Dr. Anthony Fauci's exploits and the justice he may or may not see.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
As the world finds itself beset by a global plague, a lingering question stays unanswered: How did Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the chief Medical Advisor to the President, get away with funding gain of function research and escape being dragged before a world court to be charged with crimes against humanity? Fauci used back channels to funnel money to China so the deadly research could continue resulting in millions of deaths worldwide. The Obama administration specifically prohibited the practice. Fauci used his powerful connections to cautiously work using obscure, coded language to cloak his intentions and steal the common sense from organizations and institutions in place to keep dangerous bad science in check. How did he pull this off?

A quote about Russia and its World War 2 non-aggression pact with Nazi Germany from Winston Churchill is proper here -Fauci is a “riddle wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma” and it will be difficult to pin his cleverly disguised criminal activity on him specifically. Fauci used the same ambiguous word parsing used by spies and scammers in their communications so, like Hunter Biden, he never came out and said exactly what he was up to.

Remember Lance Armstrong, seven-time winner of the Tour De France? He was eventually stripped of his titles, not by the medical science he manipulated but by the betrayals of colleagues covering for their own misdeeds. Armstrong was supercharging his body’s performance with blood doping, a method where highly oxygenated blood is drawn from the body during peak fitness, frozen, and then reinserted into the bloodstream before a major event. It’s like Popeye eating a can of spinach prior to fighting a bad guy. It delivers a decisive advantage over competitors who are not using the method because it delays the onset of fatigue.

Armstrong exploited medical science to bring glory to himself just as Fauci is trying to do. The difference is that Armstrong did not kill millions of people. Armstrong went down and though he is still admired by millions, he was largely disgraced. Fauci is still surfing the wave of fame and fortune while escaping the Nuremberg justice he deserves. He is in so deep now that he can never back off. History is going to show that Dr. Anthony Fauci makes Stalin and Hitler look like jaywalkers.

Fauci derangement syndrome.
Watching War videos you see the people not just killed, but discarded. During WW 2 there are bodies on sides of roads for miles. There are bodies at concentration camp areas. That will come here. Areas will see it. The sell outs will cause it. And are.
Watching War videos you see the people not just killed, but discarded. During WW 2 there are bodies on sides of roads for miles. There are bodies at concentration camp areas. That will come here. Areas will see it. The sell outs will cause it. And are.
Okay, let’s not go off the cliff. Get ahold of yourself.
There will never be any justice for this evil man and that is because what is actually just in this case will simply never happen.
He lied to Congress over and over and over about funding gain of function research.

He needs to be held accountable.
Prove it. It will be hard to do.

Like most republicans they sided with Banon not to show up, all but 7 of them.
Prove it. It will be hard to do.

Like most republicans they sided with Banon not to show up, all but 7 of them.

The fucking NIH said they funded gain of function research.

Please wake the fuck up. You are sleepwalking through your life. Why?

Why are you believing all of this Propaganda?

Everyone sees it except for puppets like you. Why cant you admit Biden is not 100% mentally acute?
The fucking NIH said they funded gain of function research.

Please wake the fuck up. You are sleepwalking through your life. Why?

Why are you believing all of this Propaganda?

Everyone sees it except for puppets like you. Why cant you admit Biden is not 100% mentally acute?
You wake up,
All the republicans but 7 say Bannon should not show up.

and anther thing tramp men never showed up before congress.
Yeah we shouldn’t criticize a corrupt murderous lying asshole. We should idolize him as the corporate media does.
Anyone who criticizes or ridicules the OP (which is true and correct) is either.....

1). A certified moron who dutifully hates America as ill instructed
2). Is sitting in Bejing in a propaganda sweat shop

Still.......criticizing and complaining about Tyrants and their actions never stopped a single one of them.....and eventually complaining becomes a capital offense.
Accountable, what the hell is this. Accountable????

What does it benfit you to ignore the facts.

The fucking NIH admits we funded gain of function research…BUT YOU WILL NOT. :auiqs.jpg:

How is it you know more than the NIH?
As the world finds itself beset by a global plague, a lingering question stays unanswered: How did Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the chief Medical Advisor to the President, get away with funding gain of function research and escape being dragged before a world court to be charged with crimes against humanity? Fauci used back channels to funnel money to China so the deadly research could continue resulting in millions of deaths worldwide. The Obama administration specifically prohibited the practice. Fauci used his powerful connections to cautiously work using obscure, coded language to cloak his intentions and steal the common sense from organizations and institutions in place to keep dangerous bad science in check. How did he pull this off?

A quote about Russia and its World War 2 non-aggression pact with Nazi Germany from Winston Churchill is proper here -Fauci is a “riddle wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma” and it will be difficult to pin his cleverly disguised criminal activity on him specifically. Fauci used the same ambiguous word parsing used by spies and scammers in their communications so, like Hunter Biden, he never came out and said exactly what he was up to.

Remember Lance Armstrong, seven-time winner of the Tour De France? He was eventually stripped of his titles, not by the medical science he manipulated but by the betrayals of colleagues covering for their own misdeeds. Armstrong was supercharging his body’s performance with blood doping, a method where highly oxygenated blood is drawn from the body during peak fitness, frozen, and then reinserted into the bloodstream before a major event. It’s like Popeye eating a can of spinach prior to fighting a bad guy. It delivers a decisive advantage over competitors who are not using the method because it delays the onset of fatigue.

Armstrong exploited medical science to bring glory to himself just as Fauci is trying to do. The difference is that Armstrong did not kill millions of people. Armstrong went down and though he is still admired by millions, he was largely disgraced. Fauci is still surfing the wave of fame and fortune while escaping the Nuremberg justice he deserves. He is in so deep now that he can never back off. History is going to show that Dr. Anthony Fauci makes Stalin and Hitler look like jaywalkers.
I am sure that everyone knew up to the president they just made the moves to show they didn't support it in public.
The fucking NIH said they funded gain of function research.

Please wake the fuck up. You are sleepwalking through your life. Why?

Why are you believing all of this Propaganda?

Everyone sees it except for puppets like you. Why cant you admit Biden is not 100% mentally acute?
There’s Penny!!! The little sheep just to the right of the Lion.

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