Do Americans Take Freedom For Granted?

Do Americans Take Freedom for Granted

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Mar 8, 2012
Chicago, IL
Do you think Americans take the concept of "freedom" for granted?

I feel like sometimes people don't realize there was a price paid for the freedom we enjoy today, and that millions of humans gave their lives so that we no longer have to live under the tyranny of an oppressive monarchy, or as a serf to a lord, or as a slave to a master.

Sometimes I feel that people naively believe this relative peace we're experiencing today is somehow our birthright and "will always be secure" from now into eternity.

But knowing history, I'm nearly 100% certain it's not destined to last forever. Obviously, right?

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Many, but not all, do.
To those that have seen how many of the others in the world live.................

Yes, we have a spoiled public who don't understand how much better it is here.
I completely disagree with the majority of the posters who voted that Americans take freedom for granted. If you quiet yourself and place your hand over your heart when the Anthem is played then you respect what this country stands for. And there are countless examples of people from all political ideologies in this nation showing pride and respect for what the American flag stands for.

What freedom? It's getting increasingly difficult to find ways in which our "God given rights" have not been infringed.
You only need to see how piously the public accepts Obamacare and systematic spying upon innocent civilians (among many other issues) to know how apathetic American citizens have become. But, the foundations are cracking, and we'll see if people wake up or if it becomes an extended state of chaos.
Do you think Americans take the concept of "freedom" for granted?

I feel like sometimes people don't realize there was a price paid for the freedom we enjoy today, and that millions of humans gave their lives so that we no longer have to live under the tyranny of an oppressive monarchy, or as a serf to a lord, or as a slave to a master.

Sometimes I feel that people naively believe this relative peace we're experiencing today is somehow our birthright and "will always be secure" from now into eternity.

But knowing history, I'm nearly 100% certain it's not destined to last forever. Obviously, right?

The greatest threat to our freedom comes not from without, but from within - from the reactionary right and its efforts to ‘ban’ Islam, deny women their privacy rights, deny same-sex couples their equal protection rights, deny immigrants their due process rights, deny homosexuals and transgender persons their right to individual liberty, and deny minorities their voting rights.

For the classes of persons noted above as well as others, they do not take their freedom for granted, as they are currently struggling to either retain or realize their freedom, as conservatives fearful of diversity and dissent seek to deny those perceived ‘different’ their civil liberties.

And for those not members of an adversely effected class of persons, they also do not take their freedom for granted as they speak out against the reactionary right and denounce conservative dogma that wrongly justifies compelling a class of persons to be treated differently from everyone else.
Americans in general cannot define "freedom" or "liberty" for that matter, and confuse both as license to do whatever they want.
Do you think Americans take the concept of "freedom" for granted?

I feel like sometimes people don't realize there was a price paid for the freedom we enjoy today, and that millions of humans gave their lives so that we no longer have to live under the tyranny of an oppressive monarchy, or as a serf to a lord, or as a slave to a master.

Sometimes I feel that people naively believe this relative peace we're experiencing today is somehow our birthright and "will always be secure" from now into eternity.

But knowing history, I'm nearly 100% certain it's not destined to last forever. Obviously, right?

The greatest threat to our freedom comes not from without, but from within - from the reactionary right and its efforts to ‘ban’ Islam, deny women their privacy rights, deny same-sex couples their equal protection rights, deny immigrants their due process rights, deny homosexuals and transgender persons their right to individual liberty, and deny minorities their voting rights.

For the classes of persons noted above as well as others, they do not take their freedom for granted, as they are currently struggling to either retain or realize their freedom, as conservatives fearful of diversity and dissent seek to deny those perceived ‘different’ their civil liberties.

And for those not members of an adversely effected class of persons, they also do not take their freedom for granted as they speak out against the reactionary right and denounce conservative dogma that wrongly justifies compelling a class of persons to be treated differently from everyone else.

You use gays, muslims, minorities, and women as cogs while you oppress everybody. You're pathetic.

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