Dispelling Liberal Myths


Take a Memo:
Apr 21, 2012
Birmingham, AL
For my first thread here, I figured I may as well jump in the deep end of the pool and go for it! YOLO! So here I will present a sampling of liberal myths, and explain why they are, in fact, myths and not facts. Shall we begin?

1. We must do something about wealth disparity, the gap between the rich and poor, the 1% vs. the 99%.

It's not a myth that rich people get richer while poor people remain poor. The myth is, that we should (or could) do something to change the dynamics. We can't and shouldn't try. Rich people become richer because, generally speaking, rich people have better business sense, sharper intuition, more motivation, ambition, drive. It's kind of like saying, marathon runners win more races than couch potatoes, so we must do something to hinder the marathon runner.

Rich people mostly became rich because of their drive and ambition to do so, and poor people don't become rich, because they lack this same level of drive and ambition. Now, we can't ever "fix" this problem by making it MORE of a challenge to become rich. The best idea would be to try and foster a sense of ambition and drive in people who are poor. The easier it becomes to attain wealth, the more poor people will be inclined to achieve it.

No matter what happens, we will always live in a world where wealthy people gain wealth faster than poor people with nothing. Wealth disparity is a natural thing that happens, regardless of anything you can do. Liberals argue for wealth redistribution, but this won't work, because the drive and ambition element is unchanged. A noted economist once predicted, you could redistribute all the wealth in the world, equally distributing it to every person on the planet, and in 20 years, we'd be right back to where we started.

2. Republicans don't care about the poor, sick, or downtrodden.

This myth perpetuates itself because Liberals assume Republican objections to their ideas mean they have no compassion. Republicans, for the most part, simply have a different idea of how we "help" others. No one wants to see people suffer or die. However, in the mind of a Liberal, there is ONLY the Liberal idea, and if you are not on board with the Liberal Idea, you must hate people and want them to suffer. Fact of the matter is, we've been implementing liberal policies and programs for 60 years or more, and according to the studies, our poor and downtrodden aren't much better off. So, the liberal ideas aren't working, and intelligent rational people believe there might be a reason to try something different.

You have to almost wonder if it's not the Liberal who doesn't care about the poor, sick or downtrodden, they continue to want the same kind of policies and programs which have failed the past 60 years, and refuse to try something new. It's the same template over and over... We're going to have our liberal idea, if we have to crusade with our torches for 100 years, by god, we're going to have our liberal idea... then when the idea is implemented and doesn't work, it's because we haven't spent enough money on it. We have now spent somewhere in the neighborhood of $70 trillion, fighting the "war on poverty" and we have as many families at poverty level than any time in our history. We've committed to spend another $100 trillion, and any talk of reducing that amount is met with moaning and writhing in the streets by Liberals who cry that Republicans don't care.

3. Gays are being denied the right to marry!

In 1987, I attended a gay wedding in Alabama! Two of my dear sweet gay friends, decided they wanted to commemorate their love for one another, with a wedding ceremony. We gathered on a hillside in the country, with a Rastafarian minister, and they got hitched! The wedding was complete with rice and photos, and the couple dashed off on their honeymoon to Hawaii.

Now.... How can this be? Gays can't legally do this, can they? Sure they can! There is no law which prohibits a gay couple from having a wedding ceremony. In fact, there is no law which prohibits gays from getting a marriage licence, it just has to be with the opposite sex, like everyone else. That's because this is how "marriage" is defined, and it's not restricted to only heterosexuals. Nothing is being denied that isn't being denied to everyone.

4. Military-style Assault Weapons are a problem and need to be banned.

There is no such thing as a military style assault weapon. It's true! There are weapons which are "military style" and this refers to various aspects of the functionality, but the rapid-fire 'automatic' element is missing, we don't allow those type weapons to be sold to the public, they are for military use only. In a weapon available to the public, the term "military style" has more to do with the grips, the stock, the removable clip, etc. It's a much more efficient and ergonomic design, and has nothing really to do with the military or the kind of weapon they would use.

It's illegal to "assault" using a weapon in the US, and a gun is completely unable to "assault" on it's own. Therefore, the term "assault weapon" is a misnomer, it can never be legally used for this purpose in the general public.

5. Something HAS to be done about greedy capitalists!

This is pure propaganda, perpetrated by pure Communist Socialists. The very nature of free market capitalism, all but destroys the element of greed. When capitalists are free to compete, the "greedy capitalist" is quickly put out of business by the "smart capitalist" and life goes on. Oh...this multinational or that is 'bilking' us... well, go out there and find some investment capital, and start a rival company! Nothing is stopping you! If you can do it cheaper or better, without a high-dollar CEO, or whatever... go do it! Give us consumers a deal that isn't 'bilking' us and I promise, we consumers will make you rich!

The real greed exists in a closed market system, like Russia or China. Where competition has been eliminated and the State controls all wealth and power. THAT is when you see greed rear it's ugly head, for REAL. You see, the sad truth is, the 1% will ALWAYS exist... nothing you can ever do about that. In a socialist system, the 1% is the Ruling Class, who now control not only all the wealth, but all the political power as well. Government figureheads and their cronies, soak up all the gains and spoils, and the general public is left with nothing. Not only are they left with nothing, they have also been stripped of opportunity to attain wealth at all.

I have several more myths to address, but I think 5 is plenty to start with.

1. We must do something about wealth disparity, the gap between the rich and poor, the 1% vs. the 99%.

The chart below clearly proves 35 years of supply-side policy is working like gangbusters.
If bankrupting the United States was Reagan's objective, he sure got the ball rolling up the right hill.


2. Republicans don't care about the poor, sick, or downtrodden.

Not sure. Not an issue.

3. Gays are being denied the right to marry!

Maybe. Maybe not.

4. Military-style Assault Weapons are a problem and need to be banned.

No one is taking my guns. Or forcing me to register them.

5. Something HAS to be done about greedy capitalists!

See chart in number one. Most of the money spent by elected cocksuckers supporting supply-side policy was borrowed, then paid out as corporate welfare ending up as dividends paid into public sector pension funds and into bank accounts of corporate executives. Every fact on file proves the latter dividends stayed at the top. Trickle-down never worked as economic policy and it never will.

Economic opportunities are driven by demand as surely as real estate opportunities are driven by location.

Conclusion: Greedy capitalists did not cause today's problems. Incompetent government economic policy dating back to the early 1980s caused today's problems. Today's problems shall continue until competent policies restore purchasing power to Main Street
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1. We must do something about wealth disparity, the gap between the rich and poor, the 1% vs. the 99%.

The chart below clearly proves 35 years of supply-side policy is working like gangbusters.
If bankrupting the United States was Reagan's objective, he sure got the ball rolling up the right hill.


2. Republicans don't care about the poor, sick, or downtrodden.

Not sure. Not an issue.

3. Gays are being denied the right to marry!

Maybe. Maybe not.

4. Military-style Assault Weapons are a problem and need to be banned.

No one is taking my guns. Or forcing me to register them.

5. Something HAS to be done about greedy capitalists!

See chart in number one. Most of the money spent by elected cocksuckers supporting supply-side policy was borrowed, then paid out as corporate welfare ending up as dividends paid into public sector pension funds and into bank accounts of corporate executives. Every fact on file proves the latter dividends stayed at the top. Trickle-down never worked as economic policy and it never will.

Economic opportunities are driven by demand as surely as real estate opportunities are driven by location.

Conclusion: Greedy capitalists did not cause today's problems. Incompetent government economic policy dating back to the early 1980s caused today's problems. Today's problems shall continue until competent policies restore purchasing power to Main Street

And right on cue here' a brain dead liberal with more stupidity, trying to show that deficits are caused by people making more money.
1. Dugdale's point about Reagan's economic policies is correct. Nothing is "trickling down" to the poor. It is also a myth that our rich have become rich purely through ambition and hard work. While some have there is a certain segment of the 1% making money off already having money and connections earned generations before them. People like the Hiltons and Romneys come to mind. We also have big bankers who failed at their jobs, but the government considered them "too big to fail". They were bailed out by the taxpayers, and are still making millions in salaries. I could go on and on about the "hardworking" 1%.

2. This problem relates to #1. Most Republicans are what Romney called the 47%. While they are hardworking blue collar workers for the most part, Republicans have convinced them that Reagan's "trickle down" economic policies will eventually benefit them. And saying nobody in the Republican party has a "let them die" attitude would be false as well. Evidenced by those people at one GOP debate screaming... wait for it... "LET THEM DIE!

3. They are being denied certain benefits that other couples enjoy. Call it a civil union or marriage. It's all semantics, but let them enjoy the same legal benefits as a opposite sex couple.

4. I agree. The Republican's man-god Reagan may disagree, but I don't. :p

5. Dugdale's rebuttal was good enough. I have nothing to add.
Rabbi continues mental collapse


1. We must do something about wealth disparity, the gap between the rich and poor, the 1% vs. the 99%.

The chart below clearly proves 35 years of supply-side policy is working like gangbusters.
If bankrupting the United States was Reagan's objective, he sure got the ball rolling up the right hill.


2. Republicans don't care about the poor, sick, or downtrodden.

Not sure. Not an issue.

3. Gays are being denied the right to marry!

Maybe. Maybe not.

4. Military-style Assault Weapons are a problem and need to be banned.

No one is taking my guns. Or forcing me to register them.

5. Something HAS to be done about greedy capitalists!

See chart in number one. Most of the money spent by elected cocksuckers supporting supply-side policy was borrowed, then paid out as corporate welfare ending up as dividends paid into public sector pension funds and into bank accounts of corporate executives. Every fact on file proves the latter dividends stayed at the top. Trickle-down never worked as economic policy and it never will.

Economic opportunities are driven by demand as surely as real estate opportunities are driven by location.

Conclusion: Greedy capitalists did not cause today's problems. Incompetent government economic policy dating back to the early 1980s caused today's problems. Today's problems shall continue until competent policies restore purchasing power to Main Street

And right on cue here' a brain dead liberal with more stupidity, trying to show that deficits are caused by people making more money.

Actually what is posted, halfwit white trash moron, is an opportunity for you - or one of the kindred - to prove the opposing view. You won't because you can't. That is the reality.

My money says everyone posting here would welcome you being the first person to prove me wrong with facts instead of whining sweet nothings to your Greek Chorus of similarly inclined nutball white trash.

Again, you're not going to do anything because no facts support your position. Not. One. What is hilarious is that even if there were, one isn't real sure you have the notch to use them.
Rabbi continues mental collapse


1. We must do something about wealth disparity, the gap between the rich and poor, the 1% vs. the 99%.

The chart below clearly proves 35 years of supply-side policy is working like gangbusters.
If bankrupting the United States was Reagan's objective, he sure got the ball rolling up the right hill.


2. Republicans don't care about the poor, sick, or downtrodden.

Not sure. Not an issue.

3. Gays are being denied the right to marry!

Maybe. Maybe not.

4. Military-style Assault Weapons are a problem and need to be banned.

No one is taking my guns. Or forcing me to register them.

5. Something HAS to be done about greedy capitalists!

See chart in number one. Most of the money spent by elected cocksuckers supporting supply-side policy was borrowed, then paid out as corporate welfare ending up as dividends paid into public sector pension funds and into bank accounts of corporate executives. Every fact on file proves the latter dividends stayed at the top. Trickle-down never worked as economic policy and it never will.

Economic opportunities are driven by demand as surely as real estate opportunities are driven by location.

Conclusion: Greedy capitalists did not cause today's problems. Incompetent government economic policy dating back to the early 1980s caused today's problems. Today's problems shall continue until competent policies restore purchasing power to Main Street

And right on cue here' a brain dead liberal with more stupidity, trying to show that deficits are caused by people making more money.

Actually what is posted, halfwit white trash moron, is an opportunity for you - or one of the kindred - to prove the opposing view. You won't because you can't. That is the reality.

My money says everyone posting here would welcome you being the first person to prove me wrong with facts instead of whining sweet nothings to your Greek Chorus of similarly inclined nutball white trash.

Again, you're not going to do anything because no facts support your position. Not. One. What is hilarious is that even if there were, one isn't real sure you have the notch to use them.
You can't prove stupidity wrong. It just is.
1. Dugdale's point about Reagan's economic policies is correct. Nothing is "trickling down" to the poor. It is also a myth that our rich have become rich purely through ambition and hard work. While some have there is a certain segment of the 1% making money off already having money and connections earned generations before them. People like the Hiltons and Romneys come to mind. We also have big bankers who failed at their jobs, but the government considered them "too big to fail". They were bailed out by the taxpayers, and are still making millions in salaries. I could go on and on about the "hardworking" 1%.


Poor people are richer today than they were 30 years ago. So you're facts are incorrect.
Do you really think Paris Hilton does no work? Mitt Romney did not work? You have a lot to learn.
Rabbi continues mental collapse

And right on cue here' a brain dead liberal with more stupidity, trying to show that deficits are caused by people making more money.

Actually what is posted, halfwit white trash moron, is an opportunity for you - or one of the kindred - to prove the opposing view. You won't because you can't. That is the reality.

My money says everyone posting here would welcome you being the first person to prove me wrong with facts instead of whining sweet nothings to your Greek Chorus of similarly inclined nutball white trash.

Again, you're not going to do anything because no facts support your position. Not. One. What is hilarious is that even if there were, one isn't real sure you have the notch to use them.

You can't prove stupidity wrong. It just is.

Pathetic, chief. Pathetic.

The intersection of public education with the nutball mind is almost unbearably sad. All that is worse is the intersection of public education with what passes for a liberal mind today.
Rabbi continues mental collapse

Actually what is posted, halfwit white trash moron, is an opportunity for you - or one of the kindred - to prove the opposing view. You won't because you can't. That is the reality.

My money says everyone posting here would welcome you being the first person to prove me wrong with facts instead of whining sweet nothings to your Greek Chorus of similarly inclined nutball white trash.

Again, you're not going to do anything because no facts support your position. Not. One. What is hilarious is that even if there were, one isn't real sure you have the notch to use them.

You can't prove stupidity wrong. It just is.

Pathetic, chief. Pathetic.

The intersection of public education with the nutball mind is almost unbearably sad. All that is worse is the intersection of public education with what passes for a liberal mind today.

Yes, your posts are pathetic. This is why I usually just ignore you. Your lack of reasoning coupled with low information makes you typical of the liberal posters here. Arrogant with nothing to be particularly arrogant about except your own belief in being right.
You are the cause of our problems today.
The astute observer notes that freewill's chart confirms the accuracy of my chart. Always good to see one's visual aids confirmed. Thank you for posting that, freewill.

It remains to be seen whether Obama is as much of a "divider" as that filthy little halfwit inheritor from Tejas was. As one who has no regard for either and whose support for Obama is limited to him being a form of rough justice for the scum who voted for Bush in 2004 after he was proved a failure by every hard measure there is. In terms of differences from one president to the next, the most obvious differences since 1994 are in the country's condition.

That has got worse every year partisans hilariously blame one another for what both are directly responsible for: out of control spending.
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You can't prove stupidity wrong. It just is.

Pathetic, chief. Pathetic.

The intersection of public education with the nutball mind is almost unbearably sad. All that is worse is the intersection of public education with what passes for a liberal mind today.

Yes, your posts are pathetic. This is why I usually just ignore you. Your lack of reasoning coupled with low information makes you typical of the liberal posters here. Arrogant with nothing to be particularly arrogant about except your own belief in being right.
You are the cause of our problems today.

1. Dugdale's point about Reagan's economic policies is correct. Nothing is "trickling down" to the poor. It is also a myth that our rich have become rich purely through ambition and hard work. While some have there is a certain segment of the 1% making money off already having money and connections earned generations before them. People like the Hiltons and Romneys come to mind. We also have big bankers who failed at their jobs, but the government considered them "too big to fail". They were bailed out by the taxpayers, and are still making millions in salaries. I could go on and on about the "hardworking" 1%.

2. This problem relates to #1. Most Republicans are what Romney called the 47%. While they are hardworking blue collar workers for the most part, Republicans have convinced them that Reagan's "trickle down" economic policies will eventually benefit them. And saying nobody in the Republican party has a "let them die" attitude would be false as well. Evidenced by those people at one GOP debate screaming... wait for it... "LET THEM DIE!

3. They are being denied certain benefits that other couples enjoy. Call it a civil union or marriage. It's all semantics, but let them enjoy the same legal benefits as a opposite sex couple.

4. I agree. The Republican's man-god Reagan may disagree, but I don't. :p

5. Dugdale's rebuttal was good enough. I have nothing to add.

No, what this amounts to is liberal asskissing. Make your own points, aaron.
Typically, one can only debunk a myth by providing facts to the contrary.

That happens every thread. And teh lib answer is always "But BUSH!"

Y'know, come to think of it Bush is a perfect example of how people get rich through "hard work" and "initiative" huh?

Cause he certainly didn't get rich off the taxpayers of Arlington :lmao:


And Obama hardly got rich through hard work either. Everything was given to him.

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