DOJ Charges Man Who Allegedly Sprayed Chemicals At Cops In Capitol Riot

More good news.

Another insurrectionist has been arrested. This one sprayed chemicals on the police. He was so proud of his crimes he posted a video of it on parler.

The trump people aren't known for intelligence.

CNNDOJ charges man who allegedly sprayed chemicals at cops in Capitol riot
By Marshall Cohen, CNN 5 hrs ago

"They sprayed us with pepper spray. Kept spraying. I was like, 'Dude, do it again and we spray you back.' And he did. And I sprayed back, got like 15 of them," Caldwell said in the video.

He has been charged with four crimes: assaulting federal officers, obstructing law enforcement, knowingly entering a restricted building, and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds. An attorney isn't listed for Caldwell in the public court docket, and he hasn't had a chance to enter a plea.

A message sent on Saturday to Caldwell's LinkedIn profile wasn't answered.

The use of chemical sprays has been a major focus of the investigation into the death of US Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick. CNN reported that prosecutors believe he was attacked with bear spray, which contributed to his death one day later. There is no known connection in court documents or elsewhere between Sicknick's death and the charges against Caldwell.

Chemical sprays were one of many weapons used by rioters during the January 6 insurrection. According to a CNN analysis, other weapons confiscated or used in or around the Capitol that day includes firearms, a metal baseball bat, a fire extinguisher, a wooden club, a spear, a stun gun, crutches, a flagpole, stolen police shields, a wooden beam, a hockey stick and knives.


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It was pepper spray. The cops sprayed it and the protesters spray back.
funny how some people can resist without getting murdered.
Babbit never even got a chance to resist while slimebag Scott was apprehended and resisted and continued to resist before his crack ass succumbed to his addiction. Then thousands of dirt bags burned looted and rioted while police stood and watched.

Babbit was warned.. Those people attacking the Capitol seemed so hysterical.. like they were so fired up they'd lost their minds.
More good news.

Another insurrectionist has been arrested. This one sprayed chemicals on the police. He was so proud of his crimes he posted a video of it on parler.

The trump people aren't known for intelligence.
It seems to be true and I won't bother trying to defend such behavior.

Who I will defend however are the 95% of Trump supporters gathered at the Capitol that day who
were peaceful, law abiding and orderly, betraying your constant caricature of Trump supporters
as violent buffoons.

I will also condemn you when you try to rationalize and whitewash the actions of the now identified
DC cop who shot a protestor in cold blood and murdered her on the spot.
A cowardly indefensible extrajudicial execution without cause or reason.
There were many ways to neutralize an unarmed woman...murder is not one of them.
More good news.

Another insurrectionist has been arrested. This one sprayed chemicals on the police. He was so proud of his crimes he posted a video of it on parler.

The trump people aren't known for intelligence.
It seems to be true and I won't bother trying to defend such behavior.

Who I will defend however are the 95% of Trump supporters gathered at the Capitol that day who
were peaceful, law abiding and orderly, betraying your constant caricature of Trump supporters
as violent buffoons.

I will also condemn you when you try to rationalize and whitewash the actions of the now identified
DC cop who shot a protestor in cold blood and murdered her on the spot.
A cowardly indefensible extrajudicial execution without cause or reason.
There were many ways to neutralize an unarmed woman...murder is not one of them.

She was smashing glass to break in and she was warned. The people that stormed the Capitol were NOT peaceful protestors. They were hysterical, violent and out of control.
"..... to rationalize and whitewash the actions of the now identified
DC cop who shot a protestor in cold blood and murdered her on the spot.
A cowardly indefensible extrajudicial execution without cause or reason.

No disrespect intended, but.....but the above is utter and complete nonsense. the damn videos.

Poor Ms. Babbit was an integral part of a group of violent rioters who were beating down a door to a sacrosanct ---always guarded ----Speaker's Lobby.
The door...via it's window was breached....and then Babbit, shrouded in a Trump campaign flag which hid any potential weapons was boosted into the breach. Unfortunately.

She, and her cohorts, were warned numerous times, loudly and insistently.....that they must back off. They didn't.

So, with no disrespect intended.....'Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.'

May Ms. Babbit, rest in peace.
More good news.

Another insurrectionist has been arrested. This one sprayed chemicals on the police. He was so proud of his crimes he posted a video of it on parler.

The trump people aren't known for intelligence.

More good news.

Another insurrectionist has been arrested. This one sprayed chemicals on the police. He was so proud of his crimes he posted a video of it on parler.

The trump people aren't known for intelligence.

Excellent... crucify the sonofabitch in the criminal law courts... lock him up for as long a time as the law allows.
found the nerve to be pro-cop, for a while.

Well, I don't know much about what any poster here has posted in the past....still, that ain't gonna stop me from offering an opinion.

To wit: Yes, it is understandable that Americans would feel "pro-cop"....after watching the Trump insurrectionists savagely beat the hell out of them -- on the steps, in the doorways....and on the sidewalk after they dragged them down.
So yeah, I think those cops need some sympathy. Respect. A raise.

Conversely, the beaters of the cops, the sprayers of the cops........need to pay the price for such.
Hopefully, the prosecutors take this violation of America seriously.

I guess that excludes Ashli Babbitt.

I'm not sure what the poster 'toobfreak' is suggesting with that post.

However, as we all have now seen on many video presentations of her death. And actions preceding it.
Ms.Babbit was part of a crowd violently breaking down a door to the Speaker's Lobby. She...and all of them...were warned by the officials on the other side of that door to back away. They even displayed a gun to emphasize their seriousness and intent to protect the American Capitol.

Unfortunately, Ms. Babbit did not heed the oh-so-serious warnings.
More good news.

Another insurrectionist has been arrested. This one sprayed chemicals on the police. He was so proud of his crimes he posted a video of it on parler.

The trump people aren't known for intelligence.

CNNDOJ charges man who allegedly sprayed chemicals at cops in Capitol riot
By Marshall Cohen, CNN 5 hrs ago
DOJ charges man who allegedly sprayed chemicals at cops in Capitol riot

"They sprayed us with pepper spray. Kept spraying. I was like, 'Dude, do it again and we spray you back.' And he did. And I sprayed back, got like 15 of them," Caldwell said in the video.

He has been charged with four crimes: assaulting federal officers, obstructing law enforcement, knowingly entering a restricted building, and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds. An attorney isn't listed for Caldwell in the public court docket, and he hasn't had a chance to enter a plea.

A message sent on Saturday to Caldwell's LinkedIn profile wasn't answered.

The use of chemical sprays has been a major focus of the investigation into the death of US Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick. CNN reported that prosecutors believe he was attacked with bear spray, which contributed to his death one day later. There is no known connection in court documents or elsewhere between Sicknick's death and the charges against Caldwell.

Chemical sprays were one of many weapons used by rioters during the January 6 insurrection. According to a CNN analysis, other weapons confiscated or used in or around the Capitol that day includes firearms, a metal baseball bat, a fire extinguisher, a wooden club, a spear, a stun gun, crutches, a flagpole, stolen police shields, a wooden beam, a hockey stick and knives.

Just so we know you’re us to your posts showing you condemned the BurnLootMurder animals as they disrespected and assaulted police officers...if you can’t, people here might just think you’re nothing more than another twisted, completely fucked in the head filthy America hating Leftist and you wouldn’t want that.
found the nerve to be pro-cop, for a while.

Well, I don't know much about what any poster here has posted in the past....still, that ain't gonna stop me from offering an opinion.

To wit: Yes, it is understandable that Americans would feel "pro-cop"....after watching the Trump insurrectionists savagely beat the hell out of them -- on the steps, in the doorways....and on the sidewalk after they dragged them down.
So yeah, I think those cops need some sympathy. Respect. A raise.

Conversely, the beaters of the cops, the sprayers of the cops........need to pay the price for such.
Hopefully, the prosecutors take this violation of America seriously.

I guess that excludes Ashli Babbitt.

I'm not sure what the poster 'toobfreak' is suggesting with that post.

However, as we all have now seen on many video presentations of her death. And actions preceding it.
Ms.Babbit was part of a crowd violently breaking down a door to the Speaker's Lobby. She...and all of them...were warned by the officials on the other side of that door to back away. They even displayed a gun to emphasize their seriousness and intent to protect the American Capitol.

Unfortunately, Ms. Babbit did not heed the oh-so-serious warnings.
Exactly. She was leading a mob. If she gets through that window that Mob has breached the last line of defense for the entire House of Reps.

She asked for it. She got it.

And these other assholes are paying their price for their actions.

Amazing how the "Blue Lives Matters" crowd has reversed themselves . Trumpers are entirely transactional. Nothing actually means anything
found the nerve to be pro-cop, for a while.

Well, I don't know much about what any poster here has posted in the past....still, that ain't gonna stop me from offering an opinion.

To wit: Yes, it is understandable that Americans would feel "pro-cop"....after watching the Trump insurrectionists savagely beat the hell out of them -- on the steps, in the doorways....and on the sidewalk after they dragged them down.
So yeah, I think those cops need some sympathy. Respect. A raise.

Conversely, the beaters of the cops, the sprayers of the cops........need to pay the price for such.
Hopefully, the prosecutors take this violation of America seriously.

I guess that excludes Ashli Babbitt.

I'm not sure what the poster 'toobfreak' is suggesting with that post.

However, as we all have now seen on many video presentations of her death. And actions preceding it.
Ms.Babbit was part of a crowd violently breaking down a door to the Speaker's Lobby. She...and all of them...were warned by the officials on the other side of that door to back away. They even displayed a gun to emphasize their seriousness and intent to protect the American Capitol.

Unfortunately, Ms. Babbit did not heed the oh-so-serious warnings.
Exactly. She was leading a mob. If she gets through that window that Mob has breached the last line of defense for the entire House of Reps.

She asked for it. She got it.

And these other assholes are paying their price for their actions.

Amazing how the "Blue Lives Matters" crowd has reversed themselves . Trumpers are entirely transactional. Nothing actually means anything

Just like David Dorn huh? He got what he deserved...right? How dare he try and stop that “peaceful protest”.
you’re nothing more than another twisted, completely fucked in the head filth
"This country has never had so many illegitimate, crime seeking, bottom feeding, taxpayer draining, no pride having, un-American low life's on it's soil. We need greater diversity really means: We need fewer whites. "

Well, yes....OK. there is that from one of our more thoughtful and insightful posters, "BrokeLoser".

Keep up the good work.
And watch out for those less than white diversifiers.;)
Another insurrectionist has been arrested. This one sprayed chemicals on the police.

It was pepper spray. The cops sprayed it and the protesters spray back.

BUT I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU, DANA! After spending all of last year being so anti-cop wanting to defund them all as hateful racists, I'm glad you finally found the nerve to be pro-cop, for a while.

Exactly tit for jury will convict this man of anything....just defending himself from overly aggressive cops....not even to mention how one of them comitted cold blooded murder but libtards want to get excited because someguy used pepper spray?....get real.
It was pepper spray. The cops sprayed it and the protesters spray back.
funny how some people can resist without getting murdered.
Babbit never even got a chance to resist while slimebag Scott was apprehended and resisted and continued to resist before his crack ass succumbed to his addiction. Then thousands of dirt bags burned looted and rioted while police stood and watched.

Babbit was warned.. Those people attacking the Capitol seemed so hysterical.. like they were so fired up they'd lost their minds.

What difference does a warning make?
It is still illegal to shoot and kill an unarmed woman.
found the nerve to be pro-cop, for a while.

Well, I don't know much about what any poster here has posted in the past....still, that ain't gonna stop me from offering an opinion.

To wit: Yes, it is understandable that Americans would feel "pro-cop"....after watching the Trump insurrectionists savagely beat the hell out of them -- on the steps, in the doorways....and on the sidewalk after they dragged them down.
So yeah, I think those cops need some sympathy. Respect. A raise.

Conversely, the beaters of the cops, the sprayers of the cops........need to pay the price for such.
Hopefully, the prosecutors take this violation of America seriously.

I guess that excludes Ashli Babbitt.

I'm not sure what the poster 'toobfreak' is suggesting with that post.

However, as we all have now seen on many video presentations of her death. And actions preceding it.
Ms.Babbit was part of a crowd violently breaking down a door to the Speaker's Lobby. She...and all of them...were warned by the officials on the other side of that door to back away. They even displayed a gun to emphasize their seriousness and intent to protect the American Capitol.

Unfortunately, Ms. Babbit did not heed the oh-so-serious warnings.
Exactly. She was leading a mob. If she gets through that window that Mob has breached the last line of defense for the entire House of Reps.

She asked for it. She got it.

And these other assholes are paying their price for their actions.

Amazing how the "Blue Lives Matters" crowd has reversed themselves . Trumpers are entirely transactional. Nothing actually means anything

Ashli Babbit was not leading anything.
Nor was she armed or dangerous.
It would have been illegal for me or you to shoot here, just as it was for the DC cop to shoot her.
comitted cold blooded murder
What difference does a warning make?
It is still illegal to shoot and kill an unarmed woman

Who commtted "cold blooded murder"? "kill an unarmed woman".
Unarmed? ....... who knew?

Warned to stay out. Loudly warned. Repeatedly warned. Earneastly warned.
But went anyway. Went anyway while wearing a body veil that could have easily hidden an AK-47, an RPG, or explosives...or her make-up bag. Who knew?
She threatened police in an environment where extreme threats of extreme violence wer observable, ongoing, and close at hand.

( the friggin' videos.)

Again, to overdrive the nail: She took the risk to confront armed police in a violent and illegal manner.
A stupid game. I'm sure all will agree.
Would you have done the same?
Funny how we didn't see this kind of support from the left for the police when police were dealing with rioters in Portland and Seattle among other places most of last year and even into this year nor did we see it when police were attacked trying to stop mobs from trying to tear down and deface statues and monuments.
...Ok, can you point out where in any thread you said this about the Portland rioters?
1. I did far worse in commenting about them; words to the effect: "Enough already. Time to fire into the goddamned crowd."

2. that is entirely unrelated to the Insurrection against the United States; assaulting the US Capitol building and the US Congress to forestall election certification


When are you dikkhead$ going to finally understand that what happened in Portland has nothing... ZERO... to do with your bloody Insurrection of January 6, 2021?

The government of the United States is coming for those amongst you who sought to establish and sustain a tyrant to rule beyond his allotted time.

For those... "Up against the wall, muthaphukkers!" ...long, long max'ed-out prison sentences all around... rot in jail, you pieces of $hit.
Last edited:
More good news.

Another insurrectionist has been arrested. This one sprayed chemicals on the police. He was so proud of his crimes he posted a video of it on parler.

The trump people aren't known for intelligence.

“Insurrectionist”? What proof do have that he was going to overthrow the government? Can someone overthrow the government with a can of bear spray?

Why were they there? To try and overturn a fair election. Seems to me that is the very definition of the word.

BLM protested and I supported their actions. I said so. I still say so. I don't try and deflect and make excuses and pretend what happened didn't happen.

Now I supported the right of these people to protest. I did NOT support what they were protesting over.

I even understand that there are times violence is called for. I've also noted that if you are caught you have to be willing to accept the consequences. I doubt most caught here are going to be doing well in prison.
Funny how we didn't see this kind of support from the left for the police when police were dealing with rioters in Portland and Seattle among other places most of last year and even into this year nor did we see it when police were attacked trying to stop mobs from trying to tear down and deface statues and monuments.

And you don't see it from the "right" now. Why is one bad and not the other?
found the nerve to be pro-cop, for a while.

Well, I don't know much about what any poster here has posted in the past....still, that ain't gonna stop me from offering an opinion.

To wit: Yes, it is understandable that Americans would feel "pro-cop"....after watching the Trump insurrectionists savagely beat the hell out of them -- on the steps, in the doorways....and on the sidewalk after they dragged them down.
So yeah, I think those cops need some sympathy. Respect. A raise.

Conversely, the beaters of the cops, the sprayers of the cops........need to pay the price for such.
Hopefully, the prosecutors take this violation of America seriously.

I guess that excludes Ashli Babbitt.

I'm not sure what the poster 'toobfreak' is suggesting with that post.

However, as we all have now seen on many video presentations of her death. And actions preceding it.
Ms.Babbit was part of a crowd violently breaking down a door to the Speaker's Lobby. She...and all of them...were warned by the officials on the other side of that door to back away. They even displayed a gun to emphasize their seriousness and intent to protect the American Capitol.

Unfortunately, Ms. Babbit did not heed the oh-so-serious warnings.
Exactly. She was leading a mob. If she gets through that window that Mob has breached the last line of defense for the entire House of Reps.

She asked for it. She got it.

And these other assholes are paying their price for their actions.

Amazing how the "Blue Lives Matters" crowd has reversed themselves . Trumpers are entirely transactional. Nothing actually means anything

Ashli Babbit was not leading anything.
Nor was she armed or dangerous.
It would have been illegal for me or you to shoot here, just as it was for the DC cop to shoot her.

Lesh types start spreading the lies and frothing at the mouth.
When are you ...... going to finally understand that what happened in Portland has nothing... ZERO... to do with your bloody Insurrection of January 6, 2021?

Well, in my opinion, some understand, others simply won't because they don't want to. To many of the fringe Right the 'racial justice vandals' in Portland threatening police is exactly the same as violent insurrectionists savagely beating police in an attempts to interfere with a key step in our electoral process.

Exactly the same.
Some say.

But others will say that the 'dik____$' are just obfuscating, deflecting, distracting with 'whataboutism'.
It's their version of "Look, squirrel!"


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