Dogs and kids.

It doesn't always work out, though. You need to teach kids how to behave around dogs and to treat dogs kindly.

My sister had a Rottweiller they supposedly loved sooooo much. They also had a spoiled granddaughter. One day the kid and the dog were in the kitchen and my sister was working with her back to them. All of a sudden the kid started shrieking and my sister turned around to see blood all over the kid's face. They ended up medivacing the kid out (they live in a really small town) and while that was happening my sister's husband took the dog out back and shot him dead. Because they thought the dog bit the kid, you know.

I think later there was some question about whether the dog bit the kid or the stupid kid just banged her face into his teeth. I think the doctor had some question that the wound was consistent with a powerful dog like a Rottweiler actually biting the kid on the mouth.

Anyway, they think that kid is so cute and wonderful, and to me she is and always will be "the kid who got the dog shot." She's not welcome at my house, I have two Dobermans, and this is THEIR kingdom.

The moral of the story is make sure the kid knows how to act around the dog. And if there is some sort of accident and the kid gets hurt it means the dog will have to die...just don't go there in the first place, you're not capable of handling kids and dogs together.

(My husband says one of his dad's huskies actulally did bite him when he was a kid and his dad sure as hell didn't shoot the dog.)

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