CDZ Does a "Clean Debate" include emotional outbursts?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
It seems to me that a "Clean Debate" should be one where issues are discussed in a rational manner, using presumed facts and logic to explain one's conclusions. As a result, one's feelings or emotional state are neither relevant nor appropriate to the debate at hand. Is the constant insertion of these elements into various debate topics a case of mental infirmity, emotional instability or deliberate sabotage?


What about poking fun at things?


It seems to me that a "Clean Debate" should be one where issues are discussed in a rational manner, using presumed facts and logic to explain one's conclusions. As a result, one's feelings or emotional state are neither relevant nor appropriate to the debate at hand. Is the constant insertion of these elements into various debate topics a case of mental infirmity, emotional instability or deliberate sabotage?

Definitely emotional pandering, swearing, finger pointing have no place in a rational debate.
I would think that a "clean" debate simply excudes profanities and personal attacks.

It also requires some degree of personal integrity and intellectual honesty. Many posters say things they do not believe to be true, and then resort to these profanities and personal attacks when questioned..
I would think that a "clean" debate simply excudes profanities and personal attacks.

It also requires some degree of personal integrity and intellectual honesty. Many posters say things they do not believe to be true, and then resort to these profanities and personal attacks when questioned..

Personal integrity and intellectual honesty are not particularly common here.
Most everyone's minds are locked, new information designed to included a different view point is rejected out of hand. how you get people to at least consider the possibility that there may be room for compromise seems alien to most.
Most everyone's minds are locked, new information designed to included a different view point is rejected out of hand. how you get people to at least consider the possibility that there may be room for compromise seems alien to most.

My mind is definitely not locked. Not even on the issue of abortion. I was for keeping abortion legal (it was a non issue to me) before I educated myself and became opposed to it. It is obviously my primary political issue of concern, Now. . . but I welcome any and all attempts to change my mind again, I actually do not like having the belief that we have denied so many millions of children their rights and their lives. I would like to believe that we, as a nation, are better than that.

Likewise for any of my other beliefs. I am not afraid to admit that I am wrong, WHEN I am wrong.
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Most everyone's minds are locked, new information designed to included a different view point is rejected out of hand. how you get people to at least consider the possibility that there may be room for compromise seems alien to most.

You may agree to disagree, but "compromise" is the antithesis of honest debate.

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