Diversitiy is our strength?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
We have all heard the phrase, diversity is our strength. This term seems to be originated from those in the US and abroad who seek to promote other races and cultures to mix in their own. However, is it a correct assumption?

When looking at these same voices that preach diversity and tolerance from the loudest roof tops, it is these very same voices that create safe zones and create the fascist PC culture that we see at Google and the US government, etc. In fact, the very existence of the PC culture proves that they do not really believe what they are saying. Instead, they only want to promote certain aspects of diversity that only agree with their own world views and none that conflict with those world views.

Looking at history, mixing cultures and races has not always produced a desirable outcome, that is, for all involved. The European immigration into America is but one example, Those immigrants had no interest in mixing with the native people. They abhorred their culture, religion, and way of life. They were labeled savages and seen as regressive and needed to be exterminated, and they were exterminated.

However, other immigrants that came from abroad seemed to mix just fine in the US once those native people were put aside. So what were the differences that made one example of diversity turn into genocide and the other turn into a success story? I suppose it depends on the differences between the groups is the key. For diverse groups to coexist, there needs to be an underlying set of goals and values that can overcome those differences. The wrong mix can be deadly.

So what are those key values and/or goals that need to be present?
The wrong mix can be deadly when one group decides they are in control from day one and engage in genocide and slavery.
White genocide is not a strength.

Even though it is the precise definition of "diversity".
Nature itself favors diversity.

Our very nation has a diverse origin . Unlike other places that were homogeneous then were mixed . Or artificially had mixture forced upon it . Usually by the white mans imperialism.
The wrong mix can be deadly when one group decides they are in control from day one and engage in genocide and slavery.

"Control" is conceded by the weak, the less ambitious and those with lower iQ.
To further clarify...."Control" is gained by intelligent, assertive types as some are genetically challenged and aren't built for leadership. Look around the world and piece that puzzle together. Don't allow it to hurt your feelings...it is what it is.
Diversity always means fewer whites. Look around the world, and in our large cities, and see if this is a strength.
Nature itself favors diversity.

Our very nation has a diverse origin . Unlike other places that were homogeneous then were mixed . Or artificially had mixture forced upon it . Usually by the white mans imperialism.

NEGATIVE....quite the opposite actually.
Look no further than the animal kingdom
Diversity always means fewer whites. Look around the world, and in our large cities, and see if this is a strength.
------------------------------------ good observation DOTR !!
The wrong mix can be deadly when one group decides they are in control from day one and engage in genocide and slavery.

Would you then say that the Europeans would have blended in just fine with the native American Indians had it not been for a centralized government that was hell bent on genocide?
The word, "diversity" is bullshit, for one thing. It doesn't actually mean diversity, it means non-white, or non-hetero-male. Would a white South African, or a Ukrainian be considered a "diversity" candidate for a job on a college campus? Are you kidding? Never. And yet, those two people would bring a "different" perspective to their roles, which is theoretically the goal of "diversity."

Under some limited circumstances, diversity can be helpful. It is good when a police department includes representatives from the various communities it serves, even if the "standards" have to be relaxed in order to get them on board.

Where excellence is the goal: medical school, an engineering department, STEM faculty in a university, Diversity is the enemy of excellence.
We have all heard the phrase, diversity is our strength. This term seems to be originated from those in the US and abroad who seek to promote other races and cultures to mix in their own. However, is it a correct assumption? ...
It's a strength, not our only one. It's not a new phrase either although it's being used to mean different things nowadays. IMO, part of the reason "We, the People" appreciate diversity is because most of our Founders were Renaissance Men. Men who could see past the Euro fascination with Monarchy and bloodlines where some people were special and all others were "commoners". It's still shocking on some countries for a "royal" to marry a "commoner". In the US we don't even put that shit on our job resumes since we tend to favor merit over bloodline.

Then there's the scientific viewpoint:

How Diversity Makes Us Smarter
  • Decades of research by organizational scientists, psychologists, sociologists, economists and demographers show that socially diverse groups (that is, those with a diversity of race, ethnicity, gender and sexual orientation) are more innovative than homogeneous groups.
  • It seems obvious that a group of people with diverse individual expertise would be better than a homogeneous group at solving complex, nonroutine problems. It is less obvious that social diversity should work in the same way—yet the science shows that it does.
  • This is not only because people with different backgrounds bring new information. Simply interacting with individuals who are different forces group members to prepare better, to anticipate alternative viewpoints and to expect that reaching consensus will take effort.
We have all heard the phrase, diversity is our strength. This term seems to be originated from those in the US and abroad who seek to promote other races and cultures to mix in their own. However, is it a correct assumption?

When looking at these same voices that preach diversity and tolerance from the loudest roof tops, it is these very same voices that create safe zones and create the fascist PC culture that we see at Google and the US government, etc. In fact, the very existence of the PC culture proves that they do not really believe what they are saying. Instead, they only want to promote certain aspects of diversity that only agree with their own world views and none that conflict with those world views.

Looking at history, mixing cultures and races has not always produced a desirable outcome, that is, for all involved. The European immigration into America is but one example, Those immigrants had no interest in mixing with the native people. They abhorred their culture, religion, and way of life. They were labeled savages and seen as regressive and needed to be exterminated, and they were exterminated.

However, other immigrants that came from abroad seemed to mix just fine in the US once those native people were put aside. So what were the differences that made one example of diversity turn into genocide and the other turn into a success story? I suppose it depends on the differences between the groups is the key. For diverse groups to coexist, there needs to be an underlying set of goals and values that can overcome those differences. The wrong mix can be deadly.

So what are those key values and/or goals that need to be present?
Never should have let the Jews and Irish in. It's been downhill ever sense
Nature itself favors diversity.

Our very nation has a diverse origin . Unlike other places that were homogeneous then were mixed . Or artificially had mixture forced upon it . Usually by the white mans imperialism.

NEGATIVE....quite the opposite actually.
Look no further than the animal kingdom

That's my point dingus . A homogeneous gene pool is bad news in the animal kingdom.
Diversity always means fewer whites. Look around the world, and in our large cities, and see if this is a strength.

Our large cities generate virtually all our countries money , education, and healthcare .

And really good food options .
The word, "diversity" is bullshit, for one thing. It doesn't actually mean diversity, it means non-white, or non-hetero-male. Would a white South African, or a Ukrainian be considered a "diversity" candidate for a job on a college campus? Are you kidding? Never. And yet, those two people would bring a "different" perspective to their roles, which is theoretically the goal of "diversity."

Under some limited circumstances, diversity can be helpful. It is good when a police department includes representatives from the various communities it serves, even if the "standards" have to be relaxed in order to get them on board.

Where excellence is the goal: medical school, an engineering department, STEM faculty in a university, Diversity is the enemy of excellence.

Are you kidding ? Something like police need a diverse workforce . Considering the nature of their job .
Diversity is never a strength.

And yet we've listed all kinds of examples on how it is.

Take our security as a nation . Because we have Americans with ancestors from everywhere , we can spy and get contacts on everyone .

Or would you rather send some blonde haired hillbilly to infiltrate some Muslim terror group?
The word, "diversity" is bullshit, for one thing. It doesn't actually mean diversity, it means non-white, or non-hetero-male. Would a white South African, or a Ukrainian be considered a "diversity" candidate for a job on a college campus? Are you kidding? Never. And yet, those two people would bring a "different" perspective to their roles, which is theoretically the goal of "diversity."

Under some limited circumstances, diversity can be helpful. It is good when a police department includes representatives from the various communities it serves, even if the "standards" have to be relaxed in order to get them on board.

Where excellence is the goal: medical school, an engineering department, STEM faculty in a university, Diversity is the enemy of excellence.

True, you never hear someone say that we need more whiteys in the NBA cuz there are too many black folk.
Diversity is never a strength.

And yet we've listed all kinds of examples on how it is.

Take our security as a nation . Because we have Americans with ancestors from everywhere , we can spy and get contacts on everyone .

Or would you rather send some blonde haired hillbilly to infiltrate some Muslim terror group?

Was diversity a good thing with the European settlers coming to America?

Why did that work out so poorly?

I thought diverse immigration was always good thing.


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