Do Dems Risk Alienating Women by Rejecting a Female Supreme Court Nominee?


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2013
President Trump has already stated his likely New Supreme Court nominee will be a woman. The odds on favorite is Amy Barrett.

Ms. Barrett is 48 years old. She graduated Magna Cum Laude undergrad and was first in her Law School class. She taught Law and has been an Appellate Court judge (the level below the Supreme Court) since 2017. She is Catholic, married, and has children.

I think it is safe to assume the Dems will do everything in their power to bring her down. If that means destroying her life and career so be it.

Question: Is this a risk for Dems. If they attempt to destroy any female Supreme Court nominee do they risk alienating female voters, particularly suburban white female voters?

As Trump has nominated Barbara Lagoa, a Hispanic, the left will complain that she isn't black and of course, not their preferred candidate. Trump could pick a black female, wheelchair bound lesbian and they'd still bitch. For them, it's all about completely eliminating the multi-party political system and replacing it with a massive authoritarian Socialist government. One need only research the Nazi 20 point political platform and it screams Socialism.
President Trump has already stated his likely New Supreme Court nominee will be a woman. The odds on favorite is Amy Barrett.

Ms. Barrett is 48 years old. She graduated Magna Cum Laude undergrad and was first in her Law School class. She taught Law and has been an Appellate Court judge (the level below the Supreme Court) since 2017. She is Catholic, married, and has children.

I think it is safe to assume the Dems will do everything in their power to bring her down. If that means destroying her life and career so be it.

Question: Is this a risk for Dems. If they attempt to destroy any female Supreme Court nominee do they risk alienating female voters, particularly suburban white female voters?


She adopted two black kids from Haiti but they'll still call her a racist.
Nah, 'queen, a female GOP justice nominee is like a fish out of water to Dems and libs.

No problem saying momma gotta leave the house.

I agree. But Ms. Barrett is obviously intelligent, and I think appealing. If the Dems try to destroy her does this hurt them with female voters, particularly white suburban women?
Nah, 'queen, a female GOP justice nominee is like a fish out of water to Dems and libs.

No problem saying momma gotta leave the house.

I agree. But Ms. Barrett is obviously intelligent, and I think appealing. If the Dems try to destroy her does this hurt them with female voters, particularly white suburban women?

McConnell would be wise to hurry this confirmation along and not give Dems the time to dig up/fabricate shit.

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