Dr Fauci needs to go

I wonder if anyone else sees the irony here, Fauci is a scientist. They talk in what is known, they don’t commit to the own known and soothing the public isn’t their remit. They are not politicians.

In other words...he is pretty much what you liked in Trump. Straight speaking. Not a politician.

But now you don’t like that and you want Trump to act like a politician.

This "scientist" is bureaucrat first. He hasn't been right on most of his opinions, especially in AIDS field, and recent prognosis with COVID-19 as well.

You know this how?
Now I know why the Clintons had people executed. Facui is a Hillary sympathizer. A lazy do nothing democrat!
Too bad they didn’t execute you
Man you are full of hate
Says the weasel who made fun of my mother dying of cancer. Fuck you, jizzler :fu:
Weren’t you making fun of aborted babies??
No, but you should have been aborted :dunno:
Well this I know. He is trained in this. The rest of the people in that room don't know anything about any kind of virus much less a new one. That's why he is there. If he disagrees with the POTUS then so what? Why does he have to agree? Disagreement is a good thing.
The key to going back to work it having enough tests to test the working population. It surely isn't happening on May 1st. The guidelines will be extended. If everyone goes back to work we are in the same mess we are now.
Now I know why the Clintons had people executed. Facui is a Hillary sympathizer. A lazy do nothing democrat!
Too bad they didn’t execute you
Man you are full of hate
Says the weasel who made fun of my mother dying of cancer. Fuck you, jizzler :fu:
Weren’t you making fun of aborted babies??
No, but you should have been aborted :dunno:
Yes you said something fcuked up
Now I know why the Clintons had people executed. Facui is a Hillary sympathizer. A lazy do nothing democrat!
Too bad they didn’t execute you
Man you are full of hate
Says the weasel who made fun of my mother dying of cancer. Fuck you, jizzler :fu:
Weren’t you making fun of aborted babies??
No, but you should have been aborted :dunno:
Yes you said something fcuked up
Idk dude. I mean, you are off. You could be a failed abortion. Just a guess. I’m not a doctor.
Now I know why the Clintons had people executed. Facui is a Hillary sympathizer. A lazy do nothing democrat!
Too bad they didn’t execute you
Man you are full of hate
Says the weasel who made fun of my mother dying of cancer. Fuck you, jizzler :fu:
Weren’t you making fun of aborted babies??
No, but you should have been aborted :dunno:
Yes you said something fcuked up
Idk dude. I mean, you are off. You could be a failed abortion. Just a guess. I’m not a doctor.
lol looks like some Lee’s was aborted lol
The models were not wrong. They were models. Idiots.

Fairy tale is a model too.

We had global cooling, or mini ice age, based on "models".
Then we had global warming, and hockey stick, based on "models".
Now we have climate change, ups and downs, based on "models".

Although they're "models", often wrong in their predictions, we are creating policies based on them, on fairy tales.
The models were not wrong. They were models. Idiots.
Models which we based the destruction of the country on, idiot!

Yeah, they're recipes for disaster. And they mastered it.

One of the primary characteristics of the modern age is the ingredient of “science,” its methodologies, and its rhetoric, within the general disposition of society. Whenever left is pushing their agenda, they refer to only to them approved "science", while using words like "evidence-based", or "objective facts", or "data-driven" as a means of authority in making their claims. They don't even let you check their claims, you have to accept them as is, or you are simply denier.

We have given importance to the primacy of scientific analysis, or rather, the conclusions of the scientific community, over and above lines of their "a priori" thinking to the point that we have stop questioning them. What they have given us in return is that they politicized their work and started playing to the politicians, instead to their obligations.

He is a doctor. Not an economist. Not a business. Not a fortune teller. Not a stock broker. Not a carpenter. Not a preacher. Not a bus driver.
His PERSONAL feelings are irrelevant. In fact what is "normal" for him may have no impact on another person.

Why is Trump allowing him to spew his doom and gloom, woe is me and general negative outlook on this situation.

What the American people need to hear is that we are going to get through this via TEMPORARY hard choices and sacrifices.
What they don't need is the asinine guess work about how we are screwed and can't recover.
We are and have always been a nation of achievers. We've overcome MANY devastating obstacles throughout our history and ALWAYS come out ahead in the long run.

This kind of pessimistic bullshit needs to be nipped in the bud. Americans need hope not fear.

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Yeah? He was overconfident and wrong. Have you ever been wrong? Should he have declared martial law? That is the ONLY thing he could have done to DRASTICALLY flatten the curve. Would you have been okay with that? Did you also think he was racist for cutting off China travel?

He missed by 18,000....

He said we would have 0 cases...not only over 400K cases...18K deaths.

Are you still going to just make excuses or hold your blob responsible?
As we're finding out..."low infection zones" become HIGH infection zones as soon as we do stupid shit like you're promoting.

Weren't we told just the other day that Idaho was Corona free?

Not so much now

Here is why...



He is a doctor. Not an economist. Not a business. Not a fortune teller. Not a stock broker. Not a carpenter. Not a preacher. Not a bus driver.
His PERSONAL feelings are irrelevant. In fact what is "normal" for him may have no impact on another person.

Why is Trump allowing him to spew his doom and gloom, woe is me and general negative outlook on this situation.

What the American people need to hear is that we are going to get through this via TEMPORARY hard choices and sacrifices.
What they don't need is the asinine guess work about how we are screwed and can't recover.
We are and have always been a nation of achievers. We've overcome MANY devastating obstacles throughout our history and ALWAYS come out ahead in the long run.

This kind of pessimistic bullshit needs to be nipped in the bud. Americans need hope not fear.

View attachment 321327
Yeah? He was overconfident and wrong. Have you ever been wrong? Should he have declared martial law? That is the ONLY thing he could have done to DRASTICALLY flatten the curve. Would you have been okay with that? Did you also think he was racist for cutting off China travel?


He only missed by 14,000 cases.

He also didn’t know the flu killed people.

That isn’t optimism; that is sheer ignorance

And you voted for this dumbass?
No, I voted for Walker. But I WILL vote for him this time around. And I predict he will resoundingly beat Biden.


The Stable Genius who didn’t know a flu could be deadly?

Do people die from flu, or from pneumonia developed from the flu that turns into ARDS?
... Nope the economy was booming till this virus. Millions dead reported at first, now 60,000 reported to die. You loons screwed the pooch again! Lol

What for heavens sake is the sense of an economy of the death? Let me calculate with this what I currently know: If you do nothing (=wait for Herd Immunity) a minimum of 1.184.000 US-Americans will die. When "only" 60,000 + x people died up to now - why do yo think this is a reason not to continue to fight against Corona? Fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight ... and don't waste your time with idiocies.

Can you clarify the term US-Americans? Are there Non-US-Americans we should know about that will (not) die?
... Nope the economy was booming till this virus. Millions dead reported at first, now 60,000 reported to die. You loons screwed the pooch again! Lol

What for heavens sake is the sense of an economy of the death? Let me calculate with this what I currently know: If you do nothing (=wait for Herd Immunity) a minimum of 1.184.000 US-Americans will die. When "only" 60,000 + x people died up to now - why do yo think this is a reason not to continue to fight against Corona? Fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight ... and don't waste your time with idiocies.
You're talking out of your ass.

I do what? I'm a German. You are in danger to lose your life now. It's Good Friday. Jesus will perhaps not protect you.

Oh, I got it...

Tiny Tony is not a scientist. He is the propaganda, public relations official of the Deep State medical establishment. He is as much a scientist as that 30 something feminist who graduated with a degree in sociology who is a sale rep for Cipro and gives physicians free samples telling them not to watch You Tube vids of real people discussing the side effects. Tiny Tony Fraudi claimed 90% vaccination rate is essentially 100%, yet less than 10% of people exposed to the Kung Flu even come down with noticable symptoms. So according to Tiny Tony Fraudi's math, the Kung Flu doesn't even exist, yet he and the Scarf Lady got Governors to go full on unconstitutional and close down the country.

American people relationship with science, mixed with the fact that the large majority of people do not actually engage in science, would except term "scientist" for everyone who present him/her self that way. Who are the scientists anyways? Someone who actually do the science and reveal discoveries, or someone who interpret the science, and act as a mediator between scientist and the people at large?

To me, Dr. Fauci is not discovering anything, he's more like a mediator between computer programmer's model and general audience.

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