Do we need the military here?


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
I think this shit has gone on long enough. The war is now in the USA, brought by ISIS type mentality muslims, with help from BLM and Antifa and their boss, Soros. Law Enforcement cannot handle this crap alone any more and patriots that want to assist them or even themselves wind up getting arrested. Governors that are democrats perpetuate the mess by allowing it to happen and refuse to call the national guard who are totally worthless now that we have seen them kneel instead of protect innocent civilians; Trump cannot/will not do anything although he DOES have the power since it IS terrorism at this stage. So that leaves our military. Should Trump call them home to assist?

Something needs to be done...and nothing is.
Currently, white people in cars are open targets, along with statues. Doesn't matter if its of someone that helped free slaves, or wrote a song against slavery, etc. It must be destroyed in their minds, so they destroy it. Then we have idiots claiming this word is racist, that product is racist, more shootings, burnings, children being shot in Atlanta Detroit and anywhere assholes tend to congregate; Black Panthers are marching around waving their 22 rifles with jammed chambers acting all bad ass and demanding reparations from white drivers; tossing firecrackers and fireworks into private homes hoping the house burns down; little dogs being taken from their owners while walking them and then slammed against walls and parked cars as the dog owner desperately tries to save it to no avail; threats to murder people in the suburbs, etc etc etc.

Next will be book burnings. More murders. Whites being chased if they dare step outside. If this is not terrorism....then I don't know what is. WE NEED THE MILITARY to wipe these creeps off the streets and we need it NOW.
Using American fighting forces to control the civilian population is something no American should suggest casually.

It represents a drastic departure from the ideals upon which this country was founded.

I believe if this genie is released from the bottle, it would be difficult to put back.
I think this shit has gone on long enough. The war is now in the USA, brought by ISIS type mentality muslims, with help from BLM and Antifa and their boss, Soros. Law Enforcement cannot handle this crap alone any more and patriots that want to assist them or even themselves wind up getting arrested. Governors that are democrats perpetuate the mess by allowing it to happen and refuse to call the national guard who are totally worthless now that we have seen them kneel instead of protect innocent civilians; Trump cannot/will not do anything although he DOES have the power since it IS terrorism at this stage. So that leaves our military. Should Trump call them home to assist?

Something needs to be done...and nothing is.

BLM is a Marxist organization, by self admission.

And as such, Marxists can only achieve their goals via a police state.

In Venezuela, the socialists there have private death squads that run round killing people who are deemed pollical rivals.

This is where the US is headed.

But the crazy thing about socialism/Marxism, even though the ideology has murdered more people than any other in the last century, and is wreaking havoc on society today, it still remains the most popular ideology throughout the world today.

Such is the power of their cool aid. Marxism/socialism is like heroin, sure, it is killing you, but it feels all so good.

Marxism is the real opioid for the masses as it has taken over many churches in the US as well.
Currently, white people in cars are open targets, along with statues. Doesn't matter if its of someone that helped free slaves, or wrote a song against slavery, etc. It must be destroyed in their minds, so they destroy it. Then we have idiots claiming this word is racist, that product is racist, more shootings, burnings, children being shot in Atlanta Detroit and anywhere assholes tend to congregate; Black Panthers are marching around waving their 22 rifles with jammed chambers acting all bad ass and demanding reparations from white drivers; tossing firecrackers and fireworks into private homes hoping the house burns down; little dogs being taken from their owners while walking them and then slammed against walls and parked cars as the dog owner desperately tries to save it to no avail; threats to murder people in the suburbs, etc etc etc.

Next will be book burnings. More murders. Whites being chased if they dare step outside. If this is not terrorism....then I don't know what is. WE NEED THE MILITARY to wipe these creeps off the streets and we need it NOW.

Be an army of one. Ultimately, we're all responsible for our individual safety and the safety of our loved ones. Civilians have assess to much of what the military and law-enforcement agencies are issued: Weapons, ammunition, body armor, night vision, communications gear. There are tons of those things out there on the market, all 100% legal if you're not a felon. Get a concealed carry permit and carry a weapon and spare magazines every day.

Arm, train, prepare, and remember: Law-enforcement has no constitutional duty to protect you. They carry weapons to protect themselves, not the general public.

I'm not saying to hunt those leftist asswipes down on the streets but if someone wants to bring their little war to my boundaries, they will get far more than the war they expected.
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Using American fighting forces to control the civilian population is something no American should suggest casually.

It represents a drastic departure from the ideals upon which this country was founded.

I believe if this genie is released from the bottle, it would be difficult to put back.
It already has been.

No, the military cannot solve the problem.

It is a people problem.

A lot of people in this country are, quite frankly, very bad.

There is no answer.

New York City, for example, is reverting to 1970 crime statistics.

Since this is 2020, the city cannot reimpose Stop & Frisk.

Besides, the new bail law allows violent offenders back out on the street immediately.

Bringing in the military would do nothing to solve the underlying problem: very, very, very bad people. And since this is the United States, it is impossible to take the "stern" action needed to stop this nonsense.

So good people will continue to leave the cities.

And little by little this nation will implode and disappear. (The U.S. is simply paying the price for having forced people to come here from a faraway continent to be unpaid workers. One reaps what one sows.)
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Be an army of one. Ultimately, we're all responsible for our individual safety and the safety of our loved ones. Civilians have assess to much of what the military and law-enforcement agencies are issued: Weapons, ammunition, body armor, night vision, communications gear. There are tons of those things out there on the market, all 100% legal if you're not a felon. Get a concealed carry permit and carry a weapon and spare magazines every day.

Arm, train, prepare, and remember: Law-enforcement has no constitutional duty to protect you. They carry weapons to protect themselves, not the general public.

I'm not saying to hunt those leftist asswipes down on the streets but if someone wants to bring their little war to my boundaries, they will get far more than the war they expected.
I second this. It all starts with what a person personally chooses for themselves and when they can't do something alone anymore like keep themselves safe, that is where other people, like cops for example, come in. To answer the question do we need military here? It may depend on the severity of each situation that happens considering the fact that we already have cops out there for our safety, those who haven't been fired, killed, jailed, given reason to quit and retire that is. Right me if I am wrong, but when a job outside of our country needs doing, that is where our military men and women enter the picture.

God bless you and everyone who is still in uniform always!!!

I think this shit has gone on long enough. The war is now in the USA, brought by ISIS type mentality muslims, with help from BLM and Antifa and their boss, Soros. Law Enforcement cannot handle this crap alone any more and patriots that want to assist them or even themselves wind up getting arrested. Governors that are democrats perpetuate the mess by allowing it to happen and refuse to call the national guard who are totally worthless now that we have seen them kneel instead of protect innocent civilians; Trump cannot/will not do anything although he DOES have the power since it IS terrorism at this stage. So that leaves our military. Should Trump call them home to assist?

Something needs to be done...and nothing is.

Most Americans seem to equate using the US Military on domestic soil with the deployment of tanks and bombers and artillery pieces on the streets of our towns and cities. But there are many other capabilities in our federal military arsenal. Our military possesses the best trained small team anti-terrorist and counterinsurgency forces on the whole planet. In coordination with drone air support and satellite reconnaissance, these small teams are capable of engaging the current domestic terrorist forces rampaging through our streets with little to no collateral civilian damage. This is the route our President must go in order to save our nation.
Currently, white people in cars are open targets, along with statues. Doesn't matter if its of someone that helped free slaves, or wrote a song against slavery, etc. It must be destroyed in their minds, so they destroy it. Then we have idiots claiming this word is racist, that product is racist, more shootings, burnings, children being shot in Atlanta Detroit and anywhere assholes tend to congregate; Black Panthers are marching around waving their 22 rifles with jammed chambers acting all bad ass and demanding reparations from white drivers; tossing firecrackers and fireworks into private homes hoping the house burns down; little dogs being taken from their owners while walking them and then slammed against walls and parked cars as the dog owner desperately tries to save it to no avail; threats to murder people in the suburbs, etc etc etc.

Next will be book burnings. More murders. Whites being chased if they dare step outside. If this is not terrorism....then I don't know what is. WE NEED THE MILITARY to wipe these creeps off the streets and we need it NOW.

Be an army of one. Ultimately, we're all responsible for our individual safety and the safety of our loved ones. Civilians have assess to much of what the military and law-enforcement agencies are issued: Weapons, ammunition, body armor, night vision, communications gear. There are tons of those things out there on the market, all 100% legal if you're not a felon. Get a concealed carry permit and carry a weapon and spare magazines every day.

Arm, train, prepare, and remember: Law-enforcement has no constitutional duty to protect you. They carry weapons to protect themselves, not the general public.

I'm not saying to hunt those leftist asswipes down on the streets but if someone wants to bring their little war to my boundaries, they will get far more than the war they expected.

I strongly disagree. While I believe in a well armed civilian populace for the purposes of defending one's home and family, the average neighborhood of civilian Americans is neither trained nor organized on a level which would be even close to effective enough to repel or engage and defeat the mobs of domestic terrorists now threatening our entire nation. Use your firearms to defend your own backyards, of course, but when it comes to eliminating the threat in your own region, city block, town, street or rural route, you will be in for a very unpleasant surprise.

These BLM and Antifa domestic terrorists are well armed, organized, coordinated in their efforts and in many cases, they've got the full backing of radical leftist governors and mayors and local and state SWAT teams. Further, the people running these domestic terror cells are true believers, religious fanatics who are much the same as rabid cultists in the degree of their madness or fervor. Most American civilians, armed or not, are nowhere near prepared to deal with such an enemy. Best case scenario? The President deploys American regular army military advisors to train and organize armed American civilians.
Using American fighting forces to control the civilian population is something no American should suggest casually.

It represents a drastic departure from the ideals upon which this country was founded.

I believe if this genie is released from the bottle, it would be difficult to put back.
So...we are on our own then?

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