Don’t go to college


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Learn a trade or, for high functioning cognitive work, submit your SAT score to employers

The reason parents pay $200,000 in tuition is to give their kids a rough proxy of an IQ score. So just submit your SAT score to employers. College admissions no longer function as a proxy for IQ
Women need a college education to get jobs that pay better than the waitress job, or grocery clerk, or nursing home aid, or in retail sales etc.

Men can earn a good living with a trade skill, like a pumber, electrician, long shoreman, big load truck driver, cable installer, construction, lobsterman, deep sea fisherman etc.... the list seems endless if you've got brawn....

College educated required jobs tend to pay better for both females and males, with less physical effort....imo
Women need a college education to get jobs that pay better than the waitress job, or grocery clerk, or nursing home aid, or in retail sales etc.

Men can earn a good living with a trade skill, like a pumber, electrician, long shoreman, big load truck driver, cable installer, construction, lobsterman, deep sea fisherman etc.... the list seems endless if you've got brawn....

College educated required jobs tend to pay better for both females and males, with less physical effort....imo
How does better pay, increase a woman's proclivity toward motherhood,?
Learn a trade or, for high functioning cognitive work, submit your SAT score to employers

The reason parents pay $200,000 in tuition is to give their kids a rough proxy of an IQ score. So just submit your SAT score to employers. College admissions no longer function as a proxy for IQ

Shouldn't this be in the HUMOR section under "stand up comedy"?
Women need a college education to get jobs that pay better than the waitress job, or grocery clerk, or nursing home aid, or in retail sales etc.

Men can earn a good living with a trade skill, like a pumber, electrician, long shoreman, big load truck driver, cable installer, construction, lobsterman, deep sea fisherman etc.... the list seems endless if you've got brawn....

College educated required jobs tend to pay better for both females and males, with less physical effort....imo

College is for fuktards that can't add 1+1, or know enough NOT to stick their hand into a fire, so they are able to show their "degree" at 7-11 for that high paying cashiers job when they "graduate".
Learn a trade or, for high functioning cognitive work, submit your SAT score to employers

The reason parents pay $200,000 in tuition is to give their kids a rough proxy of an IQ score. So just submit your SAT score to employers. College admissions no longer function as a proxy for IQ

Just say you went to college. Unless you are applying for a government or Fortune 500 position, they probably never check anyway.
Learn a trade or, for high functioning cognitive work, submit your SAT score to employers

The reason parents pay $200,000 in tuition is to give their kids a rough proxy of an IQ score. So just submit your SAT score to employers. College admissions no longer function as a proxy for IQ
Throughout military and civilian supervision and management, I always hoped to get people that were smart enough to learn and apply what I needed them to know. I have hired and worked with some real dumbasses. My own brother has degrees and certifications in electronics, avionics and nav, but giving him a piece of electronics to fix is as good a throwing it away.
Back in late 90s to early 2000s, I had a friend (til he was murdered), never sat a day in a college classroom or even a trade school, but loved computers and programming. When company computers were virused from coast to coast for several days and could not even get any antivirus to load, I called him into the plant to help me with mine, if he could. We worked for a couple of hours, starting with the ones in my office and then the rest of plant at every desk and work station, clearing all, and I was able to contact corporate HQ IT across the corporate net from my desk for the first time in 3 days, taking them by surprise as they were still stumped and working into the night, and I was the first network contact that had gone through. They called me at my desk asking what I had done. I gave my friend the phone he quoted the Microsoft bulletin number from his head, gave them the name of the really cheap tools software he and hackers used to create a small operating system that allowed him to run the antivirals he carried on his cheap, beat up tablet that the virused systems would not allow and execute the microsoft fix instructions in the bulletin. They authorized me to pay shit of him for consultant work, asked if he was for hire, then said thanks, but no can do to on hiring at corporate, when they found out he had no degrees, or certifications but did have a felony drug bust in his history. These were people with advance degrees and certification in IT, making big bucks.
Learn a trade or, for high functioning cognitive work, submit your SAT score to employers

The reason parents pay $200,000 in tuition is to give their kids a rough proxy of an IQ score. So just submit your SAT score to employers. College admissions no longer function as a proxy for IQ
Women need a college education to get jobs that pay better than the waitress job, or grocery clerk, or nursing home aid, or in retail sales etc.

Men can earn a good living with a trade skill, like a pumber, electrician, long shoreman, big load truck driver, cable installer, construction, lobsterman, deep sea fisherman etc.... the list seems endless if you've got brawn....

College educated required jobs tend to pay better for both females and males, with less physical effort....imo
Are you saying women can't work in the trades?
In early life one who has acquired a trade can make much more money than those who have attended liberal arts centers of indoctrination. Too many people with too few marketable skills seeking government jobs or in businesses that make a living sucking up to politicians.

As one gets older, however, the joints don't bend like they used to and work like plumbing or electrical become painful. The trick is to acquire the skill, make some money at and THEN take some actual business courses and move into the administrative side of contracting.

Of the "social engineering" ilk some do get on the ladder and, if they are politically adept, can suck the public tit for manyyears. But they won't get much suction unless they also will also "service" the party (or union) elite. Surprising how many have so little pride that they're willing to do that.

Still, they remain without skills and are ripe for being victimized by we who learned the skills but didn't stop there. Want to be legally raped? Simple. Contract with an electician/plumber/mechanic who learned the skill and then learned how to rape and pillage without having to break any laws.

Like virtue-signaling? Do the above; retire, do the occasional pro-bono job for some super-liberal public savior outfit. Feels good to do quality work for what you think is a good cause.....if you can find one.
How does better pay, increase a woman's proclivity toward motherhood,?
It makes motherhood responsibilities easier, in most all cases where the wife's income is needed for the family unit to survive.... if she has to work. Has the money for daycare costs, in a job that is not physically exhausting like being a waitress, so she has the energy for her other full time job, as a home maker/mother.
It makes motherhood responsibilities easier, in most all cases where the wife's income is needed for the family unit to survive.... if she has to work. Has the money for daycare costs, in a job that is not physically exhausting like being a waitress, so she has the energy for her other full time job, as a home maker/mother.
If she's pulling a full time job; she's not spending that time "mothering".
If she's pulling a full time job; she's not spending that time "mothering".
I'd love for her to be able to stay home until her children are in at least pre school.... But most young men, don't get paid enough to support a middle class family in our era.... To get such, it takes both parents working..... This isn't the 1940s or 1950s anymore.... How we got to this point, is worth a thread on its own.

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