Don't donate to Haiti

The way I see it is Nobody needs to Use a White House Link to donate to The Red Cross or Any other Charity. If You can't find their web-site on your own,your competence is in question. Obama's link exploits the crisis for his own credit and benefit.

Secondly, Rush is not my Messiah. That makes you a liar and a fool. Fool. Your obsession with Rush, will only hurt you in the end. Maybe you should get a life of your own?
Again, you can't rebut the undeniable fact that your MessiahRushie told 3 lies, and Stuttering LimpBoy tells his lies to exploit the crisis for his own credit and benefit.

I'm counting your lies. That disqualifies you from serious consideration. Anyone want to donate go directly to the home site. Don't allow schemers to manipulate or take false credit.
Keep Government Contributions and Charities separate, for accounting purposes and actual credit for what is being done. Each is entitled to credit for Their part. Charities are under big attack because of Obama. Don't forget that.
RUSH: I want you to listen to the wizard of smart, Danny Glover. He was on a liberal website, Grit TV, and the anchor, Laura Flanders interviewed him about the earthquake in Haiti. Now remember, this guy loves Hugo Chavez, Danny Glover goes down there, breaks bread with Hugo Chavez. Flanders says, "With respect to the role of the US government, clearly the US government has the capacity to send troops more or less wherever it wants, it can send forces. The request for a hospital ship I believe has been made directly in Washington." Now, here's Glover's response and Glover does not believe our response has been timely, he does not think we've done enough. Here's what we have.

GLOVER: We have to mount a much larger effort in the US. It's going to be a defining moment for this administration. Other countries in the region, they are Venezuela, Brazil, Cuba, and other countries have already stepped to the plate. What happened to Haiti is a threat that could happen anywhere in the Caribbean to these island nations, you know, because of global warming, because of climate change and all this. And we need to find -- we did what we did at the climate summit in Copenhagen. This is the response. This is what happens, you know what I'm saying? But we have to act now.

RUSH: All right. Venezuela, Brazil, Cuba, other countries have already stepped up. He's saying we haven't done enough. But he also said, if you caught this, that because we botched the climate summit at Copenhagen, that the earth, that nature responded with the earthquake in Haiti. Did you catch that? "And we need to find -- we did what we did to the climate summit in Copenhagen. This is the response. This is what happens, you know what I'm saying? But we have to act now."

Danny Glover Blames Haiti Quake on Climate Inaction in Copenhagen

So, you give us one idiot commenting on another idiot....:clap2:
RUSH: All I said was if you're going to donate do it outside the government, pure and simple.
Of Course, I Never Told Anyone Not to Donate to a Charitable Cause

The way I see it is Nobody needs to Use a White House Link to donate to The Red Cross or Any other Charity. If You can't find their web-site on your own,your competence is in question. Obama's link exploits the crisis for his own credit and benefit.

Secondly, Rush is not my Messiah. That makes you a liar and a fool. Fool. Your obsession with Rush, will only hurt you in the end. Maybe you should get a life of your own?
Again, you can't rebut the undeniable fact that your MessiahRushie told 3 lies, and Stuttering LimpBoy tells his lies to exploit the crisis for his own credit and benefit.

I'm counting your lies. That disqualifies you from serious consideration. Anyone want to donate go directly to the home site. Don't allow schemers to manipulate or take false credit.
Keep Government Contributions and Charities separate, for accounting purposes and actual credit for what is being done. Each is entitled to credit for Their part. Charities are under big attack because of Obama. Don't forget that.
Well there you go again, you can't deny your MessiahRushie told the three lies I listed so you attack me.

Stuttering LimpBoy even lies in his denial. Please show me where exactly the pathological liar says to donate "OUTSIDE the government!!!"

Obama Leaps into Action on Haiti
RUSH: All I said was if you're going to donate do it outside the government, pure and simple.
Of Course, I Never Told Anyone Not to Donate to a Charitable Cause

Again, you can't rebut the undeniable fact that your MessiahRushie told 3 lies, and Stuttering LimpBoy tells his lies to exploit the crisis for his own credit and benefit.

I'm counting your lies. That disqualifies you from serious consideration. Anyone want to donate go directly to the home site. Don't allow schemers to manipulate or take false credit.
Keep Government Contributions and Charities separate, for accounting purposes and actual credit for what is being done. Each is entitled to credit for Their part. Charities are under big attack because of Obama. Don't forget that.
Well there you go again, you can't deny your MessiahRushie told the three lies I listed so you attack me.

Stuttering LimpBoy even lies in his denial. Please show me where exactly the pathological liar says to donate "OUTSIDE the government!!!"

Obama Leaps into Action on Haiti

There You go Again. Questionable Logic, Questionable Reason, You Repeatably lie, And I'm supposed to trust you and your source. LOL Why?
RUSH: However, I did say find some way to do it other than giving it to Obama, 'cause I know he's going to eliminate the charitable deduction. He wants to wipe out individual charitable giving. He wants the government to be the go-to person for all charities. That's the only reason you wipe out the deduction for charitable contributions.

Of Course, I Never Told Anyone Not to Donate to a Charitable Cause

Charities are under big attack because of Obama. Don't forget that.
Well there you go again, mindlessly parroting the crapaganda of a pathological liar.

The charity deduction has been totally perverted by the wealthy tax dodgers. They set up phony "charitable" funds and foundations that THEY CONTROL and are used to dodge taxes and control their monopolies. To understand this you have to understand the subtle difference between OWNERSHIP and CONTROL!!! You pay taxes ONLY on what you own, and you can't legally own a monopoly, but you pay no taxes on what you control and there is no law against controlling a monopoly.

For example, The DuPonte's did not want to pay taxes on their home so they had their estate declared a historical site and set up a "charity" to maintain the historical site. The "charity" was set up where ONLY a member of the immediate DuPonte family could head the "charity" and the head of the "charity" lives in the historical house. They endow the "charity" with the stock of companies they control. So they have effectively donated wealth to themselves, getting a tax deduction for it, and guaranteed control of their wealth will remain in the family and pass from generation to generation tax free.

The Rockefeller family has set up over 2,000 such phony "charities" and distributed the stock they use to control their oil and banking monopolies among them.

If you really want to put the fear of God in the monopolists, nationalize all charities, that would give them a collective heart attack. :lol:
Obama has suggested no such thing, so eliminating charitable deductions would only force the wealthy to pay their fair share of the tax burden thus reducing the tax burden on the middle class who would then have more money to donate to legitimate charities, so real charities would actually benefit.
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RUSH: All I said was if you're going to donate do it outside the government, pure and simple.
Of Course, I Never Told Anyone Not to Donate to a Charitable Cause

I'm counting your lies. That disqualifies you from serious consideration. Anyone want to donate go directly to the home site. Don't allow schemers to manipulate or take false credit.
Keep Government Contributions and Charities separate, for accounting purposes and actual credit for what is being done. Each is entitled to credit for Their part. Charities are under big attack because of Obama. Don't forget that.
Well there you go again, you can't deny your MessiahRushie told the three lies I listed so you attack me.

Stuttering LimpBoy even lies in his denial. Please show me where exactly the pathological liar says to donate "OUTSIDE the government!!!"

Obama Leaps into Action on Haiti

There You go Again. Questionable Logic, Questionable Reason, You Repeatably lie, And I'm supposed to trust you and your source. LOL Why?
You can't show where your MessiahRushie said to donate "outside the government" because he didn't, so you attack me again.

And the link is to Stuttering LimpBoy's own transcript of his Haiti rant from his own website. And he's still lying about it over the air at this very moment.
I have to agree with Rush on this one..I won't visit any website that is run by or for this administration. Then you would have to sift trough all the propaganda on it.
If you want to donate, find any charity on your own, you don't need to be told what to do or where to go by this President or ANY President.
I have to agree with Rush on this one..I won't visit any website that is run by or for this administration. Then you would have to sift trough all the propaganda on it.
If you want to donate, find any charity on your own, you don't need to be told what to do or where to go by this President or ANY President.

or off of Rush's web site, if he has a link. He is just as political as Obama. I don't want to be on either mailing list.
The one who denies your MessiahRushie said 1. the money won't go to Haiti. 2. you'll end up on a mailing list, and 3. donation instructions were "buried in a VERY LONG blog post" AFTER Obama's remarks on Haiti.

Obama Leaps into Action on Haiti
January 13, 2010
CALLER:* Mega Rush Baby dittos.* My question is, why did Obama in the sound bite you played earlier, when he's talking about if you wanted to donate some money, you can go to --

RUSH:* Yeah.

CALLER: -- to direct you how to do so.* If I want to donate money to the Red Cross, why do I need to go to the page and --

RUSH:* Exactly.* Would you trust that the money is going to go to Haiti?


RUSH:* Would you trust that your name is going to end up on a mailing list for the Obama people to start asking you for campaign donations for him and other causes.

CALLER:* Absolutely.

RUSH:* Absolutely right.

RUSH:* Well, I'm glad you did and I'm glad you called, Carol.* Thanks very much.* I had somebody go to to see what the donation process is.* And this is all the guidance you get on donating to Haiti at the White House site.* What I'm going to read to you is buried in a very long blog post about what Obama said about the earthquake.* You get that first, you gotta read what Obama said, the maximum leader, you gotta read what he says and then you get to the bottom and here's what it says.* "You can also help, immediately, by donating to the Red Cross to assist the relief effort.* Contribute online here, or donate $10 to be charged to your cell phone bill by texting Haiti.* Find more ways to help through the Center for International Disaster Information."* So that's all the guidance you get.* Now, that's pretty easy, text Haiti and you're gonna get billed for ten bucks and that money ostensibly is going to go to Haiti.

The White House
Help for Haiti | The White House

The White House Blog
Help for Haiti
Posted by Jesse Lee on January 13, 2010 at 09:53 AM EST
The President has been receiving updates on the urgent situation in Haiti late into last night and throughout the day, and top members of his team have been convening to formulate the government response.**
You can also help immediately by donating to the Red Cross to assist the relief effort. Contribute online to the Red Cross, or donate $10 to be charged to your cell phone bill by texting "HAITI" to "90999."* Find more ways to help through the Center for International Disaster Information.
Families of Americans living in Haiti are encouraged to contact the State Department at 888-407-4747.
Update: Watch the President's remarks this morning below, or read the transcript.

I have to agree with Rush on this one..I won't visit any website that is run by or for this administration. Then you would have to sift trough all the propaganda on it.
Further proof of how completely brainwashed Ditto-Dopers are!!!

There is only ONE sentence before the donation info in the very short blog post, but Stuttering LimpBoy tell his sheep that the donation info is "BURIED in a VERY LONG blog post" and even after the LimpBoy lie is exposed, complete with links, the mindless drone STILL agrees with her MessiahRushie! :cuckoo:
I have to agree with Rush on this one..I won't visit any website that is run by or for this administration. Then you would have to sift trough all the propaganda on it.
If you want to donate, find any charity on your own, you don't need to be told what to do or where to go by this President or ANY President.

or off of Rush's web site, if he has a link. He is just as political as Obama. I don't want to be on either mailing list.

Yeah Rush and Obama fighting over credit. LOL I think not. Rush isn't that low.
RUSH: However, I did say find some way to do it other than giving it to Obama, 'cause I know he's going to eliminate the charitable deduction. He wants to wipe out individual charitable giving. He wants the government to be the go-to person for all charities. That's the only reason you wipe out the deduction for charitable contributions.

Of Course, I Never Told Anyone Not to Donate to a Charitable Cause

Charities are under big attack because of Obama. Don't forget that.
Well there you go again, mindlessly parroting the crapaganda of a pathological liar.

The charity deduction has been totally perverted by the wealthy tax dodgers. They set up phony "charitable" funds and foundations that THEY CONTROL and are used to dodge taxes and control their monopolies. To understand this you have to understand the subtle difference between OWNERSHIP and CONTROL!!! You pay taxes ONLY on what you own, and you can't legally own a monopoly, but you pay no taxes on what you control and there is no law against controlling a monopoly.

For example, The DuPonte's did not want to pay taxes on their home so they had their estate declared a historical site and set up a "charity" to maintain the historical site. The "charity" was set up where ONLY a member of the immediate DuPonte family could head the "charity" and the head of the "charity" lives in the historical house. They endow the "charity" with the stock of companies they control. So they have effectively donated wealth to themselves, getting a tax deduction for it, and guaranteed control of their wealth will remain in the family and pass from generation to generation tax free.

The Rockefeller family has set up over 2,000 such phony "charities" and distributed the stock they use to control their oil and banking monopolies among them.

If you really want to put the fear of God in the monopolists, nationalize all charities, that would give them a collective heart attack. :lol:
Obama has suggested no such thing, so eliminating charitable deductions would only force the wealthy to pay their fair share of the tax burden thus reducing the tax burden on the middle class who would then have more money to donate to legitimate charities, so real charities would actually benefit.

You are so knee deep in your own bullshit, you totalitarian Fucktard! LOL You are not supposed to drink the Kool-Aid yourself, but distribute it to the Proletarians.
Totalitarian That You are 24/7, Cradle To Grave Control of our Lives ain't happening! Sorry to burst your bubble. You should worry less about other peoples money and work on your own. Who the hell are you to decree what is fair. You talk about messiahs? Are the Duponts your next target? Were They within the Laws of the Land or not? We know the answer to that Fuck Head. Take your witch hunt somewhere else. You want Justice (No You Don't, You want Control), Disband all unions. Value for Value, starting now. The fact is you will lose. Only by manipulation and schemes, can you take the bread from those that have earned it, fill your face, and empower arbitrarily whom you fancy. Putz!

Anyone finding Violations of Law regarding Charities, please report them. Anyone undermining legitimate Charities, Fuck Off! Pussies that you are!
RUSH: However, I did say find some way to do it other than giving it to Obama, 'cause I know he's going to eliminate the charitable deduction. He wants to wipe out individual charitable giving. He wants the government to be the go-to person for all charities. That's the only reason you wipe out the deduction for charitable contributions.

Of Course, I Never Told Anyone Not to Donate to a Charitable Cause

Charities are under big attack because of Obama. Don't forget that.
Well there you go again, mindlessly parroting the crapaganda of a pathological liar.

The charity deduction has been totally perverted by the wealthy tax dodgers. They set up phony "charitable" funds and foundations that THEY CONTROL and are used to dodge taxes and control their monopolies. To understand this you have to understand the subtle difference between OWNERSHIP and CONTROL!!! You pay taxes ONLY on what you own, and you can't legally own a monopoly, but you pay no taxes on what you control and there is no law against controlling a monopoly.

For example, The DuPonte's did not want to pay taxes on their home so they had their estate declared a historical site and set up a "charity" to maintain the historical site. The "charity" was set up where ONLY a member of the immediate DuPonte family could head the "charity" and the head of the "charity" lives in the historical house. They endow the "charity" with the stock of companies they control. So they have effectively donated wealth to themselves, getting a tax deduction for it, and guaranteed control of their wealth will remain in the family and pass from generation to generation tax free.

The Rockefeller family has set up over 2,000 such phony "charities" and distributed the stock they use to control their oil and banking monopolies among them.

If you really want to put the fear of God in the monopolists, nationalize all charities, that would give them a collective heart attack. :lol:
Obama has suggested no such thing, so eliminating charitable deductions would only force the wealthy to pay their fair share of the tax burden thus reducing the tax burden on the middle class who would then have more money to donate to legitimate charities, so real charities would actually benefit.

You are so knee deep in your own bullshit, you totalitarian Fucktard! LOL You are not supposed to drink the Kool-Aid yourself, but distribute it to the Proletarians.
Totalitarian That You are 24/7, Cradle To Grave Control of our Lives ain't happening! Sorry to burst your bubble. You should worry less about other peoples money and work on your own. Who the hell are you to decree what is fair. You talk about messiahs? Are the Duponts your next target? Were They within the Laws of the Land or not? We know the answer to that Fuck Head. Take your witch hunt somewhere else. You want Justice (No You Don't, You want Control), Disband all unions. Value for Value, starting now. The fact is you will lose. Only by manipulation and schemes, can you take the bread from those that have earned it, fill your face, and empower arbitrarily whom you fancy. Putz!

Anyone finding Violations of Law regarding Charities, please report them. Anyone undermining legitimate Charities, Fuck Off! Pussies that you are!
Again, when confronted with facts that CON$ can't rebut, they immediately deflect with personal attacks.

Now when CON$ donate money to themselves through their phony "charities" they then claim to be the most generous people on Earth. There is no denying that charity deduction has been completely perverted by the tax dodgers.
Well there you go again, mindlessly parroting the crapaganda of a pathological liar.

The charity deduction has been totally perverted by the wealthy tax dodgers. They set up phony "charitable" funds and foundations that THEY CONTROL and are used to dodge taxes and control their monopolies. To understand this you have to understand the subtle difference between OWNERSHIP and CONTROL!!! You pay taxes ONLY on what you own, and you can't legally own a monopoly, but you pay no taxes on what you control and there is no law against controlling a monopoly.

For example, The DuPonte's did not want to pay taxes on their home so they had their estate declared a historical site and set up a "charity" to maintain the historical site. The "charity" was set up where ONLY a member of the immediate DuPonte family could head the "charity" and the head of the "charity" lives in the historical house. They endow the "charity" with the stock of companies they control. So they have effectively donated wealth to themselves, getting a tax deduction for it, and guaranteed control of their wealth will remain in the family and pass from generation to generation tax free.

The Rockefeller family has set up over 2,000 such phony "charities" and distributed the stock they use to control their oil and banking monopolies among them.

If you really want to put the fear of God in the monopolists, nationalize all charities, that would give them a collective heart attack. :lol:
Obama has suggested no such thing, so eliminating charitable deductions would only force the wealthy to pay their fair share of the tax burden thus reducing the tax burden on the middle class who would then have more money to donate to legitimate charities, so real charities would actually benefit.

You are so knee deep in your own bullshit, you totalitarian Fucktard! LOL You are not supposed to drink the Kool-Aid yourself, but distribute it to the Proletarians.
Totalitarian That You are 24/7, Cradle To Grave Control of our Lives ain't happening! Sorry to burst your bubble. You should worry less about other peoples money and work on your own. Who the hell are you to decree what is fair. You talk about messiahs? Are the Duponts your next target? Were They within the Laws of the Land or not? We know the answer to that Fuck Head. Take your witch hunt somewhere else. You want Justice (No You Don't, You want Control), Disband all unions. Value for Value, starting now. The fact is you will lose. Only by manipulation and schemes, can you take the bread from those that have earned it, fill your face, and empower arbitrarily whom you fancy. Putz!

Anyone finding Violations of Law regarding Charities, please report them. Anyone undermining legitimate Charities, Fuck Off! Pussies that you are!
Again, when confronted with facts that CON$ can't rebut, they immediately deflect with personal attacks.

Now when CON$ donate money to themselves through their phony "charities" they then claim to be the most generous people on Earth. There is no denying that charity deduction has been completely perverted by the tax dodgers.

Again off you go into alternate reality. You are misguided and misinformed, that is just sad. Bad Facts, Bad Math, utterly absurd claims, and here we are again saving the day while the likes of you discredit us in every way. You are a punk. You are a living False Propaganda Machine, Comrade Proletarian. You are retarded in every way.
AmeriCares Emergency Airlift Lands in Haiti


Plane arrives carrying over $6 million worth of medicines and supplies
January 18, 2010

A man carries an injured person along a destroyed area after a major earthquake hit the Haitian capital Port-au-Prince. Photo:REUTERS/Jorge Silva, courtesy of Reuters AlertNet - Homepage
AmeriCares first emergency airlift carrying over $6 million worth of critically needed medical aid for Haiti earthquake survivors has arrived in Port-au-Prince. Help Support AmeriCares >>

The airlift, which touched down at 8:30 p.m. Sunday night, includes antibiotics that fight infections and pain medicines for survivors with broken bones, as well as other critically needed relief supplies. AmeriCares initially planned to deliver $5 million worth of aid, but due to the immense outpouring of donations, another $1 million of aid was added prior to takeoff. The AmeriCares emergency response team in Haiti is working to quickly distribute the medicines and supplies to hospitals and health clinics treating the injured.

"It's such a rewarding feeling to know these lifesaving medicines are in Port-au-Prince and ready to be delivered to medical facilities crowded with patients awaiting treatment," said AmeriCares Chief of Staff Carol Shattuck, who accompanied the airlift. "This is the first of many AmeriCares deliveries to help the people of Haiti recover from this tragedy. We have committed $15 million worth of aid, and AmeriCares will be delivering more desperately needed medicines, bottled water and nutritional supplements in the days, weeks and months ahead."

AmeriCares also airlifted medicines and supplies into the Dominican Republic today to truck into Haiti, as well as deliver to hospitals treating Haitian earthquake survivors crossing the border for treatment.

AmeriCares has been providing humanitarian aid to Haiti since 1984, partnering with local health care organizations throughout the country. Over the years, we have delivered more than $145 million worth of medical aid and humanitarian relief to Haiti. AmeriCares helps partners serve more patients and avoid running out of basic medicines and medical supplies with regular shipments throughout the year.

For over 25 years, AmeriCares has responded with emergency relief and lifesaving aid to catastrophic disasters around the world that have affected millions of families including: Hurricane Katrina in the U.S., typhoons in the Philippines, the tsunami in Southeast Asia, earthquakes in China and Peru, and deadly cholera outbreaks in Zimbabwe.

Your gift to the Haiti Emergency Relief Fund will help with our lifesaving response to this deadly disaster.
AmeriCares Emergency Airlift Lands in Haiti
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Financial Information

AmeriCares has a longstanding commitment to fiscal responsibility and has again received the highest ratings from Charity Navigator for our efficiency and program capacity. These ratings reflect the fact that more than 99% of our total expenses directly support programs and relief for people in need, and less than 1% represent administrative costs. In addition, we meet or exceed the standards of charity accountability set by the BBB Wise Giving Alliance.

How We Use Our Resources

In fiscal year 2009, every $100 donated enabled AmeriCares to deliver more than $3,500 in humanitarian aid. That includes everything from medicines like antibiotics and analgesics to medical supplies like bandages, syringes and nutritional supplements.

Since 1982, AmeriCares has extended its global reach to more than 137 countries and have delivered more than $9 Billion of aid.

Annual Reports

2009 Annual Report
2009 Full Financials to the Annual Report


2008 AmeriCares Foundation IRS Form 990
2008 AmeriCares CampAmeriKids IRS Form 990
2008 AmeriCares Free Clinics IRS Form 990

Financial Information
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A Brief History of the American Red Cross

Clara Barton and a circle of acquaintances founded the American Red Cross in Washington, D.C. on May 21, 1881. Barton first heard of the Swiss-inspired international Red Cross network while visiting Europe following the Civil War. Returning home, she campaigned for an American Red Cross society and for ratification of the Geneva Convention protecting the war-injured, which the United States ratified in 1882.

Clara BartonBarton headed the Red Cross for 23 years, during which time it conducted its first domestic and overseas disaster relief efforts, aided the United States military during the Spanish-American War, and campaigned successfully for the inclusion of peacetime relief work as part of the International Red Cross Movement-the so-called "American Amendment" that initially met with some resistance in Europe.

The Red Cross received its first congressional charter in 1900 and a second in 1905, the year after Barton resigned from the organization. This charter-which remains in effect today-sets forth the purposes of the organization that include giving relief to and serving as a medium of communication between members of the American armed forces and their families and providing national and international disaster relief and mitigation.

Prior to the First World War, the Red Cross introduced its first aid, water safety, and public health nursing programs. With the outbreak of war, the organization experienced phenomenal growth. The number of local chapters jumped from 107 in 1914 to 3,864 in 1918 and membership grew from 17,000 to more than 20 million adult and 11 million Junior Red Cross members. The public contributed $400 million in funds and material to support Red Cross programs, including those for American and Allied forces and civilian refugees. The Red Cross staffed hospitals and ambulance companies and recruited 20,000 registered nurses to serve the military. Additional Red Cross nurses came forward to combat the worldwide influenza epidemic of 1918.

After the war, the Red Cross focused on service to veterans and enhanced its programs in safety training, accident prevention, home care for the sick and nutrition education. It also provided relief for victims of such major disasters as the Mississippi River floods in 1927 and severe drought and the Depression during the 1930s.

The Second World War called upon the Red Cross to provide extensive services once again to the U.S. military, Allies, and civilian war victims. It enrolled more than 104,000 nurses for military service, prepared 27 million packages for American and Allied prisoners of war, and shipped more than 300,000 tons of supplies overseas. At the military's request, the Red Cross also initiated a national blood program that collected 13.3 million pints of blood for use by the armed forces.

After World War II, the Red Cross introduced the first nationwide civilian blood program that now supplies nearly 50 percent of the blood and blood products in this country. The Red Cross expanded its role in biomedical research and entered the new field of human tissue banking and distribution. During the 1990s, it engineered a massive modernization of its blood services operations to improve the safety of its blood products. It continued to provide services to members of the armed forces and their families, including during the Korean, Vietnam, and Gulf wars. The Red Cross also expanded its services into such fields as civil defense, CPR/AED training, HIV/AIDS education, and the provision of emotional care and support to disaster victims and their survivors. It helped the federal government form the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and serves as its principal supplier of mass care in federally declared disasters.

While closely associated with the federal government in the promotion of its objectives, the Red Cross is an independent, volunteer-led organization, financially supported by voluntary public contributions and cost-reimbursement charges. A 50-member, all volunteer Board of Governors leads the organization. The president of the United States, who is honorary chairman of the Red Cross, appoints eight governors, including the chairman of the board. The chairman nominates and the board elects the president of the Red Cross who is responsible for carrying into effect the policies and programs of the board. The American Red Cross works closely with the International Committee of the Red Cross on matters of international conflict and social, political, and military unrest. As a member of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, which it helped found in 1919, the American Red Cross joins more than 175 other national societies in bringing aid to victims of disasters throughout the world.

Red Cross History
Generosity Flooding in for Haiti Relief Support18th January 2010 written by Laura
To date more than $3.5 million has been raised for Haiti relief through benefits or planned fundraisers held by local Salvation Army units! Even The Salvation Army’s famous Christmas Red Kettles are making a comeback, showing up Sunday during the Minnesota Vikings-Dallas Cowboys playoff game.

In addition, this past week more than 5,000 volunteers in El Dorado, Kansas helped pack one million meals for delivery to Haiti, courtesy of Numana Inc. (Numana :: Saving the Starving). By next week, The Salvation Army expects to have a total of two million meals packed and delivered to Haiti.

In a press statement, Salvation Army Officer Lt. Col. Starrett said, “The American public has stepped up in a big way to support the people of Haiti and we want to thank everyone for their generosity. We have been awed by the number of people calling and reaching out to us wanting to help and we are praying for all those who are suffering.”

To echo Lt. Col. Starrett, thank you to everyone for your incredible generosity! We have been overwhelmed with responses from Americans and people across the world wanting to know how to help.

The Salvation Army’s most crucial need is monetary funds to continue their relief efforts. Donors may contribute $10 via their phone bill by text messaging the word “HAITI” to 52000, and confirming the donation with the word, “Yes.” Donors can also give via, 1-800-SAL-ARMY and through the mail at: The Salvation Army World Service Office, International Disaster Relief Fund, P.O. Box 630728, Baltimore, MD 21263-0728 with designation “Haiti Earthquake.”

Tags: Disaster Relief, Earthquake, Haiti

» Blog Archive » Generosity Flooding in for Haiti Relief Support

Salvation Army Annual Report
You are so knee deep in your own bullshit, you totalitarian Fucktard! LOL You are not supposed to drink the Kool-Aid yourself, but distribute it to the Proletarians.
Totalitarian That You are 24/7, Cradle To Grave Control of our Lives ain't happening! Sorry to burst your bubble. You should worry less about other peoples money and work on your own. Who the hell are you to decree what is fair. You talk about messiahs? Are the Duponts your next target? Were They within the Laws of the Land or not? We know the answer to that Fuck Head. Take your witch hunt somewhere else. You want Justice (No You Don't, You want Control), Disband all unions. Value for Value, starting now. The fact is you will lose. Only by manipulation and schemes, can you take the bread from those that have earned it, fill your face, and empower arbitrarily whom you fancy. Putz!

Anyone finding Violations of Law regarding Charities, please report them. Anyone undermining legitimate Charities, Fuck Off! Pussies that you are!
Again, when confronted with facts that CON$ can't rebut, they immediately deflect with personal attacks.

Now when CON$ donate money to themselves through their phony "charities" they then claim to be the most generous people on Earth. There is no denying that charity deduction has been completely perverted by the tax dodgers.

Again off you go into alternate reality. You are misguided and misinformed, that is just sad. Bad Facts, Bad Math, utterly absurd claims, and here we are again saving the day while the likes of you discredit us in every way. You are a punk. You are a living False Propaganda Machine, Comrade Proletarian. You are retarded in every way.
As I said, when CON$ can't rebut the facts they spew the hateful personal attacks.
Thank you.
Do people actually believe that if you use that the money will not be used for Haiti?? All that site does is take you directly to and that's where I made my first contribution. I cannot believe that people would not contribute in this way because Rush isn't sure the money will be used for the victims.

I received an email today asking that I make a contribution to:

Clinton Bush Haiti Fund  |  Home

So I sent my second contribution there. I sure hope I don't have to worry about my money going to Haiti. Do you think it will?? Is it safe??? Maybe Intense can check it out for me. Or should I just write to Rush and ask him???


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