Do Jews Control the Media?

"Why do you insist on calling the Civil War the, quote...War of Northern Aggression..unquote?

It seems to me the first shots were fired by Southern folk...a well known fact.

Nice try at changing the subject.

Actually it was the War Between the States.
In the future such a war might be called a Civil War, because the conclusion of the last one was that the States lost the right to secede. Before that time, the Union was an arrangement that relied on the mutual consent of all states to remain allied under the Constitution.
There was some debate then as to whether this arrangement was considered legally binding or dependent upon the consent of the governed.

Zio-facists today, the Neo-Cons and their twins, the DemoRats, seek to Federalize all power so that the minority there can control the entire country without exception.

What amazes me is how few people there are left who care whether they are converted to a Socialist Judeo Plutocracy and how little they care.

I imagine all that will change if the economy takes a severe downturn or the sheeple wake up to find that they now have foreign bosses of of every race and ethnicity on the planet comprised of those who formerly accused them of "colonial imperialism" and etc, and who show their contempt openly because "pay backs are hell".

The Jewish overlords will have nothing to worry about, however since they belong to the class of the Chosen who helped usher in the new multi-cultural panacea. (for themselves of course).

Along with forgetting that Jewish bankers financed both sides of the terrible conflict, you failed to mention the predominant role that Jews played in the slave trade, and that folks had slaves in the north as well as the south.

One shouldn't leave out the fact that the North placed unfair tax burdens on the South as well as attempting to dictate other matters to them. The present situation hasn't changed much since in regard to Northern dictation except you might say it now comes from Jew York rather than New York.'

By the way, the North was warned not to trespass. They did anyway with predicable results.

Maybe the southern states should send a flotilla into a port in New York and begin telling the resident Kikes how to run their Big Rotten Kahilla.

I'm not suggesting that the Jews are making slaves of white gentile women in the US today. Most of those women willingly follow the money wherever it goes and to whomever has it. Jews above all people understand and appreciate this unfortunate fact of life and how it correlates to human foibles and necessities.
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"Why do you insist on calling the Civil War the, quote...War of Northern Aggression..unquote?

It seems to me the first shots were fired by Southern folk...a well known fact.

Nice try at changing the subject.

Actually it was the War Between the States.
In the future such a war might be called a Civil War, because the conclusion of the last one was that the States lost the right to secede. Before that time, the Union was an arrangement that relied on the mutual consent of all states to remain allied under the Constitution.
There was some debate then as to whether this arrangement was considered legally binding or dependent upon the consent of the governed.

Zio-facists today, the Neo-Cons and their twins, the DemoRats, seek to Federalize all power so that the minority there can control the entire country without exception.

What amazes me is how few people there are left who care whether they are converted to a Socialist Judeo Plutocracy and how little they care.

I imagine all that will change if the economy takes a severe downturn or the sheeple wake up to find that they now have foreign bosses of of every race and ethnicity on the planet comprised of those who formerly accused them of "colonial imperialism" and etc, and who show their contempt openly because "pay backs are hell".

The Jewish overlords will have nothing to worry about, however since they belong to the class of the Chosen who helped usher in the new multi-cultural panacea. (for themselves of course).

Along with forgetting that Jewish bankers financed both sides of the terrible conflict, you failed to mention the predominant role that Jews played in the slave trade, and that folks had slaves in the north as well as the south.

One shouldn't leave out the fact that the North placed unfair tax burdens on the South as well as attempting to dictate other matters to them. The present situation hasn't changed much since in regard to Northern dictation except you might say it now comes from Jew York rather than New York.'

By the way, the North was warned not to trespass. They did anyway with predicable results.

Maybe the southern states should send a flotilla into a port in New York and begin telling the resident Kikes how to run their Big Rotten Kahilla.

Jewish Involvement In Black Slave Trade To The Americas

national journal: The Jewish Slave Trade

I'm not suggesting that the Jews are making slaves of white gentile women in the US today. Most of those women willingly follow the money wherever it goes and to whomever has it. Jews above all people understand and appreciate this unfortunate fact of life and how it correlates to human foibles and necessities.

Why can't I get an answer out of you???

Are you too embarrassed by your position?

In response to me inquiring as to what should be done about Jews having much control of the media, you said, "the first step is informing the US public..."

What's the next step after that?

Don't be coy, tell the forum how you feel...
If the public was aware of who they are and how they operate, the rest would pretty much take care of itself.

Unfortunately we have a nation of religious illiterates, many of whom don't know much more about Christianity than they do Islam, and even less about what passes for Judaism.

With public awareness, the Zionist infiltrators would have a much harder time of taking control of government, private, religious, and political institutions. Therefore they would not be able to subvert them to their purposes.
A good example of this would be the so called Tea Party and movements like Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth.

People who knew about all the facets of Judaism, from the religious to the social and political secular movements would be better able to identify them, if not by appearance, then by ideology and actions.

The practice of Jewish nepotism in hiring and firing and academics would be more apparent also. That would make it more difficult for them to network such as they do and still complain about "good ol' boys" and "discrimination" without being revealed as hypocrites for doing the same things.

Knowing ALL the ins and outs of Judaism, the religion, and Judaism, the socio-political UNION, would make it easier to see who it is behind all of these movements to bring the US down and under the control of their globalist banker Cabal.
That would include things like our open boarders policy, the move for a global currency, the machinations of the financial industries like Goldman Sachs and their collusion with the Federal Reserve and it's connection to the IMF and World Bank.

People would be able to see the inordinate numbers of wealthy Jews in high places who are pulling the politicians strings.

As it is the politician couldn't say anything about it if they wanted to. There's no way they could possibly say enough in a few sound bites to educate the public to the point that they would be convinced. Such a one would be driven out of politics before you could say Quantitative Easing.

It's no accident that many of the policies and legislations which have advanced the Jewish agenda were promoted ostensibly by gentile front men. The Jews behind the Federal Reserve for example had to have the cooperation of rich gentiles, otherwise they would not have been able to succeed.

The promoters of the Zionist agenda most always have need of gentiles as front men. Otherwise the public would become suspicious if they realized that those behind them consisted of a religious cabal whose political and religious ambitions included making everyone else subservient to them.

The Jews cannot deny that this is true without also admitting that such a thing as "anti-semitism" doesn't really exist. In truth, Antisemitism DOESN'T exist, UNTIL it becomes common knowledge among non-Jews that the roots of some of their problems can be attributed to a cabal of megalomaniacs who either envy what they have or want to destroy them out of contempt.

It's at the point which they DO realize it that "anti-semitism" rears it's ugly head. There's no way that an HONEST Jew can claim that the country who has stood by while they grabbed more power and wealth than common sense or work can explain away is at it's heart "anti-semitic".

If that was fundamentally true, it would mean that non-Jews simply "hate" them (resent, dislike, disapprove) FOR NO REASON WHATSOEVER> This notion defies common sense.

There ARE people , however, who simply hate "for no apparent reason". But those people are mostly socio-paths and people who have been warped in their upbringing. Aside from those kind, MOST people are simply INDIFFERENT about the plight of others, except when they are making comparisons among themselves that excite envious inflammation.

People have to LEARN how to love just as they LEARN to hate. There's no way they can do so in a society which promotes the kind of ideals that we see being foisted on the public through the media outlets.
This is where I get put out with the Jews, who think it is their advantage to promote divisions among other people in order to gain a firmer foothold themselves.
The Jewish media moguls do this when they are constantly bombarding impressionable young minds with ideas that tend to inflame them along all demographic lines, for example, black vs white, women vs men, young vs old, class vs class, etc etc.

It seems as though everywhere a Jewish "intellect" can detect the slightest fissure, he begins to hammer on it in the hope of creating the biggest fracture he can. Then he steps in to assume the power created by the vacuum which he helped to create, under the pretense of being on the moral high ground.

First he plays on the emotions of women and blacks to make them feel as insulted and cheated as possible. Then he disguises himself among the "good ol'boys" themselves and encourages them to fell likewise.

As it is, the majority of non-Jews do not see his deliberately concealed hand in it all and simply takes the media mantra at face value as the undistorted and entire truth.

As long as the Jewish political lobby and media can continue to make the Republican/Democrat charade appear to be the source of the trouble, attention is drawn away from the direction in which this puppet show is taking us, down the road to financial ruin and the end of the US altogether.
Some say it's finished already.

It may be. But there's nothing that cannot be overcome by an informed public who is unanimous in restoring and preserving the freedoms and prosperity we have enjoyed as ONE NATION UNDER GOD;
NOT the God of Islam ( worshiping the man Muhammed) and NOT the G-d of the Jews (money).

It is NOT RIGHT to FORCE differing ethnicities, religions, and races to cohabit and copulate just so the Jews can enjoy a Master Race status in the world.

People who do not believe the same way "religiously' and whose customs and cultures create unavoidable conflicts should not be corralled into the same territory. It is absolutely UNREALISTIC to expect human nature to change itself in order to accommodate the religious and political ambitions of a group of people who will not admit to being more than 2% of the world's population.

The Chinese are fine where they are. The Arabs are fine where they are.

Jews who do not like Christian icons should move away from them. They DEMAND a place to do so don't they?
So why don't they just go to their beloved "promised land" and fulfill their spiritual desire?

In the meantime they can learn to be as TOLERANT of the Arabs in Palestine as they are telling white men that they should sacrifice their future wives and daughters on the idol of "multi-culturalism".
And while we are on the subject, I never have been opposed to "equal rights" or fair treatment of blacks. But being amenable to those things does not mean that I believe that they have a "RIGHT" to invade my domain..........if you know what I mean. (I think you do!)
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If the public was aware of who they are and how they operate, the rest would pretty much take care of itself.

Unfortunately we have a nation of religious illiterates, many of whom don't know much more about Christianity than they do Islam, and even less about what passes for Judaism.

With public awareness, the Zionist infiltrators would have a much harder time of taking control of government, private, religious, and political institutions. Therefore they would not be able to subvert them to their purposes.
A good example of this would be the so called Tea Party and movements like Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth.

People who knew about all the facets of Judaism, from the religious to the social and political secular movements would be better able to identify them, if not by appearance, then by ideology and actions.

The practice of Jewish nepotism in hiring and firing and academics would be more apparent also. That would make it more difficult for them to network such as they do and still complain about "good ol' boys" and "discrimination" without being revealed as hypocrites for doing the same things.

Knowing ALL the ins and outs of Judaism, the religion, and Judaism, the socio-political UNION, would make it easier to see who it is behind all of these movements to bring the US down and under the control of their globalist banker Cabal.
That would include things like our open boarders policy, the move for a global currency, the machinations of the financial industries like Goldman Sachs and their collusion with the Federal Reserve and it's connection to the IMF and World Bank.

People would be able to see the inordinate numbers of wealthy Jews in high places who are pulling the politicians strings.

As it is the politician couldn't say anything about it if they wanted to. There's no way they could possibly say enough in a few sound bites to educate the public to the point that they would be convinced. Such a one would be driven out of politics before you could say Quantitative Easing.

It's no accident that many of the policies and legislations which have advanced the Jewish agenda were promoted ostensibly by gentile front men. The Jews behind the Federal Reserve for example had to have the cooperation of rich gentiles, otherwise they would not have been able to succeed.

The promoters of the Zionist agenda most always have need of gentiles as front men. Otherwise the public would become suspicious if they realized that those behind them consisted of a religious cabal whose political and religious ambitions included making everyone else subservient to them.

The Jews cannot deny that this is true without also admitting that such a thing as "anti-semitism" doesn't really exist. In truth, Antisemitism DOESN'T exist, UNTIL it becomes common knowledge among non-Jews that the roots of some of their problems can be attributed to a cabal of megalomaniacs who either envy what they have or want to destroy them out of contempt.

It's at the point which they DO realize it that "anti-semitism" rears it's ugly head. There's no way that an HONEST Jew can claim that the country who has stood by while they grabbed more power and wealth than common sense or work can explain away is at it's heart "anti-semitic".

If that was fundamentally true, it would mean that non-Jews simply "hate" them (resent, dislike, disapprove) FOR NO REASON WHATSOEVER> This notion defies common sense.

There ARE people , however, who simply hate "for no apparent reason". But those people are mostly socio-paths and people who have been warped in their upbringing. Aside from those kind, MOST people are simply INDIFFERENT about the plight of others, except when they are making comparisons among themselves that excite envious inflammation.

People have to LEARN how to love just as they LEARN to hate. There's no way they can do so in a society which promotes the kind of ideals that we see being foisted on the public through the media outlets.
This is where I get put out with the Jews, who think it is their advantage to promote divisions among other people in order to gain a firmer foothold themselves.
The Jewish media moguls do this when they are constantly bombarding impressionable young minds with ideas that tend to inflame them along all demographic lines, for example, black vs white, women vs men, young vs old, class vs class, etc etc.

It seems as though everywhere a Jewish "intellect" can detect the slightest fissure, he begins to hammer on it in the hope of creating the biggest fracture he can. Then he steps in to assume the power created by the vacuum which he helped to create, under the pretense of being on the moral high ground.

First he plays on the emotions of women and blacks to make them feel as insulted and cheated as possible. Then he disguises himself among the "good ol'boys" themselves and encourages them to fell likewise.

As it is, the majority of non-Jews do not see his deliberately concealed hand in it all and simply takes the media mantra at face value as the undistorted and entire truth.

As long as the Jewish political lobby and media can continue to make the Republican/Democrat charade appear to be the source of the trouble, attention is drawn away from the direction in which this puppet show is taking us, down the road to financial ruin and the end of the US altogether.
Some say it's finished already.

It may be. But there's nothing that cannot be overcome by an informed public who is unanimous in restoring and preserving the freedoms and prosperity we have enjoyed as ONE NATION UNDER GOD;
NOT the God of Islam ( worshiping the man Muhammed) and NOT the G-d of the Jews (money).

It is NOT RIGHT to FORCE differing ethnicities, religions, and races to cohabit and copulate just so the Jews can enjoy a Master Race status in the world.

People who do not believe the same way "religiously' and whose customs and cultures create unavoidable conflicts should not be corralled into the same territory. It is absolutely UNREALISTIC to expect human nature to change itself in order to accommodate the religious and political ambitions of a group of people who will not admit to being more than 2% of the world's population.

The Chinese are fine where they are. The Arabs are fine where they are.

Jews who do not like Christian icons should move away from them. They DEMAND a place to do so don't they?
So why don't they just go to their beloved "promised land" and fulfill their spiritual desire?

In the meantime they can learn to be as TOLERANT of the Arabs in Palestine as they are telling white men that they should sacrifice their future wives and daughters on the idol of "multi-culturalism".
So it's your goal to remove Jews from their control the media and the banks, is that right?

Sounds rather reminiscent of Germany in the 1930's.

What else do you hope to gain from this mission of yours? Limit access to the jobs they can hold? Deportation of Jews to Israel? Where does your message end?

At any rate, I've been hearing this message from Aryans for decades now. How many more years do you estimate you'll need before you sway the public?

And while we are on the subject, I never have been opposed to "equal rights" or fair treatment of blacks. But being amenable to those things does not mean that I believe that they have a "RIGHT" to invade my domain..........if you know what I mean. (I think you do!)
You do know this is not "your domain" because you're white, right? America is a country that was built on immigration and is guided by a Constitution which favors no race, creed, gender, color, or religion. Except for native Americans, EVERYONE in America came from somewhere else. Including your ancestors at some point, unless you're a native Indian.
If the public was aware of who they are and how they operate, the rest would pretty much take care of itself.

Unfortunately we have a nation of religious illiterates, many of whom don't know much more about Christianity than they do Islam, and even less about what passes for Judaism.

With public awareness, the Zionist infiltrators would have a much harder time of taking control of government, private, religious, and political institutions. Therefore they would not be able to subvert them to their purposes.
A good example of this would be the so called Tea Party and movements like Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth.

People who knew about all the facets of Judaism, from the religious to the social and political secular movements would be better able to identify them, if not by appearance, then by ideology and actions.

The practice of Jewish nepotism in hiring and firing and academics would be more apparent also. That would make it more difficult for them to network such as they do and still complain about "good ol' boys" and "discrimination" without being revealed as hypocrites for doing the same things.

Knowing ALL the ins and outs of Judaism, the religion, and Judaism, the socio-political UNION, would make it easier to see who it is behind all of these movements to bring the US down and under the control of their globalist banker Cabal.
That would include things like our open boarders policy, the move for a global currency, the machinations of the financial industries like Goldman Sachs and their collusion with the Federal Reserve and it's connection to the IMF and World Bank.

People would be able to see the inordinate numbers of wealthy Jews in high places who are pulling the politicians strings.

As it is the politician couldn't say anything about it if they wanted to. There's no way they could possibly say enough in a few sound bites to educate the public to the point that they would be convinced. Such a one would be driven out of politics before you could say Quantitative Easing.

It's no accident that many of the policies and legislations which have advanced the Jewish agenda were promoted ostensibly by gentile front men. The Jews behind the Federal Reserve for example had to have the cooperation of rich gentiles, otherwise they would not have been able to succeed.

The promoters of the Zionist agenda most always have need of gentiles as front men. Otherwise the public would become suspicious if they realized that those behind them consisted of a religious cabal whose political and religious ambitions included making everyone else subservient to them.

The Jews cannot deny that this is true without also admitting that such a thing as "anti-semitism" doesn't really exist. In truth, Antisemitism DOESN'T exist, UNTIL it becomes common knowledge among non-Jews that the roots of some of their problems can be attributed to a cabal of megalomaniacs who either envy what they have or want to destroy them out of contempt.

It's at the point which they DO realize it that "anti-semitism" rears it's ugly head. There's no way that an HONEST Jew can claim that the country who has stood by while they grabbed more power and wealth than common sense or work can explain away is at it's heart "anti-semitic".

If that was fundamentally true, it would mean that non-Jews simply "hate" them (resent, dislike, disapprove) FOR NO REASON WHATSOEVER> This notion defies common sense.

There ARE people , however, who simply hate "for no apparent reason". But those people are mostly socio-paths and people who have been warped in their upbringing. Aside from those kind, MOST people are simply INDIFFERENT about the plight of others, except when they are making comparisons among themselves that excite envious inflammation.

People have to LEARN how to love just as they LEARN to hate. There's no way they can do so in a society which promotes the kind of ideals that we see being foisted on the public through the media outlets.
This is where I get put out with the Jews, who think it is their advantage to promote divisions among other people in order to gain a firmer foothold themselves.
The Jewish media moguls do this when they are constantly bombarding impressionable young minds with ideas that tend to inflame them along all demographic lines, for example, black vs white, women vs men, young vs old, class vs class, etc etc.

It seems as though everywhere a Jewish "intellect" can detect the slightest fissure, he begins to hammer on it in the hope of creating the biggest fracture he can. Then he steps in to assume the power created by the vacuum which he helped to create, under the pretense of being on the moral high ground.

First he plays on the emotions of women and blacks to make them feel as insulted and cheated as possible. Then he disguises himself among the "good ol'boys" themselves and encourages them to fell likewise.

As it is, the majority of non-Jews do not see his deliberately concealed hand in it all and simply takes the media mantra at face value as the undistorted and entire truth.

As long as the Jewish political lobby and media can continue to make the Republican/Democrat charade appear to be the source of the trouble, attention is drawn away from the direction in which this puppet show is taking us, down the road to financial ruin and the end of the US altogether.
Some say it's finished already.

It may be. But there's nothing that cannot be overcome by an informed public who is unanimous in restoring and preserving the freedoms and prosperity we have enjoyed as ONE NATION UNDER GOD;
NOT the God of Islam ( worshiping the man Muhammed) and NOT the G-d of the Jews (money).

It is NOT RIGHT to FORCE differing ethnicities, religions, and races to cohabit and copulate just so the Jews can enjoy a Master Race status in the world.

People who do not believe the same way "religiously' and whose customs and cultures create unavoidable conflicts should not be corralled into the same territory. It is absolutely UNREALISTIC to expect human nature to change itself in order to accommodate the religious and political ambitions of a group of people who will not admit to being more than 2% of the world's population.

The Chinese are fine where they are. The Arabs are fine where they are.

Jews who do not like Christian icons should move away from them. They DEMAND a place to do so don't they?
So why don't they just go to their beloved "promised land" and fulfill their spiritual desire?

In the meantime they can learn to be as TOLERANT of the Arabs in Palestine as they are telling white men that they should sacrifice their future wives and daughters on the idol of "multi-culturalism".
So it's your goal to remove Jews from their control the media and the banks, is that right?

Sounds rather reminiscent of Germany in the 1930's.

What else do you hope to gain from this mission of yours? Limit access to the jobs they can hold? Deportation of Jews to Israel? Where does your message end?

At any rate, I've been hearing this message from Aryans for decades now. How many more years do you estimate you'll need before you sway the public?

And while we are on the subject, I never have been opposed to "equal rights" or fair treatment of blacks. But being amenable to those things does not mean that I believe that they have a "RIGHT" to invade my domain..........if you know what I mean. (I think you do!)
You do know this is not "your domain" because you're white, right? America is a country that was built on immigration and is guided by a Constitution which favors no race, creed, gender, color, or religion. Except for native Americans, EVERYONE in America came from somewhere else. Including your ancestors at some point, unless you're a native Indian.

Yeah....but you still segregate eg:- African American,Mexican American,NATIVE American,Irish American,Korean American,Chinese American,Jewish American,Muslim

Australian's we only refer folk that live here,no matter where they are from as.....AUSTRALIANS,but then that's how paradise should be.

Australia GREAT ONE DAY,BRILLIANT THE NEXT:cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:
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