Do we have leaders or mob followers?

Are most US national political figures leaders or spineless weasels following mob rule?

  • Leaders lead

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Weasels who pander to the mob

    Votes: 10 90.9%
  • None of the above

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters

Divine Wind

Platinum Member
Aug 2, 2011
In a recent discussion the subject of leadership came up regarding recent events such as the call for calm after the Dallas murders.

The heated rhetoric in US politics about race is often shaped by political leaders and talking heads on television. They often take a small, single incident and fan the flames until it's a national emergency. They yell, scream and generally, IMO, make mountains out of molehills. An alternative view is that they are simply emulating the will and concerns of the people. If this latter view is true, then in my opinion, we don't have leaders. We simply have people in power who bend like willows in the wind to mob rule.

So which is it? Do we have mostly leaders in the US or simply spineless weasels who give sound bites, pander for votes and simply do what the loudest members of the mob tells them to do?
The Pres is a real leader.

The Congress is spineless.

SCOTUS has two to many old bitter types. We need a real black man on SCOTUS, not one who thinks he's white.
This one was easy, although I think it's stated cart-before-the-horse. We don't have officials following the mob, but rather leading it. The Telescreen-opiated unwashed have been thoroughly conditioned to follow like sheep; all it takes to win their obsequious loyalty is to tap into a primitive emotional hook with "they're rapists", "they're laughing at us", etc.

That is after all the entire purpose of television --- to produce a society of compliant sponges. Sponges don't generate original ideas; they just react.
We have 2 groups of sheep following the Judas goat assigned to their party.
Great OP. I think both Donnie and Hillary are pandering weasels. I am voting for Johnson and Weld because I believe they lead.
I'm still trying to figure out why Republicans are screaming at Hillary's and Newt's response to the violence last week. BLM is in the streets screaming Listen to Us and Hillary basically says, We need to listen to them. Newt says We can never really understand what it is to be in their shoes. We need to listen. Neither of them condoned Johnson's violence in any way. Yet that young whippersnapper Tucker Carlson on Fox is having a total FIT over their responses. So, I'm sure, are some folks here.

Those statements aren't "pandering." They're true. They are certainly more likely to calm people down than Trump's "we need more law and order" reaction. Pols who call for us to listen, for everyone to start engaging in real dialogue, are what -- "spineless?" As opposed to pols who want to double down on all these troublesome darkies and repeatedly justify their superior positions by pointing out the dysfunction in African-American communities and rummaging through Twitter for the rare "wish they'd killed more" Tweets that they say represent all blacks and all BLM activists.

Jesus, it's like another John Brown's Raid around here.

No one's perfect, but taking a deep breath and listening instead of reflexively putting up our dukes to defend our attitudes and our positions would be helpful here.
The Pres is a real leader.

The Congress is spineless.

SCOTUS has two to many old bitter types. We need a real black man on SCOTUS, not one who thinks he's white.
Wow show's he racist.
a REAL black man, what does that mean?
This is the shit I post about and people on the left say they never say this shit..

to be a REAL black man, you have to be a liberal democrat.......gotta keep em on the plantation!

crack that whip hazl, crack it!!!!!!!!!
The Pres is a real leader.

The Congress is spineless.

SCOTUS has two to many old bitter types. We need a real black man on SCOTUS, not one who thinks he's white.
the president is a real leader?.....if you say so hazel.....we havent had a real leader yet this century....
In a proper republic there are no leaders. Just public servants.
buckeye's racism is once again out in the open.

Shut up, buck, and listen.
All my life I have listened to candidates, both Republican and Democrat, promise to go to Washington and clean up the mess. That's a pipe dream. As soon as they get to Congress their entrenched cohorts introduce them to a never ending stream of lobbyists. One of two things then happen. They either sell their souls to the leeches, forget and lie about their promises, get filthy rich and then keep getting elected until they get Alzheimers OR they actually try to buck the system, try to clean up the system until the cockroaches take over, ruin the guy/gal politically, create sex or bribery scandals until he resigns, gets jailed or loses a recall election. This scenario along with the Congressional criminals refusal to accept term limits is the ungodly way of life we will have until America is totally ruined by the likes of Obama, Clintons, Pelosi, Reid and the rest of the vermin trash. Until better heads prevail and we come to our senses, America deserves all the misfortune that can be piled on. Think about it.
Our "leaders" are far more worried about upsetting their "base" and fundraising/re-election than they are about actually leading.

Real leaders know that you have to communicate with, and cooperate with, those with whom you disagree.

Instead, they stay on their side of the playground, tossing out empty platitudes to keep their folks happy.
We need a real black man on SCOTUS, not one who thinks he's white.
Wow show's he racist. a REAL black man, what does that mean? This is the shit I post about and people on the left say they never say this shit.. to be a REAL black man, you have to be a liberal democrat.......gotta keep em on the plantation! crack that whip hazl, crack it!!!!!!!!!

If they don't behave precisely as they're supposed to, they're viciously attacked, at their very core.

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