DNI, FBI, DOJ All Agree - Hunter Biden Laptop / E-mails NOT Russian Did-Imformation Campaign


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Confirmed: VP Joe Biden and crack-head son Joe Biden caught selling Influence, laundering money for Russians, selling themselves to Putin-connected criminals, Russian Oligarchs, Kurdistan Oligarchs, Russians, and China, engaging in child porn, pedophilia, and possibly Incest....and the laptop is confirmed now to be HUNTER BIDEN's.

When does Comey or a Comey clone come in an exonerate Biden and company?

I liked it when Comey came in and declared Hillary guilty as sin, and then when you thought she was going to wind up in jail at the end of his speech, he inexplicably says he will let her walk.

The priceless part was at the very end he said, now if anyone else does this don't think we will be as lenient with ya!


When does Comey or a Comey clone come in an exonerate Biden and company?

I liked it when Comey came in and declared Hillary guilty as sin, and then when you thought she was going to wind up in jail at the end of his speech, he inexplicably says he will let her walk.

The priceless part was at the very end he said, now if anyone else does this don't think we will be as lenient with ya!


An AG never in the past said they would follow the direction of the FBI director. That's not how it works.

Bill met Lynch on her plane and they ordered everybody out of it. She told Bill she was in a pickle. His wife was as guilty as sin, and that put the pressure on her. Bill probably told her to make a public announcement she will do whatever the Director suggests she do because the fix was in.

That's what happened in my opinion. Comey said it would be ridiculous to charge Hillary and that got Lynch off the hook.
When does Comey or a Comey clone come in an exonerate Biden and company?

I liked it when Comey came in and declared Hillary guilty as sin, and then when you thought she was going to wind up in jail at the end of his speech, he inexplicably says he will let her walk.

The priceless part was at the very end he said, now if anyone else does this don't think we will be as lenient with ya!


Yeah -
She literally admits to 110 felonies on Television and Comey basically whispers to us - She's a chic she didn't know any better, give her a pass.
Confirmed: VP Joe Biden and crack-head son Joe Biden caught selling Influence, laundering money for Russians, selling themselves to Putin-connected criminals, Russian Oligarchs, Kurdistan Oligarchs, Russians, and China, engaging in child porn, pedophilia, and possibly Incest....and the laptop is confirmed now to be HUNTER BIDEN's.

Laura has clips from CNN every night. I can't tell you how many of them had this Russia thing yesterday.

Russia is the new ace in the hole card for the left. They added it to their hand with the race card. Whenever they use it, you know they're getting desperate. The sheep repeat it because that's what sheep do. They don't think for themselves.
When does Comey or a Comey clone come in an exonerate Biden and company?

I liked it when Comey came in and declared Hillary guilty as sin, and then when you thought she was going to wind up in jail at the end of his speech, he inexplicably says he will let her walk.

The priceless part was at the very end he said, now if anyone else does this don't think we will be as lenient with ya!


An AG never in the past said they would follow the direction of the FBI director. That's not how it works.

Bill met Lynch on her plane and they ordered everybody out of it. She told Bill she was in a pickle. His wife was as guilty as sin, and that put the pressure on her. Bill probably told her to make a public announcement she will do whatever the Director suggests she do because the fix was in.

That's what happened in my opinion. Comey said it would be ridiculous to charge Hillary and that got Lynch off the hook.

Without a doubt
although the swamp was going to protect her - who ever was in charge
Her protection of The Rapist made her Golden for life.
She was a Made man.
Without a doubt
although the swamp was going to protect her - who ever was in charge
Her protection of The Rapist made her Golden for life.
She was a Made man.

The FBI is sort of like your city detective, and the AG is like your city's prosecutor. How ridiculous would it be that a prosecutor follow the legal advice from the detective? Nobody does that. The detective provides a report to what they found, and the prosecutor decides what laws were broken and what charges if any to file.
When does Comey or a Comey clone come in an exonerate Biden and company?

I liked it when Comey came in and declared Hillary guilty as sin, and then when you thought she was going to wind up in jail at the end of his speech, he inexplicably says he will let her walk.

The priceless part was at the very end he said, now if anyone else does this don't think we will be as lenient with ya!


Yeah -
She literally admits to 110 felonies on Television and Comey basically whispers to us - She's a chic she didn't know any better, give her a pass.

They may actually go after Biden, depending on how bad George Soros wants Kamala as President.

It's really her best shot considering Republicans hate her and democrats don't like her much better as she was first to drop out of the race.
Confirmed: VP Joe Biden and crack-head son Joe Biden caught selling Influence, laundering money for Russians, selling themselves to Putin-connected criminals, Russian Oligarchs, Kurdistan Oligarchs, Russians, and China, engaging in child porn, pedophilia, and possibly Incest....and the laptop is confirmed now to be HUNTER BIDEN's.

No evidence this laptop belongs to Hunter Biden or the emails are real.
No evidence this laptop belongs to Hunter Biden or the emails are real.

Of course not, they just had videos and pictures of him plus the emails. Forget about his former colleagues (one in prison right now) that said they were genuine. Forget they have Hunter's signature when he dropped it off. It's all fake. Right?
You can bet if it was one of Trumps sons CNN would be running it 24/7. They would have everyone of their team on discussing every bit of each word and what it meant.

But the left will continue to deny everything. You can’t be a leftist if you can’t turn a blind eye to corruption
Confirmed: VP Joe Biden and crack-head son Joe Biden caught selling Influence, laundering money for Russians, selling themselves to Putin-connected criminals, Russian Oligarchs, Kurdistan Oligarchs, Russians, and China, engaging in child porn, pedophilia, and possibly Incest....and the laptop is confirmed now to be HUNTER BIDEN's.

Unless the "approved media" tells the masses they will not believe it..
Confirmed: VP Joe Biden and crack-head son Joe Biden caught selling Influence, laundering money for Russians, selling themselves to Putin-connected criminals, Russian Oligarchs, Kurdistan Oligarchs, Russians, and China, engaging in child porn, pedophilia, and possibly Incest....and the laptop is confirmed now to be HUNTER BIDEN's.

From what I hear, Hunter Bide's laptop is exponentially worse than what was found on Anthony Weiner's laptop sans the 33,000 Clinton emails that Hillary said never existed.
Confirmed: VP Joe Biden and crack-head son Joe Biden caught selling Influence, laundering money for Russians, selling themselves to Putin-connected criminals, Russian Oligarchs, Kurdistan Oligarchs, Russians, and China, engaging in child porn, pedophilia, and possibly Incest....and the laptop is confirmed now to be HUNTER BIDEN's.

No evidence this laptop belongs to Hunter Biden or the emails are real.
They have been verified.
Confirmed: VP Joe Biden and crack-head son Joe Biden caught selling Influence, laundering money for Russians, selling themselves to Putin-connected criminals, Russian Oligarchs, Kurdistan Oligarchs, Russians, and China, engaging in child porn, pedophilia, and possibly Incest....and the laptop is confirmed now to be HUNTER BIDEN's.

No evidence this laptop belongs to Hunter Biden or the emails are real.
They have been verified.

The signature has been verified by the FBI.. It directly connects the lap top and external hard drive to Hunter Biden. To Top that off the Judiciary Committee has confirmed E-Mail validity through some 20+ people on the Email chains...

The BIG GUY has some explaining to do....
No evidence this laptop belongs to Hunter Biden or the emails are real.

Why even bother to post this lie when it has already been DESTROYED with overwhelming existing evidence and more coming out? You're just 'spitting in the wind', snowflake.
They cannot help but to post lies. These people have no control over what they do. It is the spirit of Evil that they have given themselves over to that compels them to lie 24-7, 365. They are of the darkness, and they fight for the darkness and pray for the darkness to come.

Darkness only has an advantage for a short while. As the light comes upon the Earth from the East, they flee.

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