DOJ Once Again Changes Trump Seizure Evidence List Dropping “Empty Classified Folders”, and Continues Refusing to Give President Trump Lawyers ...


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Amazing deceptions continue by the out-of-control DoJ even more so under Merrick Garland.

DOJ Once Again Changes Trump Seizure Evidence List Dropping “Empty Classified Folders”, and Continues Refusing to Give President Trump Lawyers the Affidavit Used for Search Warrant

In a recent court filing [Document Here] President Trump through his legal counsel has requested Judge Cannon to unredact and unseal the search warrant affidavit used as the predicate for the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago. Apparently, the DOJ have yet to provide President Trump with the constitutionally required predicate documents to support their search.
Additionally, the DOJ previously leaked to media about “empty folders with classified banners” as part of the evidence cache they collected. According to the filing the DOJ has since presented three different versions of their evidence collection list, with the most recent list dropping any claims of “two empty folders with classified banners.”
While asking the court to provide the affidavit to the defense team, the lawyers for President Trump are noting the fourth amendment protects everyone against warrantless searches and seizures, and that same protection also guarantees the target the right to receive and review the claimed justification for the warrant.
The unredacted affidavit is obligated to be supplied so that it can be determined if the search warrant was legally valid and predicated. General search warrants are not legally permitted. The warrant must specify what is being searched and why. The DOJ is fighting against this affidavit release. The Trump lawyers are asking the judge to make a decision.
The issue of compartmented (siloed) information, specifically as a tool and technique of the aloof DC system to retain control and influence, is a matter we have discussed on these pages for several years.
Quite literally anything can be classified as a ‘national security interest’ in the deep state effort to retain the illusion of power over the proles, ie us. It is the exact reason why congress exempts themselves from laws and regulations written for everyone else.
In this case we are watching the DOJ National Security Division (DOJ-NSD) deny the production of the material that supports the framework of their search warrant. Again, if Main Justice has nothing to hide, then why are they not willing to stand openly behind the predicate for their search.

Didn't Trump already make this claim in the Court with the magistrate judge? His court request was turned down and he got a redacted version only from the court?

I'm not certain his Judge shopped Cannon is even going to have a job much longer, after the appeals court gets through with whipping her a new ass...for her illegal kiss ass moves she made for Trump like giving him an unprecedented Special Master.....

I do understand how much Trump wants to identify the internal Mara Lago witness who ratted him out on the whereabouts of the govt documents.... so he can sic his followers on to him or her, in public, and threaten their life.... But it is likely not going to work the second time around either, even with his favorite judge shopped Cannon....imo.

Trump team will get an unredacted copy eventually... Is my understanding though.....

Trumps court filing on this has a bunch of falsities in his lawyers refer to him as president trump in 2022, instead of former president trump....

And again makes the false claim that presidential records were his, and not the government's property, as the Law specifically spells out and dictates....

Has the court judge or DOJ made their replies yet, that we could read?
Didn't Trump already make this claim in the Court with the magistrate judge? His court request was turned down and he got a redacted version only from the court?

I'm not certain his Judge shopped Cannon is even going to have a job much longer, after the appeals court gets through with whipping her a new ass...for her illegal kiss ass moves she made for Trump like giving him an unprecedented Special Master.....

I do understand how much Trump wants to identify the internal Mara Lago witness who ratted him out on the whereabouts of the govt documents.... so he can sic his followers on to him or her, in public, and threaten their life.... But it is likely not going to work the second time around either, even with his favorite judge shopped Cannon....imo.

Trump team will get an unredacted copy eventually... Is my understanding though.....

Trumps court filing on this has a bunch of falsities in his lawyers refer to him as president trump in 2022, instead of former president trump....

And again makes the false claim that presidential records were his, and not the government's property, as the Law specifically spells out and dictates....

Has the court judge or DOJ made their replies yet, that we could read?
I guess you didn't read the motion.
If the FBI had confiscated only the records they requested instead of literally ransacking Mara-lago and stealing clothing and personal items, you might have a point.

But it's clear that the raid was an attempt to intimidate Trump into not running for POTUS again. Why else would they go into and trash his wife's room and his son's room in hopes it would cause them to beg him not to run again. It's clear that this tactic has worked on Ivanka Trump....because she refuses now to be involved in the campaign, or his administration, if he wins re-election. People who don't break the law never should have to fear their government.

Now they're trying to string out the investigation by appointing a special council, much in the way they did during the Mueller Investigation, which began knowing that Russian Collusion was fake.
The Mueller Investigation accomplished nothing....other than destroy tons of evidence of wrongdoing by the DOJ.

BTW, they cannot redact a search warrant and present it to the accused, or his lawyers, because this would mean that they had something to hide, which will never fly in any decent court of law. The DOJ is a law enforcement wing of the government, not a spy ring dealing with national secrets. They have to let the accused know who his accusers are and what they were looking for, as well as be fully transparent about their reasons for the warrant.

The magistrate in this case never should have granted the search warrant in the first place. He should have denied it, or at the very least recused himself from the case because of his personal prejudice against the accused.
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Many of the agents in the FBI came from woke colleges like Harvard.
No surprise they're a bunch of Nazis.

And those used in the raid were not from the Florida office but from DC.

Hilarious how they leaked pictures of folders marked 'classified' only to no longer reference them in the most recent filing.
I guess you didn't read the motion.
If the FBI had confiscated only the records they requested instead of literally ransacking Mara-lago and stealing clothing and personal items, you might have a point.

But it's clear that the raid was an attempt to intimidate Trump into not running for POTUS again. Why else would they go into and trash his wife's room and his son's room in hopes it would cause them to beg him not to run again. It's clear that this tactic has worked on Ivanka Trump....because she refuses now to be involved in the campaign, or his administration, if he wins re-election. People who don't break the law never should have to fear their government.

Now they're trying to string out the investigation by appointing a special council, much in the way they did during the Mueller Investigation, which began knowing that Russian Collusion was fake.
The Mueller Investigation accomplished nothing....other than destroy tons of evidence of wrongdoing by the DOJ.

BTW, they cannot redact a search warrant and present it to the accused, or his lawyers, because this would mean that they had something to hide, which will never fly in any decent court of law. The DOJ is a law enforcement wing of the government, not a spy ring dealing with national secrets. They have to let the accused know who his accusers are and what they were looking for, as well as be fully transparent about their reasons for the warrant.

The magistrate in this case never should have granted the search warrant in the first place. He should have denied it, or at the very least recused himself from the case because of his personal prejudice against the accused.

And that they went to a magistrate when a former President is involved instead of an Article III judge for the search warrant says a lot. As does the choice of an anti-Trump magistrate.

I believe that had they gone with what they had to an actual Article III judge, a District Court judge, they would have been turned down in the request.

And those used in the raid were not from the Florida office but from DC.

Hilarious how they leaked pictures of folders marked 'classified' only to no longer reference them in the most recent filing.
It's a frame up and an intimidation tactic.
The problem with these people is they're lousy actors....and they can't seem to help themselves.
No sooner did Trump declare.....they practically ran to the cameras to announce the investigation.
Most of this would have just gone away if Trump had decided not to run again.
The unredacted affidavit is obligated to be supplied so that it can be determined if the search warrant was legally valid and predicated.
It is obligated to be supplied to the judge who signed the search warrant.

There’s no obligation to supply it to Trump.
Wanting to see the affidavit doesn’t give him a right to it.

Determining whether there was a violation of the 4th amendment is the job of the judges, not Trump.

No. The defendant has a right to see it so his attorneys can make a proper argument about it and its 4th Amendment violation.

It is very telling that the DoJ refuses to release it to the Trump team.

Without the right of access to the affidavit on which the search warrant was based, the search subject could never make such a challenge.

As stated by the learned Justice Harlan, "constitutional provisions for the security of person and property should be liberally construed." Boyd v. United States, 116 U.S. 616, 635 (1886). This is because "[a] close and literal construction deprives them of half their efficacy, and leads to gradual depreciation of the right, as if it existed more in sound than in substance." Id.

No. The defendant has a right to see it so his attorneys can make a proper argument about it and its 4th Amendment violation.

It is very telling that the DoJ refuses to release it to the Trump team.

Without the right of access to the affidavit on which the search warrant was based, the search subject could never make such a challenge.​
As stated by the learned Justice Harlan, "constitutional provisions for the security of person and property should be liberally construed." Boyd v. United States, 116 U.S. 616, 635 (1886). This is because "[a] close and literal construction deprives them of half their efficacy, and leads to gradual depreciation of the right, as if it existed more in sound than in substance." Id.

If it goes to trial, he will get the affidavit and have a chance to suppress evidence by challenging the warrant.

Not before then. It’s an ongoing investigation and Trump merely seeks to obstruct it with his legal pleadings.
If it goes to trial, he will get the affidavit and have a chance to suppress evidence by challenging the warrant.

Not before then. It’s an ongoing investigation and Trump merely seeks to obstruct it with his legal pleadings.

Not what this court decision says nor any number of other court decisions say. They say the defendant has a right to see the affidavit prior to any indictment. Ongoing investigation or not.

Not what this court decision says nor any number of other court decisions say. They say the defendant has a right to see the affidavit prior to any indictment. Ongoing investigation or not.

To the best of my knowledge, Trump has yet to file a 41g motion. Do you know if he has done so?

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