DOJ recommends no jail time for trans who vandalized church

Why would the DOJ consider a destruction of religious property charge for an attack on an abortion clinic?

Your comparison makes no sense.
did the poster say they’d charge that in their hypo? your reply makes no sense
The comparison is that vandalism by a Christian of something that gets more support from the left will be viewed differently than vandalism by a trans of something associated more with the right.

Double standards.

Again, why would someone be charged with destruction of religious property for vandalizing an abortion clinic.

You're trying *so* hard to be a victim here. But it just doesn't make any sense.
Again, why would someone be charged with destruction of religious property for vandalizing an abortion clinic.

You're trying *so* hard to be a victim here. But it just doesn't make any sense.
You’re mixing up two things here.
And you just really want to make excuses for the trans because the victims are religious.

Federal prison time for misdemeanor vandalism is really rare for first time offenders.

For anyone.
You’re mixing up two things here.

I'm mixing things citing the ACTUAL crime that Maeve is charged with rather than what you've imagined?

Yeah, I'll stick with the actual charges thank you.

Why would someone be charged with destruction of religious property for vandalizing an abortion clinic?

If you have to work this hard to be a victim.......maybe its in your head?
Again, why would someone be charged with destruction of religious property for vandalizing an abortion clinic.

You're trying *so* hard to be a victim here. But it just doesn't make any sense.
i can’t tell if you are dumb or intentionally ignoring the actual hypo the poster presented
xiden’s doj doesn’t prosecute hate crimes
Sure they do - remember the pastor praying outside the abortion clinic, the one where local authotities would not file charges so Garland and his DOJ Gestapo stepped in?!
i can’t tell if you are dumb or intentionally ignoring the actual hypo the poster presented

I'm citing the actual charges in question. The hypo has nothing to do with them.

As is so incredibly common among your ilk, you ignore reality.....and embrace imagination. You ignore the specific instances of this case....a misdemeanor vandalism charge that predictably didn't result in recommendations for federal prison time for first time offenders.

Hardly anyone gets federal prison time for a first time misdemeanor vandalism charge.
But you have to be a victim.

So instead y'all imagine a hypothetical situation that has nothing to do with the charges or the circumstances weren't cast yourselves as the victims.

If you have to try that hard to be victims, maybe its in your head.
I'm citing the actual charges in question. The hypo has nothing to do with them.

As is so incredibly common among your ilk, you ignore reality.....and embrace imagination. You ignore the specific instances of this case....a misdemeanor vandalism charge that predictably didn't result in recommendations for federal prison time for first time offenders.

Hardly anyone gets federal prison time for a first time misdemeanor vandalism charge. But you have to be a victim.

So instead y'all imagine a hypothetical situation that has nothing to do with the charges or the circumstances weren't cast yourselves as the victims.

If you have to try that hard to be victims, maybe its in your head.
yes the hypo has nothing to do with them so why do you keep talking about them?
While the Dems would love to see Trump in prison for not putting the NDA on the right line, the Dem-run DOJ recommends no jail time for a man-turned-woman person who vandalized and defaced a Catholic Church.

IOW, the perpetrator is a member of a protected group, and the church is a membership of the despised religious people.

What a fucking joke our justice system has become . Democrats are the biggest threat to America and Americans. Period.
While the Dems would love to see Trump in prison for not putting the NDA on the right line, the Dem-run DOJ recommends no jail time for a man-turned-woman person who vandalized and defaced a Catholic Church.

IOW, the perpetrator is a member of a protected group, and the church is a membership of the despised religious people.

The same corrupt filth that are letting this nutcase off so easy, if the case were turned around, if it was a Catholic or any other kind of Christian vandalizing some pro-pervert facility, and assaulting a worker there they'd be calling this a “hate crime”, and throwing the book at him.

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