Do you get the feeling anglospehere media conflates eastern europe with gypsies?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
This Punk is up to no good
I think Borat does, he uses gypsy villagers to portray them as Kazakhs, he potrays Kazakhs with gypsy music, and dances. His daughter is Bulgarian though but he conflates a few things like gypsy teenage marriage and gender roles with kazakhstan etc. And he exaggerates because gypsy women are not slaves though of their fathers or husbands, he conflates, a bit of reality, with stereotypes and gypsies with eastern europe and the exotic. I get the feeling when something is backwards or negative about eastern europe it is usually about gypsies in the media. I think that pisses of eastern europeans, but actually it is also anti-gypsy or primarily anti-gypsy.
He is part of AngloSphere Media and Hollywood. Eventhough not the only thing in Hollywood or in AngloMedia. But he is part of it.
So, then, if that is the case, you too are part of Anglosphere media.
Most Americans couldn't name more than 5 eastern european countries so I'm not sure this question means anything

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