DOJ Rot Goes So Much Deeper Than Merrick Garland


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

DOJ Rot Goes So Much Deeper Than Merrick Garland

If agencies are so powerful that their work to protect political allies and topple their challengers continues unabated by the electoral process, then we are not a functioning republic.
28 Jun 2023 ~~ By Elle Purnell

Following the sensational whistleblower testimony that dropped Thursday, revealing how the Department of Justice systematically blocked an IRS investigation into Joe Biden’s son Hunter and diverted agents from examining the incriminating evidence against his presidential father, House Republicans are threatening the overdue impeachment of Attorney General Merrick Garland — except most of the pro-Biden interference in the DOJ happened before Garland was installed, while President Donald Trump was still in office.
Does Garland still deserve impeachment for his assortment of abuses, such as sitting on his hands to avoid real accountability for the younger Biden (and his pop), while weaponizing the country’s top law enforcement agency to try to send Biden’s top presidential challenger to federal prison? Absolutely. Is it smart politically for Kevin McCarthy to use the current momentum to hold Garland to account? Probably. Is the alleged involvement in a foreign bribery scheme enough to merit Biden’s own impeachment? Most definitely.
But if the blame — and punishment — for the DOJ corruption revealed by whistleblowers stops with Merrick Garland or even Joe Biden, it will happen again.
That’s because the Justice Department’s pattern of shielding the Biden family from the law wasn’t masterminded by either man. It happened because of career officials and bureaucrats, whose names most Americans don’t know, and whom Americans will never have the chance to vote out. They didn’t have to be told what to do.
According to whistleblower Gary Shapley, it was in late 2019, a year before Joe Biden was elected, that the FBI acquired and authenticated the infamous laptop Hunter Biden left at a Delaware computer repair shop. The IRS began an investigation into likely tax crimes almost immediately.
Between April and June 2020, when IRS agents were preparing to execute interviews and search warrants, it was “career DOJ officials,” Shapley said, who “purposely slow-walk[ed] investigative actions.”
The problem of a bureaucracy so bloated that the people’s elected servants in Congress and the White House can’t keep track of, let alone shut down, its mischief is not unique to the DOJ. But the Justice Department’s role as arbiter of how — or to whom — the law applies makes its rule-by-pencil-pusher especially dangerous.
Electing the right president or appointing the right attorney general will only help with that insofar as he can root out the career rot in the 115,000-employee DOJ. As the Gary Shapleys get pushed out, the integrity they bring to agencies like the DOJ and IRS will go with them.
And while corruption in the vastly left-leaning bureaucracy almost always benefits Democrats, the problem goes beyond partisan politics. If government agencies are so powerful that their work to protect political allies and topple their challengers continues unabated by the electoral process, then elections are no real transfer of power and we are not a functioning republic.
That’s not just having a bad apple for an attorney general. That is a crisis of governance.

What will it take to dismantle the Deep Swamp? If presidents and other branches can’t …what will? The swamp creatures do not benefit or contribute to this nation anymore so why fund them? Oh, I see.. all three branches, including the supreme court are beholden to them. Everyone has a price and the fourth column is using blackmail to get what they want. Have you not notice how chickenchit all of DC is of this column? They are using Trump as an example to all the DC folk, bend to our will or you will get the same treatment. There’s a lot of recordings at the hill swamp they do not want out in public. There’s a lot of shenanigans, nastiness and sex, including child sex trafficking that they keep under wraps at all cost. Odd, how Pelosi’s husband’s case was swept under the rug so quickly. Don’t think just because this happened in San Francisco is not happening in DC. This is an example what the fourth column has over their heads. The fourth column can either let you live or bury your career 6 feet under.
The bureaucratic rot exists in most agencies. It can be addressed in multiple ways. One is to eliminate all agencies and functions that the U.S. Constitution does not provide Congress the power to create. That’s the vast majority of the federal government outside the military. Second to that, federal employees should be limited in the number of years that may be employed by government. Don’t allow them time to be assimilated by the deep state.
The glaring question is, what will it take to dismantle the Deep Swamp? If presidents and other branches can’t do the job wo can do it?
Its left up to We the People to make that decision.

DOJ Rot Goes So Much Deeper Than Merrick Garland

If agencies are so powerful that their work to protect political allies and topple their challengers continues unabated by the electoral process, then we are not a functioning republic.
28 Jun 2023 ~~ By Elle Purnell

Following the sensational whistleblower testimony that dropped Thursday, revealing how the Department of Justice systematically blocked an IRS investigation into Joe Biden’s son Hunter and diverted agents from examining the incriminating evidence against his presidential father, House Republicans are threatening the overdue impeachment of Attorney General Merrick Garland — except most of the pro-Biden interference in the DOJ happened before Garland was installed, while President Donald Trump was still in office.
Does Garland still deserve impeachment for his assortment of abuses, such as sitting on his hands to avoid real accountability for the younger Biden (and his pop), while weaponizing the country’s top law enforcement agency to try to send Biden’s top presidential challenger to federal prison? Absolutely. Is it smart politically for Kevin McCarthy to use the current momentum to hold Garland to account? Probably. Is the alleged involvement in a foreign bribery scheme enough to merit Biden’s own impeachment? Most definitely.
But if the blame — and punishment — for the DOJ corruption revealed by whistleblowers stops with Merrick Garland or even Joe Biden, it will happen again.
That’s because the Justice Department’s pattern of shielding the Biden family from the law wasn’t masterminded by either man. It happened because of career officials and bureaucrats, whose names most Americans don’t know, and whom Americans will never have the chance to vote out. They didn’t have to be told what to do.
According to whistleblower Gary Shapley, it was in late 2019, a year before Joe Biden was elected, that the FBI acquired and authenticated the infamous laptop Hunter Biden left at a Delaware computer repair shop. The IRS began an investigation into likely tax crimes almost immediately.
Between April and June 2020, when IRS agents were preparing to execute interviews and search warrants, it was “career DOJ officials,” Shapley said, who “purposely slow-walk[ed] investigative actions.”
The problem of a bureaucracy so bloated that the people’s elected servants in Congress and the White House can’t keep track of, let alone shut down, its mischief is not unique to the DOJ. But the Justice Department’s role as arbiter of how — or to whom — the law applies makes its rule-by-pencil-pusher especially dangerous.
Electing the right president or appointing the right attorney general will only help with that insofar as he can root out the career rot in the 115,000-employee DOJ. As the Gary Shapleys get pushed out, the integrity they bring to agencies like the DOJ and IRS will go with them.
And while corruption in the vastly left-leaning bureaucracy almost always benefits Democrats, the problem goes beyond partisan politics. If government agencies are so powerful that their work to protect political allies and topple their challengers continues unabated by the electoral process, then elections are no real transfer of power and we are not a functioning republic.
That’s not just having a bad apple for an attorney general. That is a crisis of governance.

What will it take to dismantle the Deep Swamp? If presidents and other branches can’t …what will? The swamp creatures do not benefit or contribute to this nation anymore so why fund them? Oh, I see.. all three branches, including the supreme court are beholden to them. Everyone has a price and the fourth column is using blackmail to get what they want. Have you not notice how chickenchit all of DC is of this column? They are using Trump as an example to all the DC folk, bend to our will or you will get the same treatment. There’s a lot of recordings at the hill swamp they do not want out in public. There’s a lot of shenanigans, nastiness and sex, including child sex trafficking that they keep under wraps at all cost. Odd, how Pelosi’s husband’s case was swept under the rug so quickly. Don’t think just because this happened in San Francisco is not happening in DC. This is an example what the fourth column has over their heads. The fourth column can either let you live or bury your career 6 feet under.
The bureaucratic rot exists in most agencies. It can be addressed in multiple ways. One is to eliminate all agencies and functions that the U.S. Constitution does not provide Congress the power to create. That’s the vast majority of the federal government outside the military. Second to that, federal employees should be limited in the number of years that may be employed by government. Don’t allow them time to be assimilated by the deep state.
The glaring question is, what will it take to dismantle the Deep Swamp? If presidents and other branches can’t do the job wo can do it?
Its left up to We the People to make that decision.
The Federalist, the rot of the Republican Party, is seriously attempting to defame the DOJ and Garland.

Where were they when Barr was Attorney General and all the things which went on during the Trump administration.

Oh, right, selective indignation.
If the people who are elected into office or nominated and confirmed for the bench refuse to do their jobs (or can’t do it intelligently and with integrity) and if the civil servants in various agencies feel no particular compulsion to abide by their oaths of office, then it is difficult to see what can be done to right the ship.
The Federalist, the rot of the Republican Party, is seriously attempting to defame the DOJ and Garland.

Where were they when Barr was Attorney General and all the things which went on during the Trump administration.

Oh, right, selective indignation.
Barr is a fucking piece of shit who needs to be tried, convicted and executed along with the current vile scum in Washington.
If the people who are elected into office or nominated and confirmed for the bench refuse to do their jobs (or can’t do it intelligently and with integrity) and if the civil servants in various agencies feel no particular compulsion to abide by their oaths of office, then it is difficult to see what can be done to right the ship.
Pitchforks and torches.

DOJ Rot Goes So Much Deeper Than Merrick Garland

If agencies are so powerful that their work to protect political allies and topple their challengers continues unabated by the electoral process, then we are not a functioning republic.
28 Jun 2023 ~~ By Elle Purnell

Following the sensational whistleblower testimony that dropped Thursday, revealing how the Department of Justice systematically blocked an IRS investigation into Joe Biden’s son Hunter and diverted agents from examining the incriminating evidence against his presidential father, House Republicans are threatening the overdue impeachment of Attorney General Merrick Garland — except most of the pro-Biden interference in the DOJ happened before Garland was installed, while President Donald Trump was still in office.
Does Garland still deserve impeachment for his assortment of abuses, such as sitting on his hands to avoid real accountability for the younger Biden (and his pop), while weaponizing the country’s top law enforcement agency to try to send Biden’s top presidential challenger to federal prison? Absolutely. Is it smart politically for Kevin McCarthy to use the current momentum to hold Garland to account? Probably. Is the alleged involvement in a foreign bribery scheme enough to merit Biden’s own impeachment? Most definitely.
But if the blame — and punishment — for the DOJ corruption revealed by whistleblowers stops with Merrick Garland or even Joe Biden, it will happen again.
That’s because the Justice Department’s pattern of shielding the Biden family from the law wasn’t masterminded by either man. It happened because of career officials and bureaucrats, whose names most Americans don’t know, and whom Americans will never have the chance to vote out. They didn’t have to be told what to do.
According to whistleblower Gary Shapley, it was in late 2019, a year before Joe Biden was elected, that the FBI acquired and authenticated the infamous laptop Hunter Biden left at a Delaware computer repair shop. The IRS began an investigation into likely tax crimes almost immediately.
Between April and June 2020, when IRS agents were preparing to execute interviews and search warrants, it was “career DOJ officials,” Shapley said, who “purposely slow-walk[ed] investigative actions.”
The problem of a bureaucracy so bloated that the people’s elected servants in Congress and the White House can’t keep track of, let alone shut down, its mischief is not unique to the DOJ. But the Justice Department’s role as arbiter of how — or to whom — the law applies makes its rule-by-pencil-pusher especially dangerous.
Electing the right president or appointing the right attorney general will only help with that insofar as he can root out the career rot in the 115,000-employee DOJ. As the Gary Shapleys get pushed out, the integrity they bring to agencies like the DOJ and IRS will go with them.
And while corruption in the vastly left-leaning bureaucracy almost always benefits Democrats, the problem goes beyond partisan politics. If government agencies are so powerful that their work to protect political allies and topple their challengers continues unabated by the electoral process, then elections are no real transfer of power and we are not a functioning republic.
That’s not just having a bad apple for an attorney general. That is a crisis of governance.

What will it take to dismantle the Deep Swamp? If presidents and other branches can’t …what will? The swamp creatures do not benefit or contribute to this nation anymore so why fund them? Oh, I see.. all three branches, including the supreme court are beholden to them. Everyone has a price and the fourth column is using blackmail to get what they want. Have you not notice how chickenchit all of DC is of this column? They are using Trump as an example to all the DC folk, bend to our will or you will get the same treatment. There’s a lot of recordings at the hill swamp they do not want out in public. There’s a lot of shenanigans, nastiness and sex, including child sex trafficking that they keep under wraps at all cost. Odd, how Pelosi’s husband’s case was swept under the rug so quickly. Don’t think just because this happened in San Francisco is not happening in DC. This is an example what the fourth column has over their heads. The fourth column can either let you live or bury your career 6 feet under.
The bureaucratic rot exists in most agencies. It can be addressed in multiple ways. One is to eliminate all agencies and functions that the U.S. Constitution does not provide Congress the power to create. That’s the vast majority of the federal government outside the military. Second to that, federal employees should be limited in the number of years that may be employed by government. Don’t allow them time to be assimilated by the deep state.
The glaring question is, what will it take to dismantle the Deep Swamp? If presidents and other branches can’t do the job wo can do it?
Its left up to We the People to make that decision.
Fake news.
There is no Deep State.
Pitchforks and torches.
I am hopeful that — instead — we might yet return to some semblance of determination to live by the actual rule of law and Justice.

But even the Founders recognized that when a government itself becomes dangerous to its own people, the people retain the right to remove it and replace it.

DOJ Rot Goes So Much Deeper Than Merrick Garland

If agencies are so powerful that their work to protect political allies and topple their challengers continues unabated by the electoral process, then we are not a functioning republic.
28 Jun 2023 ~~ By Elle Purnell

Following the sensational whistleblower testimony that dropped Thursday, revealing how the Department of Justice systematically blocked an IRS investigation into Joe Biden’s son Hunter and diverted agents from examining the incriminating evidence against his presidential father, House Republicans are threatening the overdue impeachment of Attorney General Merrick Garland — except most of the pro-Biden interference in the DOJ happened before Garland was installed, while President Donald Trump was still in office.
Does Garland still deserve impeachment for his assortment of abuses, such as sitting on his hands to avoid real accountability for the younger Biden (and his pop), while weaponizing the country’s top law enforcement agency to try to send Biden’s top presidential challenger to federal prison? Absolutely. Is it smart politically for Kevin McCarthy to use the current momentum to hold Garland to account? Probably. Is the alleged involvement in a foreign bribery scheme enough to merit Biden’s own impeachment? Most definitely.
But if the blame — and punishment — for the DOJ corruption revealed by whistleblowers stops with Merrick Garland or even Joe Biden, it will happen again.
That’s because the Justice Department’s pattern of shielding the Biden family from the law wasn’t masterminded by either man. It happened because of career officials and bureaucrats, whose names most Americans don’t know, and whom Americans will never have the chance to vote out. They didn’t have to be told what to do.
According to whistleblower Gary Shapley, it was in late 2019, a year before Joe Biden was elected, that the FBI acquired and authenticated the infamous laptop Hunter Biden left at a Delaware computer repair shop. The IRS began an investigation into likely tax crimes almost immediately.
Between April and June 2020, when IRS agents were preparing to execute interviews and search warrants, it was “career DOJ officials,” Shapley said, who “purposely slow-walk[ed] investigative actions.”
The problem of a bureaucracy so bloated that the people’s elected servants in Congress and the White House can’t keep track of, let alone shut down, its mischief is not unique to the DOJ. But the Justice Department’s role as arbiter of how — or to whom — the law applies makes its rule-by-pencil-pusher especially dangerous.
Electing the right president or appointing the right attorney general will only help with that insofar as he can root out the career rot in the 115,000-employee DOJ. As the Gary Shapleys get pushed out, the integrity they bring to agencies like the DOJ and IRS will go with them.
And while corruption in the vastly left-leaning bureaucracy almost always benefits Democrats, the problem goes beyond partisan politics. If government agencies are so powerful that their work to protect political allies and topple their challengers continues unabated by the electoral process, then elections are no real transfer of power and we are not a functioning republic.
That’s not just having a bad apple for an attorney general. That is a crisis of governance.

What will it take to dismantle the Deep Swamp? If presidents and other branches can’t …what will? The swamp creatures do not benefit or contribute to this nation anymore so why fund them? Oh, I see.. all three branches, including the supreme court are beholden to them. Everyone has a price and the fourth column is using blackmail to get what they want. Have you not notice how chickenchit all of DC is of this column? They are using Trump as an example to all the DC folk, bend to our will or you will get the same treatment. There’s a lot of recordings at the hill swamp they do not want out in public. There’s a lot of shenanigans, nastiness and sex, including child sex trafficking that they keep under wraps at all cost. Odd, how Pelosi’s husband’s case was swept under the rug so quickly. Don’t think just because this happened in San Francisco is not happening in DC. This is an example what the fourth column has over their heads. The fourth column can either let you live or bury your career 6 feet under.
The bureaucratic rot exists in most agencies. It can be addressed in multiple ways. One is to eliminate all agencies and functions that the U.S. Constitution does not provide Congress the power to create. That’s the vast majority of the federal government outside the military. Second to that, federal employees should be limited in the number of years that may be employed by government. Don’t allow them time to be assimilated by the deep state.
The glaring question is, what will it take to dismantle the Deep Swamp? If presidents and other branches can’t do the job wo can do it?
Its left up to We the People to make that decision.
I don't know what is worse. Seeing how totally corrupted and in the tank the DOJ is with the Democrats or how some Americans refuse to acknowledge the corruption.
The Federalist, the rot of the Republican Party, is seriously attempting to defame the DOJ and Garland.

Where were they when Barr was Attorney General and all the things which went on during the Trump administration.

Oh, right, selective indignation.
Their goal is to destroy democratically established by law institutions, to destroy government, such as DOJ, FBI, the courts, voting, etc as well as the news media and reduce the country to anarchy.
Pitchforks and torches.
  • We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are … endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights…. That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men…. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. … Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. Declaration of Independence (1776).
If the so called deep state are the career workers who were never hired on a partisan basis and stay in government from president to president, party to party, and you are calling for them to be let go, that just seems bat shit crazy to me..... To have continuity within our government, those career workers are a necessity, imo!!!!
If the so called deep state are the career workers who were never hired on a partisan basis and stay in government from president to president, party to party, and you are calling for them to be let go, that just seems bat shit crazy to me..... To have continuity within our government, those career workers are a necessity, imo!!!!
Those "career workers" have made the five counties surrounding the District of Criminals the wealthiest in the nation.

They're robbing you blind to feather their own nests, and here you are expecting us to have empathy for them?....

I am hopeful that — instead — we might yet return to some semblance of determination to live by the actual rule of law and Justice.

But even the Founders recognized that when a government itself becomes dangerous to its own people, the people retain the right to remove it and replace it.

I think it's too late for that. I hope you are correct, because the alternative is so horrible, but I fear you are not.

DOJ Rot Goes So Much Deeper Than Merrick Garland

If agencies are so powerful that their work to protect political allies and topple their challengers continues unabated by the electoral process, then we are not a functioning republic.
28 Jun 2023 ~~ By Elle Purnell

Following the sensational whistleblower testimony that dropped Thursday, revealing how the Department of Justice systematically blocked an IRS investigation into Joe Biden’s son Hunter and diverted agents from examining the incriminating evidence against his presidential father, House Republicans are threatening the overdue impeachment of Attorney General Merrick Garland — except most of the pro-Biden interference in the DOJ happened before Garland was installed, while President Donald Trump was still in office.
Does Garland still deserve impeachment for his assortment of abuses, such as sitting on his hands to avoid real accountability for the younger Biden (and his pop), while weaponizing the country’s top law enforcement agency to try to send Biden’s top presidential challenger to federal prison? Absolutely. Is it smart politically for Kevin McCarthy to use the current momentum to hold Garland to account? Probably. Is the alleged involvement in a foreign bribery scheme enough to merit Biden’s own impeachment? Most definitely.
But if the blame — and punishment — for the DOJ corruption revealed by whistleblowers stops with Merrick Garland or even Joe Biden, it will happen again.
That’s because the Justice Department’s pattern of shielding the Biden family from the law wasn’t masterminded by either man. It happened because of career officials and bureaucrats, whose names most Americans don’t know, and whom Americans will never have the chance to vote out. They didn’t have to be told what to do.
According to whistleblower Gary Shapley, it was in late 2019, a year before Joe Biden was elected, that the FBI acquired and authenticated the infamous laptop Hunter Biden left at a Delaware computer repair shop. The IRS began an investigation into likely tax crimes almost immediately.
Between April and June 2020, when IRS agents were preparing to execute interviews and search warrants, it was “career DOJ officials,” Shapley said, who “purposely slow-walk[ed] investigative actions.”
The problem of a bureaucracy so bloated that the people’s elected servants in Congress and the White House can’t keep track of, let alone shut down, its mischief is not unique to the DOJ. But the Justice Department’s role as arbiter of how — or to whom — the law applies makes its rule-by-pencil-pusher especially dangerous.
Electing the right president or appointing the right attorney general will only help with that insofar as he can root out the career rot in the 115,000-employee DOJ. As the Gary Shapleys get pushed out, the integrity they bring to agencies like the DOJ and IRS will go with them.
And while corruption in the vastly left-leaning bureaucracy almost always benefits Democrats, the problem goes beyond partisan politics. If government agencies are so powerful that their work to protect political allies and topple their challengers continues unabated by the electoral process, then elections are no real transfer of power and we are not a functioning republic.
That’s not just having a bad apple for an attorney general. That is a crisis of governance.

What will it take to dismantle the Deep Swamp? If presidents and other branches can’t …what will? The swamp creatures do not benefit or contribute to this nation anymore so why fund them? Oh, I see.. all three branches, including the supreme court are beholden to them. Everyone has a price and the fourth column is using blackmail to get what they want. Have you not notice how chickenchit all of DC is of this column? They are using Trump as an example to all the DC folk, bend to our will or you will get the same treatment. There’s a lot of recordings at the hill swamp they do not want out in public. There’s a lot of shenanigans, nastiness and sex, including child sex trafficking that they keep under wraps at all cost. Odd, how Pelosi’s husband’s case was swept under the rug so quickly. Don’t think just because this happened in San Francisco is not happening in DC. This is an example what the fourth column has over their heads. The fourth column can either let you live or bury your career 6 feet under.
The bureaucratic rot exists in most agencies. It can be addressed in multiple ways. One is to eliminate all agencies and functions that the U.S. Constitution does not provide Congress the power to create. That’s the vast majority of the federal government outside the military. Second to that, federal employees should be limited in the number of years that may be employed by government. Don’t allow them time to be assimilated by the deep state.
The glaring question is, what will it take to dismantle the Deep Swamp? If presidents and other branches can’t do the job wo can do it?
Its left up to We the People to make that decision.
The DOJ has been weaponized since Obama, Valerie Jarret, and Susan Rice.

They are currently running the country right now, as well.

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