Doom/Cyclonus: Shadow-Puppet Capitalism [Book of Job]

Sep 22, 2013
This is a TrumpUSA capitalism-philosophy dissection conducted by two pop-culture/comics avatars who symbolize rebelliousness and power, Cyclonus (wolfish first-knight robot from Hasbro's Transformers) and Doctor Doom (Marvel Comics masked/hooded iron-clad super-villain who devises fascist schemes).

This exchange/discussion alludes to the power and humility symbolism inherent in shadow-puppetry (a form of 'dynamic art').

It also alludes to the Book of Job which offers us nice symbolism about fortune and fair-play.

Is TrumpUSA a thing for spectators?

Job 1:8 – “And the Lord said to Satan, ‘Have you considered my servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, who fears God and turns away from evil?’”



DOOM: Job would not have been able to stand against the vices of capitalism!
CYCLONUS: Yes, modern-era capitalism is fraught with temptations...
DOOM: Job couldn't even resist the moral frailties of a failed harvest.
CYCLONUS: Yes, even in times of farming and manors, there was greed.
DOOM: Job would be tempted to make blasphemous comments about Melania Trump.
CYCLONUS: Melania is an 'empress of capitalism' and very physically attractive...
DOOM: Here, we see that capitalism is an 'avenue' for great morality-tests.
CYCLONUS: No one can pass such a test, though everyone tries to be 'philosophical.'
DOOM: As a wolfish first-knight robot of the Decepticon army, you understand terror!
CYCLONUS: Yes, and 9/11 terrorized people complacent about capitalism-frustrations.
DOOM: So why do you insist that Las Vegas (casino-city) is a 'beacon' for hygiene?
CYCLONUS: Well, in Vegas people exorcise their demons about avarice and risk.
DOOM: You don't think I understand risk as it pertains to avarice?
CYCLONUS: Well, you do, but you get carried away with 'power-schemes.'
DOOM: There is no 'sanity' in capitalism without serious attention to power-structure.
CYCLONUS: Well, I'm not agreeing; Microsoft engages profit-sharing among employees.
DOOM: Microsoft does have very wealthy secretaries compared to other companies.
CYCLONUS: That's the thinking you ignore when designing capitalism power-schemes.
DOOM: You must concede that capitalism is a 'contest' and inspires ambition...
CYCLONUS: When I think of shadow-puppets, I think of the optimism of capitalism!
DOOM: I see; little shadow-creatures representing the 'magic of fate' and existence.
CYCLONUS: Precisely; as in the Book of Job, we saw the 'magic' of fate-meditation.
DOOM: So Wall Street stockbrokers should constantly meditate on the 'magic' of fate?
CYCLONUS: Well; I'd not say they should brood, but they should entreat such daydreams.
DOOM: This would dissuade cutthroat/ruthless ambition...
CYCLONUS: Yes, it'd promote more Microsoft-like teamwork-oriented profit-sharing!
DOOM: Capitalism can not be 'carried' wholly by daydreams and imagination...
CYCLONUS: I suppose you'd argue that capitalism-management requires 'power-merchants.'
DOOM: Without messengers who tell people about the weight of power, capitalism is empty.
CYCLONUS: I can concede that Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (TV) promotes patriotism.
DOOM: Yes! When people think of the system rewarding citizens, they praise power!
CYCLONUS: In that case, let's conclude that TrumpUSA can be a 'levity system.'
DOOM: Sure, without doses of levity, there is little room for...humility.
CYCLONUS: Maybe Melania Trump is a fan of the $25,000 Pyramid!


{Dr. Doom & Cyclonus}


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