DJ Trump Was Right About The Media


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2013
Southern California
He has said it several times, that "The US media is Public Enemy No 1."

At first, I thought he was exaggerating, but not anymore. We have a lying, cynical, cruel, stupid, corrupt jackass for a President and a House of Representatives and Democratic Senators that are determined to destroy our democracy and our economy. All this happened because the damn liberal media covers up for the Democrats and lies to us. There might not be fraud in the elections, but the voters rely on lies and propaganda when they vote. They get those lies from CNN, MSNBC, NY Times, Washington Pest, Newsweek and CBS. Some media are honest like Fox and OAN, but most voters see and hear the bad outlets.

I don't know what we can do to solve the problem. I'm open to suggestions.
Trump's always right. Say candycorn or whatever your handle is, mind quoting that in your signature?

By a great measure George Orwell called out the Demonicrats before Trump or anyone else.

Incidentally, the Demonicrats did cheat. Hustling votes door to door and mail in ballots alone could have been enough. Went to a ball game tonight........."Fuck Joe Biden". Sure, 80 million square votes and he's hated worse than Trump already, without the media build-up.


At least Xiden deserved it. But he doesn't Tweet what he feels right? and that's what's important.

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He has said it several times, that "The US media is Public Enemy No 1."

At first, I thought he was exaggerating, but not anymore. We have a lying, cynical, cruel, stupid, corrupt jackass for a President and a House of Representatives and Democratic Senators that are determined to destroy our democracy and our economy. All this happened because the damn liberal media covers up for the Democrats and lies to us. There might not be fraud in the elections, but the voters rely on lies and propaganda when they vote. They get those lies from CNN, MSNBC, NY Times, Washington Pest, Newsweek and CBS. Some media are honest like Fox and OAN, but most voters see and hear the bad outlets.

I don't know what we can do to solve the problem. I'm open to suggestions.

I can offer suggestions. Stop believing trump, he was a proven liar.
Democrats have NOT made any attempt to destroy anything. It was republicans who smashed the capitol attempting to destroy democracy, so get you facts right you idiot.

What you call lies from the press are in fact the truth. Because it didn't come from Fox, who are currently defending themselves in courts for lying, you believe it's lies.
But oh the irony when you suggest it's propaganda they rely on. You repigs fell for the trump propaganda faster than he could produce it. Now you blame everything on Biden and democrats when it was your selection of a dictatorial narcissist as president that got you into you position of hating everything for no reason.

The problem can be easily solved if you do some research, stop believing fox and the fascist media, make decisions based on fact, not trumps word and stop hating everyone because you lost.

Pence and Cheney had the guts to accept the decision of the people and now you have the knives out them because they did the right thing. Yet you lot rioted at the capitol and wanted people shot for up holding democracy.
You are a brain dead hate filled ignoramus. You know nothing about anything. You don't even respect your constitution or democracy. You're a blight on the human race.
Keep your ignorant rants to yourself.
He has said it several times, that "The US media is Public Enemy No 1."

At first, I thought he was exaggerating, but not anymore. We have a lying, cynical, cruel, stupid, corrupt jackass for a President and a House of Representatives and Democratic Senators that are determined to destroy our democracy and our economy. All this happened because the damn liberal media covers up for the Democrats and lies to us. There might not be fraud in the elections, but the voters rely on lies and propaganda when they vote. They get those lies from CNN, MSNBC, NY Times, Washington Pest, Newsweek and CBS. Some media are honest like Fox and OAN, but most voters see and hear the bad outlets.

I don't know what we can do to solve the problem. I'm open to suggestions.

Why doesn't that include Fox News, Newsmax and OAN?
I can offer suggestions. Stop believing trump, he was a proven liar.
Democrats have NOT made any attempt to destroy anything. It was republicans who smashed the capitol attempting to destroy democracy, so get you facts right you idiot.

What you call lies from the press are in fact the truth. Because it didn't come from Fox, who are currently defending themselves in courts for lying, you believe it's lies.
But oh the irony when you suggest it's propaganda they rely on. You repigs fell for the trump propaganda faster than he could produce it. Now you blame everything on Biden and democrats when it was your selection of a dictatorial narcissist as president that got you into you position of hating everything for no reason.

The problem can be easily solved if you do some research, stop believing fox and the fascist media, make decisions based on fact, not trumps word and stop hating everyone because you lost.

Pence and Cheney had the guts to accept the decision of the people and now you have the knives out them because they did the right thing. Yet you lot rioted at the capitol and wanted people shot for up holding democracy.
You are a brain dead hate filled ignoramus. You know nothing about anything. You don't even respect your constitution or democracy. You're a blight on the human race.
Keep your ignorant rants to yourself.

Who else stopped reading at "Stop believing trump, he was a proven liar."?
Democrats are pure evil. They have in mind to destroy the republic which is why they whine about our democracy. Shit on the democracy. Really, cover up the smell like a cat does. The Constitution guarantees us a republican form of government. This fake regime is in violation of the constitution by allowing invasion and denying republican form of government. Read Article 4, Section 4. Then round up the lot of them. No trial necessary. We know what they are.
Trump is Alt-Right about the media.

They use polls with the same trickery. PROGS are emotional, lazy, cowardly, and don't like to own up to anything. So naturally they pay a lot of attention to polls to swing their opinions. The polls are fake, fucking fake as fake, have no meaning at all, yet they do because the left develops them to.

They use debate platforms for the same trickery. They're always under control of PROG venues and it shows. Put Xiden & Trump on a conservative platform, wouldn't that be fun? How about square with relevant questions? Nope, can't do that, Republicans would win.

Their "fact-checks" are mostly BS, because they cherry pick parts of things, and even then they ignore context & content. They even lie, point blank. When they say mostly true or mostly false, there's a good chance it's the opposite their claim.

Same with Hollywood
The TV
Education, etc. Today if a PROG has their hand in it be sure its going sour.
You are a brain dead hate filled ignoramus. You know nothing about anything. You don't even respect your constitution or democracy. You're a blight on the human race.
Keep your ignorant rants to yourself.
How's that ulcer coming along? That hate doesn't hurt anyone but you, hoss. You should probably learn to pace yourself. Your thugocracy in DC is on borrowed time and when Trump wins large in 2024, you might just become a case of spontaneous human combustion. :omg: :Boom2:
He has said it several times, that "The US media is Public Enemy No 1."

At first, I thought he was exaggerating, but not anymore. We have a lying, cynical, cruel, stupid, corrupt jackass for a President and a House of Representatives and Democratic Senators that are determined to destroy our democracy and our economy. All this happened because the damn liberal media covers up for the Democrats and lies to us. There might not be fraud in the elections, but the voters rely on lies and propaganda when they vote. They get those lies from CNN, MSNBC, NY Times, Washington Pest, Newsweek and CBS. Some media are honest like Fox and OAN, but most voters see and hear the bad outlets.

I don't know what we can do to solve the problem. I'm open to suggestions.
All I can say is, just remind those gullible enough to believe this administration and the leftist pro-Marxist media, is to remind them that "ALL one-party government systems are and always have been, "authoritarian," "oppressive," "persecutory," "tyrannical" and "murderous," without exception and that includes monarchies, religious run governments, military juntas and Marxist nations. Believe in the Constitution and its Bill of Rights.
He has said it several times, that "The US media is Public Enemy No 1."

At first, I thought he was exaggerating, but not anymore. We have a lying, cynical, cruel, stupid, corrupt jackass for a President and a House of Representatives and Democratic Senators that are determined to destroy our democracy and our economy. All this happened because the damn liberal media covers up for the Democrats and lies to us. There might not be fraud in the elections, but the voters rely on lies and propaganda when they vote. They get those lies from CNN, MSNBC, NY Times, Washington Pest, Newsweek and CBS. Some media are honest like Fox and OAN, but most voters see and hear the bad outlets.

I don't know what we can do to solve the problem. I'm open to suggestions.

Trump LOVES the media. He wants at least three headlines a week and he uses them to broadcast his outrageous lies and conspiracy theories. When he was younger he used media to to be the center of attention, air his sex life and brag about his wealth.
He has said it several times, that "The US media is Public Enemy No 1."

At first, I thought he was exaggerating, but not anymore. We have a lying, cynical, cruel, stupid, corrupt jackass for a President and a House of Representatives and Democratic Senators that are determined to destroy our democracy and our economy. All this happened because the damn liberal media covers up for the Democrats and lies to us. There might not be fraud in the elections, but the voters rely on lies and propaganda when they vote. They get those lies from CNN, MSNBC, NY Times, Washington Pest, Newsweek and CBS. Some media are honest like Fox and OAN, but most voters see and hear the bad outlets.

I don't know what we can do to solve the problem. I'm open to suggestions.
You admit Trump has been lying about the Election and then accuse the Media of lying..

Sorry the Media has been telling you about the Big Lie...

Fox News is an embarrassment, notice they have dropped there 'Fair and Balanced'... At the moment an Australian living in the UK with only motive is ratings is running this outfit... Lets point out he was one of the first people in the UK to get vaccinated while he allows his pundits to spread doubt about vaccines..

OAN is a joke...If you are getting your news from there you are asking to be fooled... Just type OAN Lawsuit in google... Outfits like OAN want and need you to not ask for evidence, it is important... They need you brainwashed...
I can offer suggestions. Stop believing trump, he was a proven liar.
Democrats have NOT made any attempt to destroy anything. It was republicans who smashed the capitol attempting to destroy democracy, so get you facts right you idiot.

What you call lies from the press are in fact the truth. Because it didn't come from Fox, who are currently defending themselves in courts for lying, you believe it's lies.
But oh the irony when you suggest it's propaganda they rely on. You repigs fell for the trump propaganda faster than he could produce it. Now you blame everything on Biden and democrats when it was your selection of a dictatorial narcissist as president that got you into you position of hating everything for no reason.

The problem can be easily solved if you do some research, stop believing fox and the fascist media, make decisions based on fact, not trumps word and stop hating everyone because you lost.

Pence and Cheney had the guts to accept the decision of the people and now you have the knives out them because they did the right thing. Yet you lot rioted at the capitol and wanted people shot for up holding democracy.
You are a brain dead hate filled ignoramus. You know nothing about anything. You don't even respect your constitution or democracy. You're a blight on the human race.
Keep your ignorant rants to yourself.
says the foreigner that doesn't know shit about the US

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