DOJ Reached Agreement With Clinton Lawyers To Block FBI Access To Clinton Foundation Emails

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
So, the DOJ said, in advance, it would not prosecute Clinton for any mishandling of classified information.

Then, the DOJ the way, while you conduct your fake investigation, you are blocked from any access to Clinton Foundation emails....even if there is evidence of criminal activity....hell there was NO EVIDENCE against Trump and they started an investigation... where is that special prosecutor to go after the Cuntons?

The Justice Department "negotiated" an agreement with Hillary Clinton's legal team that ensured the FBI did not have access to emails on her private servers relating to the Clinton Foundation, former FBI special agent Peter Strzok testified during a closed-door appearance before the House Judiciary Committee last summer, according to a newly released transcript.

Republicans late last year renewed their efforts to probe the Clinton Foundation, after tax documents showed a plunge in its incoming donations after Clinton’s 2016 presidential election. The numbers fueled longstanding allegations of possible “pay-to-play” transactions at the organization, amid a Justice Department probe covering foundation issues.

Under questioning from Judiciary Committee General Counsel Zachary Somers, Strzok acknowledged that Clinton's private personal email servers contained a mixture of emails related to the Clinton Foundation, her work as secretary of state and other matters.

"Were you given access to [Clinton Foundation-related] emails as part of the investigation?" Somers asked

"We were not. We did not have access," Strzok responded. "My recollection is that the access to those emails were based on consent that was negotiated between the Department of Justice attorneys and counsel for Clinton."

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Yep, both Strzok and Page testimony showed what a farce the investigation into the emails was. They also proved it was never being considered as anything other than a look at the use of a server, nothing to do with Clinton.
Explains why Lynch called it a matter.
WHy would CF emails have any relevance. By that logic, let's have Mueller have access to all records of the Trump Foundation and see what falls out.

Here's the reality. No sensible prosecutor ever would have prosecuted Clinton for a technical violation. No jury ever would have convicted her.
WHy would CF emails have any relevance. By that logic, let's have Mueller have access to all records of the Trump Foundation and see what falls out.

Here's the reality. No sensible prosecutor ever would have prosecuted Clinton for a technical violation. No jury ever would have convicted her.

Mueller doesn't need the now dissolved Trump Foundation emails...the SDNY has taken care of that crooked organization. Clinton Foundation still in operation and helping people all over the world. The Trump Foundation is dissolved because it was a crooked enterprise.

Donnie Small Hands wanted to run for President for the media exposure. He's the dog that caught the car. With that exposure came scrutiny.
WHy would CF emails have any relevance. By that logic, let's have Mueller have access to all records of the Trump Foundation and see what falls out.

Here's the reality. No sensible prosecutor ever would have prosecuted Clinton for a technical violation. No jury ever would have convicted her.
Because the Clinton Foundation has been under investigation. From the Washington Post-

And CNN-

Feds actively investigating Clinton Foundation - CNNPolitics
WHy would CF emails have any relevance. By that logic, let's have Mueller have access to all records of the Trump Foundation and see what falls out.

Here's the reality. No sensible prosecutor ever would have prosecuted Clinton for a technical violation. No jury ever would have convicted her.
Technical violation?
WHy would CF emails have any relevance. By that logic, let's have Mueller have access to all records of the Trump Foundation and see what falls out.

Here's the reality. No sensible prosecutor ever would have prosecuted Clinton for a technical violation. No jury ever would have convicted her.

She broke the law, dozens if not hundreds of times. Others have been sent to prison for less.
WHy would CF emails have any relevance. By that logic, let's have Mueller have access to all records of the Trump Foundation and see what falls out.

Here's the reality. No sensible prosecutor ever would have prosecuted Clinton for a technical violation. No jury ever would have convicted her.
Because the Clinton Foundation has been under investigation. From the Washington Post-

And CNN-

Feds actively investigating Clinton Foundation - CNNPolitics

That's awesome, but that's not the investigation Comey was doing. Comey was investigating emails from the state department.
Comey was investigating both, dear. He was head of the fbi.
WHy would CF emails have any relevance. By that logic, let's have Mueller have access to all records of the Trump Foundation and see what falls out.

Here's the reality. No sensible prosecutor ever would have prosecuted Clinton for a technical violation. No jury ever would have convicted her.
Because the Clinton Foundation has been under investigation. From the Washington Post-

And CNN-

Feds actively investigating Clinton Foundation - CNNPolitics

That's awesome, but that's not the investigation Comey was doing. Comey was investigating emails from the state department.
WHy would CF emails have any relevance. By that logic, let's have Mueller have access to all records of the Trump Foundation and see what falls out.

Here's the reality. No sensible prosecutor ever would have prosecuted Clinton for a technical violation. No jury ever would have convicted her.
Why do Manafort's income taxes have any relevance to the Mueller investigation?
WHy would CF emails have any relevance. By that logic, let's have Mueller have access to all records of the Trump Foundation and see what falls out.

Here's the reality. No sensible prosecutor ever would have prosecuted Clinton for a technical violation. No jury ever would have convicted her.
Because the Clinton Foundation has been under investigation. From the Washington Post-

And CNN-

Feds actively investigating Clinton Foundation - CNNPolitics

That's awesome, but that's not the investigation Comey was doing. Comey was investigating emails from the state department.
Tell me she didn't do anything wrong you lying ABNORMAL!


They made that video so I can't post it....try this one

Need another


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