Donald Trump's True Nature


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Oh the Left is going to hate this piece – those who are open-minded enough to follow the link and actually READ IT! Here’s the summary:

The Trump Nation would love to lock arms with all ethnic groups to destroy the hold of the globalist politicians who've betrayed us and the American Dream so an economic boom along with a vibrant, competitive health insurance marketplace will spring up, bringing massive employment gains and wealth to all Americans.

That's the real view of Trump by his vast legions of supporters. In him we see a fighter, fighting our fight to break the backs of the colluding cabal bringing economic suffering to our great and unique country and to shut down the drug cartels bringing death, misery, and destruction across our borders. If, in this epic fight, he uses some rough language and throws some precise arrows of insults at the corrupt political class along the way, if he offends the Peggy Noonans of the world with his "coarseness" or "vulgarity", then so be it!

He's got our backs. We've got his.

From Donald Trump's True Nature
Yeah, we are tired of this. Words, words, words. Either Trump realizes he can´t and resigns or he is a globalist drone. The latter explains why he won the elections.
Oh the Left is going to hate this piece – those who are open-minded enough to follow the link and actually READ IT! Here’s the summary:

The Trump Nation would love to lock arms with all ethnic groups to destroy the hold of the globalist politicians who've betrayed us and the American Dream so an economic boom along with a vibrant, competitive health insurance marketplace will spring up, bringing massive employment gains and wealth to all Americans.

That's the real view of Trump by his vast legions of supporters. In him we see a fighter, fighting our fight to break the backs of the colluding cabal bringing economic suffering to our great and unique country and to shut down the drug cartels bringing death, misery, and destruction across our borders. If, in this epic fight, he uses some rough language and throws some precise arrows of insults at the corrupt political class along the way, if he offends the Peggy Noonans of the world with his "coarseness" or "vulgarity", then so be it!

He's got our backs. We've got his.

From Donald Trump's True Nature
I just read it with as much open-mindedness I could muster. What am I too take out of this? You guys don't mind he's offensive? He has no sense of self criticism? He loves the country so much he fights with anybody? Trumpist have a problem with globalization? What is the point of this OP???? It rambles about a true nature but I can't distill a coherent point out of it.
Does Don even have a true nature? Nothing true ever slides past his the space outside his lips.
Oh the Left is going to hate this piece – those who are open-minded enough to follow the link and actually READ IT! Here’s the summary:

The Trump Nation would love to lock arms with all ethnic groups to destroy the hold of the globalist politicians who've betrayed us and the American Dream so an economic boom along with a vibrant, competitive health insurance marketplace will spring up, bringing massive employment gains and wealth to all Americans.

That's the real view of Trump by his vast legions of supporters. In him we see a fighter, fighting our fight to break the backs of the colluding cabal bringing economic suffering to our great and unique country and to shut down the drug cartels bringing death, misery, and destruction across our borders. If, in this epic fight, he uses some rough language and throws some precise arrows of insults at the corrupt political class along the way, if he offends the Peggy Noonans of the world with his "coarseness" or "vulgarity", then so be it!

He's got our backs. We've got his.

From Donald Trump's True Nature
I just read it with as much open-mindedness I could muster. What am I too take out of this? You guys don't mind he's offensive? He has no sense of self criticism? He loves the country so much he fights with anybody? Trumpist have a problem with globalization? What is the point of this OP???? It rambles about a true nature but I can't distill a coherent point out of it.
Trump´s war on globalization amounts to nothing more than a plan to raise fees on foreign companies´ products while US companies still produce abroad.
Trump has no true, moral center, and he certainly does not care about the welfare of America.
Oh the Left is going to hate this piece – those who are open-minded enough to follow the link and actually READ IT! Here’s the summary:

The Trump Nation would love to lock arms with all ethnic groups to destroy the hold of the globalist politicians who've betrayed us and the American Dream so an economic boom along with a vibrant, competitive health insurance marketplace will spring up, bringing massive employment gains and wealth to all Americans.

That's the real view of Trump by his vast legions of supporters. In him we see a fighter, fighting our fight to break the backs of the colluding cabal bringing economic suffering to our great and unique country and to shut down the drug cartels bringing death, misery, and destruction across our borders. If, in this epic fight, he uses some rough language and throws some precise arrows of insults at the corrupt political class along the way, if he offends the Peggy Noonans of the world with his "coarseness" or "vulgarity", then so be it!

He's got our backs. We've got his.

From Donald Trump's True Nature
I just read it with as much open-mindedness I could muster. What am I too take out of this? You guys don't mind he's offensive? He has no sense of self criticism? He loves the country so much he fights with anybody? Trumpist have a problem with globalization? What is the point of this OP???? It rambles about a true nature but I can't distill a coherent point out of it.
Trump´s war on globalization amounts to nothing more than a plan to raise fees on foreign companies´ products while US companies still produce abroad.
For the purpose of this OP I actually don't really care of the truth of the claims. I care more about the premise of the OP that implies an actual personality of Trump and the people that support him. That's why I replied. The "article", I'll put it in air quotes, offers nothing of the sort. It's an attempt to put a strategy to something the writer himself doesn't have a clear picture of. It's an attempt to make the lack of a discernible message a message in itself. It's saying I'm for a person but I have no clue what he is about.
Oh the Left is going to hate this piece – those who are open-minded enough to follow the link and actually READ IT! Here’s the summary:

The Trump Nation would love to lock arms with all ethnic groups to destroy the hold of the globalist politicians who've betrayed us and the American Dream so an economic boom along with a vibrant, competitive health insurance marketplace will spring up, bringing massive employment gains and wealth to all Americans.

That's the real view of Trump by his vast legions of supporters. In him we see a fighter, fighting our fight to break the backs of the colluding cabal bringing economic suffering to our great and unique country and to shut down the drug cartels bringing death, misery, and destruction across our borders. If, in this epic fight, he uses some rough language and throws some precise arrows of insults at the corrupt political class along the way, if he offends the Peggy Noonans of the world with his "coarseness" or "vulgarity", then so be it!

He's got our backs. We've got his.

From Donald Trump's True Nature
I just read it with as much open-mindedness I could muster. What am I too take out of this? You guys don't mind he's offensive? He has no sense of self criticism? He loves the country so much he fights with anybody? Trumpist have a problem with globalization? What is the point of this OP???? It rambles about a true nature but I can't distill a coherent point out of it.
Trump´s war on globalization amounts to nothing more than a plan to raise fees on foreign companies´ products while US companies still produce abroad.
For the purpose of this OP I actually don't really care of the truth of the claims. I care more about the premise of the OP that implies an actual personality of Trump and the people that support him. That's why I replied. The "article", I'll put it in air quotes, offers nothing of the sort. It's an attempt to put a strategy to something the writer himself doesn't have a clear picture of. It's an attempt to make the lack of a discernible message a message in itself. It's saying I'm for a person but I have no clue what he is about.
That´s not uncommon and when politicians fail or refuse to keep their promises, their supporters have to invent something positive.
Oh the Left is going to hate this piece – those who are open-minded enough to follow the link and actually READ IT! Here’s the summary:

The Trump Nation would love to lock arms with all ethnic groups to destroy the hold of the globalist politicians who've betrayed us and the American Dream so an economic boom along with a vibrant, competitive health insurance marketplace will spring up, bringing massive employment gains and wealth to all Americans.

That's the real view of Trump by his vast legions of supporters. In him we see a fighter, fighting our fight to break the backs of the colluding cabal bringing economic suffering to our great and unique country and to shut down the drug cartels bringing death, misery, and destruction across our borders. If, in this epic fight, he uses some rough language and throws some precise arrows of insults at the corrupt political class along the way, if he offends the Peggy Noonans of the world with his "coarseness" or "vulgarity", then so be it!

He's got our backs. We've got his.

From Donald Trump's True Nature
I just read it with as much open-mindedness I could muster. What am I too take out of this? You guys don't mind he's offensive? He has no sense of self criticism? He loves the country so much he fights with anybody? Trumpist have a problem with globalization? What is the point of this OP???? It rambles about a true nature but I can't distill a coherent point out of it.
Trump´s war on globalization amounts to nothing more than a plan to raise fees on foreign companies´ products while US companies still produce abroad.
For the purpose of this OP I actually don't really care of the truth of the claims. I care more about the premise of the OP that implies an actual personality of Trump and the people that support him. That's why I replied. The "article", I'll put it in air quotes, offers nothing of the sort. It's an attempt to put a strategy to something the writer himself doesn't have a clear picture of. It's an attempt to make the lack of a discernible message a message in itself. It's saying I'm for a person but I have no clue what he is about.
That´s not uncommon and when politicians fail or refuse to keep their promises, their supporters have to invent something positive.
I actually think it's uncommon in the modern age, to have this kind of complete political abdication of reason in favor of blind fervor. It's why I think Trump is so freaking dangerous. He can and maybe will fire nukes without having a rational justification besides that his base would follow him. They feed off each other. Politics, even the politics I didn't agree with always had a point were rhetoric made room for realism. Trump thinks that rhetoric is an adequate replacement for reason.
Oh the Left is going to hate this piece – those who are open-minded enough to follow the link and actually READ IT! Here’s the summary:

The Trump Nation would love to lock arms with all ethnic groups to destroy the hold of the globalist politicians who've betrayed us and the American Dream so an economic boom along with a vibrant, competitive health insurance marketplace will spring up, bringing massive employment gains and wealth to all Americans.

That's the real view of Trump by his vast legions of supporters. In him we see a fighter, fighting our fight to break the backs of the colluding cabal bringing economic suffering to our great and unique country and to shut down the drug cartels bringing death, misery, and destruction across our borders. If, in this epic fight, he uses some rough language and throws some precise arrows of insults at the corrupt political class along the way, if he offends the Peggy Noonans of the world with his "coarseness" or "vulgarity", then so be it!

He's got our backs. We've got his.

From Donald Trump's True Nature
I just read it with as much open-mindedness I could muster. What am I too take out of this? You guys don't mind he's offensive? He has no sense of self criticism? He loves the country so much he fights with anybody? Trumpist have a problem with globalization? What is the point of this OP???? It rambles about a true nature but I can't distill a coherent point out of it.
Trump´s war on globalization amounts to nothing more than a plan to raise fees on foreign companies´ products while US companies still produce abroad.
For the purpose of this OP I actually don't really care of the truth of the claims. I care more about the premise of the OP that implies an actual personality of Trump and the people that support him. That's why I replied. The "article", I'll put it in air quotes, offers nothing of the sort. It's an attempt to put a strategy to something the writer himself doesn't have a clear picture of. It's an attempt to make the lack of a discernible message a message in itself. It's saying I'm for a person but I have no clue what he is about.
That´s not uncommon and when politicians fail or refuse to keep their promises, their supporters have to invent something positive.
I actually think it's uncommon in the modern age, to have this kind of complete political abdication of reason in favor of blind fervor. It's why I think Trump is so freaking dangerous. He can and maybe will fire nukes without having a rational justification besides that his base would follow him. They feed off each other. Politics, even the politics I didn't agree with always had a point were rhetoric made room for realism. Trump thinks that rhetoric is an adequate replacement for reason.
The politicians are praised by their followers no matter how mad or crooked they are. It´s because their actions are ignored by the media and noticed as conspiracy theories although they are simple facts. Sure, many accusations are false but that is not the point.

If Clinton, Bush, Obama or now Trump: They all have achieved the greatest things if you ask their followers but in the end, nothing of that is real. The most real of all is ACA.
I just read it with as much open-mindedness I could muster. What am I too take out of this? You guys don't mind he's offensive? He has no sense of self criticism? He loves the country so much he fights with anybody? Trumpist have a problem with globalization? What is the point of this OP???? It rambles about a true nature but I can't distill a coherent point out of it.
Trump´s war on globalization amounts to nothing more than a plan to raise fees on foreign companies´ products while US companies still produce abroad.
For the purpose of this OP I actually don't really care of the truth of the claims. I care more about the premise of the OP that implies an actual personality of Trump and the people that support him. That's why I replied. The "article", I'll put it in air quotes, offers nothing of the sort. It's an attempt to put a strategy to something the writer himself doesn't have a clear picture of. It's an attempt to make the lack of a discernible message a message in itself. It's saying I'm for a person but I have no clue what he is about.
That´s not uncommon and when politicians fail or refuse to keep their promises, their supporters have to invent something positive.
I actually think it's uncommon in the modern age, to have this kind of complete political abdication of reason in favor of blind fervor. It's why I think Trump is so freaking dangerous. He can and maybe will fire nukes without having a rational justification besides that his base would follow him. They feed off each other. Politics, even the politics I didn't agree with always had a point were rhetoric made room for realism. Trump thinks that rhetoric is an adequate replacement for reason.
The politicians are praised by their followers no matter how mad or crooked they are. It´s because their actions are ignored by the media and noticed as conspiracy theories although they are simple facts. Sure, many accusations are false but that is not the point.

If Clinton, Bush, Obama or now Trump: They all have achieved the greatest things if you ask their followers but in the end, nothing of that is real. The most real of all is ACA.
Sure but Clinton, Bush and Obama were aware of the fact that what they were promising wasn't always gonna pan out. They had a grounding in the real world and as such at least acknowledged that as such they were accountable. For all the political games when it really came down to it, that they at least had to fake that they cared and their actions were influenced by that. Trump has no such mechanism. It's the difference between a sociopath and a psychopath. A sociopath can distinguish between right and wrong but doesn't care. A psychopath doesn't really understand what right and wrong is. For the record I don't think the first 3 are necessarily sociopaths. But Trump I'm pretty sure falls in that spectrum Psychopathy - Wikipedia.
The replies have not surprised me one little bit. The hatred for the president is evident and expected.
Trump´s war on globalization amounts to nothing more than a plan to raise fees on foreign companies´ products while US companies still produce abroad.
For the purpose of this OP I actually don't really care of the truth of the claims. I care more about the premise of the OP that implies an actual personality of Trump and the people that support him. That's why I replied. The "article", I'll put it in air quotes, offers nothing of the sort. It's an attempt to put a strategy to something the writer himself doesn't have a clear picture of. It's an attempt to make the lack of a discernible message a message in itself. It's saying I'm for a person but I have no clue what he is about.
That´s not uncommon and when politicians fail or refuse to keep their promises, their supporters have to invent something positive.
I actually think it's uncommon in the modern age, to have this kind of complete political abdication of reason in favor of blind fervor. It's why I think Trump is so freaking dangerous. He can and maybe will fire nukes without having a rational justification besides that his base would follow him. They feed off each other. Politics, even the politics I didn't agree with always had a point were rhetoric made room for realism. Trump thinks that rhetoric is an adequate replacement for reason.
The politicians are praised by their followers no matter how mad or crooked they are. It´s because their actions are ignored by the media and noticed as conspiracy theories although they are simple facts. Sure, many accusations are false but that is not the point.

If Clinton, Bush, Obama or now Trump: They all have achieved the greatest things if you ask their followers but in the end, nothing of that is real. The most real of all is ACA.
Sure but Clinton, Bush and Obama were aware of the fact that what they were promising wasn't always gonna pan out. They had a grounding in the real world and as such at least acknowledged that as such they were accountable. For all the political games when it really came down to it, that they at least had to fake that they cared and their actions were influenced by that. Trump has no such mechanism. It's the difference between a sociopath and a psychopath. A sociopath can distinguish between right and wrong but doesn't care. A psychopath doesn't really understand what right and wrong is. For the record I don't think the first 3 are necessarily sociopaths. But Trump I'm pretty sure falls in that spectrum Psychopathy - Wikipedia.
You still believe Trumps election campaign was real. It wasn´t. It was another Obama style rebellion campaign and it worked again. I am sure the next election will feature two ice cold pragmatists and it will work out again.
The replies have not surprised me one little bit. The hatred for the president is evident and expected.
Sure but you are not answering my question. What is the true nature of Trump? Point to were the article gives me his true nature?
The replies have not surprised me one little bit. The hatred for the president is evident and expected.
Sure but you are not answering my question. What is the true nature of Trump? Point to were the article gives me his true nature?

He is a patriot who is sick an d tired of watching progressives do everything they can to destroy this wonderful country.

He's smart to the point of making the Left show its true colors.

He's someone who keeps his promises.

He's the first president since Washington who isn't a professional politician thinking of nothing else but feathering his own nest.
The replies have not surprised me one little bit. The hatred for the president is evident and expected.
Sure but you are not answering my question. What is the true nature of Trump? Point to were the article gives me his true nature?

He is a patriot who is sick an d tired of watching progressives do everything they can to destroy this wonderful country.

He's smart to the point of making the Left show its true colors.

He's someone who keeps his promises.

He's the first president since Washington who isn't a professional politician thinking of nothing else but feathering his own nest.
Nothing of that appears to be true. We know, I now he´s not almighty but he does not even try. There is no plan, no unity within the administration and party and there seems to be a shadow party boycotting him that consists of both parties. Also, he is not doing anything but attacking Obama´s health care which is really something nobody is eager to roll back. This is either the most unprofessional US government ever or the greatest theater ever. You must have noticed it.
Oh the Left is going to hate this piece – those who are open-minded enough to follow the link and actually READ IT! Here’s the summary:

The Trump Nation would love to lock arms with all ethnic groups to destroy the hold of the globalist politicians who've betrayed us and the American Dream so an economic boom along with a vibrant, competitive health insurance marketplace will spring up, bringing massive employment gains and wealth to all Americans.

That's the real view of Trump by his vast legions of supporters. In him we see a fighter, fighting our fight to break the backs of the colluding cabal bringing economic suffering to our great and unique country and to shut down the drug cartels bringing death, misery, and destruction across our borders. If, in this epic fight, he uses some rough language and throws some precise arrows of insults at the corrupt political class along the way, if he offends the Peggy Noonans of the world with his "coarseness" or "vulgarity", then so be it!

He's got our backs. We've got his.

From Donald Trump's True Nature

The thing here is that if you actually look, with an open mind, you'll see that Trump is doing nothing for the people who support him.

"Trump supporters feel deep betrayal by a number of our institutions, and chief among them is the Republican Party. "

Here's the first thing. They feel betrayed by the Republican Party. This isn't something abnormal in any country. People feel betrayed by political parties because they BELIEVE that a political party stands for something.

In some countries they have Proportional Representation, which means that other parties can easily move into the space the traditional parties have vacated. This means the traditional parties have to TRY HARDER to do better.

In the US the Republicans don't really need to try harder. They control Congress. They can stop Trump doing anything. Nothing has changed. Trump's in charge and when Trump leaves nothing will be different. There still won't be an electoral system that allows the two main parties to be punished at all.

So, they're angry at the Republican Party, and yet the Republican Party is doing rather well.

Then you have:

"In times past, many, if not most, Trumpeters were in agreement with, or at least indifferent to, the concept of free trade. It is, after all, free – and that word is a cornerstone in the edifice of beliefs of Trump supporters. "

The Trump supporters LOVE free trade. They love it so much that when Trump says "I don't like free trade, it's a bad deal for the USA" these people get up and cheer. That's how fucking much they love free trade. They don't. They'll cheer Trump along whatever he says. Firstly because they have no fucking idea what Trump is saying and secondly because loving Trump is where they're getting their hope from.

Now, when you don't understand things, you get angry very easily because it's very, VERY easy to manipulate people who don't understand things. This is the sort of think the Koch Brothers REALLY DO UNDERSTAND and why manipulation of the people is becoming more and more common.

This article says some truths, lots of bullshit and really doesn't get why things are happening.
The replies have not surprised me one little bit. The hatred for the president is evident and expected.
Sure but you are not answering my question. What is the true nature of Trump? Point to were the article gives me his true nature?

He is a patriot who is sick an d tired of watching progressives do everything they can to destroy this wonderful country.

He's smart to the point of making the Left show its true colors.

He's someone who keeps his promises.

He's the first president since Washington who isn't a professional politician thinking of nothing else but feathering his own nest.

He's not a patriot.

He's interested in himself. He probably does love the country, because he's been able to screw the country over to make himself rich, and now popular among a certain section of society. Who wouldn't love that country?

Had Hillary said "Make America Great Again" the right would have criticized her for saying that America isn't great. This is the problem here, you people will make things fit your agenda.

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