DOJ won't comply with house oversight subpoena on census question

Figures since the DOJ is now officially part of the trump mafia with Barr during burying crimes....
Trump’s house of cards will eventually crumble. This country does not tolerate tyranny.

Let's hope it happens before we are saddled with the trump Monarchy. This guy is as evil as anyone I have seen in the WH.

The scary part is he has no conscious. Nixon had a conscious. He resigned. This guy has no morals, no conscious, and no ethics. There is NOTHING he will not do to enrich himself and his family.

Democrats on the House Oversight Committee want to depose John Gore about his role in the Trump administration’s decision to add a question to the 2020 Census about citizenship. Gore was acting as Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights when the decision was made. Gore is prepared to testify and the administration is fine with him doing so. Attorney General Barr insists only that Gore be accompanied by an attorney.
Trump’s house of cards will eventually crumble. This country does not tolerate tyranny.
If Democrats think they can compel him to testify without legal counsel they should take the issue to court.

Now another clown is threatening jail.


Not So Bright Rep. Gerry Connolly threatened jail time for White House officials who are declining to comply with congressional committees’ efforts to conduct oversight of President Donald Trump’s administration. It’s the latest salvo in the escalating battle between the White House and congressional Democrats, who have scaled up their oversight requests following the conclusion of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.

Connolly, who sits on the Oversight Committee, told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on “The Situation Room,” “We’re going to resist, and if a subpoena is issued and you’re told you must testify, we will back that up.”

“And we will use any and all power in our command to make sure it’s backed up — whether that’s a contempt citation, whether that’s going to court and getting that citation enforced, whether it’s fines, whether it’s possible incarceration,” the Virginia Democrat added. “We will go to the max to enforce the constitutional role of the legislative branch of government.”​

None of the three subpoenas discussed with NOTSO BRIGHT Connolly involve the Mueller investigation, but at least two of these subpoenas involve executive privilege: Stephen Miller, John Gore, and possibly Carl Kline as well. Oversight refuses to allow Gore to bring a DoJ attorney while being questioned. Executive privilege is a well-adjudicated counterclaim to congressional subpoenas that allows presidents to keep discussions with aides confidential in order to protect the executive’s ability to get good advice and govern wisely. As White House counsel Pat Cipollone noted in his response to Miller’s subpoena, no White House has allowed advisers to testify about internal discussions in the past.

White House to House Oversight: No way will Stephen Miller testify

Funny, Dems always claim to be very big on precedent.

What this NOTSO Bright Congress forgets is that they have to show a legitimate legislative purpose for the subpoena, and that means it has to involve something in Congress’ control. Internal discussions at the White House do not qualify and neither do security-access decisions, authority for which is reserved to the executive branch.
The democrats can go to court and get a court order. On each and every thing they want to do.
DOJ won't comply with Oversight subpoena over census question

Good! To hell with the house democraps...just a fine example of the inmates running the asylum.

Not complying with the subpoena people can go to jail.
You do know that.,Right?
DOJ won't comply with Oversight subpoena over census question

Good! To hell with the house democraps...just a fine example of the inmates running the asylum.

Not complying with the subpoena people can go to jail.
You do know that.,Right?
We're getting a wall

CreditCreditKevin Whipple

“We’re fighting all the subpoenas.”

With this vow to reporters on Wednesday, President Trump laid bare his approach to the concept of congressional oversight. As the Democratic-controlled House ramps up its investigations of his administration, Mr. Trump is throwing up a stone wall.

Among the congressional requests denied in recent days: Mr. Trump’s top immigration adviser, Stephen Miller, has declined an invitation to discuss immigration policy; the Justice Department has rebuffed a subpoena for John Gore, a deputy attorney general, to answer questions about the 2020 census; and the White House has instructed a former staffer, Carl Kline, not to provide information about how security clearances are granted. Mr. Trump called the subpoena for Donald McGahn, the former White House counsel, “ridiculous.” And while the Internal Revenue Service is still officially considering the request by the House Ways and Means Committee for Mr. Trump’s tax returns, the president’s acting chief of staff has already declared that Democrats will “never” get their hands on them.

Mr. Trump and his defenders justify such defiance by saying that the inquiries are partisan and thus illegitimate. “These aren’t, like, impartial people,” the president said of Democratic lawmakers.

Mr. Trump is leaning heavily on executive privilege, the principle that the president and other senior officials have the right to confidential deliberations within the executive branch. But scholars say executive privilege is a tradition, not a law. Neither the phrase nor the concept appears in the Constitution. Even so, since the establishment of the presidency, all of its occupants have at some point claimed the implied prerogative as fundamental to the separation of powers.
DOJ won't comply with Oversight subpoena over census question

Good! To hell with the house democraps...just a fine example of the inmates running the asylum.
1) The Democrats are the majority in the House
2) Rhey are the duly elected representatives of the people
3) The House of Representatives legislate and investigate
4) It is the constitutional responsibility of the House of Representatives to conduct investigations with the power of subpoenas and the authority to charge those who refuse such subpoenas with contempt of congress.

Anyone who respects the constitution should appreciate that and respect it.
DOJ won't comply with Oversight subpoena over census question

Good! To hell with the house democraps...just a fine example of the inmates running the asylum.
1) The Democrats are the majority in the House
2) Rhey are the duly elected representatives of the people
3) The House of Representatives legislate and investigate
4) It is the constitutional responsibility of the House of Representatives to conduct investigations with the power of subpoenas and the authority to charge those who refuse such subpoenas with contempt of congress.

Anyone who respects the constitution should appreciate that and respect it.
They don't have an unlimited power to investigate. They only have investigative powers where it relates to their Congressional Powers under Article 1.
DOJ won't comply with Oversight subpoena over census question

Good! To hell with the house democraps...just a fine example of the inmates running the asylum.
1) The Democrats are the majority in the House
2) Rhey are the duly elected representatives of the people
3) The House of Representatives legislate and investigate
4) It is the constitutional responsibility of the House of Representatives to conduct investigations with the power of subpoenas and the authority to charge those who refuse such subpoenas with contempt of congress.

Anyone who respects the constitution should appreciate that and respect it.
They don't have an unlimited power to investigate. They only have investigative powers where it relates to their Congressional Powers under Article 1.
Obfuscation, obstruction of justice are within those powers. Lying to congress is well within those powers.
DOJ won't comply with Oversight subpoena over census question

Good! To hell with the house democraps...just a fine example of the inmates running the asylum.
1) The Democrats are the majority in the House
2) Rhey are the duly elected representatives of the people
3) The House of Representatives legislate and investigate
4) It is the constitutional responsibility of the House of Representatives to conduct investigations with the power of subpoenas and the authority to charge those who refuse such subpoenas with contempt of congress.

Anyone who respects the constitution should appreciate that and respect it.

Tell us where you live and we'll have that placed on your head stone.

As for the subpoena's. The AG will be in his office, all day tomorrow. (5/2) Send it over for the DOJ to enforce it. (Snicker-snicker)

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