Do African Americans hate capitalism ??


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
with their constant majority support for government funded programs,a disdain for so called rich white people,and an overwhelming democratic voting record [even though the left has moved more towards socialism with the presidents redistribution of wealth ideology ] blacks are in lockstep by an overwhelming majority with the anti capitalist movement and class warfare being waged by the Obama administration .... so the question is do blacks hate capitalism and favor a more socialist form of government control of the economy ??
The democratic party directly addresses their concerns and tries to alleviate them. The Republicans tell them to man up and take care of their own issues.

I would argue that for most blacks, the solutions of the Democrats are their worst problems. However, when you are in a marginal school on a marginal income the party that demands money be spent on education and keeping the social safety net strong has a lot more appeal than the party that suggests that education money is wasted and that the safety net is for leeches.
with their constant majority support for government funded programs,a disdain for so called rich white people,and an overwhelming democratic voting record [even though the left has moved more towards socialism with the presidents redistribution of wealth ideology ] blacks are in lockstep by an overwhelming majority with the anti capitalist movement and class warfare being waged by the Obama administration .... so the question is do blacks hate capitalism and favor a more socialist form of government control of the economy ??

We hate streams of Santorum, such as yourself.
with their constant majority support for government funded programs,a disdain for so called rich white people,and an overwhelming democratic voting record [even though the left has moved more towards socialism with the presidents redistribution of wealth ideology ] blacks are in lockstep by an overwhelming majority with the anti capitalist movement and class warfare being waged by the Obama administration .... so the question is do blacks hate capitalism and favor a more socialist form of government control of the economy ??

We hate streams of Santorum, such as yourself.
the question i have for you is would you prefer a socialist government system to a capitalist system ?
I think the last thing they want is to be in a socialist system. To be a minority in a socialist system is a special kind of hell. But they would like the capitalist system to work a bit better in their interest
with their constant majority support for government funded programs,a disdain for so called rich white people,and an overwhelming democratic voting record [even though the left has moved more towards socialism with the presidents redistribution of wealth ideology ] blacks are in lockstep by an overwhelming majority with the anti capitalist movement and class warfare being waged by the Obama administration .... so the question is do blacks hate capitalism and favor a more socialist form of government control of the economy ??

Whats your definition of "wealth redistribution"? Whats your definition of socialism? Finally, whats your definition of capitalism?
with their constant majority support for government funded programs,a disdain for so called rich white people,and an overwhelming democratic voting record [even though the left has moved more towards socialism with the presidents redistribution of wealth ideology ] blacks are in lockstep by an overwhelming majority with the anti capitalist movement and class warfare being waged by the Obama administration .... so the question is do blacks hate capitalism and favor a more socialist form of government control of the economy ??

We hate streams of Santorum, such as yourself.
the question i have for you is would you prefer a socialist government system to a capitalist system ?

I get a military retirement and make 6 figures per year. I love capitalism, because it means I can stream roll lazy fuckers such as yourself.
with their constant majority support for government funded programs,a disdain for so called rich white people,and an overwhelming democratic voting record [even though the left has moved more towards socialism with the presidents redistribution of wealth ideology ] blacks are in lockstep by an overwhelming majority with the anti capitalist movement and class warfare being waged by the Obama administration .... so the question is do blacks hate capitalism and favor a more socialist form of government control of the economy ??

Where did you take that "survey"? Are you basing it on the fact that they vote for democrats in large numbers? I think that you are making the mistake of trying to make a generalization or set of generalizations about "them" that fits into your limited paradigm. Here's some "for instances"; my uncles, one is an attorney, one is a federal judge, one is a successful entrepreneur and they all vote democrat for various reasons. NONE OF THEM ARE "anti-capitalist" reasons. They may believe in social safety nets for people in need, but they despise people who get over on the system. They certainly don't have a disdain for "rich white people".
Are you going to ask the same question about "the Jews" who vote democrat by a large majority? What about Hispanics? What about the Whites who vote democrat? Why focus solely on "the Blacks"?
with their constant majority support for government funded programs,a disdain for so called rich white people,and an overwhelming democratic voting record [even though the left has moved more towards socialism with the presidents redistribution of wealth ideology ] blacks are in lockstep by an overwhelming majority with the anti capitalist movement and class warfare being waged by the Obama administration .... so the question is do blacks hate capitalism and favor a more socialist form of government control of the economy ??

Where did you take that "survey"? Are you basing it on the fact that they vote for democrats in large numbers? I think that you are making the mistake of trying to make a generalization or set of generalizations about "them" that fits into your limited paradigm. Here's some "for instances"; my uncles, one is an attorney, one is a federal judge, one is a successful entrepreneur and they all vote democrat for various reasons. NONE OF THEM ARE "anti-capitalist" reasons. They may believe in social safety nets for people in need, but they despise people who get over on the system. They certainly don't have a disdain for "rich white people".
Are you going to ask the same question about "the Jews" who vote democrat by a large majority? What about Hispanics? What about the Whites who vote democrat? Why focus solely on "the Blacks"?
soo why do you think 90 % of blacks always vote democrat ??
As I stated before, there are a myriad of different reasons. For some people, they feel that they have more representation in the democrat party, some agree with the policies of the democrat party, some do it because their parents voted that was (that happens with many different races), some plain out just don't like the republican party's representatives, some don't like the republican party's policies, some definitely think that the republican party has a lot of white racists in it and that the republican party primarily caters to the white vote while alienating them from the blacks and other minorities.
I think the last thing they want is to be in a socialist system. To be a minority in a socialist system is a special kind of hell. But they would like the capitalist system to work a bit better in their interest

Fair and simple taxes, a budget that's balanced by law, transparency in all things politics,
and then build an education fueled economy that your kids can drive to the stars.

:smoke: It ain't rocket science, y'all.
safety net,now thats a joke LOL.If you are talking about SS and medicare,then you are wrong in all my 48 years of employment I paid ss taxes.Still paying for medicare.I'm retired,and I get ss each and every month.Am enjoying the heck out of it.I'm entitled to it.I bet you get a check every month also.
just to add some juice to this conversation...

In 1932, Republican Herbert Hoover drew 3/4 of the black vote. Democratic Franklin Roosevelt drew 1/4. Roosevelt won.
Food Stamps, Welfare, HUD, and other liberal policies have finally done what Slavery and Jim Crowe weren't able to do - and that's destroy the African American family and their aspirations.
Food Stamps, Welfare, HUD, and other liberal policies have finally done what Slavery and Jim Crowe weren't able to do - and that's destroy the African American family and their aspirations.

Those aren't liberal policies. That's social democracy in action. Liberal thinking says to spend as much as can be collectively afforded on education and infrastructure and give all the little boys and girls in America the freedom to make choices for themselves no matter what it does to the bottom line of a large corporate campaign contributor.

Freedom, fair taxes and genuine justice in the marketplace.

Your kids are one nine word sentence away from driving this fucker to the stars.

What a price for Sentience, eh?

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