Dozens of Jerusalem residents have iftar with the Jerusalem MPs

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- Palestinian residents of Jerusalem express their support for their elected MPs, who are threatened with deportation by the Israeli occupation government, by visiting them at their sit-in tent at the Red Cross compound where the MPs have spent the past 43 days.

From the first hours of the first day of Ramadan on Wednesday, there was a steady stream of individual visitors as well as delegations representing clans and parties to the protest tent to express support for the MPs and to congratulate them on the advent of the blessed month of Ramadan.

Despite the mid-day summer heat visitors continue to come to the tent to express their solidarity with the threatened MPs.

The MPs expressed pleasure and pride at the support shown by all sectors of the Palestinian residents of Jerusalem and promised that they will fight their case and the case of occupied Jerusalem to the end.

Dozens of Jerusalem residents have iftar with the Jerusalem MPs

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- Dozens of Christian clergymen and citizens of all denominations participated on Saturday in a sit-in in the courtyard of the Church of the Resurrection in solidarity with the Jerusalemite Muslim officials threatened with expulsion from the occupied holy city.

"We are here to join forces with the Jerusalemite figures threatened with exile, namely, the lawmakers and the former minister and to express our rejection of the policies of elimination, alienation and weakening of the Palestinian presence in the holy city," Father Atallah Hanna, the Greek patriarchate of occupied Jerusalem, said during the sit-in.

"The Palestinian must not be treated as alien in Jerusalem; when the Palestinian is in Jerusalem, he is in his city, country and holy site," Father Hanna stressed.

"The Jerusalemite lawmakers and the former minister must stay in Jerusalem because it is their [native] city and they are not strangers here. It is not right to take them away from their families and homes, for this is inhumane and immoral," he added.

Dozens of Christians in J'lem rally in solidarity with officials facing exile
OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- The American rabbi Yami’el Jarememen stopped on Sunday at the sit-in tent of the Jerusalem MPs and former Jerusalem minister threatened to be exiled at the Red Cross headquarters, where they have been sitting for 46 days.

A member of the Rabbis for Human Rights group, the clergyman spoke with the MPs on the deportation issue and its disagreement with the international law, which prohibits exiling the indigenous people of any occupied city.

Attended by a journalist from Germany, the rabbi lent his ear to the suffering the MPs underwent while separated from their wives and children during their sit-in, and how they were arrested and threatened to be exiled because they are members of the Palestinian parliament.

American rabbi pays visit to Jerusalem MPs? sit-in tent

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