Don't Blink


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
I had heard of Doctor Who growing up, but never had a TV channel that carried the show.

Today, we have eleventy-seven channels and the internet. But best of all, we have Netflix. And Netflix has Doctor Who shows going all the way back to the very first one in 1963.

That's right. 1963.

And the Daleks of today look exactly like the Daleks of 1963. That's one of the quirky yet awesome things about the show.

Don't worry about what Daleks are for now.

If you are like me, when you think of British television, you think of bad lighting, bad sets, incomprehensible fops, and boredom. Excluding Monty Python, of course.

Well fuggedaboudit. The new Doctor Who has high production values, characters you immediately bond with, and brilliant writing.

If you are a Doctor Who virgin, I recommend starting with the newest series, which began in 2005, with Christopher Eccleston playing the ninth Doctor.

There is only one Doctor Who, but he occasionally has to regenerate himself due to one disastrous situation or another which requires his current manifestation to be destroyed and a new one created. So the various incarnations are numbered.

Obviously, Doctor Who is an alien. A humanoid one, but an alien nonetheless. A very, very, very cool alien. When you are over 900 years old, you acquire a lot of cool.

There is a very long and detailed lore surrounding Doctor Who, but don't worry about all that. If you watch the show from the 2005 season forward, you will quickly catch up on the legend.

The Doctor is always accompanied by a fabulous babe from Earth. Serious eye candy. Here is the current one:


The women viewers seem to have a preference for this one:

Anyway, it seems the vast majority of people, including yours truly, think the Tenth Doctor is the best Doctor of all. Portrayed by David Tennant.

This guy has dash. This guy has style. This guy has a sonic screwdriver.


He also has a TARDIS. It looks like an English police phone box, but it is bigger on the inside than the outside.

Don't worry. It all makes perfect sense when you watch the show.

Now...somewhere along the way...there is this one episode you posituvely has ta see.

I'm gonna tell you about it, but only if you promise not to cheat and jump straight to it. You cannot possibly get the full impact of this finest hour in television history if you don't watch every single episode of the new series from the Ninth Doctor forward.

Okay, promise? Pinky swear! I mean it, pinky swear! Do NOT cheat, because you will only be cheating yourself. If you do as I say, you will be so smoked and smitten by this episode that you will be gushing like a little kid over it.

And let me tell you something. You guys know I am not a gushing kid when it comes to almost everything, especially things that are borderline comic book stuff. So when I tell you I was smoked and smitten by this show, then you know some kind of paranormal activity is going on around here.

All right.

If you start in the first season of the new series, and watch all those shows, and then you move on to the second season of the new series (where the Tenth Doctor comes along) and watch all those shows, and then you move on to the third season of the new series, then you will come to the tenth episode of the third season.



"Timey wimey".

"Don't blink."

"The angels have the phone box."

"I've got that on a T-shirt". And he really does! Check it out: [ame][/ame]

I also have that T-Shirt. And I am NOT that kind of guy!

No, really. I'm not.

That is how good this show is.

But what really knocks everyone's socks off are...

...the Weeping Angels.

The most frightening badasses in the history of the Universe. I kid you not.

Absolutely brilliant. Just brilliant.

See my avatar?


Weeping Angel.

And I am NOT that kind of guy.


Kids love this show, too, by the way. Love, love, love this show. They will be going to school and telling their friends they are Timelords.

So watch it with your family.

And when you get to Blink, you come back to this here topic and say I was right. Because I am.

Now get thee to Netflix and order Doctor Who. You are about to become an addict. You are about to become one of those guys.

Or girls.

Chicks really dig David Tennant. "I mean, look at me..."

And whatever you do...DON'T BLINK!
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I got sucked in by Christopher Eccleston, didn't think David Tennant could POSSIBLY be an improvement, and sort of stopped watching at Matthew Smith.

This is an amazing show.
I got sucked in by Christopher Eccleston, didn't think David Tennant could POSSIBLY be an improvement, and sort of stopped watching at Matthew Smith.

This is an amazing show.

After Tennant, Smith had some big shoes to fill, and I have yet to completely warm up to him. But Karen Gillian sets me on fire! That first moment when she showed up in that policewoman's uniform, I suffered about three pounds of brain damage.

If you watch the extras on the DVD, you can tell Smith has a mad crush on her, too. :)

"Bowties are cool."
This series will see the last days of the Ponds with Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill returning for their final, rollercoaster voyage with the Doctor. Amy and Rory have been at the Doctor’s side for more than two series but what will he do after their heartbreaking departure?

Series 7 will then see a dramatic turn of events when The Doctor meets a new friend.

Prepare yourselves for thrills, adventures and dramatic surprises as the show builds towards its enormous, climactic 50th anniversary year. Fourteen big, blockbuster-movie episodes – each a brand new epic adventure featuring new monsters and some familiar foes as you’ve never seen them before.

Doctor Who Series 7 2012: What We Know


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