Blacks Plan to Riot When Zimmerman Walks

It's a sad day for America, where it apears that the progress in which has been made over the years pertaining to race relations in America, is now being damaged possibly by extreme biased and closed minded opinionating and/or opinions being given to us now, and even by the top chief executive of the nation, along with others whom share his strange views on race relations in America as well.

Undoubtedly they (some people) have lived inside of some sort of a race driven bubble for far to long now, when the rest of the nation has moved on by leaps and bounds on these issues, and yet here they are still living within this bubble in which they can't seem to break out of, but should have by now.

I couldn't believe what I heard coming from the President in concerning his supposed outlook on race relations in this country when spoke out again using the Trayvon case for his platform, where as what is seemgly being found within his speak is that he still has in his mind that we are somehow in this nation a super racist country, where seemingly it still haunts him sorely when it comes to race relations in America to this day, otherwise as if we have made little to no progress at all in the area of race relations when hear him speak in this way, and for which is now being based on this one case maybe ? WOW! :cuckoo:

I cringed when heard the President adressing this topic in the way that he did in such a biased one sided way. WOW! :cuckoo:

My mom was a staunch supporter of Obama, but not so much anymore it seems. It's sad the people he is letting down in these ways, where as he is placing all his eggs into one basket, and then covering them all with one blanket. How closed minded is that if this is what he is doing or mistakingly is doing because of his background in life, in which dictates to him these things in which he is speaking on and therefore is acting on in this way ?

Good thing is, is that we who are beyond all of this can still work to make America a great country for all here, so lets conduct ourselves as if we are truly free and beyond this stuff, before we get dragged down into the muck that is being found within it all. We should all lead by example, and our leaders should take lessons it apears on this concept also.
Jeez stop giving the guy a hard time. Trayvon could have been him. If he'd been rocking an upper middle class, private school lifestyle in Hawaii.
Obama and his henchmen have sent race relations back 50 years. .. :doubt:
And this has been said by you I think, mainly all because of the way they (the Obama's and this administration) handles cases in these ways in which they think or rather do look at them through this entrenched prism of race in which they have, as if it is always the only way to look at things or to be suspicious about these things when a black is involved, and this it seems with them is no matter what, even if it is not there to begin with (a race case) they might just make it that way if they can it seems.

Wonder why though ?
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People voted for Obama, good people. Naïve people. When JFK was assassinated, Malcolm X said " it was chickens come home to roost". With the high level of black crime, all them chickens are going to come back to roost. High black crime rates, that is the 800 LB. gorilla in the room we aren't supposed to notice. The president , that biracial example of morality, he doesn't understand blacks anymore than Larry the cable guy. I relate to Zimmerman and Martin. End the racial hypocrisy now.

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