Do people realize...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
That blacks who were never slaves
Are fighting against / condemning
Whites who were never Nazis
And who have never owned slaves
Over Confederate Statues that were
Erected by Democrats because
Democrats can't stand to be reminded of
Their own past?

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That blacks who were never slaves
Are fighting against / condemning
Whites who were never Nazis
Over Confederate Statues that were
Erected by Democrats because
Democrats can't stand to be reminded of
Their own past?

This is why I say definitively that multiculturalism/multiracialism never has and never will work.

It is time for racial separation so this shit finally stops.
That blacks who were never slaves
Are fighting against / condemning
Whites who were never Nazis
Over Confederate Statues that were
Erected by Democrats because
Democrats can't stand to be reminded of
Their own past?


I'm thinking not.
So all the nazis and Klansmen were me dreaming one night?
Neo-Nazis were never Nazis. They are just RACISTS oure and simple, Nazi-wanna-bes.
They are white nationalists larping as Nazis to present a masculine white image to counter the "Caitlyn" Jenners of the world.

They figured out that integration and multiculturalism doesn't actually work WAY before you finally do.
That blacks who were never slaves
Are fighting against / condemning
Whites who were never Nazis
And who have never owned slaves
Over Confederate Statues that were
Erected by Democrats because
Democrats can't stand to be reminded of
Their own past?

That's an Irony mind-fuck.
I think that would be the KKK....and based on how the leaked DNC e-mails exposed racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic comments by Democrats, it doesn't seem like they are still THAT much different.

That blacks who were never slaves
Are fighting against / condemning
Whites who were never Nazis
And who have never owned slaves
Over Confederate Statues that were
Erected by Democrats because
Democrats can't stand to be reminded of
Their own past?


Yeah and most every single one of these dumb asses have ancestry blood running through their own veins of the people they are hating on.

Have you ever been to DC Easy? It is an exciting place with the history, I loved it so much.

When I was in DC in the 80's people were fine with these memorials, I visited General Lee's home in Arlington , and read a book about his children growing up there.

But when you take a statue or flags honor turn it around to fit your own fucked up cause , then it is not a memorial anymore.
It is a Hate symbol like the swastika.... that these dumb ass uneducated spoiled babies wear around not knowing shit how ugly war is. And disrespecting those who died for their freedom.

That blacks who were never slaves
Are fighting against / condemning
Whites who were never Nazis
And who have never owned slaves
Over Confederate Statues that were
Erected by Democrats because
Democrats can't stand to be reminded of
Their own past?


Yeah and most every single one of these dumb asses have ancestry blood running through their own veins of the people they are hating on.

Have you ever been to DC Easy? It is an exciting place with the history, I loved it so much.

When I was in DC in the 80's people were fine with these memorials, I visited General Lee's home in Arlington , and read a book about his children growing up there.

But when you take a statue or flags honor turn it around to fit your own fucked up cause , then it is not a memorial anymore.
It is a Hate symbol like the swastika.... that these dumb ass uneducated spoiled babies wear around not knowing shit how ugly war is. And disrespecting those who died for their freedom.

Been there...and 'Amen!' Well said.
That blacks who were never slaves
Are fighting against / condemning
Whites who were never Nazis
And who have never owned slaves
Over Confederate Statues that were
Erected by Democrats because
Democrats can't stand to be reminded of
Their own past?

Everything Democratic, bad, bad, bad.
Everything Republican, good, good, good.

Your side is ALWAYS wrong.
My side is ALWAYS right.

SSDD from the blindfold-wearing partisan hack, who lives in the alternate reality gop bubble,

Interesting tidbit from the homes memorial information-

Upon George Washington Parke Custis' death in 1857, he left the Arlington estate to Mary Custis Lee for her lifetime and thence to the Lees' eldest son, George Washington Custis Lee. The estate needed much repair and reorganization, and Robert E. Lee, as executor of Custis' will, took a three-year leave of absence from the Army to begin the necessary agricultural and financial improvements. The will also required the executor to free the slaves on the estate within five years of Custis' death. Robert E. Lee fulfilled this requirement by manumitting the slaves in December 1862.[14]

That blacks who were never slaves
Are fighting against / condemning
Whites who were never Nazis
And who have never owned slaves
Over Confederate Statues that were
Erected by Democrats because
Democrats can't stand to be reminded of
Their own past?


Yeah and most every single one of these dumb asses have ancestry blood running through their own veins of the people they are hating on.

Have you ever been to DC Easy? It is an exciting place with the history, I loved it so much.

When I was in DC in the 80's people were fine with these memorials, I visited General Lee's home in Arlington , and read a book about his children growing up there.

But when you take a statue or flags honor turn it around to fit your own fucked up cause , then it is not a memorial anymore.
It is a Hate symbol like the swastika.... that these dumb ass uneducated spoiled babies wear around not knowing shit how ugly war is. And disrespecting those who died for their freedom.

That blacks who were never slaves
Are fighting against / condemning
Whites who were never Nazis
And who have never owned slaves
Over Confederate Statues that were
Erected by Democrats because
Democrats can't stand to be reminded of
Their own past?


Yeah and most every single one of these dumb asses have ancestry blood running through their own veins of the people they are hating on.

Have you ever been to DC Easy? It is an exciting place with the history, I loved it so much.

When I was in DC in the 80's people were fine with these memorials, I visited General Lee's home in Arlington , and read a book about his children growing up there.

But when you take a statue or flags honor turn it around to fit your own fucked up cause , then it is not a memorial anymore.
It is a Hate symbol like the swastika.... that these dumb ass uneducated spoiled babies wear around not knowing shit how ugly war is. And disrespecting those who died for their freedom.


The Civil War was much more than slavery to begin with. It was also a war that was provoked by outside forces like the Jesuits and the Rothschild agents from England and France. This is nothing but a wedge issue being used by the globalists with their communist snowflake pawns. Nothing more and nothing less. This country has gone so damn far to the left that anyone just right of Mao Tse-Tung is considered a "fascist". This country is overflowing with stupid fucks with no ability to think for themselves. I am finding it harder and harder to feel bad these idiots when the SHTF and it's gonna do that in a big time way.
Last edited:
That blacks who were never slaves
Are fighting against / condemning
Whites who were never Nazis
And who have never owned slaves
Over Confederate Statues that were
Erected by Democrats because
Democrats can't stand to be reminded of
Their own past?

Everything Democratic, bad, bad, bad.
Everything Republican, good, good, good.

Your side is ALWAYS wrong.
My side is ALWAYS right.

SSDD from the blindfold-wearing partisan hack, who lives in the alternate reality gop bubble,


Too funny, coming from a leftard that thinks his demcrat party is as pure as the new driven snow....I guess that is where the snowflakes come from??

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