DOJ Denying American 6th Amendment Right In Trial To Send US Citizen To Prison For 10 Years For Exercising His 1st Amendment Right


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Democrats are attempting to put a US citizen in prison for 10 years for exercising his 1st Amendment Right of Free Speech by sharing a humorous Anti-Hillary meme in 2016.

US AG Garland and the DOJ have charged Douglass Mackey with a violation of the KU KLUX KLAN ACT, 18 U.S. Code § 241, claiming the meme Mackey shared denied US citizens' tbeir right to vote.

The law, which concerns “Conspiracy against rights,” is a subset of the Enforcement Act of 1871, better known as the Ku Klux Klan Act.
-- Do the to math yourself to see how far back they are going in time to come up with an excuse to try to punish Mackey for sharing a humorous Anti-Hillary meme in 2016.

The DOJ has been completely unable to present 1 case / 1 example where the meme resulted in the denial of even 1 single person's right to votevote.

In the latest update on this case it is being reported that US AG Garland and his DOJ has a 'star witness' against Mackey whose identity they refuse to reveal. The DOJ has declared their 'witness' will remain 'anonymous', will be allowed to submit testimony against Mackey, and that cross-examination will NOT be allowed.


Ummm, these ass-clowns must have graduated from law school, along with Biden, at the BOTTOM of their law classes .... or perhaps they just skipped class the day they taught Constititional Law.

This attempt to submit unquestionable, unchallegable evidence from an 'anonymous' source with no cross-examination allowed in order to send a US citizen to prison for 10 years for exercising their 1st Amendment Right is a VIOLATION OF HIS 6TH AMENDMENT RIGHT as well.

The DOJ ia attempting to violate a US citizen's 6th Amendment Constitutional Right IOT put him in prison for 10 years for exercising his 1st Amendment right by sharing a meme, claiming he denied other Americans of their right to vote - which the DOJ has demonstrated it CAN NOT essence partially blaming Hillary's 2016 Presidental election loss on Mackey's sharing of a meme!


'The only reason this isn’t hilarious, is because the Biden regime has turned it into a deadly serious nightmare.'

Democrats are attempting to put a US citizen in prison for 10 years for exercising his 1st Amendment Right of Free Speech by sharing a humorous Anti-Hillary meme in 2016.

US AG Garland and the DOJ have charged Douglass Mackey with a violation of the KU KLUX KLAN ACT, 18 U.S. Code § 241, claiming the meme Mackey shared denied US citizens' tbeir right to vote.

The law, which concerns “Conspiracy against rights,” is a subset of the Enforcement Act of 1871, better known as the Ku Klux Klan Act.
-- Do the to math yourself to see how far back they are going in time to come up with an excuse to try to punish Mackey for sharing a humorous Anti-Hillary meme in 2016.

The DOJ has been completely unable to present 1 case / 1 example where the meme resulted in the denial of even 1 single person's right to votevote.

In the latest update on this case it is being reported that US AG Garland and his DOJ has a 'star witness' against Mackey whose identity they refuse to reveal. The DOJ has declared their 'witness' will remain 'anonymous', will be allowed to submit testimony against Mackey, and that cross-examination will NOT be allowed.


Ummm, these ass-clowns must have graduated from law school, along with Biden, at the BOTTOM of their law classes .... or perhaps they just skipped class the day they taught Constititional Law.

This attempt to submit unquestionable, unchallegable evidence from an 'anonymous' source with no cross-examination allowed in order to send a US citizen to prison for 10 years for exercising their 1st Amendment Right is a VIOLATION OF HIS 6TH AMENDMENT RIGHT as well.

The DOJ ia attempting to violate a US citizen's 6th Amendment Constitutional Right IOT put him in prison for 10 years for exercising his 1st Amendment right by sharing a meme, claiming he denied other Americans of their right to vote - which the DOJ has demonstrated it CAN NOT essence partially blaming Hillary's 2016 Presidental election loss on Mackey's sharing of a meme!


'The only reason this isn’t hilarious, is because the Biden regime has turned it into a deadly serious nightmare.'

Makes you wonder what he actually did.

From the complaint:

"For example, on Nov. 1, 2016, Mackey allegedly tweeted an image that featured an African American woman standing in front of an “African Americans for [the Candidate]” sign. The image included the following text: “Avoid the Line. Vote from Home. Text ‘[Candidate’s first name]’ to 59925[.] Vote for [the Candidate] and be a part of history.” The fine print at the bottom of the image stated: “Must be 18 or older to vote. One vote per person. Must be a legal citizen of the United States. Voting by text not available in Guam, Puerto Rico, Alaska or Hawaii. Paid for by [Candidate] for President 2016.”

Yeah, he stepped over the line on that one.
Democrats are attempting to put a US citizen in prison for 10 years for exercising his 1st Amendment Right of Free Speech by sharing a humorous Anti-Hillary meme in 2016.

US AG Garland and the DOJ have charged Douglass Mackey with a violation of the KU KLUX KLAN ACT, 18 U.S. Code § 241, claiming the meme Mackey shared denied US citizens' tbeir right to vote.

The law, which concerns “Conspiracy against rights,” is a subset of the Enforcement Act of 1871, better known as the Ku Klux Klan Act.
-- Do the to math yourself to see how far back they are going in time to come up with an excuse to try to punish Mackey for sharing a humorous Anti-Hillary meme in 2016.

The DOJ has been completely unable to present 1 case / 1 example where the meme resulted in the denial of even 1 single person's right to votevote.

In the latest update on this case it is being reported that US AG Garland and his DOJ has a 'star witness' against Mackey whose identity they refuse to reveal. The DOJ has declared their 'witness' will remain 'anonymous', will be allowed to submit testimony against Mackey, and that cross-examination will NOT be allowed.


Ummm, these ass-clowns must have graduated from law school, along with Biden, at the BOTTOM of their law classes .... or perhaps they just skipped class the day they taught Constititional Law.

This attempt to submit unquestionable, unchallegable evidence from an 'anonymous' source with no cross-examination allowed in order to send a US citizen to prison for 10 years for exercising their 1st Amendment Right is a VIOLATION OF HIS 6TH AMENDMENT RIGHT as well.

The DOJ ia attempting to violate a US citizen's 6th Amendment Constitutional Right IOT put him in prison for 10 years for exercising his 1st Amendment right by sharing a meme, claiming he denied other Americans of their right to vote - which the DOJ has demonstrated it CAN NOT essence partially blaming Hillary's 2016 Presidental election loss on Mackey's sharing of a meme!


'The only reason this isn’t hilarious, is because the Biden regime has turned it into a deadly serious nightmare.'

If they can actually prove he did it to influence illegal votes or convince dumbasses to think they were voting via meme link, so be it. It is up to the jury and the judge.
The libtard asswipes want to make it legal to operate in secret, and censor anyone who dares to question their stupidity.
If they can actually prove he did it to influence illegal votes or convince dumbasses to think they were voting via meme link, so be it. It is up to the jury and the judge.
Read the article / posts again -

The DOJ has been unable to provide 1 single example of any person being denied the right to vote because he shared a humorous meme.

They charged him with a crime, a violation of a law dating back to 1871, and then had no evidence to prove he had violated the law they charged him with violating...

And now they want to use an 'anonymous' witness whose identity they want to keep secret, who can not be cross examined, to send him to prison for 10 years ... a violation of his 6th Amendment rights.

(...shades of D-Schiff claiming he had a whistleblower giving testimony against Trump yet the whistleblower could not be named or give testimony in person ... BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T EXIST - Schiff committed perjury and attempted to.manufacture false / non-existent evidence in an attempt to overthrow the US Govt by trying to illegally remove rhe democratically elected current President from office...

Reminiscent of former FBI Director Mueller caught hiding exculpatory evidence and sending an innocent man - who he knew was innocent - to prison)
Read the article / posts again -

The DOJ has been unable to provide 1 single example of any person being denied the right to vote because he shared a humorous meme.

They charged him with a crime, a violation of a law dating back to 1871, and then had no evidence to prove he had violated the law they charged him with violating...

And now they want to use an 'anonymous' witness whose identity they want to keep secret, who can not be cross examined, to send him to prison for 10 years ... a violation of his 6th Amendment rights.

(...shades of D-Schiff claiming he had a whistleblower giving testimony against Trump yet the whistleblower could not be named or give testimony in person ... BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T EXIST - Schiff committed perjury and attempted to.manufacture false / non-existent evidence in an attempt to overthrow the US Govt by trying to illegally remove rhe democratically elected current President from office...

Reminiscent of former FBI Director Mueller caught hiding exculpatory evidence and sending an innocent man - who he knew was innocent - to prison)
Libtards are completely full of shit.

What more needs to (or can) be said?

Libtards are incompetent little asswipes who couldn't manage their way out.of a paper bag. That's why we're seeing what we're seeing.

They're also disgusting human beings. Lying their asses off all the time. No one trusts them. No one respects them. The only time they can even get heard is when they lie.

Adam Schiff - now there is the.perfect example of an incompetent and disgusting libtard
Some guy on the internet makes a claim so obviously it must be true..............
Read the article / posts again -

The DOJ has been unable to provide 1 single example of any person being denied the right to vote because he shared a humorous meme.

It’s the latest wrinkle in the high-profile prosecution of Mackey, who was on the cusp of an imminent trial for sharing memes encouraging Black supporters of Hillary Clinton to vote by text message in the 2016 election. Federal prosecutors say that Mackey measurably interfered with the election through misinformation about casting votes by phone, which isn’t a valid way of casting ballots in the United States. The government says the meme fooled at least 4,900 Democrats.

They charged him with a crime, a violation of a law dating back to 1871, and then had no evidence to prove he had violated the law they charged him with violating...

There hasn't been a trial yet. His side has asked for it to be delayed again.

he trial of “alt-right” Twitter troll Douglass Mackey, better known by his “Major League”-referencing handle “Ricky Vaughn,” has been postponed after a researcher from an anti-hate watchdog group obtained “private” emails concerning the defense’s expert witness.

Now, Mackey’s expert has withdrawn from the case, and his defense team is scrambling to replace him, his lawyer revealed.

And now they want to use an 'anonymous' witness whose identity they want to keep secret, who can not be cross examined, to send him to prison for 10 years ... a violation of his 6th Amendment rights.

You need to quit believing everything you read on the internet.

(...shades of D-Schiff claiming he had a whistleblower giving testimony against Trump yet the whistleblower could not be named or give testimony in person ... BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T EXIST - Schiff committed perjury and attempted to.manufacture false / non-existent evidence in an attempt to overthrow the US Govt by trying to illegally remove rhe democratically elected current President from office...

Reminiscent of former FBI Director Mueller caught hiding exculpatory evidence and sending an innocent man - who he knew was innocent - to prison)

Sadly we have plenty of evidence of stuff like this all around. It's why case after case after case of voting fraud was thrown out of court.
Democrats are attempting to put a US citizen in prison for 10 years for exercising his 1st Amendment Right of Free Speech by sharing a humorous Anti-Hillary meme in 2016.

US AG Garland and the DOJ have charged Douglass Mackey with a violation of the KU KLUX KLAN ACT, 18 U.S. Code § 241, claiming the meme Mackey shared denied US citizens' tbeir right to vote.

The law, which concerns “Conspiracy against rights,” is a subset of the Enforcement Act of 1871, better known as the Ku Klux Klan Act.
-- Do the to math yourself to see how far back they are going in time to come up with an excuse to try to punish Mackey for sharing a humorous Anti-Hillary meme in 2016.

The DOJ has been completely unable to present 1 case / 1 example where the meme resulted in the denial of even 1 single person's right to votevote.

In the latest update on this case it is being reported that US AG Garland and his DOJ has a 'star witness' against Mackey whose identity they refuse to reveal. The DOJ has declared their 'witness' will remain 'anonymous', will be allowed to submit testimony against Mackey, and that cross-examination will NOT be allowed.


Ummm, these ass-clowns must have graduated from law school, along with Biden, at the BOTTOM of their law classes .... or perhaps they just skipped class the day they taught Constititional Law.

This attempt to submit unquestionable, unchallegable evidence from an 'anonymous' source with no cross-examination allowed in order to send a US citizen to prison for 10 years for exercising their 1st Amendment Right is a VIOLATION OF HIS 6TH AMENDMENT RIGHT as well.

The DOJ ia attempting to violate a US citizen's 6th Amendment Constitutional Right IOT put him in prison for 10 years for exercising his 1st Amendment right by sharing a meme, claiming he denied other Americans of their right to vote - which the DOJ has demonstrated it CAN NOT essence partially blaming Hillary's 2016 Presidental election loss on Mackey's sharing of a meme!


'The only reason this isn’t hilarious, is because the Biden regime has turned it into a deadly serious nightmare.'

It's about time.
'The Sixth Amendment guarantees the rights of criminal defendants, including the right to a public trial without unnecessary delay, the right to a lawyer, the right to an impartial jury, and the right to know who your accusers are and the nature of the charges and evidence against you.'

It is time to end the Democrats' 3rd World Banana Republic reign and detention of Political Prisoners in DC Gitmo.

Jake Lang has spent his 3rd birthday as a Democrats' Political Prisoner in their 'gulag' without having his Constitutionally guaranteed 'speedy' trial.

'After being moved around from prison to prison for over 800 days and 25 months, Jake is now being held in Brooklyn where is the only J6 prisoner in his wing in a hostile prison.'

Intimidation, abuse, isolation,violating his Constitutional rights - all designed to wear down Land - and orher political prisoners - until they are willing to accept any plea deal to.make it end.

There is little diffetence between Putin, Russia,and what they are doing to two Americans and Biden, Democrats, and what they are doing to their Anerican political prisoners.

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