Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Apparently BLACK LIVES don't MATTER much to Black folks. If they did, then Black folks would not be killing each other with such reckless abandon. Also, if they did, then when some Black person is killed in public, there would not be such a dearth of witnesses, willing to come forward to police to identify the perp and remove his worthless ass from the "streets." No, it's clear that BLACK LIVES don't MATTER to other Black people - except, apparently, their mothers who are often seen on the nightly news mourning the dead son who - despite all appearances - was a good person, and had "just found Jesus." Right.

Do BLACK LIVES MATTER to white people? That depends. For people who just die naturally, whether their death "matters" is determined by the size of their professional, social and/or cultural "footprint," regardless of race. People of all races mourned the passing of, for example, Aretha Franklin. The obituaries make no mention of race, and if one was a doctor, a professional athlete, a minister, or simply someone revered in the community, race doesn't matter. But for the Black person who dies via a criminal act in the 'hood, unless there is clear indication that this victim was in some way outstanding, WGAS?

Few Black people are killed by "whites," and when they are it is usually in connection with some other criminal activity that one or both of them were engaged in. Almost NO Black people are wrongfully killed by cops; that's why, when it happens, it is national news. More often, cops are killed by Black criminals (Mumia Abu Jamal?), and that makes headlines, briefly.

Is the BLM contingent - mostly white, BTW - trying to make the case that ALL Black lives matter? I call, Bullshit. Neither do ALL white lives matter, all Asian lives matter, or any other lives, except to their own personal people. To me, a member of the general public, some Black lives matter and most don't.

Do you disagree? What is the point - exactly - of BLM?
BLM is a left-wing socialist scam job, using young, scatterbrained Americans, black & white, to go out and disrupt American society, and create enough instability to topple the establishment ,and recreate it as a socialist society.

BLM are the running dogs of the left elite planners, and doing their dirty work.
BLM is a left-wing socialist scam job, using young, scatterbrained Americans, black & white, to go out and disrupt American society, and create enough instability to topple the establishment ,and recreate it as a socialist society.

BLM are the running dogs of the left elite planners, and doing their dirty work.
I agree with both of the above posts. "Black Lives Matter" is merely the term that allows violence to take over the streets demonstrating that again, black lives are responsible for the mayhem that is brought to the liberal cities.

I haven't heard of anything as atrocious as "Defunding the police." It's equivelant to adding of kerosene to a burning fire. All you have to do is listen to the Democrat "leaders" to determine that the people who respect this country and want civility to return will vote Republican in November. Vote Republican ticket. Never thought I would say that.
This BLM nonsense will fade away after Trump wins again in November.
It’s been nothing more than a lame attempt by democrats to create division between voters. A lame attempt that democrats will soon regret.
This BLM nonsense will fade away after Trump wins again in November.
It’s been nothing more than a lame attempt by democrats to create division between voters. A lame attempt that democrats will soon regret.
I so hope you are right.
This BLM nonsense will fade away after Trump wins again in November.
It’s been nothing more than a lame attempt by democrats to create division between voters. A lame attempt that democrats will soon regret.
I so hope you are right.
I’m not in the habit of being wrong.
I was one of the few who predicted a win for Trump when he first announced he was running. :)
Apparently BLACK LIVES don't MATTER much to Black folks. If they did, then Black folks would not be killing each other with such reckless abandon. Also, if they did, then when some Black person is killed in public, there would not be such a dearth of witnesses, willing to come forward to police to identify the perp and remove his worthless ass from the "streets." No, it's clear that BLACK LIVES don't MATTER to other Black people - except, apparently, their mothers who are often seen on the nightly news mourning the dead son who - despite all appearances - was a good person, and had "just found Jesus." Right.

Do BLACK LIVES MATTER to white people? That depends. For people who just die naturally, whether their death "matters" is determined by the size of their professional, social and/or cultural "footprint," regardless of race. People of all races mourned the passing of, for example, Aretha Franklin. The obituaries make no mention of race, and if one was a doctor, a professional athlete, a minister, or simply someone revered in the community, race doesn't matter. But for the Black person who dies via a criminal act in the 'hood, unless there is clear indication that this victim was in some way outstanding, WGAS?

Few Black people are killed by "whites," and when they are it is usually in connection with some other criminal activity that one or both of them were engaged in. Almost NO Black people are wrongfully killed by cops; that's why, when it happens, it is national news. More often, cops are killed by Black criminals (Mumia Abu Jamal?), and that makes headlines, briefly.

Is the BLM contingent - mostly white, BTW - trying to make the case that ALL Black lives matter? I call, Bullshit. Neither do ALL white lives matter, all Asian lives matter, or any other lives, except to their own personal people. To me, a member of the general public, some Black lives matter and most don't.

Do you disagree? What is the point - exactly - of BLM?

The Black Lives matter renewed racism in America 2020 narrative continues to win hearts and minds precisely because of posts just like this one. No personal offense intended, however, the "point" of BLM was obvious moments after its founding. That conservatives or any other anti-radical left Americans are still asking the question you pose at the conclusion of your OP is a very worrisome sign that they would rather spin their wheels in the mud of feigned confusion as excuse rather than accept the current truth of the state of our nation, acknowledge the true enemy of America and then fight back. The purpose of BLM is to put radical leftists in power across our nation, and to perhaps conduct a white genocide along the way. Duh?

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