Do Republicans understand the meaning of the word "automation"?

If something as complicated and organic as dairy farming is being automated, then certainly 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated is the absolute truth.

I went to an automation and robotics show in Los Angeles before I retired last year. And many of the automation displays were working models already in production, not "wishful thinking".

And when you design automated, it's in stages. They don't drop raw materials in one end and get finished products from the other end. Automation happens over time in stages. They generally start at bottlenecks and work out from there. Take it from one who knows.
Why don't Republicans want to talk about automation?

Even though so many Republicans benefit from automation?

How many Republicans drink milk that come from automated dairies?

How can you benefit from something that you insist doesn't exist?

I don't know. Ask the GOP.
Why don't Republicans want to talk about automation?

Even though so many Republicans benefit from automation?

How many Republicans drink milk that come from automated dairies?

How can you benefit from something that you insist doesn't exist?

I don't know. Ask the GOP.

Claims support for automation, studies liberal arts.

Go figure.
Definition of automation
1:the technique of making an apparatus, a process, or a system operate automatically

:the state of being operated automatically

:automatically controlled operation of an apparatus, process, or system by mechanical or electronic devices that take the place of human labor

Definition of AUTOMATION

No matter how many times it's pointed out that manufacturing has doubled in the last few decades and 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated, right wingers on the USMB still keep insisting Trump is bringing millions jobs back into the country.


Don't they understand this is a ridiculous and wild claim? Why keep making it?

Dean automatically posts the exact same shit daily
No matter how many times it's pointed out that manufacturing has doubled in the last few decades and 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated, right wingers on the USMB still keep insisting Trump is bringing millions jobs back into the country.


Don't they understand this is a ridiculous and wild claim? Why keep making it?
No they don't understand it, primarily because most people have it backwards with respect to what "bringing jobs back" means; it's not, as many people assume, physically relocating manufacturing from China to the United States, that would be counter productive since China has a comparative advantage in things it manufactures with respect to the United States, us trying to make those things here is like hiring a brain surgeon to cut your lawn, yeah he can cut your lawn but it'll cost you a fortune (waste of resources) and while he's cutting your lawn he can't be doing what he's best at in the operating room (opportunity cost).

"Bring jobs back" means opening up foreign markets to products and services that WE have a comparative advantage producing, too many foreign countries want to sell us all the goodies they can produce with less resources than we can (comparative advantage) but when it comes to us selling the stuff that we're more efficient at producing they do everything they can to close off their domestic markets to our producers (I'm looking at YOU protectionist China).

Trade creates wealth, however it has to be a two way street and neither the dingbats on the left nor the ones on the right seem to understand that the problem isn't the goods and services flowing our way (which lower our cost of living and provide more consumer choice), it's that the flow of goods and services flowing outbound is being artificially choked off by some countries protectionism.

So stop waiting for companies to pack up their Chinese manufacturing operations and move 'em back here, that isn't going to happen nor would be a good thing if it did.
Definition of automation
1:the technique of making an apparatus, a process, or a system operate automatically

:the state of being operated automatically

:automatically controlled operation of an apparatus, process, or system by mechanical or electronic devices that take the place of human labor

Definition of AUTOMATION

No matter how many times it's pointed out that manufacturing has doubled in the last few decades and 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated, right wingers on the USMB still keep insisting Trump is bringing millions jobs back into the country.


Don't they understand this is a ridiculous and wild claim? Why keep making it?

Indeed, automation in China.

Why is US importing so much manufactured goods from China if all is well? Why are we going billions more into debt each month?
No matter how many times it's pointed out that manufacturing has doubled in the last few decades and 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated, right wingers on the USMB still keep insisting Trump is bringing millions jobs back into the country.


Don't they understand this is a ridiculous and wild claim? Why keep making it?
No they don't understand it, primarily because most people have it backwards with respect to what "bringing jobs back" means; it's not, as many people assume, physically relocating manufacturing from China to the United States, that would be counter productive since China has a comparative advantage in things it manufactures with respect to the United States, us trying to make those things here is like hiring a brain surgeon to cut your lawn, yeah he can cut your lawn but it'll cost you a fortune (waste of resources) and while he's cutting your lawn he can't be doing what he's best at in the operating room (opportunity cost).

"Bring jobs back" means opening up foreign markets to products and services that WE have a comparative advantage producing, too many foreign countries want to sell us all the goodies they can produce with less resources than we can (comparative advantage) but when it comes to us selling the stuff that we're more efficient at producing they do everything they can to close off their domestic markets to our producers (I'm looking at YOU protectionist China).

Trade creates wealth, however it has to be a two way street and neither the dingbats on the left nor the ones on the right seem to understand that the problem isn't the goods and services flowing our way (which lower our cost of living and provide more consumer choice), it's that the flow of goods and services flowing outbound is being artificially choked off by some countries protectionism.

So stop waiting for companies to pack up their Chinese manufacturing operations and move 'em back here, that isn't going to happen nor would be a good thing if it did.
It would be a good thing.
When factories are automated, even with a few technicians and engineers and maintenance workers, salaries are minuscule part of the overall cost.
And even with our aging infrastructure, electricity is cheaper and more reliable here. In China, they sometimes have rolling blackouts because of their crappy electrical grid. Moving factories there ensures they will improve their grid and ours will degrade even further.

Manufacturing here in the last few decades has DOUBLED. Yes, DOUBLED, even with the decline in the number of jobs. That is due to the fact that 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated. But automated factories support a huge number of jobs simply by supplying raw materials.
No matter how many times it's pointed out that manufacturing has doubled in the last few decades and 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated, right wingers on the USMB still keep insisting Trump is bringing millions jobs back into the country.


Don't they understand this is a ridiculous and wild claim? Why keep making it?
No they don't understand it, primarily because most people have it backwards with respect to what "bringing jobs back" means; it's not, as many people assume, physically relocating manufacturing from China to the United States, that would be counter productive since China has a comparative advantage in things it manufactures with respect to the United States, us trying to make those things here is like hiring a brain surgeon to cut your lawn, yeah he can cut your lawn but it'll cost you a fortune (waste of resources) and while he's cutting your lawn he can't be doing what he's best at in the operating room (opportunity cost).

"Bring jobs back" means opening up foreign markets to products and services that WE have a comparative advantage producing, too many foreign countries want to sell us all the goodies they can produce with less resources than we can (comparative advantage) but when it comes to us selling the stuff that we're more efficient at producing they do everything they can to close off their domestic markets to our producers (I'm looking at YOU protectionist China).

Trade creates wealth, however it has to be a two way street and neither the dingbats on the left nor the ones on the right seem to understand that the problem isn't the goods and services flowing our way (which lower our cost of living and provide more consumer choice), it's that the flow of goods and services flowing outbound is being artificially choked off by some countries protectionism.

So stop waiting for companies to pack up their Chinese manufacturing operations and move 'em back here, that isn't going to happen nor would be a good thing if it did.
It would be a good thing.
When factories are automated, even with a few technicians and engineers and maintenance workers, salaries are minuscule part of the overall cost.
And even with our aging infrastructure, electricity is cheaper and more reliable here. In China, they sometimes have rolling blackouts because of their crappy electrical grid. Moving factories there ensures they will improve their grid and ours will degrade even further.

Er.. the point of comparative advantage seems to have flown right over your head....

The reason the stuff that's manufactured in China for export is manufactured there is that it requires fewer inputs per unit than it does here, the primary input that's lower is the cost of labor (but it's not the only one), so unless you want to either try to force domestic production of goods and services that no one will be buy because they're too expensive (and waste resources, degrade economic efficiency and incur opportunity costs in the process) and/or block the trade of goods and services manufactured abroad and increase consumer costs and lower choice, that production ISN'T coming back and it wouldn't be a good thing if it did.

The focus needs to be on producing goods and services domestically that we have a comparative advantage producing and at the same time opening up foreign markets to those goods and services; a lot of that has to do with addressing our nagging structural unemployment problem (skillsets on the labor supply side mismatch with labor demand side) and lowering the costs of doing business (regulation and taxes).

Manufacturing here in the last few decades has DOUBLED. Yes, DOUBLED, even with the decline in the number of jobs. That is due to the fact that 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated.

Automation isn't a negative, it's a huge benefit to economic efficiency just like it has been since the beginning of time, unfortunately there's always employment dislocation as those individuals whose jobs were automated out of existence (hopefully) update their skills to move into other endeavors that are a more productive use of their labor than what they were previously doing.

But automated factories support a huge number of jobs simply by supplying raw materials.
Such as?
Definition of automation
1:the technique of making an apparatus, a process, or a system operate automatically

:the state of being operated automatically

:automatically controlled operation of an apparatus, process, or system by mechanical or electronic devices that take the place of human labor

Definition of AUTOMATION

No matter how many times it's pointed out that manufacturing has doubled in the last few decades and 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated, right wingers on the USMB still keep insisting Trump is bringing millions jobs back into the country.


Don't they understand this is a ridiculous and wild claim? Why keep making it?

One of us is an idiot and it isn’t me.

James May of Top Gear fame spent 24 hours at the Mini plant in England. He walked the viewers through the process to build a car. The machines, the automation you are harping on, did the welding of the body, and the painting. Then it was all Humans. Skilled labor assembled the car. They ran the wiring, the components that were bolted on. Two thirds of the time it took to build the car was humans working on the damned thing.

During the show, they went to the Nissan plant, and it was exactly the same. Humans there working around the clock to crank out cars.

Take something you believe should be banned. Guns. The AR for example. A milling machine controlled by computer takes the blank and presents the user after some time, the final lower receiver. Then a human steps in, and begins to assemble these disparate parts. That human is called a gunsmith. Again skilled labor. It takes longer for the human to assemble the rifle, than it takes the machine to grind out the excess metal for the lower receiver. But there is no machine made that can replace a human in assembling a quality rifle.

Look at any industry you want. It is the humans that make it work. Planes are automated to a fantastic degree, and when the automation fails, and it is going to fail, we expect the human called a PILOT to fly the damned plane. We blame the human when they crash the plane, we call it pilot error. Now, aviation safety advocates are calling on the pilots to fly MORE often, to give them MORE practice, without the automation.

Trucks, cranes, ships, and all that are heavily automated, yet without a trained human, it just doesn’t work.

But the biggest proof of your nonsense is that we are moving the factories to Mexico. It isn’t because Mexico has better robots to build shit. It’s because Mexico has cheaper labor, those humans we talked about. If it was all robots all the time, then moving it to Mexico would not make any sense. Because all you would do is increase your costs, not decrease them. You would add in hundreds or thousands of miles of shipping to get the finished product to the final destination without any benefit.

Companies are not in the habit of changing location to lose money, so your argument is obviously false. It is so obvious that only an idiot would make such a flawed assertion.

The companies are relocating manufacturing to other nations because of the cheaper labor, not in spite of it.
No matter how many times it's pointed out that manufacturing has doubled in the last few decades and 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated, right wingers on the USMB still keep insisting Trump is bringing millions jobs back into the country.


Don't they understand this is a ridiculous and wild claim? Why keep making it?
No they don't understand it, primarily because most people have it backwards with respect to what "bringing jobs back" means; it's not, as many people assume, physically relocating manufacturing from China to the United States, that would be counter productive since China has a comparative advantage in things it manufactures with respect to the United States, us trying to make those things here is like hiring a brain surgeon to cut your lawn, yeah he can cut your lawn but it'll cost you a fortune (waste of resources) and while he's cutting your lawn he can't be doing what he's best at in the operating room (opportunity cost).

"Bring jobs back" means opening up foreign markets to products and services that WE have a comparative advantage producing, too many foreign countries want to sell us all the goodies they can produce with less resources than we can (comparative advantage) but when it comes to us selling the stuff that we're more efficient at producing they do everything they can to close off their domestic markets to our producers (I'm looking at YOU protectionist China).

Trade creates wealth, however it has to be a two way street and neither the dingbats on the left nor the ones on the right seem to understand that the problem isn't the goods and services flowing our way (which lower our cost of living and provide more consumer choice), it's that the flow of goods and services flowing outbound is being artificially choked off by some countries protectionism.

So stop waiting for companies to pack up their Chinese manufacturing operations and move 'em back here, that isn't going to happen nor would be a good thing if it did.
It would be a good thing.
When factories are automated, even with a few technicians and engineers and maintenance workers, salaries are minuscule part of the overall cost.
And even with our aging infrastructure, electricity is cheaper and more reliable here. In China, they sometimes have rolling blackouts because of their crappy electrical grid. Moving factories there ensures they will improve their grid and ours will degrade even further.

Er.. the point of comparative advantage seems to have flown right over your head....

The reason the stuff that's manufactured in China for export is manufactured there is that it requires fewer inputs per unit than it does here, the primary input that's lower is the cost of labor (but it's not the only one), so unless you want to either try to force domestic production of goods and services that no one will be buy because they're too expensive (and waste resources, degrade economic efficiency and incur opportunity costs in the process) and/or block the trade of goods and services manufactured abroad and increase consumer costs and lower choice, that production ISN'T coming back and it wouldn't be a good thing if it did.

The focus needs to be on producing goods and services domestically that we have a comparative advantage producing and at the same time opening up foreign markets to those goods and services; a lot of that has to do with addressing our nagging structural unemployment problem (skillsets on the labor supply side mismatch with labor demand side) and lowering the costs of doing business (regulation and taxes).

Manufacturing here in the last few decades has DOUBLED. Yes, DOUBLED, even with the decline in the number of jobs. That is due to the fact that 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated.

Automation isn't a negative, it's a huge benefit to economic efficiency just like it has been since the beginning of time, unfortunately there's always employment dislocation as those individuals whose jobs were automated out of existence (hopefully) update their skills to move into other endeavors that are a more productive use of their labor than what they were previously doing.

But automated factories support a huge number of jobs simply by supplying raw materials.
Such as?
What isn't made from plastic and metal?
Definition of automation
1:the technique of making an apparatus, a process, or a system operate automatically

:the state of being operated automatically

:automatically controlled operation of an apparatus, process, or system by mechanical or electronic devices that take the place of human labor

Definition of AUTOMATION

No matter how many times it's pointed out that manufacturing has doubled in the last few decades and 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated, right wingers on the USMB still keep insisting Trump is bringing millions jobs back into the country.


Don't they understand this is a ridiculous and wild claim? Why keep making it?

One of us is an idiot and it isn’t me.

James May of Top Gear fame spent 24 hours at the Mini plant in England. He walked the viewers through the process to build a car. The machines, the automation you are harping on, did the welding of the body, and the painting. Then it was all Humans. Skilled labor assembled the car. They ran the wiring, the components that were bolted on. Two thirds of the time it took to build the car was humans working on the damned thing.

During the show, they went to the Nissan plant, and it was exactly the same. Humans there working around the clock to crank out cars.

Take something you believe should be banned. Guns. The AR for example. A milling machine controlled by computer takes the blank and presents the user after some time, the final lower receiver. Then a human steps in, and begins to assemble these disparate parts. That human is called a gunsmith. Again skilled labor. It takes longer for the human to assemble the rifle, than it takes the machine to grind out the excess metal for the lower receiver. But there is no machine made that can replace a human in assembling a quality rifle.

Look at any industry you want. It is the humans that make it work. Planes are automated to a fantastic degree, and when the automation fails, and it is going to fail, we expect the human called a PILOT to fly the damned plane. We blame the human when they crash the plane, we call it pilot error. Now, aviation safety advocates are calling on the pilots to fly MORE often, to give them MORE practice, without the automation.

Trucks, cranes, ships, and all that are heavily automated, yet without a trained human, it just doesn’t work.

But the biggest proof of your nonsense is that we are moving the factories to Mexico. It isn’t because Mexico has better robots to build shit. It’s because Mexico has cheaper labor, those humans we talked about. If it was all robots all the time, then moving it to Mexico would not make any sense. Because all you would do is increase your costs, not decrease them. You would add in hundreds or thousands of miles of shipping to get the finished product to the final destination without any benefit.

Companies are not in the habit of changing location to lose money, so your argument is obviously false. It is so obvious that only an idiot would make such a flawed assertion.

The companies are relocating manufacturing to other nations because of the cheaper labor, not in spite of it.
Not sure exactly what you are talking about. No one ever said humans aren't being used. Perhaps you could do a little much needed research.
Here are a few places to start:

Automotive News

ZEELAND, Mich. — The Trump administration has a vision for U.S. manufacturers: It wants them to rely less on overseas factories and to hire and train more American workers
Factory automation is what made it possible for Gentex to move production from overseas to the Midwest.

Here is a BMW factory from beginning to end. A single robot replaces dozens of workers. This is from Germany. If it can be in Germany, it can be in the US.

Here is the BMW motor factory. Not many workers.

That's just the reality. Automation has taken over so many industries. Even milk production.

Definition of automation
1:the technique of making an apparatus, a process, or a system operate automatically

:the state of being operated automatically

:automatically controlled operation of an apparatus, process, or system by mechanical or electronic devices that take the place of human labor

Definition of AUTOMATION

No matter how many times it's pointed out that manufacturing has doubled in the last few decades and 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated, right wingers on the USMB still keep insisting Trump is bringing millions jobs back into the country.


Don't they understand this is a ridiculous and wild claim? Why keep making it?

Definition of automation
1:the technique of making an apparatus, a process, or a system operate automatically

:the state of being operated automatically

:automatically controlled operation of an apparatus, process, or system by mechanical or electronic devices that take the place of human labor

Definition of AUTOMATION

No matter how many times it's pointed out that manufacturing has doubled in the last few decades and 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated, right wingers on the USMB still keep insisting Trump is bringing millions jobs back into the country.


Don't they understand this is a ridiculous and wild claim? Why keep making it?

Are you under the impression that automation requires zero employment and that the materials, maintenance and equipment used for automation magically appears without human intervention or production and transfer?
At the time our Constitution was ratified, 98 percent of Americans were employed in agriculture.

Today, thanks to technology, less than two percent of Americans are employed in agriculture, and yet our food output is at record levels.

Anyone who promised to "bring back our lost agriculture jobs" would be a lying asshole.

Just so with coal and many other industries.

The only reason the lying assholes get away with being lying assholes is because the rubes don't grasp these simple facts of life. Their jobs are not overseas. Most of their jobs are obsolete and are NEVER coming back.
It's not just Republicans who don't grok the automation revolution. Neither do Democrats. Especially labor unions.
Definition of automation
1:the technique of making an apparatus, a process, or a system operate automatically

:the state of being operated automatically

:automatically controlled operation of an apparatus, process, or system by mechanical or electronic devices that take the place of human labor

Definition of AUTOMATION

No matter how many times it's pointed out that manufacturing has doubled in the last few decades and 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated, right wingers on the USMB still keep insisting Trump is bringing millions jobs back into the country.


Don't they understand this is a ridiculous and wild claim? Why keep making it?

One of us is an idiot and it isn’t me.

James May of Top Gear fame spent 24 hours at the Mini plant in England. He walked the viewers through the process to build a car. The machines, the automation you are harping on, did the welding of the body, and the painting. Then it was all Humans. Skilled labor assembled the car. They ran the wiring, the components that were bolted on. Two thirds of the time it took to build the car was humans working on the damned thing.

During the show, they went to the Nissan plant, and it was exactly the same. Humans there working around the clock to crank out cars.

Take something you believe should be banned. Guns. The AR for example. A milling machine controlled by computer takes the blank and presents the user after some time, the final lower receiver. Then a human steps in, and begins to assemble these disparate parts. That human is called a gunsmith. Again skilled labor. It takes longer for the human to assemble the rifle, than it takes the machine to grind out the excess metal for the lower receiver. But there is no machine made that can replace a human in assembling a quality rifle.

Look at any industry you want. It is the humans that make it work. Planes are automated to a fantastic degree, and when the automation fails, and it is going to fail, we expect the human called a PILOT to fly the damned plane. We blame the human when they crash the plane, we call it pilot error. Now, aviation safety advocates are calling on the pilots to fly MORE often, to give them MORE practice, without the automation.

Trucks, cranes, ships, and all that are heavily automated, yet without a trained human, it just doesn’t work.

But the biggest proof of your nonsense is that we are moving the factories to Mexico. It isn’t because Mexico has better robots to build shit. It’s because Mexico has cheaper labor, those humans we talked about. If it was all robots all the time, then moving it to Mexico would not make any sense. Because all you would do is increase your costs, not decrease them. You would add in hundreds or thousands of miles of shipping to get the finished product to the final destination without any benefit.

Companies are not in the habit of changing location to lose money, so your argument is obviously false. It is so obvious that only an idiot would make such a flawed assertion.

The companies are relocating manufacturing to other nations because of the cheaper labor, not in spite of it.
Not sure exactly what you are talking about. No one ever said humans aren't being used. Perhaps you could do a little much needed research.
Here are a few places to start:

Automotive News

ZEELAND, Mich. — The Trump administration has a vision for U.S. manufacturers: It wants them to rely less on overseas factories and to hire and train more American workers
Factory automation is what made it possible for Gentex to move production from overseas to the Midwest.

Here is a BMW factory from beginning to end. A single robot replaces dozens of workers. This is from Germany. If it can be in Germany, it can be in the US.

Here is the BMW motor factory. Not many workers.

That's just the reality. Automation has taken over so many industries. Even milk production.


You mean like this?

Or this one where the customers could come in and help build their own cars?

Or the aforementioned gun manufacturing. The computers do the milling and the human gunsmiths do the assembly. The attention to detail is not something that a computer is good at. Yet. Then again, either is eye hand coordination.

Inside Daniel Defense - TGC Factory Tour!

How to Survive a Robot Apocalypse: Just Close the Door

But tell me this. Why do the companies who are moving to Mexico say it is for cheaper labor if there is hardly any labor anymore?

These three U.S. companies moved jobs to Mexico. Here's why

Who is Killing American Manufacturing?

Perhaps you should go and tell those companies that the labor being cheaper in Mexico is ridiculous since it’s all robots now. Let me know how long it takes for them to hang up on you. I’ll take five minutes, do you want the over, or the under?

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