Donald Says 138 Million People dead

in Sri Lanka.

The POTUS sent his condolences at 3:48 a.m. this morning,


Man never sleeps. Maybe that's why he can't pronounce "origins".

View attachment 257120

Trump mistakenly tweets millions dead in Sri Lanka explosions on Easter Sunday

At least Trump knows how many states he is governing.

But he has NO IDEA where his father was born, what an orange is or what origins means or how to work an umbrella or on and on.

People a hell of a lot smarter and expert than you, are convinced that Trump has (at least) early stages of Alzheimer's/dementia.

35 psychiatrists just met at Yale to warn Donald Trump has a 'dangerous mental illness'

The guy is losing it and you can produce ZERO, unbiased, factual proof that he is not.

And for every shrink you can find who says he is fine - I can provide at least two who say he is not.

You Trumpbots are pathetic. Your number one concern should be for America - not Trump. And you should be demanding Trump undergo a thorough psychiatric exam.
If you are right - and he is fine (no chance, btw)...then you can tell us all to stick it on this,
If you are wrong - then he should be removed from office.

But you losers won't because you don't care much about just mostly care about your 'Dear Leader'.
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plain and simple---who cares?
WaitingFor NEVER has made a mistake in his life
he is JESUS CHRIST/perfect/his shit does not stink
35 psychiatrists just met at Yale to warn Donald Trump has a 'dangerous mental illness'
Which one of those 35 have examined Trump? They are not doctors, they are suck puppies for progressives.
in Sri Lanka.

The POTUS sent his condolences at 3:48 a.m. this morning,


Man never sleeps. Maybe that's why he can't pronounce "origins".

View attachment 257120

Trump mistakenly tweets millions dead in Sri Lanka explosions on Easter Sunday

At least Trump knows how many states he is governing.

But he has NO IDEA where his father was born, what an orange is or what origins means or how to work an umbrella or on and on.

People a hell of a lot smarter and expert than you, are convinced that Trump has (at least) early stages of Alzheimer's/dementia.

35 psychiatrists just met at Yale to warn Donald Trump has a 'dangerous mental illness'

The guy is losing it and you can produce ZERO, unbiased, factual proof that he is not.

And for every shrink you can find who says he is fine - I can provide at least two who say he is not.

You Trumpbots are pathetic. Your number one concern should be for America - not Trump. And you should be demanding Trump undergo a thorough psychiatric exam.
If you are right - and he is fine (no chance, btw)...then you can tell us all to stick it on this,
If you are wrong - then he should be removed from office.

But you losers won't because you don't care about just care about your 'Dear Leader'.

You should be ashamed to call yourselves Americans.

But you aren't - because every Trumpbot (IMO) is either too stupid and/or too mentally disturbed to have a clue.

Look nobody has time to read your Trump hate manifestos. :itsok:
in Sri Lanka.

The POTUS sent his condolences at 3:48 a.m. this morning,


Man never sleeps. Maybe that's why he can't pronounce "origins".

View attachment 257120

Trump mistakenly tweets millions dead in Sri Lanka explosions on Easter Sunday

At least Trump knows how many states he is governing.

But he has NO IDEA where his father was born, what an orange is or what origins means or how to work an umbrella or on and on.

People a hell of a lot smarter and expert than you, are convinced that Trump has (at least) early stages of Alzheimer's/dementia.

35 psychiatrists just met at Yale to warn Donald Trump has a 'dangerous mental illness'

The guy is losing it and you can produce ZERO, unbiased, factual proof that he is not.

And for every shrink you can find who says he is fine - I can provide at least two who say he is not.

You Trumpbots are pathetic. Your number one concern should be for America - not Trump. And you should be demanding Trump undergo a thorough psychiatric exam.
If you are right - and he is fine (no chance, btw)...then you can tell us all to stick it on this,
If you are wrong - then he should be removed from office.

But you losers won't because you don't care about just care about your 'Dear Leader'.

You should be ashamed to call yourselves Americans.

But you aren't - because every Trumpbot (IMO) is either too stupid and/or too mentally disturbed to have a clue.

^^ Now THIS is Trump Derangement Syndrome.
in Sri Lanka.

The POTUS sent his condolences at 3:48 a.m. this morning,


Man never sleeps. Maybe that's why he can't pronounce "origins".

View attachment 257120

Trump mistakenly tweets millions dead in Sri Lanka explosions on Easter Sunday

Maybe you can have your Congressman/woman/non-binary-it start an investigation over the tweet.

It would probably take them a year to conclude it was a typo.

They already have. Volume II of the Mueller Report says that's Trump's tweets are the basis of their obstruction investigation (public intimidation of witnesses).

Third , many of the President's acts directed at witnesses, including discouragement of cooperation with the government and suggestions of possible future pardons , occurred in public view. While it may be more difficult to establish that public-facing acts were motivated by a corrupt intent, the President's power to influence actions , persons, and events is enhanced by his unique ability to attract attention through use of mass communications . And no principle of law excludes public acts from the scope of obstruction statutes. If the likely effect of the acts is to intimidate witnesses or alter their testimony , the justice system's integrity is equally threatened.

That's how desperate the Dems are.
in Sri Lanka.

The POTUS sent his condolences at 3:48 a.m. this morning,


Man never sleeps. Maybe that's why he can't pronounce "origins".

View attachment 257120

Trump mistakenly tweets millions dead in Sri Lanka explosions on Easter Sunday

At least Trump knows how many states he is governing.


But he does not know what country his own father was born in

Sent from my iPhone using
Lol, Obama lied about where he was conceived.

so, one is a liar and one is moron....and we the people made both of them president...does not say much about us
in Sri Lanka.

The POTUS sent his condolences at 3:48 a.m. this morning,


Man never sleeps. Maybe that's why he can't pronounce "origins".

View attachment 257120

Trump mistakenly tweets millions dead in Sri Lanka explosions on Easter Sunday

in Sri Lanka.

He posted this tweet at 3:48 a.m. this morning,


Man never sleeps. Maybe that's why he can't pronounce "origins".

View attachment 257120

Trump mistakenly tweets millions dead in Sri Lanka explosions on Easter Sunday
138 million?!?


Senile, old goat.

Is this another one of those “billionaires are stupid, I’m smarter than billionaires...can I get some free shit” type of threads?
That has not stopped the economy from booming and record low unemployment. Not to mention getting rid of regulations that choked small business.

Trump's father is as irrelevant as all this whining.

You are correct, Trump being either a liar or a moron (or both I suppose) has not stopped the economy from continuing on the path it was on when he was elected.

in Sri Lanka.

He posted this tweet at 3:48 a.m. this morning,


Man never sleeps. Maybe that's why he can't pronounce "origins".

View attachment 257120

Trump mistakenly tweets millions dead in Sri Lanka explosions on Easter Sunday
138 million?!?


Senile, old goat.
And we have 57 states too.
Can you find another incidence of President Obama doing something similar?

No we would have to discuss Obama's many intentional lies. Like if you like your healthcare plan and doctor you can keep them and Benghazi was over a youtube video. OH SNAP!
Those have both been completely debunked.

Try again, this time use real facts instead of manufactured bullshit.
That has not stopped the economy from booming and record low unemployment. Not to mention getting rid of regulations that choked small business.

Trump's father is as irrelevant as all this whining.

You are correct, Trump being either a liar or a moron (or both I suppose) has not stopped the economy from continuing on the path it was on when he was elected.

View attachment 257140
Trying to take credit for Trump's policies is not working. It is bullshit.And everyone knows it is just another lie from people who want this country gone. Free people piss off your ilk. Four more years of Trump for you to deal with, enjoy.
in Sri Lanka.

He posted this tweet at 3:48 a.m. this morning,


Man never sleeps. Maybe that's why he can't pronounce "origins".

View attachment 257120

Trump mistakenly tweets millions dead in Sri Lanka explosions on Easter Sunday
138 million?!?


Senile, old goat.
And we have 57 states too.
Can you find another incidence of President Obama doing something similar?

No we would have to discuss Obama's many intentional lies. Like if you like your healthcare plan and doctor you can keep them and Benghazi was over a youtube video. OH SNAP!
Those have both been completely debunked.

Try again, this time use real facts instead of manufactured bullshit.
Those have both been completely debunked.
On what planet, not this one.
Trying to take credit for Trump's policies is not working. It is bullshit.And everyone knows it is just another lie from people who want this country gone. Free people piss off your ilk. Four more years of Trump for you to deal with, enjoy.

Could you repeat that in English? I do not speak partisan sheep so I am not really sure what the fuck are you trying to say.
You are correct, Trump being either a liar or a moron (or both I suppose) has not stopped the economy from continuing on the path it was on when he was elected.

View attachment 257140
Trying to take credit for Trump's policies is not working. It is bullshit.And everyone knows it is just another lie from people who want this country gone. Free people piss off your ilk. Four more years of Trump for you to deal with, enjoy.

Could you repeat that in English? I do not speak partisan sheep so I am not really sure what the fuck are you trying to say.
You don't speak partisan? Never figured that from the crap you post.
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You don't speak partisan? Never figured that from the crap you post.

So, does this mean you cannot repeat it with the partisan bullshit. Thanks to letting me know
So, does this mean you cannot repeat it with the partisan bullshit.
No it means you are just anther jerk blinded by 3 years of lies and self hatred instilled by Democrats and the MSM. You clearly have lost the ability to objectively look at anything Trump. You are a divider and a piss poor American, unless being called an American offends you. I have a feeling that it does.

Anything else?
138 million?!?


Senile, old goat.
And we have 57 states too.
Can you find another incidence of President Obama doing something similar?

No we would have to discuss Obama's many intentional lies. Like if you like your healthcare plan and doctor you can keep them and Benghazi was over a youtube video. OH SNAP!
Those have both been completely debunked.

Try again, this time use real facts instead of manufactured bullshit.
Those have both been completely debunked.
On what planet, not this one.
Well here on Earth where the rest of us live they have been debunked over and over so you will have to do better.
No it means you are just anther jerk blinded by 3 years of lies and self hatred instilled by Democrats and the MSM. You clearly have lost the ability to objectively look at anything Trump. You are a divider and a piss poor American, unless being called an American offends you. I have a feeling that it does.

Anything else?

you are so cute when you go on your little partisan rant!

I personally think that Trump is doing a better job than Obama, whom I feel was the 2nd worst POUTS ever. I have supported Trump on many issues, including this two SCOTUS picks, his cutting of regulations, his making it easier to get rid of dead weight in the Fed Govt and his deisre to pull our troops from the Middle East (though I will be happier if he actually does it).

None of that changes the fact (and yes it is a fact) that nothing changed as far as economic indicators go, after the election. Every measurable index is still moving in the same direction it was prior to the election.

The worst thing Trump has done is his stupid trade war which kept the GDP below 3% growth and has caused the financial markets to be stagnant for more than 440 days now.

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