Donald Trump Says U.S. Will Recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital

Donald Trumptold Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that as president he would recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, his campaign said on Sunday.

The statement, which was made during a meeting that lasted over an hour at Trump Tower in New York, would mark a shift in American foreign policy as the U.S.— as well as almost every other country in the world— does not recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and maintains its embassy in Tel Aviv. The international community does not accept Jerusalem as Israel’s capital because its status has not been resolved since Israel established itself in West Jerusalem in 1948 and then effectively annexed East Jerusalem after the 1967 Six Day War.

Trump told the leader that under his administration the U.S. will “recognize Jerusalem as the undivided capital of the State of Israel,” the campaign statement read, repeating his promise to move the U.S. embassy to Tel Aviv.

Hillary Clinton also met Netanyahu for less than an hour in Manhattan,CBS reports. Reporters were barred from covering either event.

Donald Trump Says U.S. Will Recognize Jerusalem as Israel's Capital

Finally we may have a US president who is bold enough to take a fresh look at this conflict and smart enough to realize that US hedging on this issue only prolongs the conflict.
Well, that's nice. I'm sure he checked the feasibility and examined the possible backlash, from the Muslim world. He has a plan so it won't turn into another intifada, he has considered and talked about it with the European allies and was able to reassure them, that doing so won't turn more of the European Muslim community to extremism. My point is this is why a Trump presidenty is such a bad idea. He thinks his instincts are a substitute for informed decisions.
Who cares? Why keep bending over them?
Who's them?
the muslim world
I hope that the government cares, since interference in the region by Bush can be considered the main reason for the current instability. Like I said the fact that Trump makes this statement on the bases of this 1 hour conversation, makes the job of a possible Trump presidency more difficult because he limits his options without looking at it from all angles. It's at best irresponsible and very possibly dangerous.
It is absolutely unrealistic to expect Jerusalem NOT to be the capital of Israel. Every nation gets to choose its own capital. This is not part of the negotiations.

The question is whether or not Jerusalem will also be the capital of a Palestine, when one comes fully into existence. That is up for negotiation -- because that will depend on the final borders established by treaty.
Actually, it could be the beginning of the end of the conflict. The undivided city of Jerusalem is, in fact, the capital of Israel, regardless of what anyone thinks about it, and no one is going to do anything to change that fact, so refusing to recognize facts that cannot be changed, only prolongs the conflict.
Actually, the Jews must share the city with the Muslims. I don´t care about which city should be capital according to whomever. Equality is the key to the end of the conflict. Zion servants usually get very bloody hands and Trump´s statement that his USA wants to befriend everyone can only suffer from Zionism and not benefit. Trump must stay away from Zionism or all his statements are null and void. However, Putin gave a symbolic tank to Netanyahu and nobody shouted that Zionism took over Russia, so it is very early to determine anything.

IDF tank held by Russia since 1982 returns to Israel
Jews and Muslims do share the city and Muslim citizens of Israel have all the same rights as Jewish citizens of Israel. When Israel annexed the eastern part of the city, it made all the Arabs who lived there permanent residents with the right to apply to become Israeli citizens. Few have, but even those who haven't have all the same rights in Jerusalem as Israeli citizens; they are entitled to all the social welfare benefits and they may vote in municipal elections, but few do. The conflict continues only because much of the world has fostered unrealistic expectations in the minds of many Muslims, this is a step toward correcting that error.
Donald Trumptold Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that as president he would recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, his campaign said on Sunday.

The statement, which was made during a meeting that lasted over an hour at Trump Tower in New York, would mark a shift in American foreign policy as the U.S.— as well as almost every other country in the world— does not recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and maintains its embassy in Tel Aviv. The international community does not accept Jerusalem as Israel’s capital because its status has not been resolved since Israel established itself in West Jerusalem in 1948 and then effectively annexed East Jerusalem after the 1967 Six Day War.

Trump told the leader that under his administration the U.S. will “recognize Jerusalem as the undivided capital of the State of Israel,” the campaign statement read, repeating his promise to move the U.S. embassy to Tel Aviv.

Hillary Clinton also met Netanyahu for less than an hour in Manhattan,CBS reports. Reporters were barred from covering either event.

Donald Trump Says U.S. Will Recognize Jerusalem as Israel's Capital

Finally we may have a US president who is bold enough to take a fresh look at this conflict and smart enough to realize that US hedging on this issue only prolongs the conflict.
Well, that's nice. I'm sure he checked the feasibility and examined the possible backlash, from the Muslim world. He has a plan so it won't turn into another intifada, he has considered and talked about it with the European allies and was able to reassure them, that doing so won't turn more of the European Muslim community to extremism. My point is this is why a Trump presidenty is such a bad idea. He thinks his instincts are a substitute for informed decisions.
It is a fact that the undivided city of Jerusalem is already the capital of Israel, and it is a fact that no one is going to do anything to change it, and it is a fact that refusing to acknowledge unchangeable facts only prolongs this conflict,

The Jerusalem Embassy Act passed with nearly unanimous bipartisan support in Congress and it requires the President to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and move the embassy there unless the President certifies every six months that it wants to delay this move for national security reasons. All President Trump has to do is not certify there are national security reasons to delay this move and it is done. Europeans may grumble and Muslims may rant and rave but at the end of the day, it will have settled one of the most important issues in the conflict and that will mean progress toward ending the conflict.
How do you see it ending the conflict? You just admitted to both the Muslim world and Europe would look at it unfavorably and possibly violently in the case of the Muslim world. What to you is the end of the conflict?
I didn't say it would end the conflict, I said it would be a step in that direction. The conflict ends when all the important issues are settled, so settling this issue will be a step toward ending the conflict. Holding out unrealistic expectations for the Muslims by refusing to acknowledge unchangeable facts only prolongs the conflict. Europeans and Muslims may not like it, but there is nothing they can do about it, and before too long the Trump administration will move on to the next issue, refusing to condemn Israeli construction in the West Bank, and then to the next step, questioning the feasibility of a Palestinian state in the near future since their leadership is fragmented among various warring terrorist gangs, and these moves collectively will put pressure on the Palestinians to try to get their act together so that credible negotiations can be held some time in the future that will reach some sort of realistic agreement.
You seem to be saying that the end of the conflict would be, throwing the full support of the US behind Isreal, completely screwing the Palistinians and hoping everybody will accept it? What in the last 60 years or so of this conflict makes you think this will happen? I'll tell you what happens in the real world. Israel emboldened by US support will start settling all what is left of the Palistinian territory, creating huge resentment from the rest of the international community and for sure will start the next intifada, probably supported by the entire Muslim world. It will make protecting US interests in the region nearly impossible. Strengthen IS again and probably cause other negative effects I can't even begin to foresee.
Donald Trumptold Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that as president he would recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, his campaign said on Sunday.

The statement, which was made during a meeting that lasted over an hour at Trump Tower in New York, would mark a shift in American foreign policy as the U.S.— as well as almost every other country in the world— does not recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and maintains its embassy in Tel Aviv. The international community does not accept Jerusalem as Israel’s capital because its status has not been resolved since Israel established itself in West Jerusalem in 1948 and then effectively annexed East Jerusalem after the 1967 Six Day War.

Trump told the leader that under his administration the U.S. will “recognize Jerusalem as the undivided capital of the State of Israel,” the campaign statement read, repeating his promise to move the U.S. embassy to Tel Aviv.

Hillary Clinton also met Netanyahu for less than an hour in Manhattan,CBS reports. Reporters were barred from covering either event.

Donald Trump Says U.S. Will Recognize Jerusalem as Israel's Capital

Finally we may have a US president who is bold enough to take a fresh look at this conflict and smart enough to realize that US hedging on this issue only prolongs the conflict.
Well, that's nice. I'm sure he checked the feasibility and examined the possible backlash, from the Muslim world. He has a plan so it won't turn into another intifada, he has considered and talked about it with the European allies and was able to reassure them, that doing so won't turn more of the European Muslim community to extremism. My point is this is why a Trump presidenty is such a bad idea. He thinks his instincts are a substitute for informed decisions.
Who cares? Why keep bending over them?
Who's them?
the muslim world
I hope that the government cares, since interference in the region by Bush can be considered the main reason for the current instability. Like I said the fact that Trump makes this statement on the bases of this 1 hour conversation, makes the job of a possible Trump presidency more difficult because he limits his options without looking at it from all angles. It's at best irresponsible and very possibly dangerous.
You are misinformed. Trump made this statement many weeks ago and only reiterated it after the meeting with Netanyahu. Congress passed the Jerusalem Embassy Act with a near unanimous vote in the 1990's and there is still strong bipartisan support for it.

Both Iran wars were because the ME was already dangerously unstable and the current instability is the result of Obama behaving irresponsibly by withdrawing US troops from Iraq against strong warnings from the Pentagon that it would be a disaster and his failure to take the lead in settling the Syrian civil war back in 2012.
This will for sure start WWIII. The jews will be the end of this earth, they destroy all they come in contact with.

Yep. The Jews are evil. How DARE they have their capital in the place, you know, where their capital has been for thousands of years?! The NERVE of them. I tell you, they are evil.

You got that right. The British made a huge mistake to let them move there.
Well, that's nice. I'm sure he checked the feasibility and examined the possible backlash, from the Muslim world. He has a plan so it won't turn into another intifada, he has considered and talked about it with the European allies and was able to reassure them, that doing so won't turn more of the European Muslim community to extremism. My point is this is why a Trump presidenty is such a bad idea. He thinks his instincts are a substitute for informed decisions.
Who cares? Why keep bending over them?
Who's them?
the muslim world
I hope that the government cares, since interference in the region by Bush can be considered the main reason for the current instability. Like I said the fact that Trump makes this statement on the bases of this 1 hour conversation, makes the job of a possible Trump presidency more difficult because he limits his options without looking at it from all angles. It's at best irresponsible and very possibly dangerous.
You are misinformed. Trump made this statement many weeks ago and only reiterated it after the meeting with Netanyahu. Congress passed the Jerusalem Embassy Act with a near unanimous vote in the 1990's and there is still strong bipartisan support for it.

Both Iran wars were because the ME was already dangerously unstable and the current instability is the result of Obama behaving irresponsibly by withdrawing US troops from Iraq against strong warnings from the Pentagon that it would be a disaster and his failure to take the lead in settling the Syrian civil war back in 2012.
Really, you don't think theirs a causal connection, between invading Iraq and needing to have troops stationed there?
Well, that's nice. I'm sure he checked the feasibility and examined the possible backlash, from the Muslim world. He has a plan so it won't turn into another intifada, he has considered and talked about it with the European allies and was able to reassure them, that doing so won't turn more of the European Muslim community to extremism. My point is this is why a Trump presidenty is such a bad idea. He thinks his instincts are a substitute for informed decisions.
Who cares? Why keep bending over them?
Who's them?
the muslim world
I hope that the government cares, since interference in the region by Bush can be considered the main reason for the current instability. Like I said the fact that Trump makes this statement on the bases of this 1 hour conversation, makes the job of a possible Trump presidency more difficult because he limits his options without looking at it from all angles. It's at best irresponsible and very possibly dangerous.
You are misinformed. Trump made this statement many weeks ago and only reiterated it after the meeting with Netanyahu. Congress passed the Jerusalem Embassy Act with a near unanimous vote in the 1990's and there is still strong bipartisan support for it.

Both Iran wars were because the ME was already dangerously unstable and the current instability is the result of Obama behaving irresponsibly by withdrawing US troops from Iraq against strong warnings from the Pentagon that it would be a disaster and his failure to take the lead in settling the Syrian civil war back in 2012.

Only because of ZOG.
Actually, it could be the beginning of the end of the conflict. The undivided city of Jerusalem is, in fact, the capital of Israel, regardless of what anyone thinks about it, and no one is going to do anything to change that fact, so refusing to recognize facts that cannot be changed, only prolongs the conflict.
Actually, the Jews must share the city with the Muslims. I don´t care about which city should be capital according to whomever. Equality is the key to the end of the conflict. Zion servants usually get very bloody hands and Trump´s statement that his USA wants to befriend everyone can only suffer from Zionism and not benefit. Trump must stay away from Zionism or all his statements are null and void. However, Putin gave a symbolic tank to Netanyahu and nobody shouted that Zionism took over Russia, so it is very early to determine anything.

IDF tank held by Russia since 1982 returns to Israel

Israel is playing Russia and the US.
Actually, it could be the beginning of the end of the conflict. The undivided city of Jerusalem is, in fact, the capital of Israel, regardless of what anyone thinks about it, and no one is going to do anything to change that fact, so refusing to recognize facts that cannot be changed, only prolongs the conflict.
Actually, the Jews must share the city with the Muslims. I don´t care about which city should be capital according to whomever. Equality is the key to the end of the conflict. Zion servants usually get very bloody hands and Trump´s statement that his USA wants to befriend everyone can only suffer from Zionism and not benefit. Trump must stay away from Zionism or all his statements are null and void. However, Putin gave a symbolic tank to Netanyahu and nobody shouted that Zionism took over Russia, so it is very early to determine anything.

IDF tank held by Russia since 1982 returns to Israel
Jews and Muslims do share the city and Muslim citizens of Israel have all the same rights as Jewish citizens of Israel. When Israel annexed the eastern part of the city, it made all the Arabs who lived there permanent residents with the right to apply to become Israeli citizens. Few have, but even those who haven't have all the same rights in Jerusalem as Israeli citizens; they are entitled to all the social welfare benefits and they may vote in municipal elections, but few do. The conflict continues only because much of the world has fostered unrealistic expectations in the minds of many Muslims, this is a step toward correcting that error.
Actually, the Muslims are those who the ones in need of social welfare. But what i actually meant was a state of Palestine.
Actually, it could be the beginning of the end of the conflict. The undivided city of Jerusalem is, in fact, the capital of Israel, regardless of what anyone thinks about it, and no one is going to do anything to change that fact, so refusing to recognize facts that cannot be changed, only prolongs the conflict.
Actually, the Jews must share the city with the Muslims. I don´t care about which city should be capital according to whomever. Equality is the key to the end of the conflict. Zion servants usually get very bloody hands and Trump´s statement that his USA wants to befriend everyone can only suffer from Zionism and not benefit. Trump must stay away from Zionism or all his statements are null and void. However, Putin gave a symbolic tank to Netanyahu and nobody shouted that Zionism took over Russia, so it is very early to determine anything.

IDF tank held by Russia since 1982 returns to Israel

Israel is playing Russia and the US.
That´s not the truth. Russia does not serve Israeli interests.
Donald Trumptold Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that as president he would recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, his campaign said on Sunday.

The statement, which was made during a meeting that lasted over an hour at Trump Tower in New York, would mark a shift in American foreign policy as the U.S.— as well as almost every other country in the world— does not recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and maintains its embassy in Tel Aviv. The international community does not accept Jerusalem as Israel’s capital because its status has not been resolved since Israel established itself in West Jerusalem in 1948 and then effectively annexed East Jerusalem after the 1967 Six Day War.

Trump told the leader that under his administration the U.S. will “recognize Jerusalem as the undivided capital of the State of Israel,” the campaign statement read, repeating his promise to move the U.S. embassy to Tel Aviv.

Hillary Clinton also met Netanyahu for less than an hour in Manhattan,CBS reports. Reporters were barred from covering either event.

Donald Trump Says U.S. Will Recognize Jerusalem as Israel's Capital

Finally we may have a US president who is bold enough to take a fresh look at this conflict and smart enough to realize that US hedging on this issue only prolongs the conflict.
Well, that's nice. I'm sure he checked the feasibility and examined the possible backlash, from the Muslim world. He has a plan so it won't turn into another intifada, he has considered and talked about it with the European allies and was able to reassure them, that doing so won't turn more of the European Muslim community to extremism. My point is this is why a Trump presidenty is such a bad idea. He thinks his instincts are a substitute for informed decisions.
It is a fact that the undivided city of Jerusalem is already the capital of Israel, and it is a fact that no one is going to do anything to change it, and it is a fact that refusing to acknowledge unchangeable facts only prolongs this conflict.

The Jerusalem Embassy Act passed with nearly unanimous bipartisan support in Congress and it requires the President to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and move the embassy there unless the President certifies every six months that it wants to delay this move for national security reasons. All President Trump has to do is not certify there are national security reasons to delay this move and it is done. Europeans may grumble and Muslims may rant and rave but at the end of the day, it will have settled one of the most important issues in the conflict and that will mean progress toward ending the conflict.
How do you see it ending the conflict? You just admitted to both the Muslim world and Europe would look at it unfavorably and possibly violently in the case of the Muslim world. What to you is the end of the conflict?
I didn't say it would end the conflict, I said it would be a step in that direction. The conflict ends when all the important issues are settled, so settling this issue will be a step toward ending the conflict. Holding out unrealistic expectations for the Muslims by refusing to acknowledge unchangeable facts only prolongs the conflict. Europeans and Muslims may not like it, but there is nothing they can do about it, and before too long the Trump administration will move on to the next issue, refusing to condemn Israeli construction in the West Bank, and then to the next step, questioning the feasibility of a Palestinian state in the near future since their leadership is fragmented among various warring terrorist gangs, and these moves collectively will put pressure on the Palestinians to try to get their act together so that credible negotiations can be held some time in the future that will reach some sort of realistic agreement.
You seem to be saying that the end of the conflict would be, throwing the full support of the US behind Isreal, completely screwing the Palistinians and hoping everybody will accept it? What in the last 60 years or so of this conflict makes you think this will happen? I'll tell you what happens in the real world. Israel emboldened by US support will start settling all what is left of the Palistinian territory, creating huge resentment from the rest of the international community and for sure will start the next intifada, probably supported by the entire Muslim world. It will make protecting US interests in the region nearly impossible. Strengthen IS again and probably cause other negative effects I can't even begin to foresee.
No, I said acknowledging unchangeable facts is a step toward ending the conflict. It is a fact that Jerusalem is he capital of Israel and that is not going to change. It is a fact that all of the Israeli communities in the West Bank take up less than 2% of the West Bank, and it is a fact that the Israeli plans drawn up in the 1980's and virtually unchanged today for developing the West Bank designate only 6.8% of the land for development, all of it in area C. It is a fact that a Palestinian state is not feasible in the near future because their entire leadhership is made up of warring terrorist gangs. There simply is no rational basis for believing acknowledging all of these facts would lead to more trouble and turmoil than denying them for all these years has.
Actually, it could be the beginning of the end of the conflict. The undivided city of Jerusalem is, in fact, the capital of Israel, regardless of what anyone thinks about it, and no one is going to do anything to change that fact, so refusing to recognize facts that cannot be changed, only prolongs the conflict.
Actually, the Jews must share the city with the Muslims. I don´t care about which city should be capital according to whomever. Equality is the key to the end of the conflict. Zion servants usually get very bloody hands and Trump´s statement that his USA wants to befriend everyone can only suffer from Zionism and not benefit. Trump must stay away from Zionism or all his statements are null and void. However, Putin gave a symbolic tank to Netanyahu and nobody shouted that Zionism took over Russia, so it is very early to determine anything.

IDF tank held by Russia since 1982 returns to Israel
Jews and Muslims do share the city and Muslim citizens of Israel have all the same rights as Jewish citizens of Israel. When Israel annexed the eastern part of the city, it made all the Arabs who lived there permanent residents with the right to apply to become Israeli citizens. Few have, but even those who haven't have all the same rights in Jerusalem as Israeli citizens; they are entitled to all the social welfare benefits and they may vote in municipal elections, but few do. The conflict continues only because much of the world has fostered unrealistic expectations in the minds of many Muslims, this is a step toward correcting that error.
Actually, the Muslims are those who the ones in need of social welfare. But what i actually meant was a state of Palestine.
The state of Palestine is only a state of mind.
Actually, it could be the beginning of the end of the conflict. The undivided city of Jerusalem is, in fact, the capital of Israel, regardless of what anyone thinks about it, and no one is going to do anything to change that fact, so refusing to recognize facts that cannot be changed, only prolongs the conflict.
Actually, the Jews must share the city with the Muslims. I don´t care about which city should be capital according to whomever. Equality is the key to the end of the conflict. Zion servants usually get very bloody hands and Trump´s statement that his USA wants to befriend everyone can only suffer from Zionism and not benefit. Trump must stay away from Zionism or all his statements are null and void. However, Putin gave a symbolic tank to Netanyahu and nobody shouted that Zionism took over Russia, so it is very early to determine anything.

IDF tank held by Russia since 1982 returns to Israel

Israel is playing Russia and the US.
That´s not the truth. Russia does not serve Israeli interests.

Really , Putin and Bibi have a private line. Israel will be on the side of who gives it more.
Actually, it could be the beginning of the end of the conflict. The undivided city of Jerusalem is, in fact, the capital of Israel, regardless of what anyone thinks about it, and no one is going to do anything to change that fact, so refusing to recognize facts that cannot be changed, only prolongs the conflict.
Actually, the Jews must share the city with the Muslims. I don´t care about which city should be capital according to whomever. Equality is the key to the end of the conflict. Zion servants usually get very bloody hands and Trump´s statement that his USA wants to befriend everyone can only suffer from Zionism and not benefit. Trump must stay away from Zionism or all his statements are null and void. However, Putin gave a symbolic tank to Netanyahu and nobody shouted that Zionism took over Russia, so it is very early to determine anything.

IDF tank held by Russia since 1982 returns to Israel
Jews and Muslims do share the city and Muslim citizens of Israel have all the same rights as Jewish citizens of Israel. When Israel annexed the eastern part of the city, it made all the Arabs who lived there permanent residents with the right to apply to become Israeli citizens. Few have, but even those who haven't have all the same rights in Jerusalem as Israeli citizens; they are entitled to all the social welfare benefits and they may vote in municipal elections, but few do. The conflict continues only because much of the world has fostered unrealistic expectations in the minds of many Muslims, this is a step toward correcting that error.
Actually, the Muslims are those who the ones in need of social welfare. But what i actually meant was a state of Palestine.
The state of Palestine is only a state of mind.

Soon it will be history, the same way Judea was centuries ago.
East Jerusalem is to be the capital of a free Palestine and international law requires the Israelis to withdraw.

There is no international law requiring Israel to withdraw from Jerusalem or any other specific territory. In fact, there are a fair number of treaties which explicitly negate any assumptions of eventual boundaries and require the conflict to end through negotiation and mutual agreement and treaty between the parties.

IF Palestine ends up with some parts of Jerusalem under Palestinian sovereignty -- THEN the Palestinians can make their capital anywhere they want within their territory.
Well, that's nice. I'm sure he checked the feasibility and examined the possible backlash, from the Muslim world. He has a plan so it won't turn into another intifada, he has considered and talked about it with the European allies and was able to reassure them, that doing so won't turn more of the European Muslim community to extremism. My point is this is why a Trump presidenty is such a bad idea. He thinks his instincts are a substitute for informed decisions.
It is a fact that the undivided city of Jerusalem is already the capital of Israel, and it is a fact that no one is going to do anything to change it, and it is a fact that refusing to acknowledge unchangeable facts only prolongs this conflict.

The Jerusalem Embassy Act passed with nearly unanimous bipartisan support in Congress and it requires the President to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and move the embassy there unless the President certifies every six months that it wants to delay this move for national security reasons. All President Trump has to do is not certify there are national security reasons to delay this move and it is done. Europeans may grumble and Muslims may rant and rave but at the end of the day, it will have settled one of the most important issues in the conflict and that will mean progress toward ending the conflict.
How do you see it ending the conflict? You just admitted to both the Muslim world and Europe would look at it unfavorably and possibly violently in the case of the Muslim world. What to you is the end of the conflict?
I didn't say it would end the conflict, I said it would be a step in that direction. The conflict ends when all the important issues are settled, so settling this issue will be a step toward ending the conflict. Holding out unrealistic expectations for the Muslims by refusing to acknowledge unchangeable facts only prolongs the conflict. Europeans and Muslims may not like it, but there is nothing they can do about it, and before too long the Trump administration will move on to the next issue, refusing to condemn Israeli construction in the West Bank, and then to the next step, questioning the feasibility of a Palestinian state in the near future since their leadership is fragmented among various warring terrorist gangs, and these moves collectively will put pressure on the Palestinians to try to get their act together so that credible negotiations can be held some time in the future that will reach some sort of realistic agreement.
You seem to be saying that the end of the conflict would be, throwing the full support of the US behind Isreal, completely screwing the Palistinians and hoping everybody will accept it? What in the last 60 years or so of this conflict makes you think this will happen? I'll tell you what happens in the real world. Israel emboldened by US support will start settling all what is left of the Palistinian territory, creating huge resentment from the rest of the international community and for sure will start the next intifada, probably supported by the entire Muslim world. It will make protecting US interests in the region nearly impossible. Strengthen IS again and probably cause other negative effects I can't even begin to foresee.
No, I said acknowledging unchangeable facts is a step toward ending the conflict. It is a fact that Jerusalem is he capital of Israel and that is not going to change. It is a fact that all of the Israeli communities in the West Bank take up less than 2% of the West Bank, and it is a fact that the Israeli plans drawn up in the 1980's and virtually unchanged today for developing the West Bank designate only 6.8% of the land for development, all of it in area C. It is a fact that a Palestinian state is not feasible in the near future because their entire leadhership is made up of warring terrorist gangs. There simply is no rational basis for believing acknowledging all of these facts would lead to more trouble and turmoil than denying them for all these years has.
The fact that Israel has taken over East Jerusalem over international objections might be unchangeable but it is be no means morally right. The fact that they have encroached on more of the Palistinian territory is equally if not more reprehensible. You suggest to give these actions an acceptance and try to sell it, as in some weird way a solution to something. I'll ask it again. How does giving Israel everything and the Palestinians nothing solve this conflict? You keep on rephrasing without answering that simple question.
Jews and Muslims do share the city and Muslim citizens of Israel have all the same rights as Jewish citizens of Israel.

Actually, in point of fact, the Jewish citizens of Israel and the Muslim citizens of Israel do not have the same rights. The Jewish citizens have fewer rights.
The fact that Israel has taken over East Jerusalem over international objections might be unchangeable but it is be no means morally right. The fact that they have encroached on more of the Palistinian territory is equally if not more reprehensible.

The mere presence of Jews (or even Israeli citizens) on a particular plot of soil is neither morally wrong, nor legally an encroachment on sovereign territory belonging to another, nor an eventual determination of sovereignty (unless you believe that Palestine MUST be Judenrien). The border has not yet been determined. That is the source of the conflict -- determining the border between the State of Israel and the nascent State of Palestine. The whole point of reaching an agreement is to decide which territory will be Palestinian and which will remain Israel.

The sooner the international community recognizes this basic fact and stops with the cry of "but its Palestinian territory" the sooner we will be over the conflict. And the sooner the international community recognizes that neither the existence of Jews in Palestine nor the existence of Arab Muslims or Christians in Israel prevents sovereignty of those States the sooner we will be over the conflict.

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