Does BLM have a good reason to protest and riot? Whos the REAL victim here?


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2008
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As a white person, you cant just go to a black inner city neighborhood and hang out without fear. Black neighborhoods are notorious. Why is that? You know why... its because there is violent racism in that community. Everyone knows this. White guy in black neighborhood = not so safe.

How safe are black people in white neighborhoods? We ALL know they are safe in white communities. There arent packs of white kids running around fucking up random black people. It simply doesnt happen. White men arent raping black women. Off the top of your head, can anyone name one case you know of where a white man raped a black woman. You cant because its virtually nonexistent.

The same cant be said for black on white crime. They assault, rape and murder white people at an extremely disproportionate rate. Seriously, whos the victim here?

How many legitimate cases of wrongful deaths do black people suffer from the police each year? Excluding incidents that involve black men attacking cops, refusing to drop knives or guns, etc... what, MAYBE 10-15 per year? I feel like even thats generous. Come on man, given what the black community dishes out to everyone else, are we really going to pretend like they are a "victimized" people because of a handful of deaths? They kill thousands.

Black culture produces a tremendous amount of violent people. Its extremely unfair to the rest of us. You give them a pass simply because they're black? I dont. Does giving them a pass improve the situation? Treat them the same you would any other group that fucks up. Shame them the way we did the Catholic church and the KKK. Shame put a stop to their nonsense, right?

Bringing problems to light is the only way to fix them. The good news is this isnt a race problem, its cultural, which means it can be fixed, but its not going to be fixed if everyone ignores the problem and instead concentrates on a handful of black deaths each year.
As a white person, you cant just go to a black inner city neighborhood and hang out without fear. Black neighborhoods are notorious. Why is that? You know why... its because there is violent racism in that community. Everyone knows this. White guy in black neighborhood = not so safe.

How safe are black people in white neighborhoods? We ALL know they are safe in white communities. There arent packs of white kids running around fucking up random black people. It simply doesnt happen. White men arent raping black women. Off the top of your head, can anyone name one case you know of where a white man raped a black woman. You cant because its virtually nonexistent.

The same cant be said for black on white crime. They assault, rape and murder white people at an extremely disproportionate rate. Seriously, whos the victim here?

How many legitimate cases of wrongful deaths do black people suffer from the police each year? Excluding incidents that involve black men attacking cops, refusing to drop knives or guns, etc... what, MAYBE 10-15 per year? I feel like even thats generous. Come on man, given what the black community dishes out to everyone else, are we really going to pretend like they are a "victimized" people because of a handful of deaths? They kill thousands.

Black culture produces a tremendous amount of violent people. Its extremely unfair to the rest of us. You give them a pass simply because they're black? I dont. Does giving them a pass improve the situation? Treat them the same you would any other group that fucks up. Shame them the way we did the Catholic church and the KKK. Shame put a stop to their nonsense, right?

Bringing problems to light is the only way to fix them. The good news is this isnt a race problem, its cultural, which means it can be fixed, but its not going to be fixed if everyone ignores the problem and instead concentrates on a handful of black deaths each year.

you have made some -----points---barely. Black neighborhoods are not safe---either for blacks or whites---
and it is not because of the presence of cops-----in fact --presence of cops is the LEAST of the problem in black
neighborhoods----cops avoid them. Donald Trump did
touch on that issue with his arrogant "what da' hell do'ya' have now" Your comment about "handful of black deaths"---is
also kinda obnoxious. The whole situation stinks from ALL SIDES (yes---Trump got that one right--in his distasteful
As a white person, you cant just go to a black inner city neighborhood and hang out without fear. Black neighborhoods are notorious. Why is that? You know why... its because there is violent racism in that community. Everyone knows this. White guy in black neighborhood = not so safe.

How safe are black people in white neighborhoods? We ALL know they are safe in white communities. There arent packs of white kids running around fucking up random black people. It simply doesnt happen. White men arent raping black women. Off the top of your head, can anyone name one case you know of where a white man raped a black woman. You cant because its virtually nonexistent.

The same cant be said for black on white crime. They assault, rape and murder white people at an extremely disproportionate rate. Seriously, whos the victim here?

How many legitimate cases of wrongful deaths do black people suffer from the police each year? Excluding incidents that involve black men attacking cops, refusing to drop knives or guns, etc... what, MAYBE 10-15 per year? I feel like even thats generous. Come on man, given what the black community dishes out to everyone else, are we really going to pretend like they are a "victimized" people because of a handful of deaths? They kill thousands.

Black culture produces a tremendous amount of violent people. Its extremely unfair to the rest of us. You give them a pass simply because they're black? I dont. Does giving them a pass improve the situation? Treat them the same you would any other group that fucks up. Shame them the way we did the Catholic church and the KKK. Shame put a stop to their nonsense, right?

Bringing problems to light is the only way to fix them. The good news is this isnt a race problem, its cultural, which means it can be fixed, but its not going to be fixed if everyone ignores the problem and instead concentrates on a handful of black deaths each year.

you have made some -----points---barely. Black neighborhoods are not safe---either for blacks or whites---
and it is not because of the presence of cops-----in fact --presence of cops is the LEAST of the problem in black
neighborhoods----cops avoid them. Donald Trump did
touch on that issue with his arrogant "what da' hell do'ya' have now" Your comment about "handful of black deaths"---is
also kinda obnoxious. The whole situation stinks from ALL SIDES (yes---Trump got that one right--in his distasteful
How many black unlawful deaths are we talking about? Is it more than a handful? Throw out a number.

Black people victimize hundreds of thousands of white people. If anyone should be protesting, shouldnt it be us?
You, the ordinary white Christian American citizen are the intended victim. BLM is Obama's very own SA Army. Every aspiring dictator wannabe needs their very own cadre of thugs to convince the ordinary, every day citizens to go along with the wannabe dictators wishes.
Whats notably missing from the Museum of African American History that Sheikh Obama dedicated the other day are three bronze statues in the style of the Marines raising the flag over Suribachi depicting notable scenes from the riots in Ferguson, Baltimore, and lastly Charlotte, NC, the looting of the liquor shelves in the Ferguson Qwik Stop, The Baltimore CVS narcotics safe and the WalMart electonics shelves in Charlotte.
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