DONT’ WORRY, IT’S NOT SCHEDULED TO APPEAR UNTIL OCTOBER OF 2024: Experts warn bird flu virus changing rapidly in largest ever outbreak.


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Hmm? Well, the cowering of so many Westerners over COVID worked better than they had hoped for.

And the zinger:

The only treatment will involve mail-in ballots and ballot harvesting.

This was the source for your story;

Which linked back to this;

I recognized this source, because a decade ago they admitted authorities were engineering it for us! :ack-1:


Or, was given a helping hand?

This is why I started, back in 2019, my stayinformed thread. I have been reading some disturbing things, back since, 2010, that most folks, would quite frankly, find disturbing. Or dismiss as tin foil hattery. But, given the clown world stuff that has happened the last few years? meh, IMO, I think folks are ready to listen now.

And all of this crap that has gone on in the past three years? None of it has come as any surprise, to me, AT ALL.

Associated Press

Scientists to resume work with lab-bred bird flu​

Scientists announce they're poised to resume controversial research with lab-bred bird flu​

January 23, 2013

Scientists Resume Efforts To Create Deadly Flu Virus, With US Government's Blessing​

Mar 4, 2019,

Now that the WHO, has the power to lock down the entire planet;

And clearly, Pfizer already has the "vaccine produced," already;

Only thing left to do? Is to set up the pieces in the right position? Then it is game, set, match.

One more election similar to 2020 and America is DONE. The Left seems childish enough to believe that if their media backs them up in their denials, the rest of us MUST ACCEPT the result. HELL NO! NEVER AGAIN...
Are people really stupid enough to let these criminals get away with it again?

Apparently, no one in Washington DC these past 247 years was ever smart enough to think to write a single law limiting or dealing with corruption in DC, but they have 19,746 governing YOUR life.

Bill Gates says The Next One (outbreak) will GET ATTENTION THIS TIME​


Or, was given a helping hand?
And all of this crap that has gone on in the past three years? None of it has come as any surprise, to me, AT ALL.

Associated Press

Scientists to resume work with lab-bred bird flu​

Scientists announce they're poised to resume controversial research with lab-bred bird flu​

Scientists Resume Efforts To Create Deadly Flu Virus, With US Government's Blessing​

Can understand the desire to almost test everything possible for defence and gain of function needs , but there seem so many easier ways to depopulate than finding "Jumping Lethal Viruses" .

What's wrong with a Marburg pandemic or some other pathogen that is still officially under wraps?
So much easier I would have thought .
Hmm? Well, the cowering of so many Westerners over COVID worked better than they had hoped for.

And the zinger:

The only treatment will involve mail-in ballots and ballot harvesting.

Sounds like they are expecting Biden to lose.
Who wants to take bets on where this will originate from?

I'm betting they say it will come from Russia or maybe trump's house.

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