Dog Breeds


Silver Member
Aug 2, 2009
Share your stories about dog breeds, the ones you love or maybe not love so much.

We love Shetland Sheepdogs aka Shelties.

This was Romeo. The photo taken at his groomer's shop.

The best friend any human could want. We still miss him. He was amazing. Protective, attentive, almost like he could read your mind.


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I'm partial to Basset Hounds. Who would have known?

My late Basset was a great thief.

Great dogs. My neighbor had one called Elvis. What a great bark. Low, deep and long. A friend of mine on another board loves her BHs and the stories she tells about her two are a riot.

My beagle. He's a big cuddler and total scaredy cat and while we love him to death, I don't think we will ever get another beagle.

So very cute.

My husband's favorite breed. He jokes I can never pass an antique shop without stopping and I say he can never pass a beagle without doing the same. He is a true beagle stalker. lol

Why no more Amy?
Beagles are more pack oriented than other breeds, and make great dogs if you have a large property, and enough space to keep more than one. We don't have enough space for more than one dog, and so he gets lonely and scared when we leave him alone.

When we 1st adopted him, he would howl when we left the house, the whole time, hours of howling. He's settled now, but he's still very nervous when we have to leave.

He's also a great escape artist, and has managed to break 3 cages, and wreak the house on those 3 occasions :p
My last two dogs have been Australian Shepherds. Smartest dogs I hav ever had. They have an amazing ability to understand what you are saying. Herding dog with high energy
My last two dogs have been Australian Shepherds. Smartest dogs I hav ever had. They have an amazing ability to understand what you are saying. Herding dog with high energy

Great dogs. Shelties are herding dogs also. I have seen the Australian Shepherds in dog shows at the Litchfield Fair in my area. Very very bright and they follow commands, some quite subtle, that left me in awe.
I can't say I have a favorite breed of dog.

I tend not to want the same breed of a dog I loved and lost for fear of comparing the two animals.

I had a Golden that I absolutely loved that died 11 years ago and while i still love Goldens I haven't been able to get another.

I lost a Husky 4 years ago and still get misty when I look at her picture

Currently I have 2 11 year old dogs and when they're gone I think I will not own a dog for a while if ever again. I am getting tired of having my heart broken when I lose them.
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Beagles are more pack oriented than other breeds, and make great dogs if you have a large property, and enough space to keep more than one. We don't have enough space for more than one dog, and so he gets lonely and scared when we leave him alone.

When we 1st adopted him, he would howl when we left the house, the whole time, hours of howling. He's settled now, but he's still very nervous when we have to leave.

He's also a great escape artist, and has managed to break 3 cages, and wreak the house on those 3 occasions :p

My dog, Buddy, a beagle mix, only gets worried if we leave him alone at night. During the day he could care less if we go out.
Pits, and pit mix's.


The good owners love them for sure. I am not crazy about the homeowner's insurance rates applied here when one is owner of one. Not sure if the liability issue is warranted by data. I have only known mixed pits and they were very lovable.
I can't say I have a favorite breed of dog.

I tend not to want the same breed of a dog I loved and lost for fear of comparing the two animals.

I had a Golden that I absolutely loved that died 11 years ago and while i still love Goldens I haven't been able to get another.

I lost a Husky 4 years ago and still get misty when I look at her picture

Currently I have 2 11 year old dogs and when they're gone I think I will not own a dog for a while if ever again. I am getting tired of having my heart broken when I lose them.

Great dogs!

You are singing my song Skull Pilot. We are currently without a dog and our Sheltie has been gone for several years and I am fairly certain I am not going to get another one, Sheltie that is. Another dog? Time will tell. We travel lots so not at this time.
Beagles are more pack oriented than other breeds, and make great dogs if you have a large property, and enough space to keep more than one. We don't have enough space for more than one dog, and so he gets lonely and scared when we leave him alone.

When we 1st adopted him, he would howl when we left the house, the whole time, hours of howling. He's settled now, but he's still very nervous when we have to leave.

He's also a great escape artist, and has managed to break 3 cages, and wreak the house on those 3 occasions :p

My dog, Buddy, a beagle mix, only gets worried if we leave him alone at night. During the day he could care less if we go out.

Aaaw scary boogie dogs come out at night for Buddy. Does leaving a light on matter?
Pits, and pit mix's.


The good owners love them for sure. I am not crazy about the homeowner's insurance rates applied here when one is owner of one. Not sure if the liability issue is warranted by data. I have only known mixed pits and they were very lovable.

This guy is a mix, and as far as insurance and rent homes and apartments go, if it looks lik a pit, its a pit and not allowed. Back in july when me and him got here we lived at a camp ground for two weeks looking for a place to take up.
My passion is Australian Shepherds, but I've had a variety of dogs. My current pack is 2 Aussies, an aussie bc mix, a sheltie bc mix and an Akita mix (ok, she's the oddball).

This is one of my boys - he's got back problems now, but he still gets around - nothing gets him down :)

I've had German Shepherds all my life. If you get a good one you've got the best dog on the planet IMO
. Of course I'm biased.

I've done Shutzhund, Obedience and tried herding with my GSD's. Great in the Shutzhund and Obedience. The GSD herding is different from what you would do with a BC or an Aussie. They patrol around the sheep to keep them in one spot.

I've also had two Border Collies. Both of them were awesome herding dogs. Trialed them both. Lost my last one Jake, this year. He was a rescue. Some idiot just had to have a Border Collie. He spent the first ten months of his life in a pen out back. Assholes didn't need a dog. A cement lawn ornament would have worked just as well.

I ended up with Jake and he turned into one hell of a trial dog. He could work em from 30 or so feet back. Super eye and a hell of a dog. I still miss the old boy.

Border Collies are so smart and trainable that they scare you. Nothing you couldn't teach one to do. I did obedience and herding with Red my first BC. He was awesome at both disciplines and lived to work. Same with Jake.

Super dogs but not for everyone. No couch potatoes in the BC world.

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