DNC/Snowflakes Setting 'Acceptable Precedence'...but what about 2020....2024....


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Throughout the entire 2016 election process and after, snowflakes have 'set the new precedence' for what is acceptable behavior in politics.

They have rioted, looted, engaged in arson, fire-bombed the opposition party's political headquarters, the DNC ? Hillary's team hired groups to intimidate / beat / bloody Trump supporters, liberal students used violence and crime to suppress Freedom of Speech, Liberals have called for impeachment even before the newly elected President had been sworn in, have called for military coups, and ex-administration loyalists have sabotaged the newly elected administration's efforts, carried out a 'political assassination', and Democratic Party politicians have abandoned 'nation' for 'Party' by fully committing to total and utter Obstructionism.

I want every snowflake, every person on this board to read and remember that. I hope the USMB tacks it up somewhere so when the balance of power changes in the future they can bring it back out and remind people / snowflakes how incredibly horrible, seditiously, treasonously the Democrats / snowflakes acted...so they can not deny it.

This is rot of like EOs. Snowflakes were find with Barry writing them, but now that Trump is following his precedence snowflakes are losing their minds. Once again, liberals / snowflakes are setting precedence throughout and in the wake of this election.

I honestly do not think Conservatives will ever imitate the horrific snowflake behavior we have seen as a result of Trump's win, but I wonder how - should the Democrats win another big election (after back-to-back historic record setting losses and over 1,000 seats lost in the last 8 years) - the snowflakes will act / say when their newly elected President faces the same exact level and scope of sedition, treason, sabotage, etc from Conservatives?!

Oh how fiercely they will rabidly condemn Conservatives who would dare to imitate the snowflakes who call for Impeachment, coups, and even assassination, as the snowflakes have done.

So take a good look, snowflakes - etch it all into memory...so that when the tables are turned you will have nothing to bit@h and while about....

...but like I said, wont happen. Conservatives are whiny, sore loser, bit@hy, butt-hurt partisans who cry over their scandal skank loses an election.

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