Don Lemon


Lakhota's my *****
Jun 4, 2011
I was looking something up and they brought up Don Lemon, the race baiting, gay, CNN "news" man.
How does ANYONE take this guy seriously?

The worst journalism of 2014

When life gives you Lemon

As one of the most recognizable anchors on CNN, Don Lemon has helped lead the cable network’s coverage of the biggest stories of the year. Live television is exceedingly difficult to produce, of course, but Lemon’s gaffes this year offer a case study in how to choose words wisely — or not.

On March 20, he asked guests whether Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 could have been swallowed by a black hole: “I know it’s preposterous, but is it preposterous?” He later compared spanking children to training dogs and probed similarities between the release of US Army POW Bowe Bergdahl and the Showtime series Homeland. When an alleged Bill Cosby rape victim appeared on his show on Nov. 18, he lectured, “You know, there are ways not to perform oral sex if you didn’t want to do it…Meaning the use of teeth, right?” Less than a week later, as protests turned violent in Ferguson, MO, he described the scene: “Obviously, there’s a smell of marijuana in the air.” Lemon’s job isn’t easy. But he’s earned a DART for going there. Obviously.

I mean , Don Lemon
Well he's very appropriately named being "LEMON."

I've read a little about him in the news, but I have never watched even 5 seconds of his "show." Can't stand to look at the little twat. You can SEE the LEFTIST TWAT right in his face. Got no time what so ever for morons like that.

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