Do you get the feeling the DNC has completely abandoned quality Americans for illegals and weirdos?

What exactly are "quality Americans"?

People with a job. People who are normal. People that don't expect the country to change for them. People who are here legally. People who don't constantly cry victim and insist on government help or taxpayer free rides. People who exercise personal responsibility.

The core of mainstream American society. Or, as those on the left wrong call us, “racist Christian bigots”. As their last Presidential candidate called us, “deplorables”.

That is why they lost the last major election, and that is why they will continue to lose. They have made it quite clear, by now, to mainstream, honest, decent, law-abiding Americans, that they are not on our side. And they don't even see the irony in their relentless false accusations against us of bigotry.

Well the Democrat party chose to be the anti-white party, and more and more Surrender First Whites are now beginning to realize this; hopefully more to come by next election.

Democrats will not be happy until our entire society looks like a giant freak show. Women with mustaches, guys wearing dresses, men kissing other men in public, women walking around with pussy hats...... this is their vision for America.

Do you want to live there? I don't.
Reagan's own words:
We shall continue America's tradition as a land that welcomes peoples from other countries. We shall also, with other countries, continue to share in the responsibility of welcoming and resettling those who flee oppression.

Illegal immigrants in considerable numbers have become productive members of our society and are a basic part of our work force. Those who have established equities in the United States should be recognized and accorded legal status.

I don't know who these assholes are today who are calling themselves Republicans. I really don't.
This is how fraudulent people like g500 are, we are the same republicans today that we were then, from the exact same speech........



Ronald Reagan

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The American Presidency Project

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Our nation is a nation of immigrants. More than any other country, our strength comes from our own immigrant heritage and our capacity to welcome those from other lands. No free and prosperous nation can by itself accommodate all those who seek a better life or flee persecution. We must share this responsibility with other countries.

• At the same time, we must ensure adequate legal authority to establish control over immigration: to enable us, when sudden influxes of foreigners occur, to decide to whom we grant the status of refugee or asylee; to improve our border control; to expedite (consistent with fair procedures and our Constitution) return of those coming here illegally; to strengthen enforcement of our fair labor standards and laws; and to penalize those who would knowingly encourage violation of our laws. The steps we take to further these objectives, however, must also be consistent with our values of individual privacy and freedom.

Selective bs again
Reagan's own words:
We shall continue America's tradition as a land that welcomes peoples from other countries. We shall also, with other countries, continue to share in the responsibility of welcoming and resettling those who flee oppression.

Illegal immigrants in considerable numbers have become productive members of our society and are a basic part of our work force. Those who have established equities in the United States should be recognized and accorded legal status.

I don't know who these assholes are today who are calling themselves Republicans. I really don't.
This is how fraudulent people like g500 are, we are the same republicans today that we were then, from the exact same speech........



Ronald Reagan

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The American Presidency Project

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Our nation is a nation of immigrants. More than any other country, our strength comes from our own immigrant heritage and our capacity to welcome those from other lands. No free and prosperous nation can by itself accommodate all those who seek a better life or flee persecution. We must share this responsibility with other countries.

• At the same time, we must ensure adequate legal authority to establish control over immigration: to enable us, when sudden influxes of foreigners occur, to decide to whom we grant the status of refugee or asylee; to improve our border control; to expedite (consistent with fair procedures and our Constitution) return of those coming here illegally; to strengthen enforcement of our fair labor standards and laws; and to penalize those who would knowingly encourage violation of our laws. The steps we take to further these objectives, however, must also be consistent with our values of individual privacy and freedom.

Selective bs again

For the record, nobody takes that fool g5000 serious at all...he has zero credibility here. He toes the line down the middle to increase his fun factor here twofold. He's a copy and paste clown who plagiarizes shit from the net as he has no genuine content or point of view of his own.
I'm sure he has an awesome life...haha
Well to simply put it, the republican congress refused to do anything so Obama would be a one term president. It is the republicans who have shat on America and are in the midst of making the USA more divided.


You fucking retard...

The reason the GOP has had so much success is because they at least pretended to oppose that meat puppet faggot. Your moonbat messiah was a complete disaster, but if the best the republicrats offer are turds like Mclame and Romney then they'll just elect congress critters. Now we have president who is basically the world's richest professional clown and he has already turned around the confidence of the country. The winning agenda is opposing and undermining the regressive policy goals of the DNC.

Your moonbat messiah is the asshole who divided us. I'm not willing to give you assholes a second chance. I want you defeated and fleeing to Cuba for asylum.

Imagine if the republicrats nominated Ted Cruz. By now you would see hitlery in handcuffs I'd bet.

Well to simply put it, the republican congress refused to do anything so Obama would be a one term president. It is the republicans who have shat on America and are in the midst of making the USA more divided.

View attachment 163467

You fucking retard...

The reason the GOP has had so much success is because they at least pretended to oppose that meat puppet faggot. Your moonbat messiah was a complete disaster, but if the best the republicrats offer are turds like Mclame and Romney then they'll just elect congress critters. Now we have president who is basically the world's richest professional clown and he has already turned around the confidence of the country. The winning agenda is opposing and undermining the regressive policy goals of the DNC.

Your moonbat messiah is the asshole who divided us. I'm not willing to give you assholes a second chance. I want you defeated and fleeing to Cuba for asylum.

Imagine if the republicrats nominated Ted Cruz. By now you would see hitlery in handcuffs I'd bet.

Ted Cruz wouldn’t have done anything to Hillary.

He was all chummy with disgraceful characters like Kasich for most of the election.
It certainly seems as though all their time, effort and energy is spent on illegals, barely legals / DACA, trannies and the like.
Meanwhile we have homeless populations the size of small cities, homeless Veterans dying on our streets, we're $20 trillion in debt, middle class can't get ahead, poverty at all time highs and all Chuck and Nancy seem to want to do is talk about is how we can better serve illegals and DACA trash. This has gone on for nine years now...will it ever end...will the DNC ever put Americans first?
How and the hell can anyone with any class, decency and American pride continue to support a political party that shits all over our Constitution and clearly puts illegals ahead of their own countrymen?
Me thinks it is the other way around. When blacks realize how duped they have been by the Democrats, the party will be over.
Sure, helping people is duping them.

Duping is what Trump did to you jackasses who were sucked in by his lies, bigotry, & his propensity to grope women.
Name one way the democrat party has helped anyone let alone black people, go ahead do it.
You nailed it. The Democrat Party is no longer the party of the mainstream middle-American working-class. They now represent the dysfunctional fringe element: The sociopaths, criminals, rapists, murders, pedophiles, perverts, anarchists, socialists, communists, Godless atheists, abortionists, traitors, drug addicts and drug dealers, felons, mass-murderers, as well as illegal aliens, terrorists, big government bureaucrats, petite bourgeois, illegal firearms owners, and racist Black Liberation Theorists. The most frightening part of all this is that there are that many of the aforementioned types of people in this country, from which the Democrat Party gets their support.

Both FDR and JFK would have a fucking stroke if they came alive today and saw the direction these idiots have taken their party.

Damn this is so true
Name one way the democrat party has helped anyone let alone black people, go ahead do it.

Can we count teaching their lemmings to lie, make up shit, bend the truth, deny, riot, cheat, and generally act like Prima Donna entitled imbeciles as helping them?
Yes, that and the war on poverty which really helped folks. I assume Obamacare will be named, which did help some people, and hurt a whole bunch more. It is not surprising that Obamacare signups have increased, they are pretty much paying people, poor, to sign up. Paid for on the backs of the middle class, again.
It certainly seems as though all their time, effort and energy is spent on illegals, barely legals / DACA, trannies and the like.
Meanwhile we have homeless populations the size of small cities, homeless Veterans dying on our streets, we're $20 trillion in debt, middle class can't get ahead, poverty at all time highs and all Chuck and Nancy seem to want to do is talk about is how we can better serve illegals and DACA trash. This has gone on for nine years now...will it ever end...will the DNC ever put Americans first?
How and the hell can anyone with any class, decency and American pride continue to support a political party that shits all over our Constitution and clearly puts illegals ahead of their own countrymen?
Me thinks it is the other way around. When blacks realize how duped they have been by the Democrats, the party will be over.
Sure, helping people is duping them.

Duping is what Trump did to you jackasses who were sucked in by his lies, bigotry, & his propensity to grope women.
Name one way the democrat party has helped anyone let alone black people, go ahead do it.

They helped me lose my employer provided health insurance............does that count?????
It is the republicans who have shat on America and are in the midst of making the USA more divided.

What a load of bullshit. If the Democratic Party wasn't constantly dividing everybody into different classes based on their race, their socio-economic status, gender, or who they fuck your party would cease to exist. You thrive and profit off of division. The last thing the Dems want is everybody getting along.
It certainly seems as though all their time, effort and energy is spent on illegals, barely legals / DACA, trannies and the like.
Meanwhile we have homeless populations the size of small cities, homeless Veterans dying on our streets, we're $20 trillion in debt, middle class can't get ahead, poverty at all time highs and all Chuck and Nancy seem to want to do is talk about is how we can better serve illegals and DACA trash. This has gone on for nine years now...will it ever end...will the DNC ever put Americans first?
How and the hell can anyone with any class, decency and American pride continue to support a political party that shits all over our Constitution and clearly puts illegals ahead of their own countrymen?

This about votes, plain and simple. Immigrants to this country have historically supported the Democratic Party by about a three to one margin, so they need this constant influx of low skilled immigrants, legal or not, to keep growing their rank until they turn enough states blue that the Republicans can no longer win the Electoral College. By the middle of the century whites will constitute less than 50% of the population and the Dems know this. If the Republicans were smart, they'd see the writing on the wall and adjust accordingly.
It certainly seems as though all their time, effort and energy is spent on illegals, barely legals / DACA, trannies and the like.
Meanwhile we have homeless populations the size of small cities, homeless Veterans dying on our streets, we're $20 trillion in debt, middle class can't get ahead, poverty at all time highs and all Chuck and Nancy seem to want to do is talk about is how we can better serve illegals and DACA trash. This has gone on for nine years now...will it ever end...will the DNC ever put Americans first?
How and the hell can anyone with any class, decency and American pride continue to support a political party that shits all over our Constitution and clearly puts illegals ahead of their own countrymen?

This about votes, plain and simple. Immigrants to this country have historically supported the Democratic Party by about a three to one margin, so they need this constant influx of low skilled immigrants, legal or not, to keep growing their rank until they turn enough states blue that the Republicans can no longer win the Electoral College. By the middle of the century whites will constitute less than 50% of the population and the Dems know this. If the Republicans were smart, they'd see the writing on the wall and adjust accordingly.

Agreed...but when you say "adjust accordingly"....what adjustments do you think should be made?
^ That's the rub. Our only option is to flee the nation, because the only way around their seditious take over is to turn into traitorous shitbags like the left and "refuse" to follow, riot, and over throw, the constitution. That defeats the whole fucking purpose. >.<
It certainly seems as though all their time, effort and energy is spent on illegals, barely legals / DACA, trannies and the like.
Meanwhile we have homeless populations the size of small cities, homeless Veterans dying on our streets, we're $20 trillion in debt, middle class can't get ahead, poverty at all time highs and all Chuck and Nancy seem to want to do is talk about is how we can better serve illegals and DACA trash. This has gone on for nine years now...will it ever end...will the DNC ever put Americans first?
How and the hell can anyone with any class, decency and American pride continue to support a political party that shits all over our Constitution and clearly puts illegals ahead of their own countrymen?

This about votes, plain and simple. Immigrants to this country have historically supported the Democratic Party by about a three to one margin, so they need this constant influx of low skilled immigrants, legal or not, to keep growing their rank until they turn enough states blue that the Republicans can no longer win the Electoral College. By the middle of the century whites will constitute less than 50% of the population and the Dems know this. If the Republicans were smart, they'd see the writing on the wall and adjust accordingly.

It's worse than just allowing illegals in, they are bringing them in en mass and paying them to breed. Then they let illegals vote in their local elections, changing the face of the city and state - that's why CA is so far out of line with the rest of the nation. That is what they're going to do to this country eventually; because eventually they'll have enough votes, in enough states, and have enough reps to wipe out the constitution :/

Worse still they also pay parents not to parent, pay teachers to parent (so long as they teach the "left's" ideals,) and beat down any independent thought before the kids even get out of school; they are creating a "slave class" of compliant sheep who think whatever the DNC/RINOs and their biased controlled media outlets tell them to think and do. State controlled media is already basically here on the tubes (both news and in Hollywood,) and it's hitting the last bastion of hope, the internet, like a sledge hammer as we speak (because Trump was elected, because independent news on the internet, unlike radio, was able to overtake their controlled TV media bias.) Obama already gave control of the internet to foreign nations, in order to subvert freedom of speech IMO. It's only a matter of time before they'll shut down all opposing viewpoints - both foreign and domestic. Then we won't hear about all the crazy shit they're doing to even protest or fight against it; it'll all get swept under the rug and hidden from sight.

President Trump is honestly my last hope to turn things around, sadly I don't see anyone who can follow in his footsteps to "save" this nation from the above scheme. I fear my time in America is limited, I was preparing to leave until Trump was elected and I decided to give it a chance, give him a chance to fix this shit and pull us out of this tailspin. Frankly, if you're an R or even a right leaner and you have kids, I'd start researching where you wanna go - don't leave your kids and grandkids to suffer the socialists [aka "democratic" communists] take control again, get them and their future assets out before it's too late. $3k and about 3 months of paperwork and they can't steal your money nor your kids inheritance, JS. Even if you decide to tough it out, go talk to a broker about global investing, get some money out of America for when shit hits the fan (despite D's constant whining it is /not/ illegal nor wrong to invest with foreign nations, it's called global diversification, its a safety net.)
It's pretty much what's happened.

They've gone all-in with their various oppressed victim groups, targeting white males and especially Christians, and they jumped too early. They figured they had the demographics thing in the bag, and that their identity groups would carry them from here on in. Fuck white people. Look at the white shaming, the classes about how whites are evil, all the social media madness. They simply washed their hands of the group, knowing that those consumed by White Guilt would come along for the ride.

They weren't wrong about the demographic shift. They were just early.

I'm pretty sure you just nailed it.
I wonder how long it will take the last few legitimate DNC supporters to figure out they've been told to sit at the back of the bus?
Well, a majority of them are fine with that. They figure they deserve it.

Look at this. It's beyond madness, and it illustrates my point:



lol thanks for the pics. they demonstrate just how mentally ill and retarded those people are.

We should do our best to relieve them of their guilt by canceling their citizenship in this horrible country and deporting them to somewhere whose past they can feel good and proud about, like North Korea or Somalia, any place but a country with a horrible white past and infested with those evil Christians.
It certainly seems as though all their time, effort and energy is spent on illegals, barely legals / DACA, trannies and the like.
Meanwhile we have homeless populations the size of small cities, homeless Veterans dying on our streets, we're $20 trillion in debt, middle class can't get ahead, poverty at all time highs and all Chuck and Nancy seem to want to do is talk about is how we can better serve illegals and DACA trash. This has gone on for nine years now...will it ever end...will the DNC ever put Americans first?
How and the hell can anyone with any class, decency and American pride continue to support a political party that shits all over our Constitution and clearly puts illegals ahead of their own countrymen?
Me thinks it is the other way around. When blacks realize how duped they have been by the Democrats, the party will be over.
Sure, helping people is duping them.

Duping is what Trump did to you jackasses who were sucked in by his lies, bigotry, & his propensity to grope women.
Name one way the democrat party has helped anyone let alone black people, go ahead do it.

They helped me lose my employer provided health insurance............does that count?????
It helped your employer...kinda.
It's pretty much what's happened.

They've gone all-in with their various oppressed victim groups, targeting white males and especially Christians, and they jumped too early. They figured they had the demographics thing in the bag, and that their identity groups would carry them from here on in. Fuck white people. Look at the white shaming, the classes about how whites are evil, all the social media madness. They simply washed their hands of the group, knowing that those consumed by White Guilt would come along for the ride.

They weren't wrong about the demographic shift. They were just early.

I'm pretty sure you just nailed it.
I wonder how long it will take the last few legitimate DNC supporters to figure out they've been told to sit at the back of the bus?
Well, a majority of them are fine with that. They figure they deserve it.

Look at this. It's beyond madness, and it illustrates my point:



lol thanks for the pics. they demonstrate just how mentally ill and retarded those people are.

We should do our best to relieve them of their guilt by canceling their citizenship in this horrible country and deporting them to somewhere whose past they can feel good and proud about, like North Korea or Somalia, any place but a country with a horrible white past and infested with those evil Christians.
Deport them to South Africa where they can be murdered and the murderers get released.

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