this country with the Eugenics movement in the late 20s early 30s....It didn't succeed then, and it will fail now...People don't want to be controlled, and certainly not controlled by bullies like you.
I have no idea why people like you feel the need to be as abrasive, and punkish as possible...while the unvaxed make up many of those in the hospital for the virus, they are not "the total population" of them...So, in your zeal to bully, you are lying.

Like a sheep, blindly hanging on Fauci's every word as Gospel, you suck it down hook, line and sinker....If the Fauch is so dead on about everything, then why does he take the path of smearing collogues when they disagree with him?

We've seen your type of filth before in this country with the Eugenics movement in the late 20s early 30s....It didn't succeed then, and it will fail now...People don't want to be controlled, and certainly not controlled by bullies like you.
Funny if you are vaccinates you have 1/17 the risk of being hospitalized and 1/20 the risk of dying . If you get the Virus again. Let me see who should we believe a hero like Fauci or a Hate Nazi like everyone on the right. You are the one trying to kill as many as you can with your lies , I'm not , so the eugenics nonsense fits you not me. IF you are a right winger , you have to be a idiot.
Yeah, I don't recall anyone ever suggesting drinking bleach, or even injecting bleach. You have actual video evidence of someone suggesting that people take bleach into their bodies? Let's see that.
Scum bags remark.
"And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful." Lets bring it around to bleach also, The most effective disinfection by far is bleach, because the other potential is alcohol and that dissipates in the air. So disinfectant for Covid = bleach
At the beginning of all this -- he was useful and talked about science. NOW -- he just trying to recover about his "wrong theory" early on. It's made him into a political analyst more than a research scientist.

He will never spend much time about WHY he's concerned about Covid policy anymore from a medical standpoint. Just seems to spew a lot of censorship/victimhood/conspiracy stuff.
Because the liar says that he was the Inventor of the mRNA vaccine. he had nothing to do with it other then comparable investigation in some aspects of Mrna years before and wasn't even used in the real study or creation of the vaccine. Look up anything about him on you tube and he will introduce himself or will be introduced by the fact that he was the inventor of either the basis for mRNA or the actual creator of the mRNA concept or the inventor of The mNRA vaccine for the covid , He was none of the above and was finally forced to admit it when confronted by people who really did the research to create the mRNA vaccine.



Malone is a pile of shit selling lies and distortions to kill as many as possible in the name of freedom. He is a pig.
Malone's is a total liar but he says what the hate group, the right calls a party ,wants to hear. That is the definition of being stupidly blind ignorant. No way to get around it. Bullshit is the only language the right offers.
Funny if you are vaccinates you have 1/17 the risk of being hospitalized and 1/20 the risk of dying . If you get the Virus again. Let me see who should we believe a hero like Fauci or a Hate Nazi like everyone on the right. You are the one trying to kill as many as you can with your lies , I'm not , so the eugenics nonsense fits you not me. IF you are a right winger , you have to be a idiot.
What are you ?
Never mind. Rather not know.

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