Donald Trump: Now’s the Time for Christians to Get Out the Vote to Save Christianity

Science and innovation has done far more for this nation then reading a 2,000 year old book. The fact he isn't talking about competing with China and the rest of the industrialized world is kind of sad.
Of course he is, has, and will. Just not this time.
Christians are being killed and persecuted all over the world and it has escalated dramatically since Obama has been in office singing the praises of Islam. Trump will win the Bible Belt states easily with this issue, and it's not just whites with which the message will resonate.
Trump's Bible Belt victory may not be so easy to attain if Cruz is till in the race. Otherwise, quite true.

The left has made constitutional law anathema to minorities when it is no less beneficial and applicable to them than it is to the dreaded white males who canonized it.

They're doing the same now to Christianity when Peter says that God is no respecter of persons.

America is no longer allowed to be a right-wing, Christian country. It must be divided, and the Constitution and Christianity - both at the very heart of its history - are ambitious and ideal targets.
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Donald and the far right already have each other.

The GOP has the social con Christians.

There is nothing new here, and nothing that can win a nomination or the presidency for Donald.

He has to reach out to the center, and all he has been doing is giving it the finger.
Yes, Trumpsters, your Prophet has spoken: If you want to turn America into a theocracy, vote for Carson or Cruz or Rubio or even Huckabee.
Sounds like he KNOWS MONEY is the ROOT OF ALL EVIL...and you know how EVIL American's are!....I think most Christians can live with a Presbyterian!

  • Trump's Dynamic Tax Policy
    Natural Born Conservative ^ | November 27, 2015 | Larry Walker II
    Lower Rates Across The Board:: By: Larry Walker, II ::Here's an excerpt from Donald Trump's Tax Plan which may be found on his official website : TAX REFORM THAT WILL MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAINThe Goals of Donald J. Trump's Tax Plan Too few Americans are working, too many jobs have been shipped overseas, and too many middle class families cannot make ends meet. This tax plan directly meets these challenges with four simple goals: Tax relief for middle class Americans: In order to achieve the American dream, let people keep more money in their pockets and increase after-tax wages. Simplify...
Christians believe there is a looming End of the World.

Shouldn't the human race set its sights higher than to simply wait for its own extinction?
It's true. Christianity must be saved while Islam must be wiped off the face of the Earth in order to prevent White genocide. Christianity is what has sustained this nation since its inception and as for right now, we have a Muslim pResident occupying the oval office in a time of war who is attempting America's downfall by flooding the nation with Islamic jihadists hell bent on killing law abiding sovereign citizens. A vote for Trump will be a vote for saving Christianity and preserving White peoples traditions, culture and heritage.

Donald Trump: Now's the Time for Christians to Get Out the Vote to Save Christianity - The Gateway Pundit

Donald Rump has as much to do with "Christianity" as Stephen Hawking has to do with the Olympic Shotput competition.
Christians are being killed and persecuted all over the world and it has escalated dramatically since Obama has been in office singing the praises of Islam. Trump will win the Bible Belt states easily with this issue, and it's not just whites with which the message will resonate.
Trump's Bible Belt victory may not be so easy to attain if Cruz is till in the race. Otherwise, quite true.

The left has made constitutional law anathema to minorities when it is no less beneficial and applicable to them than it is to the dreaded white males who canonized it.

They're doing the same now to Christianity when Peter says that God is no respecter of persons.

America is no longer allowed to be a right-wing, Christian country. It must be divided, and the Constitution and Christianity - both at the very heart of its history - are ambitious and ideal targets.
I respect Cruz very much and I'm truly hoping that Donald Trump will choose him for his Vice President. In the political climate America is in -Donald Trump is the candidate that can make it to the White House. Realistically I cannot see that happening for Cruz but I can see him going in as VP. Donald Trump is able to get a very wide range of voters and I believe he'll make a great President. I'm a Pentecostal believer and have no problem voting for Trump. I'm voting for a President, not a Pastor. I believe most Christians in the Bible belt would agree.

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