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Wer gestern die Pressekonferenz um die Pathologie-Professoren Arne Burkhardt und Walter Lang verfolgt hat, dem dürfte sich die Frage stellen, wie lange die Covid-19-Impfstoffe noch immer auf dem Markt sein werden. Die Obduktion von zehn Personen, die nach Corona-Impfungen verstorben sind...
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"Lymphocyte amok": Pathologists investigate deaths after corona vaccination
Anyone who followed the press conference with pathology professors Arne Burkhardt and Walter Lang yesterday should ask themselves how long the Covid 19 vaccines will still be on the market. The autopsy of ten people who died after corona vaccinations speak for themselves.
Those who do not get vaccinated against Covid-19 will have to face the consequences, say politicians. But every coin has two sides. On September 20th, Dr. Arne Burkhardt first insights into the pathological findings of ten autopsied people over the age of 50 who died at different intervals after a Covid19 vaccination.
In recent months, the pathologist from Reutlingen, together with Professor Walter Lang, has examined tissue material from the deceased under a microscope. The material was made available to them by other forensic doctors and pathologists from German-speaking countries.
The list of pathologists contained the following information on persons, vaccinations and time of death:
- 82-year-old, died 37 days after 2nd Moderna vaccination
- 72-year-old, died 31 days after 1st Comirnaty vaccination
- 95-year-old, died 68 days after 2nd Moderna vaccination
- 73-year-old, unknown time course, died after first Comirnaty vaccination
- 54-year-old, died 65 days after the first Janssen vaccination
- 55-year-old, died 11 days after second Pfizer/BionTech vaccination
- 56-year-old, died 8 days after Comirnaty vaccination
- 80-year-old, died 37 days after Pfizer Biotech vaccination
- 89-year-old, died 6 months after second vaccination, vaccine unknown
- 62-year-old man, died 20 days after vaccination, vaccine and dose unknown
During his presentation, Burkhardt emphasized that the test results have been backed up by two pathologists. In five of the ten cases mentioned above, the two doctors rate the connection between death and vaccination as very probable, in two cases as probable. One case has not yet been evaluated. The other two cases were classified as unclear/possible or “rather coincident”.
With regard to the causes of death, Burkhardt pointed out that lymphocytic myocarditis, the most common diagnosis, can hardly be identified macroscopically. It is often not recognized histologically, i.e. when examined under the microscope, and may be misinterpreted as an infarction.
The doctors suspect autoimmune phenomena, reduction in immune capacity, acceleration of cancer growth, vascular damage "endothelitis", vasculitis, perivasculitis and erythrocyte "clumping" as further corona vaccination side effects with potential fatal consequences. This requires further investigations, which have already been initiated.
Rare autoimmune diseases and contamination of vaccines
Burkhardt described it as "extreme" that among the ten deceased examined, three very rare autoimmune diseases were found, namely Sjögren's syndrome, leukoclasic vasculitis of the skin and Hashimoto's disease.
Excerpt from the presentation by Prof. Arne Burkhardt on September 20, 2021.Photo: Screenshot
Excerpt from the presentation by Prof. Arne Burkhardt on September 20, 2021.Photo: Screenshot
He can only think of one term for what Burkhardt has been investigating with his colleagues over the past few months - "lymphocyte amok", potentially in all tissues and all organs. Lymphocytes were found in a wide variety of tissues such as the liver, kidneys, spleen and even the uterus and tumors that massively attack the tissue there.
The topic of contamination of vaccines was also mentioned in Burkhardt's remarks. In Japan, for example,
stainless steel was found in the Moderna vaccine , in vaccine batches that were produced in Spain.
According to Burkhardt, the Spanish manufacturer downplayed the incident, saying the few stainless steel particles in the arm wouldn't matter. Although stainless steel is quite common in medicine, for example in heart valves, Burkhardt conveys the irony of the manufacturer's statement with the following symbolism: "I'm just waiting for someone to say in front of the judge: 'I can't have stabbed the man , my knife was made of [medically acceptable] stainless steel!'”
In the present case, the vaccine with foreign particles was probably injected into the muscle vessels and led to foreign body microembolisms in the lungs.
Death certificate "statistically worthless"
Burkhardt criticizes that the death certificate as it currently exists is "completely unsuitable" and "ultimately statistically worthless".
He explains why this is the case with an example: all the medical records of a person who died after a Covid vaccination were sent to the pathologist. However, from all the documents it was not clear when the woman was vaccinated and with what. This was also not clear from the submitted autopsy documents. The hospital also did not record any information on the person's vaccination status.
When Burkhardt called the deceased's husband, he said that his wife hadn't told him about the vaccination. Only after her death did he find the notification for the second vaccination date in her bag. From this, the husband concluded that she had received a first Covid vaccination.
According to Burkhardt, this is not an isolated case. On the one hand, bereaved relatives would keep silent about the connection between death and vaccination out of dismay, on the other hand, pathological institutes lack the knowledge of how to deal with "new" disease patterns. Some pathologists simply refuse to perform an autopsy.
In this respect, Burkhardt accuses the statisticians who claim “nothing slips through our fingers” that they probably slip through their fingers in 90 percent of the cases.
For this reason, the pathologist demands mandatory information on the vaccination status on the death certificate. According to Burkhardt, an interdisciplinary autopsy and evaluation by forensic pathologists and pathologists with mandatory histological (microscopic) examination of all organs and lesions is the only justifiable way. In this respect, he refers to the findings of Heidelberg professor Peter Schirmacher, according to whom around 30 to 40 percent of deaths in temporal connection with the Covid vaccination are caused by the vaccination.
Burkhardt's conclusion is as follows. Politicians say: "Anyone who does not want to be vaccinated must bear the consequences, but everyone who is vaccinated must also bear the consequences." These are still largely unknown. "So far only the first, but disturbing, findings have been documented, which are being further investigated with regard to their pathogenesis," says Burkhardt.
*Professor Dr. Arne Burkhardt, 76, can look back on many years of teaching at the Universities of Hamburg, Bern and Tübingen, as well as guest professorships/study visits to Japan (Nihon University), the USA (Brookhaven National Institute), Korea, Sweden, Malaysia and Turkey. He headed the Pathological Institute in Reutlingen for 18 years and then worked as a resident pathologist. In his research, he focused on lung pathology and head and neck pathology. Since the beginning of the corona pandemic, he has initially dealt with the consequences of the mask requirement. For this he has collected extensive material from medicine and the press and the paper Die Maske: "Devil in Disguise" - secret pandemic driver? released.