Do you think America's best days for the middle class are behind us?

Every single time. The length of time that it takes for the fall to occur is the only question. The second that a large number of people start telling you there is a problem, you had better listen.

That again reminds me of the Roman Empires system of fortifications that they had built behind the Rhine and Danube rivers. The Roman Republic of old did not need such fortifications because every Roman was a soldier and would do their duty when called upon to repell the barbarian invader or the capricious Carthaginian.

But by the fifth century the Roman legion was a shadow of its old self and few people regarded themselves as Romans. Their race had died off years before that and only the name itself had survived. But all would be dandy because the Rhine and Danube rivers would hold back the barbarian hordes long enough for the local frontier forces to drive them off as they crossed.

Then in the winter of 406 the unthinkable happened; the Rhine River completely froze over so that entire tribes of starving German hordes could simply walk across the river defences. Crossing of the Rhine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh shit said the Tribune.
God damn said the Pontiff
Holy fuck said the whores
and everyone was cut down like weeds in the wind
the innocent bled out along with the criminals in and out of power.

More than their corruption, their immorality blinded them to perversion, and the perversions fed their greed and their greed blinded them to the very fragile ice they had placed their empire on till it finally melted beneath them.

Yes, our Senate is remarkably similar to the Roman Senate...before they were all killed and Rome became a totalitarian Empire.

Isnt it amazing how history can so often rhyme?

No, what's amazing to me is the greater fool who thinks they can ignore the lessons of history. They seem to proliferate at times like these.

Well, the rhyming amazes me. I cant read Roman history any more without feeling like I am reading of the fall of America too. We do the exact same sort of things the Romans did as though it will be different this time around.
I disagree with the premises that classes exist.

I will say that we haven't begun to see Americas best days

You can't? Hillary can do things that you could never do. Congress is exempt from Anti Trust Laws, and you can state without the slightest bit of objectivity that classes don't exist? Get real.
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Every single time. The length of time that it takes for the fall to occur is the only question. The second that a large number of people start telling you there is a problem, you had better listen.

That again reminds me of the Roman Empires system of fortifications that they had built behind the Rhine and Danube rivers. The Roman Republic of old did not need such fortifications because every Roman was a soldier and would do their duty when called upon to repell the barbarian invader or the capricious Carthaginian.

But by the fifth century the Roman legion was a shadow of its old self and few people regarded themselves as Romans. Their race had died off years before that and only the name itself had survived. But all would be dandy because the Rhine and Danube rivers would hold back the barbarian hordes long enough for the local frontier forces to drive them off as they crossed.

Then in the winter of 406 the unthinkable happened; the Rhine River completely froze over so that entire tribes of starving German hordes could simply walk across the river defences. Crossing of the Rhine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh shit said the Tribune.
God damn said the Pontiff
Holy fuck said the whores
and everyone was cut down like weeds in the wind
the innocent bled out along with the criminals in and out of power.

More than their corruption, their immorality blinded them to perversion, and the perversions fed their greed and their greed blinded them to the very fragile ice they had placed their empire on till it finally melted beneath them.

Reminds me of the fall of babylon. They had amazing impenetrable walls. Thick. No army could get through it.

A river flowed through the city. When invaders came they did something no one expected. They diverted the river upstream. When the river was no longer going through the city they walked right under the wall where the river was and that city never rose again.
I disagree with the premises that classes exist.
I disagree with the premises that classes exist.

I will say that we haven't begun to see Americas best days

You can't? Hillary can do things that you could never do. Congress is exempt from Anti Trust Laws, and you can state without the slightest bit of objectivity that classes don't exist? Get real.

Classes are artificial political constructs used to divide us. They don't actually exist.
"We live in an era of fraud in America. Not just in banking, but in government, education, religion, food. Even baseball…
For fifteen thousand years, fraud and short sighted thinking have never, ever worked. Not once. Eventually you get caught, things go south.
When the hell did we forget all that?
" - Mark Baum
the party ended on december 31, 1999. even i almost cried that nite, since them i have been wondering where the 90's went. does anyone know where they are?
I disagree with the premises that classes exist.

I will say that we haven't begun to see Americas best days

You can't? Hillary can do things that you could never do. Congress is exempt from Anti Trust Laws, and you can state without the slightest bit of objectivity that classes don't exist? Get real.

I disagree with the premises that classes exist.

I disagree with the premises that classes exist.

I will say that we haven't begun to see Americas best days

You can't? Hillary can do things that you could never do. Congress is exempt from Anti Trust Laws, and you can state without the slightest bit of objectivity that classes don't exist? Get real.

Classes are artificial political constructs used to divide us. They don't actually exist.

1. Debt goes up consistently, nothing gets done. Eventually we run out of money, or economy suffers greatly.

2. Until recently, there wasn't weapons that few could use to kill many that could not be stopped defensively. Now there is. 5 people can destroy a city with the correct weapon, or kill 100s of thousands.

3. Cultures were separated by enough space, that both cultures could thrive. That is no longer the case if a culture happens to be aggressive.

4. Americans are D-U-M-B! Why? Because they should FORCE the opposing politicians and the top economists to sit down, on television, create a national holiday so every adult can watch, and let them prove from their perspective if it is government over taxation on business along with over regulation, or rather corporate greed that spirits jobs away. I don't blame conservatives or liberals for their positions, since surely one set of them have been brainwashed. Therefore, we need discover which ones are!

5. If the middle class is to die in this country, it is so the poor can live better, for surely it is not the rich being dragged down. Now, while the government tells you that is not so, it is. How do we know? Because the rich get richer, more people go on government programs, and the middle class shrinks, therefore logic tells us that the middle class is carrying the brunt of these payments. And it will not change unless we go Marxist. Why? Because rich people have enough money to leave anytime they wish and take their money with them. It is we who can't! So when someone tells you that the rich are going to pay for something, book the fact it is you!
I wanted the USMB crew to weigh in on this

Sadly, yes. The policies promulgated by both the democrat and repub politicians are geared toward entrenching the wealthy elites. Look for ever more of your civil rights to be stripped away from you until finally, they are able to defang the 2nd Amendment, and then we will quickly descend into a fascist totalitarian government.

Oh, so the Occupy Wall Streeters were correct about the 1%, hmmm?

The billionaires are even tired of the current Congress, so they are trying to put in one of their own. But management of their front man is turning out to be a bit difficult given he is acting like a 3rd grader who just lost his big rubber ball somewhere in Colorado.

The billionaires are even tired of the current Congress, so they are trying to put in one of their own. But management of their front man is turning out to be a bit difficult given he is acting like a 3rd grader who just lost his big rubber ball somewhere in Colorado.
Now you know how corporate executives really act..
I wanted the USMB crew to weigh in on this

Sadly, yes. The policies promulgated by both the democrat and repub politicians are geared toward entrenching the wealthy elites. Look for ever more of your civil rights to be stripped away from you until finally, they are able to defang the 2nd Amendment, and then we will quickly descend into a fascist totalitarian government.

Oh, so the Occupy Wall Streeters were correct about the 1%, hmmm?

You're pretty stupid aren't you. I stated MANY times that the one percenters are killing this country, Morons, like you, seem to think that only the repubs are the problem when it is clear to anyone with a brain, which leaves you out, that BOTH partys are guilty.
I wanted the USMB crew to weigh in on this

No. Real Americans don't have defeatist attitudes like that. We are slowly...but steadily.....becoming more progressive. It's a tough row to we have a sizable population of idiots...but we are getting it done. The more progressive....the stronger the middle class.

You can't beat may as well join us.
Every single time. The length of time that it takes for the fall to occur is the only question. The second that a large number of people start telling you there is a problem, you had better listen.

That again reminds me of the Roman Empires system of fortifications that they had built behind the Rhine and Danube rivers. The Roman Republic of old did not need such fortifications because every Roman was a soldier and would do their duty when called upon to repell the barbarian invader or the capricious Carthaginian.

But by the fifth century the Roman legion was a shadow of its old self and few people regarded themselves as Romans. Their race had died off years before that and only the name itself had survived. But all would be dandy because the Rhine and Danube rivers would hold back the barbarian hordes long enough for the local frontier forces to drive them off as they crossed.

Then in the winter of 406 the unthinkable happened; the Rhine River completely froze over so that entire tribes of starving German hordes could simply walk across the river defences. Crossing of the Rhine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh shit said the Tribune.
God damn said the Pontiff
Holy fuck said the whores
and everyone was cut down like weeds in the wind
the innocent bled out along with the criminals in and out of power.

More than their corruption, their immorality blinded them to perversion, and the perversions fed their greed and their greed blinded them to the very fragile ice they had placed their empire on till it finally melted beneath them.

Yes, our Senate is remarkably similar to the Roman Senate...before they were all killed and Rome became a totalitarian Empire.

Isnt it amazing how history can so often rhyme?

No, what's amazing to me is the greater fool who thinks they can ignore the lessons of history. They seem to proliferate at times like these.

Why do you have so many spaces in your posts? Are you "pausing" for effect?
Because of globalization, technological advances and automation, our middle class may not get all the way back, even if certain legislation does pass.

JimBowie1958 started an interesting thread (it's in the Clean Debate Zone, be aware, trolls) asking whether we'll end up having to create a universal base income of some kind: CDZ - Why not have a 'Universal Basic Income' to replace welfare?

It's a reasonable conversation to have, if we can find some reasonable people to have it.
Every single time. The length of time that it takes for the fall to occur is the only question. The second that a large number of people start telling you there is a problem, you had better listen.

That again reminds me of the Roman Empires system of fortifications that they had built behind the Rhine and Danube rivers. The Roman Republic of old did not need such fortifications because every Roman was a soldier and would do their duty when called upon to repell the barbarian invader or the capricious Carthaginian.

But by the fifth century the Roman legion was a shadow of its old self and few people regarded themselves as Romans. Their race had died off years before that and only the name itself had survived. But all would be dandy because the Rhine and Danube rivers would hold back the barbarian hordes long enough for the local frontier forces to drive them off as they crossed.

Then in the winter of 406 the unthinkable happened; the Rhine River completely froze over so that entire tribes of starving German hordes could simply walk across the river defences. Crossing of the Rhine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh shit said the Tribune.
God damn said the Pontiff
Holy fuck said the whores
and everyone was cut down like weeds in the wind
the innocent bled out along with the criminals in and out of power.

More than their corruption, their immorality blinded them to perversion, and the perversions fed their greed and their greed blinded them to the very fragile ice they had placed their empire on till it finally melted beneath them.

Yes, our Senate is remarkably similar to the Roman Senate...before they were all killed and Rome became a totalitarian Empire.

Isnt it amazing how history can so often rhyme?

No, what's amazing to me is the greater fool who thinks they can ignore the lessons of history. They seem to proliferate at times like these.

Why do you have so many spaces in your posts? Are you "pausing" for effect?
Every single time. The length of time that it takes for the fall to occur is the only question. The second that a large number of people start telling you there is a problem, you had better listen.

That again reminds me of the Roman Empires system of fortifications that they had built behind the Rhine and Danube rivers. The Roman Republic of old did not need such fortifications because every Roman was a soldier and would do their duty when called upon to repell the barbarian invader or the capricious Carthaginian.

But by the fifth century the Roman legion was a shadow of its old self and few people regarded themselves as Romans. Their race had died off years before that and only the name itself had survived. But all would be dandy because the Rhine and Danube rivers would hold back the barbarian hordes long enough for the local frontier forces to drive them off as they crossed.

Then in the winter of 406 the unthinkable happened; the Rhine River completely froze over so that entire tribes of starving German hordes could simply walk across the river defences. Crossing of the Rhine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh shit said the Tribune.
God damn said the Pontiff
Holy fuck said the whores
and everyone was cut down like weeds in the wind
the innocent bled out along with the criminals in and out of power.

More than their corruption, their immorality blinded them to perversion, and the perversions fed their greed and their greed blinded them to the very fragile ice they had placed their empire on till it finally melted beneath them.

Yes, our Senate is remarkably similar to the Roman Senate...before they were all killed and Rome became a totalitarian Empire.

Isnt it amazing how history can so often rhyme?

No, what's amazing to me is the greater fool who thinks they can ignore the lessons of history. They seem to proliferate at times like these.

Why do you have so many spaces in your posts? Are you "pausing" for effect?

Ummmm. It'called PUNCTUATION. You should learn English.


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