Doctors Debate B-12 Supplementation for Vegans

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
Even they don't speak in unison.
Personally, I take a multivitamin but I bet my plant based diet is FAR more nutritious than 90% here.

I'm also not afraid to pick an apple off to he ground and eat it, or pull a carrot out of the ground and eat that. That is the source of ALL B-12 -- the microbes in the dirt

I eat a pasta dish often. I add nutritional yeast for the flavor (adds a cheesey flavor) and the added nutrition, including B-12

Nutritional yeast as a supplement

Vitamins and Minerals​

Most nutritional yeast products are fortified with added B-vitamins. The nutritional data above is from a Wegmans brand, which provides 600% or more of most B-vitamins per 16 grams. It also has 1000% of the daily value for vitamin B12.

Nutritional yeast also has some calcium, thiamin, iron, and potassium.
I just got my bloodwork done recently, as part of a general checkup... and it came back near perfect.

I wasn't deficient in anything, even B-12.... and I don't even take a B-12 supplement!

Just wanted to say that for those who think that a plantbased diet is insufficient or causes B-12 deficiency. I've been vegan for 6 1/2 years, and each time I've had my bloodwork done (3 times now) the results have ALWAYS been excellent, near perfect. This time around the only thing that needed improvement was my cholesterol was slightly higher than ideal.... but I think that's because of the stuff I've been eating in the last month or two... more processed food than usual, and some junk food.
Even they don't speak in unison.
Personally, I take a multivitamin but I bet my plant based diet is FAR more nutritious than 90% here.

I'm also not afraid to pick an apple off to he ground and eat it, or pull a carrot out of the ground and eat that. That is the source of ALL B-12 -- the microbes in the dirt
Doc said I should cut the red meat out of my diet and eat more beans.
I eat a pasta dish often. I add nutritional yeast for the flavor (adds a cheesey flavor) and the added nutrition, including B-12

Nutritional yeast as a supplement

Vitamins and Minerals​

Most nutritional yeast products are fortified with added B-vitamins. The nutritional data above is from a Wegmans brand, which provides 600% or more of most B-vitamins per 16 grams. It also has 1000% of the daily value for vitamin B12.

Nutritional yeast also has some calcium, thiamin, iron, and potassium.
I have heard nutritional yeast is supposed to be like cheese. I’m edging towards a more vegetarian diet but cheese is a hard one to give up. And of course chocolate.
Dark chocolate is high in iron but...

---Heavy Metals In Dark Chocolate: A Cause For Concern?---

Most folks do not consume Dark Chocolate every day.

The dirty little secret is, the really toxic chemicals they use to treat water, have a deleterious affect on lead pipes, and if it does not constantly flow through those pipes, minute amounts of lead are leeched into drinking water along with the coating on steel pipes, (cadmium) is also leeched, I believe, by those same chemicals.

Though, they may not be in as great amounts as they are in Dark Chocolate, because you drink so much more treated water, the danger, over your life time, is probably much greater. Every pot of coffee, every pot of boiled water for a meal, ever container of some drink, every soup you make, added to every glass of water you drink, it adds up.

The danger is so much greater on growing children.

I wasn't deficient in anything, even B-12.... and I don't even take a B-12 supplement!
That's amazing! Even I am concerned about it because you hear this all the time. I've never been checked for it, but I just try to make sure I get a lot of it in my diet one way or another.

My doctor put me on Omeprazole for life and until recently I never knew that drug will deplete B12.
I posted this on one of those Vids. I'll reproduce it here.

"Hi Doc; I just posted this on an OLD B-12 video...then I see this one. it is as I wrote it. I find this quite interesting. About 30 years ago I came down with several nasty viruses at once and they left me a wreck. I was off work for over a year and had something like "long covid" but it wasn't that of course. I was diagnosed and should have been off work for FIVE YEARS according to the specialist. This was 1993. After a year my Doc asked if I wanted to try a B-12 injection...had no idea what it was but there was something in the literature. He put it into the upper back left shoulder and frankly I thought he must have injected me with some hard drug; the effects literally crawled up the back of the neck; the "fog" was gone almost immediately, the muscular soreness, sensitivity to noise etc...GONE!!! I asked what the hell was that and after a couple of days and feedback to him I was back at work within a few days. The effects lasted about a month until I needed another was the NATURAL B-12. Since then I can only get the synthetic B-12 and it only lasts about a week. I had Covid about six months ago and B-12 is still a part of my routine. The B-12 doesn't seem to be as effective so i can't vouch for it as a treatment for Long Covid; I'm seeing my doctor in a few hours to discuss it actually. Oral B-12 has absolutely no effect on me. Sorry about that. I asked a Pommy researcher via email about it about twelve years ago (a link in an article)and they couldn't dismiss me fast enough: I was some sort of evil activist...evidently there's been a real issue in the UK with it.

Thanks for the link, folk.

I have heard nutritional yeast is supposed to be like cheese. I’m edging towards a more vegetarian diet but cheese is a hard one to give up. And of course chocolate.
It adds a parmesan cheese flavor to pasta, but it really wouldn't work as a cheese replacement
I just got my bloodwork done recently, as part of a general checkup... and it came back near perfect.

I wasn't deficient in anything, even B-12.... and I don't even take a B-12 supplement!

Just wanted to say that for those who think that a plantbased diet is insufficient or causes B-12 deficiency. I've been vegan for 6 1/2 years, and each time I've had my bloodwork done (3 times now) the results have ALWAYS been excellent, near perfect. This time around the only thing that needed improvement was my cholesterol was slightly higher than ideal.... but I think that's because of the stuff I've been eating in the last month or two... more processed food than usual, and some junk food.
Eat more barley and avocado=end of cholesterol issues(generally)
Do not dis chocolate.
Note where chocolate and coffee are on this graph, whenever you read a source about the coming future world, and the global oligarch's agenda.

You will, inevitably, read news, that chocolate and coffee, are bad for your health, the workers and nations, or the environment in the coming years. . .
(Worse even than pork, poultry, fish, eggs, etc.)


Note where chocolate and coffee are on this graph, whenever you read a source about the coming future world, and the global oligarch's agenda.

You will, inevitably, read news, that chocolate and coffee, are bad for your health, the workers and nations, or the environment in the coming years. . .
(Worse even than pork, poultry, fish, eggs, etc.)

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No way! Mess with my coffee and I will be a far worse bitch than you can possibly imagine.

Messing with my chocolate could result in a high body count.

This would be very hard….
I adore cheese.

I will never give up cheese....or eggs. YUM!

or fish or chicken not for the time being..... it is what its.....

red meat I gave up a long time ago

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